Lions & Bears

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I stood there, motionless. My huge paws stretched out in front of me. My yellow-tan fur shined. I attempted to speak, but instead of words, roars. Loud thunderous roars. I quickly flashed back to a human form.
"Farabassists can't speak to humans in there animal form, but they can speak to fellow farabassists." My father spoke. "They captured us because they think we are dangerous as animals." Ms.Lenderking added. "We are just waiting for our deaths, that's why you must leave."
We heard a faint cackle, then Cara stepped into the dungeon. "You dream of escaping, but it will never work." She snarled. Stoump followed her like a dog following it's owner. Stoump drew her knife and, through the bars, she pretended to slice our throats. "You keep that knife away from me!" Ms.Lenderking yelled. "Huh, funny how there is nothing you can do about it." Cara taunted. So Stoump continued with her knife. Suddenly, I had an urge to swipe the knife away from Stoumps clever hands, so with all my might, that's what I did.

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