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I couldn't help smiling at how affectionate Jack was. He clung to me like a lovestruck schoolboy. It seemed as if his hands were always somewhere on me as we left the bath. Drying me with a towel, playing with my hair, holding my hand.

It was nice, but I couldn't enjoy it. A sudden realization struck me. I gasped and scurried to get dressed. He looked confused.

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot to meet the cleaners," I said, exasperated. "I have to go. I'll meet you downstairs for dinner."

I didn't wait for his response as I rushed down the stairs to the meeting room. Luckily, they were still there. The supervisors turned to look at me as I entered. One of them smirked, the others looked annoyed.

"Sorry," I blurted out, searching for an excuse. "I got caught up in something."

"Ms... Walton, right? Look, we get that Mr. Anderson's gone now and you're still new, but try not to be late next time. We got places to be too," one of them grumbled.

"Of course," I said nodding. "Thank you for your hard work today. You're dismissed."

They grunted vaguely and walked out. I let out a sigh when they left. Jack and I were together now, that was great, but I had other responsibilities too. I promised Thomas I would take care of Mr. Weston and the mansion. I was seriously neglecting the second part.

I felt a little disheartened as I walked towards the dining room. Jack lit up when he saw me, but that faded quickly when he saw my face.

"Anna, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing," I mumbled, shaking my head.

"Did they say anything to upset you? There's more than one cleaning company in this area, I could-"

"No, no. That's not it," I interrupted. "I'm upset at myself. I feel like I'm forgetting really basic things. Important things."

"Darling, you're being too hard on yourself," he said, taking my hand. "Even Thomas had his days when he would lose track of time and forget. It happens. The mansion will survive one day if something was missed."

I nodded vaguely, but it still upset me. I was hired as a caretaker, not a girlfriend. I couldn't keep forgetting that. Relationship or not, I couldn't just drop everything else like it wasn't important. This was Mr. Weston's home, it was my home now. I wanted it to be well cared for.

He reached over and pinched my cheek gently. I glanced up at him.

"Anna, stop pouting," he said gently. He leaned in to kiss me. "Tomorrow is a new day. You're still new, you'll get better as time goes on."

I smiled a little. He was right, I couldn't let every little mistake get to me. I loved how he could comfort me so easily.

"Now, I don't know about you, but I've worked up quite an appetite," he said, winking.

I giggled and rolled my eyes at him. I started to fix us some plates. Tomorrow was a new day. A new man too. I felt sad knowing he would be gone again. At the same time, I looked forward to it.

I needed to figure out things with Arthur still. Maybe I misunderstood him last night. After all, I was half-asleep. And Victor...

God, I still didn't know how to fix that mess. Arthur suggested doing something special, but what? Give him something? Do something for him? Say something to him? What?

The questions buzzed around my brain, but no answers followed them. I knew he wanted to be independent, an individual. How could I make that happen?

Jack reached out suddenly and pinched my cheek again.

"Anna, you're pouting again," he said. "Is it still about the cleaners?"

"No," I sighed. "It's Victor. I'm still trying to figure out how to apologize."

"Honestly, you don't need to apologize," he mumbled. "If anything, I think he's being really insensitive about your position in all of this. He should be the one apologizing for trying to force your feelings.

This isn't exactly a normal relationship, after all. It makes sense you'd have some trouble adjusting. I doubt you could have said or done anything too horrible."

"He was trying to have sex with me. I was tipsy and I called him your name by accident," I mumbled, burying my face in my hands.

"Oh," he said simply.

I sighed and crossed my arms. "I'm pretty sure even for a 'normal' relationship calling out the wrong person's name is a problem. Plus, Victor already has this insecurity about being lumped in with the other personalities. I really hurt him."

"Alright, maybe a small apology is in order," he admitted, smiling. "Victor might want to be his own man, but if he's any part of me, then I know he'll forgive you. Especially if he cares for you half as much as I do."

"I wish you all had an instruction manual. That book Thomas left only helps so much, and it definitely doesn't cover things like this," I said, giving a dry laugh.

He leaned in and kissed me. "Just be honest with him. Angry or not, I'm sure he'll appreciate the fact that you're trying. Now, eat something. I won't forgive myself if you starve because of me."

I smiled and took a bite of my food. We ate in silence for a while. I could almost laugh at how the situation had completely flipped.

Before, I was with Victor, worrying about when I could speak with Jack. Now I was with Jack, worrying about when I could apologize to Victor. Would the time finally come when I could enjoy one without agonizing over the other?

"Should we head to bed now?" I asked, wiping my mouth.

"Absolutely not!" He cried indignantly.

I was shocked. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. His eyes looked sad.

"I only have a few hours left with you," he murmured, placing my hand against his cheek. "The chances of me waking up as myself again are slim. The last thing I'm going to do is waste one second we have together sleeping."

I stroked his cheek gently. This situation had to be hard on him too. I had the others to keep me busy when he was gone, he only had me. I always knew what happened in his absence. He had no way of knowing when he'd see me again, what had changed, or how much time had passed. I remembered how desperately he shook me awake this morning. The excitement he felt realizing I was still here, as promised.

There had to be a constant worry in the back of his mind. The worry that I might not stay, that one of his personas might do something to run me off. The worry that one day he might wake up only to realize I had left long ago and he never had the chance to say goodbye. Just like Thomas.

He didn't have to worry. I leaned forward and kissed him. He smiled, but his eyes still seemed sad. I held his hands.

"However long it takes you to come back, I will always be here," I said firmly. "I'm not going anywhere. You couldn't force me out if you tried. I'll always be right here." I smiled at him. "After all, it's my job to care for you, Mr. Weston."

He laughed but it sounded choked. "You do an excellent job of that. I'll have to raise your salary."

"Wait, do I get one of those?" I asked teasingly. "We can negotiate my terms upstairs."

He laughed a real laugh this time. As we stood he put his arm around my waist. He pulled me close and kissed me.

"Whatever your price is, name it," he said softly. "I'd happily give up everything if it meant I could keep you by my side."

I think he meant to sound teasing, but it came off more serious than that. I blushed.

"Alright," he said, giving a defeated sigh. "Let's go upstairs."

He grabbed my hand. Perhaps it was my imagination, but he seemed to be walking slower than normal. His eyes darted around our room as we entered.

"How about some more wine?" He asked. "We still have plenty left from the bath. I'm sure it would taste even better by the fireplace."

"Sure, that sounds nice," I said cheerfully. "A good glass of wine always helps me to sleep."

"Oh, then you can't have any," he teased. "I want you wide awake."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll grab the wine, why don't you start the fire?"

"Actually, I think I like having that secret stash in the bathroom as a secret," he chuckled. "You start the fire, I'll grab the wine."

He ran off to the bathroom before I could object. I shook my head as I began stacking logs in the fireplace. At least he seemed to be out of that bad mood from earlier.

It had been a few years since my last camping trip, so it took a minute to get the fire going. After a while, it finally started to crackle to life. I gave a content sigh.

"Excellent work!"

I jumped as I heard the voice behind me. I whipped around. Jack was grinning ear to ear.

"You startle easily, don't you?" He asked.

I blushed a little and shrugged. "Old habit, I guess."

"Habit? From what exactly?"

My jaw clenched as he asked. I shook my head and looked at the ground. I didn't want to deal with this now.

"I'd rather not say, sir," I said quietly.

I could tell this only made him more curious, but he was kind enough not to push the issue. He shrugged and walked over to the armchairs. He poured a couple glasses of wine.

"Well, either way, come and have a drink with me. I've thought of some more questions to ask you," he said excitedly.

"What's that, sir?" I asked, taking a glass and sitting down.

He frowned as he sat in his own chair.

"Well, I suppose the first is why are you sitting there?" He grumbled. "Come sit with me."

I rolled my eyes, but stood and went to him. I blushed faintly as I sat in his lap. He wrapped his free hand around my waist and smiled.

"There, isn't that nicer?" He asked.

"You mentioned you had questions, sir," I said, taking a sip of wine.

"Right," he said as if remembering. "Your favorite animal?"

I laughed. "Ah, are we doing these again?"

"You said yourself," he said, shrugging, "an important step that we skipped in the beginning stages of our relationship. Besides, I've decided to make it my goal to be the one who knows the most about you. Victor is the frontrunner right now, yes?"

"Actually, it's Arthur," I said, laughing.

"Arthur?!" He cried incredulously. "How in the world did that happen?"

"By accident mostly," I explained. "His latest 'project' involves capturing emotions. He figured the best way was to have me talk about my life and interests and take pictures when a more photogenic emotion pops up. So, inadvertently, he became the persona to learn the most about me."

"Alright, Victor is one thing, but I'll be damned if I'm losing to Arthur," he said, shaking his head. "So, please, your favorite animal?"

"Okay, I know it's weird, but it's bats," I said.

"Bats?" He asked, confused.

"I know they get this bad reputation, but they're actually really cute," I explained excitedly. "Especially the fruit-eating ones. They practically look like puppies with wings!"

He smiled softly but didn't say anything. It made me uncomfortable for some reason. I didn't like the silence.

"Is... everything okay, sir?" I asked cautiously.

"Oh, yes," he said, nodding. "Hearing your answer now just helped me to understand Arthur a little better. Seeing your face light up like that... I think I'd want to preserve that image too."

I blushed and changed the subject. "So, what's your favorite animal, sir?"

"Elephants. I think I envy the idea of never forgetting something," he said, laughing.

"I don't. There are plenty of things I'd like to forget," I said.

"Yes, but it's your choice to forget them then. I don't really have a say in the matter," he sighed.

I bit my lip. Right, he didn't have a choice. Huge chunks of time disappearing with no memory of what you did during. That had to be frustrating.

"Sorry," I started. "I didn't mean-"

"No, it's fine," he said, shaking his head. "I'm not offended. You certainly wouldn't be the first person to wish they could forget something. I just wish I knew more of what happened when I was gone. You explained it to me well, Thomas did too, but it's not the same as actually remembering it."

The silence filled the room again. I thought these questions were supposed to be light and fun. I shifted uncomfortably in his lap and took a sip of wine. He leaned in and kissed me.

"I really need to stop killing the mood like this," he laughed.

"No, it's-"

"Anna, you don't need to be so defensive of my behavior," he said, pulling me closer. "I'm more than capable of handling the truth. Now, back to these questions. Umm, your favorite instrument?"

I thought about it. "Violin, I guess."

"Really? I play violin," he said, smiling.

"You do, sir?" I asked.

"Okay, well, not exactly me," he admitted. "I'd shatter glass with my playing, but one of my personalities is a skilled violinist. Or so Thomas has told me."

"So, you don't all have the same abilities?" I asked.

"God, no. Arthur can't even cook toast, Victor would die of boredom learning an instrument, and I barely know how those fancy cameras work," he explained.

"Then I guess together you make a well-rounded individual," I teased.

He laughed. "That's one way to look at it. Ah, what about you? Any special skills, Anna?"

"I'm afraid I'm completely ordinary," I said, shrugging. "I do okay at a lot of things, but there's nothing I'm really great at."

"I disagree," he said gently. "I can't even tell you how many caretakers we had in and out of this place. Some of the best in the world, people trained to deal with situations such as mine. None of them lasted half the time you did. There's something very special about you, Anna. You just need to realize it yourself."

I blushed having him praise me so highly. I knew other caretakers had been here before me, but I never thought much about who they were. Did that somehow make me special? I didn't feel special. He was difficult to handle, but not impossible. It just took some adjusting. Was adjusting really a talent?

Silence filled the air again. We sat that way for a while. Eventually, I noticed his glass began to tip in his hand. I gasped and caught it as it almost fell.

"Jack!" I cried, checking to make sure it didn't spill.

He jumped as if I'd startled him. I glanced over, he looked confused. Had he fallen asleep? I set his glass down.

"I think it might be time for bed, sir," I giggled.

"No, no. I was just resting my eyes," he grumbled sleepily.

"Well, let's rest them in bed then," I said, standing. I tugged at his hand gently. "Come on."

He grunted unhappily but allowed me to lead him up and over to the bed. He stripped down to his boxers and looked at me, eyes half-closed. I realized he was waiting for me.

"Oh, just let me change," I said quickly.

He grunted again and hugged me from behind. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"It's fine. I've seen you. Just take your clothes off and come to bed," he muttered.

His body felt heavy against my back. I guess he was having trouble staying awake. I sighed and loosened his hands from around me.

"Alright, but lay down while I do," I said sternly.

He nodded and crawled into bed, but he kept his eyes on me. I hated it when he watched, it felt embarrassing. It helped to know he was already half-asleep. I stripped off my clothes and crawled into bed with him. He moved closer and kissed me softly. His hand rested on my cheek.

"Wait for me, Anna," he murmured.

I placed my hand over his. He smiled faintly as I did so.

"Always," I promised him.

His eyes closed. A short while later I heard his breathing become slow and even. He was asleep. I stared at his sleeping face a moment.

I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt so comfortable and loved somewhere. Every personality treated me warmly, and even when we had disagreements I felt like we could move past them. I'd never had that before. Someone to confide in, to openly express myself with. Someone who loved me.

Actions speak louder than words. I used to think it was a clichéd saying, but I felt like I understood it better now. Without ever saying the word "love" I could know exactly how he felt for me. It was in the way he looked at me, the way he touched me, the way he opened his heart to me. He didn't need to say it. He didn't need me to say it either.

But I should show him more. That was what went wrong with Victor. It wasn't the words I spoke, it was the actions I showed. Or lack thereof.

If I had shown him my true feelings that day, then whatever I did or didn't say wouldn't have mattered. He would have known how I felt. I didn't show him though, so all he had were my words, and my words hurt him. I had to show him how important he was to me. Not as a part of Jack, but as himself.

Something different, something special, something I could only do for him. What was it? How many days had I been agonizing about this question?

I gave a frustrated sigh. Mr. Weston shifted a bit. I froze. Luckily, he didn't wake up. This was no good, I didn't want to disturb him while I thought this over. I gently slid myself away from his touch. When I was sure he wouldn't wake up I got out of bed.

I threw my dress on. I couldn't sleep yet, there were too many things in my mind. I tiptoed out of the room, closing the door behind me. The silence of the mansion seemed to echo in the dark. I walked downstairs, but the openness of the mansion made me uneasy. I glanced outside. The garden seemed still in the night air, the silhouette of roses danced in the moonlight.

I stepped outside. The grass was soft against my bare feet. The night was warm, the scent of the roses perfumed the darkness. I walked over to the bench and sat down.

The dream from this morning appeared in my mind again. Jack laughed it off, what would Victor do?

I had a guess. I could already see him shrugging as I told him. Well, just choose me, of course. He'd say it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Victor. Crude, inappropriate, possessive, playful, sweet, gentle Victor. Confuse him with the others? How could I? He was right, it was always obvious on the days he appeared. He might not have his own body, but he was absolutely his own person.

How could I show him I finally understood that? I didn't want to just make an apology, I wanted to do something he would never forget. Something he could always look back on and realize how much I cared for him.

I sighed deeply. I felt the hard stone digging into my legs. How long had I been sitting here? I felt like I could sit here forever and still think of nothing.

The truth was, I was bad at apologizing. I didn't have any practice. In my family, you didn't apologize. If you had to apologize, then you'd already screwed up beyond repair. There was no "forgiveness" in my house. Maybe that's why I never went back. Even an apology wouldn't fix what had happened at this point.

I didn't even want to think about them anymore. What is it about the night that makes all our bad memories come to mind at once? I wanted to forget about them, but I couldn't.

What right did I have to complain though? Who would I even complain to? The man who was orphaned as a child? The man whose entire family was taken from him at once? The man who was so psychologically damaged by it that he would never recover? How could he ever understand a woman who chose to abandon her family?

Mr. Weston would never understand what I'd gone through with them. He wouldn't understand my reasons for leaving. Being looked down on, being rejected, having expectations forced onto you without ever having a choice. I knew he'd try, but he'd never really understand. Jack wouldn't understand. Arthur probably wouldn't either.

Victor might. I smiled a little as I thought of this. After all, wasn't his whole identity built around being the outcast of Mr. Weston's personalities? Angry at being rejected because he didn't "fit in" like the rest? I let out a dry laugh. Rejection. Victor and I finally had something more than sex in common.

I gasped at the sudden realization. If anyone would understand, it would be Victor. I could tell him everything. I could share what happened with him. 

I wasn't sure if I really wanted to though. If I told him, he'd know everything about me. Rejection was my biggest fear. I'd faced it in every aspect of my life. My family, my friends, my previous relationships, even my jobs. I couldn't stand the idea of facing it from him.

Love and acceptance like I'd never known before. I finally had it, and I feared losing it more than anything. I didn't want to lose him.

Relationships aren't easy. They're built on mutual love and understanding. The idea that you have to accept all of a person, even their flaws. Slowly, I was learning to accept his. I could only hope he would accept mine too.

It was scary and painful, but I needed to do it. Something special, something I could do only for Victor, something I could never take back. The most personal thing you can share with someone is the worst parts of yourself. I wanted to share that with Victor. Something only he could understand.

The night was warm, but I felt cold. My stomach felt sick. I hated this idea already, but I owed him at least this much. Victor wasn't a backup or a second choice. He wasn't an illness and he wasn't a personality. He was someone I cared about, and I wanted to make sure he knew that. I let out a shaky breath as I stood up.

I could see the faintest traces of light on the horizon. Had I really been here all night? I walked back inside, the emptiness greeted me. What time was it? Would he wake up soon? I hadn't slept at all, today was going to be exhausting.

Jack, Victor, Arthur, Henry, and God only knew who else. How many were there? How long before I finally understood them all?

My hand froze on the door to our room. I had no way of knowing who he was, it might be bad if he found me in his room. I didn't care, I wanted to see him. I opened the door gently and peeked in. He was still asleep. I went to the closet to change. At least if he woke up, I could make an excuse for being here.

I walked over to the bed. He hadn't moved since I left last night. I guess he was really exhausted when we went to bed. I wanted to kiss him, but I didn't want to disturb him. Or did I?

Victor mentioned that waking Mr. Weston might bring him back sooner. A tempting idea, but I shook it off quickly. No, this had to happen naturally. Victor would return when it was his time, and, hopefully, I'd be ready by then.

Sunlight began to creep its way into the room. He shifted suddenly. My heart fluttered nervously. He rolled onto his back and grunted slightly, covering his eyes with his arm. He stayed like that a moment before uncovering them. His eyes slowly opened.

He looked around a minute. He froze as his eyes landed on me. Shock crossed his face. It told me nothing.

Who was he today? What would be waiting for me? No plans, no schedule, no idea of what to do. This was my life now, and as crazy and uncertain as it was, I was happy. After all, it was my job to care for him.

I smiled at him warmly. "Good morning, Mr. Weston."

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