Chapter 69

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Flying high above the streets of NYC, Tiberius breathed in the fresh air. A blissful feeling spread throughout his bones. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt so happy and carefree. Giving it some thought, he presumed it was probably when he was still a small nestling, living somewhere in the forests near Albany with his little sister and parents. The red tailed hawk guessed that was probably the last time. Sighing quietly, he wished such times would return. He missed those days. They had to be the best in his life.

Just then, Tiberius caught something moving in the corner of his eye. It appeared that what ever it was had snuck into one of the many dark alleys in downtown Manhattan. Suddenly hungry for a tasty snack, the hawk decided to check it out and see if it was edible. His stomach growled hungrily in agreement with him. His mind made up, the red tailed hawk swooped down and landed at the entrance. Blinking his eyes to get adjusted to the dark shadows, he stepped forward boldly, sniffing the air. The scent of cat greeted him with open arms.

A very familiar and deadly cat.

Panic already settling inside of him, Tiberius whirled around, spreading his wings to take off and leave the dark and creepy alley behind. However, he didn't even get a chance to leave the ground when the hairless cat lashed out at him. The force behind the strike was enough to send the hawk flying back. Hitting the back of his head against the cracked pavement of the alley, Tiberius couldn't get a chance to get on his feet and fight when the hairless cat tackled him. Sharp claws dug into flesh as the feline smiled evilly at the red tail underneath him. Three long scars ran over an empty eye socket where a left bright green should've been. His tail lashing side to side in anticipation, the cat raised one paw high above his head. Before Tiberius could react, the paw came slamming down on his skull...

Screeching in terror, Tiberius opened his left eye to find himself in one of the white rooms of the animal clinic. In a split second, two faces peered down at him. The hawk recognized them as Alfred and Dr. Laura Green. Still terrified from his nightmare, he tried to stand but pain rushed throughout his body, causing him to shriek in agony. "It's okay sweet boy, everything is going to be okay. You're safe now," Alfred whispered softly, gently stroking the feathers on the red tail's head. Panting heavily, realization hit Tiberius in the face. His little sister Rosa was gone. Gone forever.

Tears coming to his eyes, Tiberius cried quietly and painfully curled into a tight ball.

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