The Forest.

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We needed to attack. Attack Cara and Stoump. Attack the kingdom. Us three decided to leave tonight, to head to the kingdom. So we packed up things for the long, difficult journey ahead of us.
We had stepped into the dark forest at sun down. The bright yellow sun sinking below the trees. "We should arrive at the kingdom tomorrow night. At about 11." Amber informed us. "Then we must get a move on." I added. So us three were off into the dark woods.
I was still depressed from what had happened to my mother. I hadn't felt that way about my dad. We were never very close, but he loved me very much.

We were walking for what seemed like weeks. When we finally stopped to rest, I was about 4 in the morning. "So, here's the plan." Illia whispered "we sneak into the castle at 1, when everyone is asleep. Then, we slip into Cara's room, and brutally slaughter her. There. That's are plan. Easy as pie."
So we went with Illia's plan.
After about an hour of rest, and planning, we set off into the woods.
We walked. And walked. Walked up hills, down valleys, through creeks. We walked for quite a while, until the sun sunk below the hills, and we saw the castle in the distance. "There it is." Amber whispered, under her breath. "Where my life ended." She added. "There's no turning back now, not until we get revenge." I exclaimed. Illia was silent, the scared kind of silent. You could see in her eyes that she wanted to run away, hide, be anywhere but here. But Illia continued walking.
The castle was coming closer. It was huge. It was dark, and scary, like it was pulled out of a nightmare, and placed here, right in front of us. We arrived to our death, or our victory.

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