Chapter 68

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The sun was barely even breaching over the horizon when Tiberius finally woke up. His head throbbed while his right eye refused to open. Groaning, the hawk moved some of the wooden boards on top of him off. He yelped as he felt a wildfire rushing through his sore muscles and bones. He couldn't even feel his right wing. Struggling to his feet with his left having been crushed underneath one of the boards, the red tail frantically tried to remember what had happened. Then the night's events came bounding forward and smacked him right in the face. Worry building up in his heart, he forced himself to limp over to the shed. He was greeted by a horrible sight.

Before he had even entered the shed, the stench of death and blood had welcomed Tiberius. His nerves on fire, the red tailed hawk pushed the door open to find bits of egg shell and nest material all over the place. Left wondering why the hairless cat would ever do such a thing, the hawk looked around. His left eye spotted a small mound in one of the dark corners of the shed. Already knowing what it was, Tiberius was shaking as he limped over to his little sister. Covered in blood that was obviously hers, Rosa was surprisingly still breathing. Her body was marked with countless wounds, the worst being a terrible gash in her throat. Sensing her older brother was near, she weakly opened her dark brown eyes and mumbled, "Tiberius?"

"Don't talk, save your energy. I'll get Alfred," Tiberius spoke in a hushed tone, his voice cracking a little. He was about to turn when Rosa lifted one of her torn wings and placed it on his shoulder, causing him to stop in his tracks. A strange rattling noise could be heard in her chest as she wheezed, "It's too late... I'm dying..." More blood gushed out from the horrific wound in her throat while some came up through her mouth and nose. Tears brimming in his light brown eyes as he stood by his sister trembling, Tiberius whimpered, "No, you can't Rosa, you can't! I need you to stay here with me..."

"You always were the strongest out of us... you'll be fine..."

"I can't lose you!"

Trying to lift her head only to have no luck, Rosa quietly motioned for Tiberius to come closer to her. Her brother did so and lowered his head towards her. Weakly nuzzling his cheek, Rosa whispered, "Can you promise me something?" Her breathing was starting to grow shallow. One tear escaping and rolling down the feathers on his face, Tiberius slowly nodded, too upset to mutter a single word. Coughing up some small drops of blood, his little sister mumbled, "I want you... to promise me that... no matter what happens in the long road... that you'll move on with your life... don't mourn me forever.... get out in the world and make some friends... okay?" His heart breaking when he heard that, Tiberius shook with fear. He didn't want to forget her. She was all he had left. But here she was asking him to promise this. Closing his left eye, he whimpered, "I... I promise..."

"Thank you brother... it was a good life..." Rosa rasped, her breathing growing more shallow by the second. Gazing up at the red tail above her, she smiled softly and whispered, "Goodbye... Tiberius..." With a final sigh, the life drained out of her mangled body. Her dark brown eyes were already beginning to glaze over. Letting the tears fall, Tiberius quietly and carefully shut them for her. Grief overwhelming him, he collapsed on the floor beside his little sister and best friend. Feeling the darkness tugging at him, he gave into it while the sun colored the sky with its vibrant colors outside...

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