Stolen Knives

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Stoump's startled gaze fell on me. Rage gathered in her eyes. The knife in my hand felt heavy, it was a large, shining blade, with a jet black handle. "Give it back, you fool." She snarled. I backed up to the cold concrete wall. "Velicity, give it back." My father whispered nervously. I was to shocked to move, I didn't want to give it back, I had dignity. "No." I yelled as fearless as possible, but my voice cracked and I sounded as scared as I really felt.
In reaction to what I had done, Cara fumbled with the keys to the prison cells, to find the right key, then switched the lock and opened the barred door, with her knife in hand. "I'm going to ask one more time, GIVE ME THE KNIFE!" She yelled.
The door was right next to Illia and Amber. So I gained up all of my courage, and slashed Cara's hand, so she dropped the knife, grabbed Illia and Amber, and ran out of the cell. Stoump had grabbed my wrist tightly, but without a knife, she wasn't scary, so I slashed her wrist too.
I was at the dungeon door now, when Illia grabbed Cara's keys and ran back to her mom's, and my dad's cell. She twisted the locked with a chhhiiink and opened the prison door. Cara had gotten up, clutching her wrist, but Stoump stayed laying on the ground, whining like a wounded dog. Cara's knife was back in the cell, so I didn't think she could hurt me.
                      I was very wrong.

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