season 2 the Adventures

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As rods wake up from his faint  he look around for his son and see a map on the floor  " a map were are the human are take him" "it look like
There going to  some were " "well were ever they are going we are going to go after them to get my son"
" OK well let get some berry and start are adventure of try to find your child" " all right let go" so they start walk there it smells were did the human go so " why do human like to get us ?" " I don't know Sam I just don't know at all #keep walk#" " well it going to take a while   what if he not with them?" " well they going to have a bad time if my son is not there #eyes is glows# " " sigh I know there going have a bad time but still " " I will still try to find him  no matter were he is I will not stop  until I die  but if I die then you die " " yeah but we need to keep a eye in the Road " " yeah # keep walk # " " sigh bro why do we get bad luck " " I don't know bro it is call life " "life is hard " " yeah  it is were here together as brothers" " why AR you all was are nice to me I been mean to you by you still hlbe happy about it " " were brother.  Brother some time fight but we can care about each  other are we bother? " " yeah were bother " "so you where it is a long way to get to them " " yeah but I wish to be a live" " ahaha but your all ready a live " " like a body how it feel to be happy how it feel to eat and sleep and other live people do" " yeah but we can do that all " out no were a Gengar  show up " so you want to be alive " " yes " " well then there a only one way if you want a wish from me is to give me something to eat " " sure # give him 5 berry# " "your wish have be granted" and the Gengar vanish in thin air" wow I'm actually alive" " one way to find out#  punches him in the arm" " oww that hurt " " will you have a body so here have the sweet berry it well good" "# take a bit# mm it will good # take a other bit#" " let still keep walking " " OK " so they keep walk  in till there hear a scram "were is that come from!?" " I think it come from the other side of that bush " they quickly get in the bush and see a other sylveon  get attack by a Charmeleon
" hey leave me alone " " how about no "  " hey leave her alone " he quickly turn around and see him " go away or you might  regretted" " # use bite#  Sam take her some were safe " " OK #garb her and go some were safe# are you OK " " yeah I'm fine " " rgg you little mutt you could not did th-" " # use quick attack# could did what " " # garbs him# well we can breath under water can you ? " " what are you thinking" as soon he said that he know what he was talk about  he start to run of the cliff and fall down the water and  ross try to Escape but the Charmeleon was strong to garbs him and do not let go as ross vision gets darker the charmeleon  suffocate  and let go  of ross. Ross quickly try to go up to get air it keep getting darker the longer he stay down the quick lose air  he get up  up to get air  swim on shore then he black out while hear his bother said" don't go to the light

To be  continued ...

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