Chapter 107

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Downright puzzled now, Tiberius and Norman turned their heads to their left to find a pile of bags that were different sizes. Strolling over, Pops added in a hushed voice, "And make sure they're somewhere around your size and weight." Deciding not to question the elderly basset hound, the young guinea pig and the old red tailed hawk followed him. Norman got a bag that was around his height while Tiberius got one that was almost as heavy as he was. Pops, dragging one bag towards the edge of the platform, mumbled through clenched teeth, "Just drop them into the water." Without another word, he pushed his bag into the water, causing a loud splash as it sank towards the bottom. Norman and Tiberius mirrored his actions.

"Come on, before the others notice," Pops whispered, strolling over to the dark area where the fourth lightbulb should've been shining. He moved as slowly and as stealthily as he could, pausing when his wheelchair squeaked. Norman and Tiberius followed him, wondering why they were abandoning the rest of the search party in the sewer water. Rounding a corner on the right where another lightbulb flickered on and off, they found a wide wooden plank stretching across the water like a bridge. Looking over his shoulder at the awestruck animals, Pops smiled slyly. Shaking himself, Tiberius murmured, "You said there wasn't another way across."

"Consider yourselves the lucky ones. I was hoping Puffball would join us but she was already in the water before I could stop her," Pops replied as he got up onto the wooden board. It surprisingly held him, though it groaned slightly under his weight. Following him out onto it, Norman asked, "Why not tell the others?" Making sure he didn't step on his ears and fall into the murky water below, the basset hound replied, "Cuz you two, along with Puffball, are the only ones who showed me any respect along this entire journey so far. It's important to respect one's elders." A little shocked by the wisdom in the old dog's words, Tiberius dipped his head and mumbled, "Thank you."

"Thank you sir," Norman agreed, careful not to rush Pops. Smiling as they made it to the other platform, the elderly basset hound responded, "You're welcome. Now, let's see how the others are doing." There was a slight snicker in his voice. Walking quietly along the wooden platform back into the lit area, Norman and Tiberius almost burst out laughing when they saw the scene before them.

"Where the heck are they?! I thought they were right here!" Buddy cried as he and the others were over in the water near the other platform. Gidget couldn't be seen since she was somewhere underwater. Mel was doing his best to search with Buddy clinging to him. Even Chloe seemed scared as she yowled, "Norman's too young and innocent to die!" Resurfacing somewhere in the middle, Gidget cried, "Oh god, please don't tell me they drowned!" Paddling frantically at the water, Mel yipped, "Why did this even happen?!" Sweetpea, who had seen what the three had done, was chirping and pointing at Pops, Tiberius and Norman, who were just standing there in silence and watching the group. Leaning towards the old hawk and guinea pig, the basset hound whispered, "I wish I brought some popcorn and a camera with me. This is priceless."

"What the heck is popcorn?" Tiberius asked while Norman mumbled, "Should we tell them we're fine?" Chuckling softly while Sweeptea continued whistling, Pops replied, "No."

"Sweetpea, we get it! This is bad!" Buddy barked at the parakeet. Chloe and Gidget took a deep breath and ducked under the murky sewer water. Swimming in circles while the dachshund clung onto his back, Mel howled, "They must've been swept away!" At that moment, the girls resurfaced. All four animals were panicking over the supposed deaths of three members of their search party. Sweetpea, realizing that no one was going to listen to him, kept his beak shut and shook his head in disbelief. Sighing, Pops murmured, "Alright, I'm bored. Hey youngsters! How bout you get out of that water?"

Silence fell over the four animals in the water, soon followed by shouting.

"How long were you over there?!" Mel cried.

"Oh thank god you're alright!" Gidget yipped.

"Sweetpea, why didn't you say anything?" Buddy questioned. Sweetpea facewinged himself.

"I hate all of you," Chloe grumbled as she and the three dogs swam over to the others. Smiling, Pops remarked while unfazed by the tabby's comment, "Don't worry, we're almost there."

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