the other problem

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As ross in the darkness alone afraid terrified "oh look at you ross how much time do you have to have other. Look at us we dead 2 time just for someone life you think it a game well it not" said Sam "..." " so your going to dead for your friends" " I will dead for them" " wow what ever let bring you back to the real world "# wake# ahhh!!" " what wrong "said Dan "# look around#how long was I in the Hospital?" " well about 4 weeks you were in the hospital " " 4 weeks thanks for tel me" "no problem my friend " ross get up and walk out the room look around and see other hurts pokemon walk out of the hospital look around the sky is get red look like it get dark as ross walk around look for some were he can sleep he fines a other tree that he came sleep to sleep under it then fall a sleep for 15 hours then wake up " what wrong " said same" well I'm just hungry " " fine let find some berries for you can eat " " are right " so stand up and start to look for berries find sweet berries take about 5 of them " well now you get something to eat now can I sleep now " " yeah # take a bit out of sweet berries
" there now were get some berries now" " not eating" " will I'm a ghost I can not eat thing but I can test thing you eat" as he was start to eat he hear a nonis coming from the bush just ignores it" so what a surprise seeing you here" he turned around and looked at his friend Gengar smiling at him " Gengar I surprised see you again " " while I just past by and found a waterstone, moonstone, and a Firestone. " " umm just put it in my bag " " OK #put it in the bag#
" hey Gengar what is the moonstone do" " well your because a shiny umbreon because your a shiny you glow your rings you can see in the dark " " what does a Firestone do?" " well your will be a Flareon there soft and cute Pokemon and you can shoot fire from your mouth" " wow well what the waterstone" " you will be a vaporeon you can transform into water and shoot water" "well it very hard to choose but thanks" " no problem have fun choosing a stone # walk a away# " so I got three stones to choose " " well I want to be a Flareon " "Sam I don't not know if I want to be a Flareon" " fine have it your way " " which one should I choose it so hard to choose" " well it be fun if we where Flareon" " I don't know OK so don't pressure me" while there talk ross hear a noise again " Gengar is that you " no response" umm I think we should leave his place" " yeah before we dead here" so they walk there way to a cave and sleep there for a while then ross hear a noise " hey Sam I hear a noise" " well go check it out" " ok " so ross walk around for to find out who made the noise he hears the noise again and look at it and it was a party and it was just a lot eevee dance so ross join them and have fun " ready to some music " said the DJ so he put some music on

" hey can I sing two songs" " sure what your name" "my name is ross " " we get are self a sing  so sing for us" " ok "

" wow your a good singer " "thanks " " well sing the other song"

Everyone  screamed and clapped" well your a good singer for your first time" " thanks" " well that all for to night's  see ya in the next night" so ross leave the party and walk back home and fall asleep.

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