Awoken into a Nightmare.

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When I woke up, I was laying a cold, hard cement floor. My head throbbed, my friends were laying on the ground too, motionless. "Illia? Amber?" I stammered nervously. They were breathing, so I expected them to be alright. "Velicity? Is that you?" I heard a familiar voice call. My heart stopped. Father. Dad. Papa. "Father!" I yelled back. "Is that you?" In the darkness I saw a faint silhouette of my father. "Father you are alive? Are you okay?" I added. "I am well. This is Ms.Lenderking, my she has been taking care of me." Another silhouette appeared of a woman, both my dad and Ms. were locked in a cell. Illia stood up in awe. "Mother." She whispered. "Illia! Is that you!?" Ms.Lenderking replied. "Illia, it's been 10 years! Oh, how I missed you!" "You-your alive?! I thought you had perished!" Illia answered, shocked. "You must get out of here, they're killing prisoners by the minute!" Ms.Lenderking whispered.
"Girls, we must tell you something, something that I should of told you long ago, why Cara and Stoump are after us." My dad whispered firmly. "Us five are farabassists. You see this birthmark," he said pointing to a strange birthmark on his neck, shaped like a crescent moon and a bear. "Anyone who has a birthmark with a crescent moon, and an animal, can shapeshift to the animal." He whispered. "Then suddenly, Ms.Lenderking, and my father, began to glow and shapeshift. Ms.Lenderking was a fox, with glowing green eyes, like someone placed gems in them, while my father was a large bear with dark brown fur.
"Try, you three have the gift, I know it." So Amber tried first, she was a raven, then Illia, she was a black cat. Then, it was my turn. What if I don't have the gift. What if I disappoint my father. A white light covered my body, then I stood there, as a lion.

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