a friend

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While ross sleep he feel a a thing poking him he try to ignore it but it kept bother him until he woke up " who kept poke me" he see a other eevee he quickly use this smoke bomb and jump to the tree
" wait I want to talk " " fine but do anything wrong and you will die"
" how did you jump that high your not even a Froakie" " a friend teach me how to jump high " " why  are you sleeping under the tree" "it nothing "
" do you have a bother or sister"
" I was the only children " " were your dad mom" " don't know what my dad look like but dead and  I'm wear this scarf " " that sad so how your mom" "she dead" " oh my very sorry" " so what your name?" " my name ross what your?" " Jenny Is my name " "Jenny were get to go home and eat"
"Well that my sister call me" "will go to her" said ross  " before I want to give you some" said Jenny  " # get closer# what Is it" said ross "# she get closer and kiss him by the cheek# heh see ya"  so she walk to her sister and talk a little bit before ross leave there
" #sigh#" " what the matter now ross" said Sam" I feel some thing bad is going to happen" "like what "  a loud voice scary " help me some one" " like that# quickly run of there# stay away from her" " the person turn around and look at him and try to bite them "well you ask for it# quickly use quick attack#" the person that attack fainted
" ms are you OK " " yeah I'm OK and my sons" " you must leave this place ate one " " OK # take her children and walk away" " mm it look like you are a ranger" " who said that" " my name is Dan ranger and I'm team of the Ranger " "so what I do not want be a ranger" " well we must tell everyone to leave the place there wild pokemon are attack other pokemon " " right let go" so they walk to the village and tell everyone that wild pokemon are attack and must leave now " everyone must not leave there children  behind
Ase ross look at a  Pikachu but he real look close it was Jenny sister name pika so he walk up to her and said " pika it not safe here you must leave now" " how did you n-" " no time to ask questions you must leave"
" before  I leave thanks to help me up" 
Before ross could  answer " watch out friend the wild Pokemon behind you" he did how much time  so he get right I'm front of pika " are you ok" "# cough out blood# you must leave now " said ross" but your hurt le-" " just go before the wild pokemon attack you I will hold it back go" before pika could answer the wild pokemon bite ross "go  pika run for it " as soon as Pika
heard that she ran " # cough out more blood# so you like to bite bite on this# use dark pulse # " nothing but darkness  it look like there no land just dark void were no one can help you

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