Chapter 108

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"I don't think you understand the meaning behind 'almost there' because we've been walking forever!" Chloe exclaimed, her tail lashing side to side in irritation. Pops, who was leading the group along a broken up red brick path, didn't seem to take notice or hear the cat's complaint. Trotting next to her with Norman and Sweetpea riding on his slick furred back, Buddy whispered, "It's only been twenty minutes since we were at the underground river." Whipping her head to face him, the cat hissed angrily. Lowering his head, Buddy slunk over to Mel, who cast Chloe a glare.

Walking behind Pops and hearing what happened behind her, Gidget shot the tabby cat a look to tell her to shut her mouth and stop complaining. By now, everyone had had their ears chewed off by the feline. None more so than Tiberius, who now had an invisible dark gray storm cloud hovering above his head, raining a downpour upon him. There were a few times where one of the others had said something about or to him that lifted his spirits. But then it would swiftly evaporate as Chloe put the old hawk right back into his place. At this point, Tiberius was ready to go back and head home. Sure, he would be alone but, with the way he was being treated, the hawk could use some alone time. Staying in the rear of the search party, he sighed quietly.

"Mind if I walk with you for a bit?" Gidget's voice shook Tiberius out of his thoughts. Blinking his eyes, the old hawk glanced to his right to find the Pomeranian, who must've dropped back from where she had been near the front with the others. Feeling Chloe's green eyes burning into his skin, he quietly mumbled, "I don't mind." Smiling softly, Gidget matched his pace. Shoulder to shoulder, they walked in dead silence for a little bit, watching the others and listening to their complaints. Looking up at the red tail who was off in his own world, the Pomeranian asked, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Tiberius murmured, keeping his light brown eyes forward. He could tell that Gidget's sky blue ones were trained on his face. The old hawk had mastered the skill of hiding his emotions under a solemn facade. Only someone observant could see what he felt based on his eyes. And Tiberius feared Gidget was one of those people. His fears were confirmed when the fluffy white Pomeranian whispered quietly so none of the others could hear, "It's Chloe, isn't it?"

Sighing heavily, Tiberius hung his head as he stopped in his tracks. Gidget halted beside him, sitting down. Not looking at the small dog, the red tailed hawk murmured, "It's all of them. I know the others are trying but I look at them and... I can see the fear in their eyes." Her ears flat against her head in pity, Gidget quietly raised one paw and gently patted Tiberius on the shoulder reassuringly. Once he looked up and his eyes met her own, she spoke softly, "Everyone is like that when they meet someone or something new. All I can say is give them a little bit of time and don't eat anyone. They'll come around."

"Hey!" Mel called out to the two friends. Tiberius and Gidget looked up to find the pug padding over to them. Tossing his head back the way he had just come from, Mel went on, "Pops says that we've made it."

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