The Dark Castle.

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I laid my hand on the cold stone brick castle. I was here. Where I will win, or die. This was it.
The castle was huge. It was made of dark stone bricks with engravings of stars and moons.
It was silent inside the castle. The red wallpaper covered the inner wall like a blanket of blood. There were many rooms, but no guards. We never ran into a single guard, well not until we got to Cara's room. We knew this was Cara's room because there were 5 guards standing outside of her door. All wearing armored suits with a moon and a skull printed on them in gray ink. Us 3 peered behind a wall, without the guards noticing. "Be born, be born, piles of thorns." I whispered, oh, so silently. Big, green, thorn vines twisted out of the ground and wrapped themselves around the guards. Acting fast, we burst into Cara's room, and there she was smirking, like we had just fallen into a trap. Because we did, a big trap.

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