Share Your Body

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I felt the warmth of his body as it pressed against mine. His fingers traced gently along my bare thigh. My mind was a mess. Fulfil his request? For my body?

My heart was racing, but I didn't know why. After all, I'd seen his body before, we'd done things like this before. Why was it so nerve-wracking to do it again?

I already knew the answer. It was because I had never done something like this with Jack. Different men in the same body. How different would my experience with Jack be from my time with Victor?

"Ms. Walton?" A voice called.

I let out an audible yelp as I jumped away from him. I whipped around, but no one was there.

"Ms. Walton?" The intercom crackled again.

I let out a giant sigh of relief. I took a deep breath and tried to slow my racing heart as I walked over.

"Yes, chef?" I asked.

"Lunch will be ready shortly," he responded.

"Thank you, we'll be down soon."

I turned back to Jack. He was staring at me. He tried to cover his mouth with his hand, but I could tell he was smiling.

"Is everything okay, sir?" I asked.

He burst out laughing. I crossed my arms. What was so funny exactly? He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself.

"Sorry," he chuckled. "I just didn't expect you to scream like that. You were terrified."

"I was just startled," I mumbled.

"I didn't realize I was so captivating," he said, winking.

"Are you going to eat lunch or not?" I huffed.

He walked over and tugged at my crossed arms playfully. He leaned in and kissed me softly.

"Now, Anna, don't pout," he said, smiling. "I was just teasing."

I let him loosen my arms. He grabbed my hands and laced his fingers with mine. I couldn't help smiling a bit as he did.

"There, that's better," he said gently. "Now, let's go eat."

He kept hold of my hand as we walked downstairs. The air was different from when I walked with Victor. Walking hand in hand with Victor wasn't bad, but it felt forced in a way. More like a mother being dragged around by an excited child.

Holding hands with Jack felt more intimate. Like lovers should be. It was comfortable, easy, it felt natural walking with him this way. As we reached the dining room he still refused to let go. He led me to the table and held my chair out for me before finally releasing my hand. He sat next to me and began fixing plates.

"I can do that, sir," I said, taking the plates from him.

"Anna, I'm capable of getting my own food," he said smiling.

"And I'm not?" I teased.

He laughed. "Is this more of you 'caring for me,' Ms. Walton?"

"Maybe it is. Days like today I feel pretty useless as a caretaker," I sighed.

"Well, your job is to keep me happy," he said, grabbing my hand again. "I think you're doing an excellent job with that."

"Only if I keep you happy and healthy," I emphasized. "Arthur makes that hard enough, so eat. Maybe after we'll walk in the garden. Light exercise is good for the body, you know."

He rolled his eyes. "Now you sound like Thomas."

His eyes seemed to dim a bit as he said this. I squeezed his hand gently.

"It's okay to miss him," I said softly.

He smiled. "I know, but we all have to move on. He's got his own life now, and I'm not exactly displeased with mine."

He nudged me lightly. I rolled my eyes and fixed him a plate.

It felt strange being so openly intimate with him. I originally thought he was acting reserved because we were still developing a relationship, but was he really just behaving around Thomas? Would he always be this flirtatious now?

A part of me felt like I wouldn't mind if he was. It was like being back in high school and having your first boyfriend. Giggling, making jokes, kissing, and holding hands everywhere. I'm sure we'd have people rolling their eyes at us if we did things like this in public. Good thing that wouldn't be an issue.

"Anna, I understand the need for 'light exercise,' but I feel like we didn't have much of a chance to talk last time I was here," he said sadly. "Could we do that instead?"

"Don't worry, we can do both," I said, smiling.

I stood and walked towards the garden. I looked back, waiting for him to follow. He gave a defeated sigh and joined me. He took my hand in his again. Yes, I think we would be that kind of couple.

The garden looked beautiful, but I couldn't enjoy it. I hated my mind. The dream I had last night popped back into my head.

I didn't want to feel anxious in the garden, I loved it. It was where Victor and I had walked, where Arthur and I took photos, where Jack and I first met. Would I ever feel comfortable here again?

"Are you alright, Anna?" He asked.

I sighed. I felt like I was getting that question a lot lately. How did I manage to make every persona worry about me?

"I just had a bad dream about the garden last night," I explained.

I could have made an excuse, but I didn't want to. I was tired of lying to him about things like this. Relationships are built on communication. If I had just talked with Victor that last time, then maybe we never would have had that stupid fight.

"Is that why you woke up so terrified?" He asked. "What was it about?"

I laughed. "All your personalities became individual people and started to swarm me."

"God, I'd be scared too," he chuckled. "Luckily, it's just me today."

I smiled at this. We walked in silence for a while. The view really was beautiful, so were my memories. I was glad I'd talked with him, it did seem to help lift the ominous feeling I had before.

"Well, you promised we could talk too," he said suddenly. "So, if you don't mind, I don't think I ever asked how old you are."

"I'm twenty-six," I answered.


"September sixth."

"Do you have any siblings?" He asked.

I paused a bit. Right, I told Arthur about my family rule, not Jack. I wondered how many times I'd have to explain it. I let out a sigh.

"Arthur already knows this rule, but it's only fair that I tell you too. I don't want to talk about my family. Ever," I said sternly.

"Why? Is there-"

"Ever!" I emphasized.

He backed off a bit. "Alright, alright. I won't mention it again. I'm sorry."

"It's fine," I muttered.

"No, I've put you in a bad mood now," he said, frowning. "Let's switch subjects. Is there anything else you'd like to know about me?"

I thought about it. Things I wanted to know about Jack? There were so many. Asking about his family didn't seem too fair considering my outburst just now. He'd mentioned having some casual flings in the past, I didn't really want to know details beyond that though. Every other topic with him felt so heavy, so personal.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked finally.

He gave me a confused look.

"Deep, meaningful conversations are fine, but I feel like I've been having a lot of them lately," I sighed. "I feel like we completely skipped all the silly get-to-know-you questions couples usually talk about.

I guess it's not that important really. Sorry, I'll think of another."

"Green," he said suddenly.


"My favorite color is green," he repeated. "If it matters to you, then it's important to me. No matter how trivial. Besides, you're right. We did skip over all the initial steps to a relationship. It's about time we got back to them. So what's your favorite color?"

"Red," I said, smiling. "What's your favorite food?"

He laughed. "You're probably expecting something fancy, but it's grilled cheese."

"Really?! " I asked, surprised.

"Yes. Before Phillip came we didn't have a regular chef. Thomas had to do most of the cooking," he said, smiling. "Gourmet he is not. I grew up on much of the same foods you did, I imagine. So it's an old favorite that never died out."

"Well, I make the best grilled cheese. I'll treat you to one sometime," I teased.

"What a woman!" He exclaimed.

We both laughed. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist instead. It was intimate but in a familiar way. We walked on in silence for a while after that.

"Well, I think that's enough 'light exercise' for one day," he said suddenly. "Shall we head back?"

I nodded. It was nice being together like this, but it was still the afternoon. It was hot and I didn't want to get burned.

I saw a couple of the housekeepers scurrying around as we came back. They seemed to completely ignore our presence. I guess it was better that way. After all, their job description was to clean, not look after Mr. Weston. That was my job.

I wondered how lonely the house would feel tomorrow. Just the two of us. His earlier request came to mind again. I blushed a bit as I remembered the husky tone of his voice.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm fine," I said quickly.

He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I pulled away nervously.

"Mr. Weston, the cleaners!" I said, turning away.

"They have no authority here," he said, shrugging. "Their opinion on our relationship matters very little to me. Or are you embarrassed to be caught with me?"

"Of course not!" I cried, grabbing his hands. "I'm a little embarrassed about being affectionate around strangers, but I'm not embarrassed of you."

He looked shocked. His tone had been teasing, but it still hurt to hear those words. I never wanted him to think I was embarrassed by him. I never wanted him to doubt my feelings, even as a joke.

He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. He smiled at me warmly.

"I'm glad to hear," he said gently. "So, may I ask what you were blushing about just now?"

I looked toward the ground. "I was just... thinking about your 'request' from earlier."

"And have you considered it?" He asked, lifting my face to meet his gaze.

My blush deepened. I pulled away and looked at the ground again. My heart was racing. I had to find a way to get over these nerves.

"I think I can understand why Victor gets so jealous," he sighed. "I'm practically livid at the idea that you might prefer him as a lover."

"That's not it!" I cried quickly.

I didn't want this misunderstanding again. Luckily, Jack's more level-headed than Victor. He shushed me gently and reached out to stroke my cheek.

"I know it isn't, don't worry," he reassured me. "I understand how he could feel that way though. Is there a reason you're more comfortable being intimate with him?"

"I don't know," I sighed. "If I had to give a reason, then it might be because Victor is, well, Victor."

"That doesn't explain anything really," he said, half-smiling.

"I know. It's..." I paused. What was it exactly? "Victor... isn't shy about sex."

He rolled his eyes. "So I've been told."

"Well, I think that's why things are easier with him," I explained. He gave me a confused look. "With Victor sex is such a casual thing. Innuendo is a common occurrence, and even when he's serious he's not afraid to tell me directly what he wants from me. So I guess I'm more comfortable with him because it's something he does all the time.

With you it's different. Our relationship is less sexualized and more intimate. You're not the kind of man to make an obscene comment or grope me unexpectedly."

"Absolutely not," he mumbled.

"That's why it's harder for me, I think. You don't act that way, so an intimate relationship is more... intimidating with you. I'm not sure how to react when you flirt with me or make advances," I said, shrugging. "You're two completely different men. With completely different approaches. It only makes sense that my reactions to each of you would be different too."

"So... should I behave more like Victor?" He asked.

I laughed. "No! God no! Victor's fun to be around, but definitely not the kind of thing I could handle every day. I like that you act like yourself. It's just going to take some adjusting to."

He nodded but didn't say anything. He stared at me a moment. I wondered what he was thinking. I hoped I didn't upset or offend him in some way. Finally, he smiled.

"So, to summarize what you've said, you like Victor and you like me, but you're more comfortable with him because you're accustomed to his way of approaching you." I nodded. "That being the case, is it fair to say if I tried approaching you in my own way, then you might be more comfortable with me in the future?"

I thought about it. Jack had made advances towards me before, but I don't think he ever did so with a plan in mind. Could I become used to his way of approaching me?

"I guess I have no way of knowing. I don't really know what 'your way' is," I said honestly.

He reached out and grabbed my hand. His eyes flashed playfully.

"In that case, allow me to show you how I would properly seduce you, Ms. Walton," he said teasingly.

I couldn't help smiling. "And how exactly will you do that, sir?"

"You'll see," he said simply.

He kept hold of my hand and led me upstairs. My heart raced a bit as we walked towards our room. I wondered what "seducing me" entailed. I hoped I could calm my nerves enough to give him a fair chance at doing it.

He closed the door behind us. My heart was still racing, I wondered if he could feel my pulse. The small smile on his lips implied that he could. He pulled me close and pressed his lips to mine.

Kissing Jack always made me feel dizzy like my body was losing all its strength. His hand tangled in my hair. I had to lean against him to support myself. He pulled away, keeping my body close so I wouldn't collapse. His fingers played with my hair.

"I think, after all that hot sun, a bath sounds nice," he said simply.

My mind was still hazy. I barely registered what he was saying. I slipped back into my caretaker role instinctively.

"Should I draw one for you, sir?" I asked.

"Actually," he said, his voice low, "I was hoping you would join me."

My mind snapped back to reality. I blushed deeply. I didn't know how to reply.

"I-I," I started to stutter.

He didn't give me much chance to find words. I felt his hand tugging at the zipper on my dress. I lost my sense of speech again. I felt as the dress loosened from my back. I didn't stop him, but I didn't attempt to help him either. He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"I'm going to get the bath ready for us," he murmured. I felt his lips next to my ear. "Why don't you take a few minutes to prepare before you come in?"

I nodded instinctively, but my mind was still blank. He kissed my lips again before pulling away and walking towards the bathroom. The click of the closing door restarted my brain. "Prepare." How should I do that?

My open dress started to slide down my shoulder. I went to fix it. My hand paused on the sleeve. I supposed this would be "preparing" for a bath. I felt a little more comfortable not having him watching. I slid the dress from my body, it crumpled into a heap on the floor. My bra and panties soon joined it.

I felt exposed in the large room. I'd only been inside the master bathroom once. I think I remembered it being beautiful, but the image I had of Jack from that day overpowered any others. The memory didn't help to calm me.

It had probably been a few minutes by this point. I took a deep breath and walked to the bathroom door. I knocked timidly. I heard his laugh echoing inside.

"It's open," he said.

I opened the door. I knew the bath was right around the corner. I'd seen him naked before, but it still made my heart flutter every time I thought about it. I vaguely felt the familiar ache between my legs.

"Anna," he called to me gently.

I covered myself with my arms shyly as I walked around the corner. He was already in the bath, waiting for me. He smiled as he saw me.

"I've already seen you naked," he teased. "There's no need to cover yourself."

"I feel more comfortable this way," I mumbled.

He nodded and motioned for me to join him. I looked towards the ground as I entered the opposite end of the bath. I slid my body in slowly. The warm water felt good against my skin. Once I was submerged I moved my arms. I glanced up, he smiled at me.

"I know it's a large bath, but there's no need to spread out like this. Come here," he said, motioning for me to move closer.

I hesitated a bit, but slowly I slid myself along the edge until I was sitting next to him. I kept my eyes on the water. I heard him give a soft chuckle.

"Maybe this will help," he said.

I heard a vague clinking sound. I didn't give it much attention. A moment later he held a glass of wine in front of my face. I looked at him in shock.

"Where did this come from?" I asked, taking it.

"I keep a couple of bottles stashed away," he said, pouring himself one. "Sometimes there's nothing more relaxing than a good glass of wine in the bath."

I took a sip of the wine. It was good, sweet. I let out a content sigh as the warmth of the alcohol ran through my body. I felt myself relaxing a bit. Until I felt his arm on my waist.

Without saying a word he shifted my body into his lap. My heart raced. I felt the ache in my body growing as something hard pressed into my thigh below the water. He brushed a strand of hair away from my face.

"This is nice, isn't it?" He asked.

He wrapped his arm around my waist again and pulled me against his body. My back pressed against his chest. I nodded silently and took another drink of the wine.

He was right. It was nice doing this. The quiet in the air, the warm water, cold wine, the feel of his skin against mine. So why did I still feel nervous?

His hand slid from my waist and rested on my thigh. A small gasp escaped my lips as he did. I felt his lips against my neck.

"Do you think you're comfortable enough to tell me what you did with Victor yet?" He asked.

I shook my head, setting my glass on the edge of the bath. His lips kissed down my neck to my shoulder. He rubbed my thigh.

"Can you show me instead?" He murmured.

I wasn't sure what to do. Show him? How exactly?

An idea came to me. I reached under the water to grab his hand. I began to slide it up my body. He didn't resist as I did so. I felt the ache grow stronger as his hand brushed against my skin. When it reached my breast I held it there. I stayed silent.

"Here?" He asked, squeezing gently.

I bit my lip and nodded. I heard him set his glass down. His other hand reached under the water to cup my other breast. I let out a small gasp as he did so. I felt the hardness against my thigh shift a bit.

"Like this?" He asked, his voice sounded mesmerized.

I nodded. My body begged for more of his touch. He wanted to know what happened, after all.

"And other ways," I said quietly.

"Other ways?" He asked. "Like what?"

I still couldn't say it to him. I bit my lip. I wanted him, I missed his touch more than anything. How could I tell him without saying a word?

I leaned my head back and pressed my lips against his. Greedy, desperate. I wanted him to know how bad I wanted him.

After a moment I broke away. His eyes met mine, they were dark with desire. Did he understand? My question was answered a moment later.

A flash of realization crossed his face. He quickly turned me to face him and pulled me up so I was straddling his lap. Everything above my waist was exposed now. I felt as the water dripped down my bare skin.

He leaned forward and took my breast in his mouth greedily. I gasped as I felt his mouth hot against my skin. The sensation sent sparks right between my legs. His tongue teased circles around my nipples. I moaned softly.

He pulled away and looked up at me. I'd never seen Jack look this way before. He eyed my body hungrily.

"Where else?" He demanded. "Where else did he touch you?"

My body shivered at the forceful tone he used. I grabbed his hand and slid it down my body. I could see the excitement growing in his eyes as we dipped below the surface of the water. I stopped his hand just above my aching clit.

He didn't ask for an explanation this time. I felt his fingers thrust into me suddenly. My body trembled, a moan escaped my lips. He let out a frustrated grunt.

"Damn, water's no good for this," he hissed.

He picked me up and set me on the edge of the bath. He spread my legs, licking his lips at the sight. His finger brushed against my lower lips and spread them gently.

"Should I kiss you here as well?" He asked teasingly.

His hungry eyes never moved from between my legs. The skin beneath his fingers felt hot. I needed him.

"Yes," I said breathlessly.

He knelt between my legs and pressed his tongue to my aching clit. I moaned and began to rock my hips against his face. My body begged for more of his touch. It didn't take long before I could feel a wetness building between my legs. He noticed too.

I felt his fingers slide into me again. He thrust them in and out, following the rhythm of my hips. The splashing of the water only seemed to echo the wet sounds of my lower lips. My vision became hazy. The only thing I could focus on was the pleasure.

His touch excited me in ways I could barely understand. Every place he touched burned, begging for more. The need for release built inside of me. He was happy to satisfy it.

Waves of pleasure coursed through my body. My hands tangled in his hair as I pressed him closer to my pulsing clit. My screams of pleasure echoed loudly in the open bathroom. His fingers pressed deeper inside of me as if begging me to release every last bit of my orgasm.

After a minute the waves died down. My fingers loosened from his hair and the only sounds left were my heavy breathing.

His fingers slid from my opening. He stood and leaned over me, smiling down with satisfaction of what he'd done. I leaned up and kissed him. I loved the way my juices tasted on his mouth, but I wanted to taste him more.

I slid into the water and got on my knees before him. The shock on his face quickly disappeared as I took his hard member in my mouth. He moaned at the sensation.

His musky juices covered my tongue. I sucked at his tip desperately, begging for more. I wanted to taste him more. I took him deeper into my mouth.

"Anna!" I heard him cry breathlessly.

I ran my hand along his shaft as my tongue worked on what I could take into my mouth. He leaned over me, bracing himself against the edge of the tub. I could feel his legs shaking faintly.

I enjoyed his hardness against my lips, the sound of his ragged breathing, the taste as more of his excitement spilled onto my tongue. I could feel him rocking his hips gently, trying to make his way deeper inside of me.

I felt his hand against the back of my head. He pressed gently, leading me to take in more. It excited me to know how much he wanted me. I glanced up, he was staring at me intently. His eyes were wild, glazed over with lust. I pulled back and licked up his shaft slowly, making sure he could see. The ache between my legs began to grow again as his body shivered. I took him back into my mouth, enjoying the new juices that had spilled out.

Suddenly, he tangled his hand in my hair tightly, keeping my head in place. He thrust himself deeper into my mouth. I gagged a bit as he pressed against the back of my throat. I felt his shaft pulsing against my tongue.

His hot juices spilled out, coating my throat and tongue. I moaned slightly as I tasted them. I lapped at him greedily, desperate to get every drop. I shivered faintly as I swallowed everything.

His breathing was ragged. Slowly, it returned to normal. I felt his hand loosen in my hair. He pulled away from me. His member fell from my lips. He seemed unsteady as he lowered himself to sit back in the bath. He leaned his head back and looked up at the ceiling.

I walked over and sat back in his lap. He wrapped his arm around my waist. After a minute he let out a deep sigh and looked at me. His eyes still seemed hazy.

"That's what you two did?" He asked, smiling faintly.

"More or less," I said, blushing.

"Well, I certainly hope it's more," he teased.

I giggled and laid my head against his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair absentmindedly. We sat there a while, enjoying the silence and warm water.

"Ms. Walton?" I jumped a bit as the voice suddenly echoed in the bathroom.

Jack smiled and reached back to hit the intercom on the bath.

"Philip, it's Mr. Weston," he answered. "You can leave dinner on the table, we'll be down later. You're dismissed for the day."

"Yes, sir."

Jack turned back and kissed me softly. He pulled away and pressed his forehead to mine. He traced my lips with his thumb. A sly smile crossed his face.

"Hungry, Darling?"

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