a little son of mind

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It was morning and ross wake up and yawns. he get up and start look for berries then see 5 berries pick them up and walk back to the cave and start eat one and hear a baby eevee crying" were is that come from " said ross look around Forest and find a baby crying "hey there little guy" "#look at him# dady" said the little baby eevee " me as a dad I can even don't have a girlfriend" "#hug him# dady" "Sure call me dady#hug him back#" they walk back to the cave were Sam is a wake " who that " " a little kid who get lost and call me dady" " well does he have a name? " " well no. oh I know what to call him "
" so what Is name is?" "Cj that his name"

It been 3 years pass by and ross to choose to be a shiny umbreon
" dad " " yes son" " can I go play with my friends"
What Cj look like before:

After 3 years :

"sure son " " thanks dad wait for me guess " " wait I hear music can it be?!" Walk towards were the music is come from and see the Same dj and other eevee" ya eevee ready to party " " yeah " said all the eevee " " hey men how it been my friend" " is what I think he is" " yeah it me men ross" " it been 3 years since I saw you how life go for men" " good very good " " hey everybody here my friend who sing a song for the last 3 years ya want him to sing " " yes!!!" Said every eevee "well then what song are you going to do ?" " # changes his voice to a girl # a girl song let being "


" do you want to hear more ?" " yes" said the eevees "OK then #sing a other "


"Well then I get to go # change this voice to a man voice #" " by my friend " ross walk back to this house and wait for Cj when he see his son run but from what exactly as ross though "dad it the human they try to catch me "said Cj then a human come from the blush and see him and his son " oh wow to new pokemon I get to catch go Charmeleon" said the human a ball fell on the floor and it open to see it was a pokemon" well then this is going to be fun" " dad " " stay back son I get this" he quickly use dark pulse and hit the chameleon" wow this umbreon is very strong I must catch it " before he could catch ross he catch his son " son !" It start to ring 3 time and his son get catch and come back out" sorry dad " " eevee us tackle " as soon as he said that no matter in time ross black out

End of season 1

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