Chapter 14 Eyes on the Prize

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(the sexy man above, is of course, our beloved Lane)

Chapter 14 Eyes on the Prize


"Friendly's!" I cheer as we pull into the big parking lot, "how did you know Lane?"

"A couple of weeks ago when you were working I was in your dorm room waiting for Tommy. Fucking balls, we were just going to go to Pizza Slut for some stuffed crust pizza and he still took 40 minutes to get I was bored and I was looking through your High School yearbook and it was in your likes and dislikes list with your senior picture. Favorite restaurant - Friendly's, favorite dessert - Reese's Pieces Sunday...too cute Payton, too cute!"

"I only put that...well, not that it's not true because yeah, I love this place, but when we were filling out that yearbook stuff I had a crush on a guy who worked at Friendly's. I used to drag Tommy there with me every Saturday because the guy worked Saturdays...he was always so..." I let out a laugh, "friendly! So I always made stupid jokes to Tommy about how friendly they were at Friendly's...and when I'd order a Reese's Sundae he always made it extra big and with tons of everything...which was good because Tommy never ordered his own, he always just shared mine. I was super happy when our friend Charlie told me she had talked to him about the LGBT alliance because she thought he was gay and he said he was."

"So...what happened? Did you ask him out, did he ask you out?" Lane asks as finds a parking spot and pulls in.

"Nah...turned out he liked Tommy the whole time. He was being super nice because I had Tommy with me and he made the Sundaes so big and good because he knew Tommy shared it with was kind of embarrassing, when I finally got the nerve to go up and talk to him at school and maybe, kind of, you know...ask him out. He gave me this big smile, like he was glad I finally came over and talked to him...and then the next thing I know he's asking me all these questions about Tommy...does he have a boyfriend, did I think he might go out with him, should he ask him for his number, when was I bringing him to the restaurant again..."

"Oh my god Payton, that sucks! What did you do?"

"I told him Tommy was my lover and walked away. Tommy was waiting for me at my locker and I knew the guy was watching so I walked up, grabbed him, pulled him down and gave him the biggest French kiss I've ever given anybody."

Lane laughs. He's laughing so hard he has tears coming out of his eyes. It takes him a full 3 minutes to recover. I know because I time it.

"Oh Payton, I'm really sorry...but that...that's hysterical." He clears his throat, "but seriously, we don't have to go here for lunch, I mean, it probably holds bad memories now."

"No! Not at all!" I object! "I still love this place! They have the best burgers and of course I have to get a Reese's Pieces Sundae!! Besides, he worked at the one back home, he probably still does the big dork. He may have broken my heart temporarily, but he didn't break my appetite!" I hop out of the car and run around to Lane's side as he gets out with a big smile.

"Have you been to a Friendly's before?" I ask.

"Nope, first time."

"Oh my god! You're gonna love it! Come on!" I yell, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the door.

"Welcome to Friendly's," a smiling teenage girl says as we walk in. "Two for lunch?"

"Mmhm," I say nodding.

"Right this way, I have a nice booth over here by the window. We have a great promotion going on right now, Sundaes are half price with the purchase of anything from our Big Beef Burgers selection or the SuperMelt Sandwiches selection. All soft drinks are bottomless, so can I start you off with something to drink while you look at the menu?"

I look at Lane as we sit down, since he's my host and he nods for me to go ahead. "I'll have a ginger ale," I tell her and she nods with another smile.

"I'll have a coke," Lane says, "and can we get an order of Mini Mozzarella Sticks to start?" He looks at me, "we can make Ashton jealous if they're good."

"Oh they are!" the waitress pipes up. "My name is Jenny by the way. I'll go put the order in for your apps and get your drinks." She gives us another smile before heading off to the waitress station to put in our order and get our drinks.

"Wow! This place really is friendly," Lane says and gives me a wink. I laugh, not sure if he really means it, or is playing on my Friendly's themed jokes, but I don't care because it's just nice being here with him and have all the tension of the past few weeks be gone. On the 30 minute ride over we talked about everything that had happened in the last few weeks and cleared the air. We both opened up about our feelings and I think we both had a better understanding of each other.

After Lane had picked me up he told me he wanted to apologize for the things he said and the way he acted lately.

"You don't need to Lane, really, I understand," I tried to assure him, because I really did.

"No, Listen Pay. It's important for me to try to explain...I never had anyone who was all mine, that I felt the way I do about Matthias...and when I walked in on him training that kid...I freaked...part of me thought, I wasn't enough for him. Which really hurt. I also thought I was going to lose I lost my dad. You know, my Dad was all I had growing up and then before I knew it, he was taken away from me and then I really had no one...well I found Denny, but he's got Mike. I didn't realize it, all the time I was sleeping around, all I really wanted was someone who would be all mine. And I'd be all theirs. Someone like Matthias."

"I know Lane, but..." I wanted to tell him no one could ever come between them, everybody knew that, but I let him finish instead.

"I know...well I know now, that you weren't trying to take him away from me. I overreacted...and I'm sorry. You're like the little brother I never had, and I shouldn't have acted like that. I also realized that I let Daddy down too because I didn't trust him like I should have. I was a real dick and I know it. I'm really sorry Payton."

"Me too Lane. I should have just mentioned it from the beginning, I don't know why I didn't. Maybe part of me didn't want it to end because I really liked the attention he gave me...not in a romantic way," I quickly added when he looked over. But his look was understanding so I quickly calmed down. "You know, my Dad's not the greatest person for giving out compliments or attention even. I never felt like he was proud of me for anything. And Master Matthias is like this larger than life person and when he told me I was doing a good job, or when he understood where I was coming from, it felt really nice. That's all I wanted from him, nothing more."

"I know Pay. And he really is proud of you, he's told me that himself. He said you've come a long way, you push yourself out of your comfort zone and you're really brave. He told me any Dom would be proud to have you as their submissive."

"Really?" I blushed at the compliment, but couldn't keep the smile off my face.

"Yeah," he said softly and I sat back in my seat to ponder that for a few seconds. "Okay Pay, now that that is all out of the way, what the fuck happened the other night with Remy!"

I blushed even more and looked out the window. "Tell me Pay! I tried to grill him, but he wouldn't say a word. He said it was poor manners to talk about what he did with anyone at the his snooty French accent, it was hella annoying!"

"I think his accent is sexy," I admitted as I noticed we were starting to drive out of the city, "Where is it you're taking me anyway?"

"Don't try to change the subject Carrot Top!" he shouted.

"Ugh, please don't call me that Lane, anything but that."

"I won't if you tell me everything!" He said with a smirk.

I let out a big sigh. "Okay...well, we watched you get fucked by Master Matthias' massive Lincoln log, then..."

"Lincoln Log, where the fuck did you get that?" Lane laughed.

"Who's changing the subject now! So...after your ass got plowed into next year, we...umm...we talked for a few seconds I think...and then...I um...kinda....I...well..."

"Out with it Payton Johns!"


"Nice!" Lane was nodding and smiling as he waited for a car to turn out of his way. "And..."

"And then he sucked me off and Lane...oh my was like an out of body was amazing!"

"So do you like him?" He asked.

"What's not to like, he's a fucking god!"

"I know, you like him or like like him?" He looked over and he had that concerned look.

"What are you getting at?" I asked.

"I know he's going back to France just after New Year's. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I know that Lane. No, I mean, I really like him and he's totally hot and all that, but I know he's not here for long. I knew that from the beginning, so I'm good. I won't get hurt. I'm not going to let myself fall for him or anything if that's what you're worried about. He's like a winter holiday fling, that's all...or Christmas night fling, I don't even know if I'll see him again or if I do, if he'll want to...umm, get together again."

"Okay Pay, I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to get hurt."

"And here are two Reeses Pieces Sundaes," our waitress says putting the huge dishes down on the table and rousing me out of my thoughts. Lane is texting on his phone, probably with Matthias or maybe Denny while we were waiting

for our dessert, but he quickly puts his phone down and looks at his sundae with wide eyes.

"Dig in guys!" Jenny says before she walks away to greet someone who just walked in.


After Payton left to go meet Lane down in the parking lot, and I straighten up the room a bit since the whirlwind that is my best friend left it a bit of a mess, I plop myself down onto my bed and contemplate what to do with my afternoon. Ashton is going to go meet up with his sister, I think, or maybe a friend from High School, I forget. Chris won't be back until late tonight, but Tai said he'd be around. I start to text him when there's a knock at the door.

"It's open!" I call out to whoever it is, thinking it's probably one of the guys down the hall.

The door opens and the entrance way is filled by the large man who has been occupying my thoughts and many dreams since I first walked into his gym four months ago. He takes a step in and leans against the wall with a smirk on his face as his eyes roam over my prone body.

My breath is taken away; first because he's a god on steroids, and second because I wasn't expecting him and Casey is the type of man you need to prepare yourself for.

"If you greet me this way every time I come to see you, I'll have to find many ways to reward you," he says with a deep chuckle. I blush as I realize that after my shower earlier I'd only thrown on a pair of boxer briefs while I dried my hair and since I hadn't yet decided what I was going to do today, I haven't picked out something to wear.

"Casey!" I breathe, sitting up quickly.

"Don't move on my account," he replies, walking over. "The way your hair fans out on the pillow looks absolutely angelic."

Sitting down next to me, Casey's hand reaches over and brushes my hair off my shoulder. He's got his mass of hair in a man-bun sitting at the top of his head. His hair is just as long as mine, but much more coarse and unruly so when it's down he has that sexy messy look and even when it's up in a bun, strands stick out just makes him look more down to earth. My hair is a bit straighter and has a silkier texture so the messy look on me...just looks messy. Payton teases me over how often I brush it, but I really have to if I want to keep it this long.

"How are you?" he asks, his tone a bit more serious.

"Fine, you?" I reply.

"I'm fine too...I was just worried...I didn't want you to have any regrets this morning."

"I don' you?"

"Not at all," he replies with a very pleased smile. "What are you doing right now?" He asks expectantly.

"Nothing really, I was going to call Tai, but..."

"Feel free to say no," He interrupts, "but my sister and the kids are out in the car...I'm taking them to lunch before we head to the airport later this afternoon. I may have...kind of mentioned you to her and she wants to meet you. Will you come to lunch with us?"

" told her about me?" I ask, my voice slightly squeaking at the end. I wasn't sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing. "What did you tell her?" I suddenly felt self-conscious that his sister would be scrutinizing me...and did he tell her I was his new submissive? Did she even know he was into that?

"I told her you were someone I recently met and am very interested in getting to know better," he said calmly and reassuringly as he once again, brushed back my hair, this time with both hands, turning me to face him.

"Does she I'm a submissive...that you're a Dom?" I was careful not to say his submissive, since we really hadn't discussed the future yet.

"No she doesn't. Regardless, I would never tell anyone that you are a submissive without your permission. That would be in breach of the confidentiality agreement we sign at the club. I told her the truth, that I met you when you joined my gym."

"Okay." I'm sure he could hear the relief in my voice.

"It's just a casual lunch, no pressure. My sister is very easy going, she won't pry or make you feel uncomfortable, but if you're not sure, please don't..."

"I'd like to go," I answer quickly, "I really just have to get dressed first."

Casey let out a laugh, "I prefer you like this, but I understand," He says with a wink as he stands up and I almost melt into the bed. "I'll wait for you outside."

"Okay...I won't take long," I assure him, but he surprises me and instead of heading out the door, he takes 4 long strides back to the bed.

"I should have done this when I arrived, I'm sorry," he says as he leans down, tipping my chin up with a finger and very softly presses his lips to mine. It starts out soft and gentle, almost coaxing, and when I kiss back he turns it into something more and somehow I almost naturally lay back and he follows, leaning down and hovering over me. Casey presses down just enough so we are chest to chest and I feel engulfed by his powerful body, but not enough to hurt or make me uncomfortable.

I feel lost in his kiss, like I'm floating on a cloud - one that I wouldn't mind staying on for an extended period of time, but before I can get too used to it he pulls back and we're both breathless. "If we keep this up, my poor sister will be out there all day." Casey gives me one more quick peck and quickly stands up, leaving me flushed and wanting.

"I'll be downstairs," he says and this time walks out, closing the door quietly behind him.

As soon as he's out the door I start racing around my room. 'What should I wear, what should I wear,' I mumble to myself. I grab my hairbrush and give my hair a few swipes, luckily I just washed and dried it so it's already as good as it gets.

When I get outside about 5 minutes later I see Casey running around on the grass with a little blonde girl on his shoulders and what look like twin boys, a little bit older with a dirty blond hair hanging off each leg. I look around and before he notices I pull my camera out of my pocket, take a few pictures and a video. He still hasn't seen me so I stow my phone and begin walking over. He looks up when I'm about 10 feet away and starts laughing. "Tommy, help me! I'm being attacked by micro-zombies!" The boys started making zombie noises, but the smaller girl on his shoulders just giggles away as she holds on for dear life. Casey has a secure hold on her legs and I could tell he would never let anything happen to her.

"You must be Tommy," a female voice calls out from behind me. I turn around and she smiles while holding out her hand. "I'm Karen, Casey's sister."

"Hi. Nice to meet you," I reply shaking her hand. "Belated Merry Christmas."

"Same to you." Casey and the two boys walk over, with the little girl still on his shoulders.

"Tommy these are my nephews Lucas and Patrick and this pretty little angel up here is Sarah," he says bouncing the giggling little girl a bit. The boys look to be about 4 or 5 and the girl maybe 2 1/2 or 3. "Kids, say hello to my friend Tommy."

"Hi Tommy," the boys say in unison, but the little girl hides her face behind her uncle's head.

"It's okay Sarah, Tommy's my friend, you can say hello." He turns slightly and she peeks one eye up at me.

"Hi Sarah," I say in a soft voice, "I hear you like Frozen. Which is your favorite Princess Anna or Elsa?"

"Anna!" She cheers her head popping up with a big smile.

"Really?" I ask, "I can't decide. Every time I watch it I change my mind. How many times have you seen it?" She holds up her hands and start flashing her fingers and I laugh.

"She's not kidding," Karen says, "we already wore out our first DVD and had to buy a new one."

After a few minutes we head to Casey's car. He has a big Ford Expedition that he tells me he got when Sarah was born so when they visited, which was pretty regularly, they could all fit comfortably in one car, even when Karen's husband Gary came. I found out that Gary serves in the army and is currently deployed, but will be back in two months for a six month break.

Casey was right, Karen, who is two years older than Casey, is really nice and we get talking about everything...that is, when I'm not playing with the kids who are totally awesome. We go to lunch at one of their favorite restaurants. It's perfect for the kids because it has a play area that's in the middle of the room, a few steps down, and the tables overlook it so you can keep an eye on your kids while you wait for the food or talk afterwards and they can play and not get bored from just sitting still at the table. We end up staying there for 2 hours talking before Casey checks his watch and announces it's time to get them to the airport.

Since I don't have anything to do for the afternoon I drive with them and end up having a great afternoon. By the time we get back it's half past six. "Tommy, I'm taking my staff out for drinks and dinner tonight since we didn't have a chance to do it before Christmas. Would you like to join us?"

"Um, no thank you Si...Casey," I reply. Now that his sister is gone and it was just us I wasn't sure how to address him. "I wouldn't feel comfortable since it's a staff thing, but thank you for lunch. It was a really great afternoon."

"Same for me. Karen and the kids really liked you, I'm sure I'll be getting a call from my sister grilling me on what exactly our relationship is," he chuckles and I smile, thinking, that would be two of us wondering.

"What are your plans for the rest of your winter break?" he asks.

"Tomorrow all of my friends are meeting for lunch since everyone will be back from their holidays. I have a few shifts at the Boys and Girls club later in the week, I need to get into the gym, but otherwise I don't have any plans. School doesn't start until the 3rd, but I still have to go get all my books and do some other shopping."

"Maybe we can get together later in the week, grab some dinner or something. Will you be going to the club for New Year's Eve?"

"I think so, I hadn't really thought about it, but if they're doing something special for it, the guys and I will probably go."

"It's usually a big night at the Red Door. Listen, I'm busy for the next two nights, but why don't we plan to have dinner together before then and discuss a few things, maybe we can spend New Year's together at the club."

"Okay, I'd like that." We pull up outside the dorms so I look over at Casey who's eyes are now trained on me. I blush and look down. I really want to kiss him, but somehow I feel intimidated by him, I'd never felt like that with any of the guys I dated so it was weird.

"I don't suppose I could impose upon you for a kiss before you go," he asks and I feel my lips pull up into a smile. Feeling shy, but wanting that kiss even more, I take off my seat belt and scoot over closer to him. As I lean forward, two big hands gently take hold of my face and I feel his lips gently press against mine. Just like before it starts soft, his lips brushing against mine like they're carefully exploring, then the kiss goes deeper and as I part my lips his tongue seeks mine out and my whole body tingles as a sweet warmth flows through my body. We kiss for a good five minutes before we break apart and Casey tells me he has to leave before he's late for the dinner he's hosting. I say good bye and feel like I'm floating on air as I walk across the green to my dorm.

When I get upstairs Payton is typing away on his laptop. "Hey," he says, "how was your afternoon?"

"Perfect. It was...really perfect," I reply flopping down on my bed.


"Wait, tell me again why the club's closed to all subs tomorrow night?" I ask Lane. Me, Payton, Lane, Ashton, Tai and Chris who was just back from his trip are sitting enjoying a late lunch at one of our favorite Italian restaurants, the Pasta Bowl.

"Well, not all exactly, I get to go...and the wait staff, who are mostly subs, but as soon as dinner's served, eaten and cleaned up they all have to skedaddle so Daddy can run his meeting because it's just for Doms," Lane replies.

"Or, Doms and Lane," Payton chuckles.

"Doms, the King and his Queen," Tai adds, "no peasants, not even the court jesters," he adds looking right at Chris.

"Uh huh," Lane agrees with a smirk before he turns to Payton who he's strategically sitting next to. "Are you going to finish that?" he asks the red head quietly since Payton hadn't had a bite of his chicken and penne in several minutes. When Payton shakes his head, Lane moves the half eaten plate of pasta closer to him and takes a big mouthful. "Daddy and I make all the decisions together now, so I have to be there," he says, emphasis on the word have. He manages to say it fairly clearly considering he's chewing and swallowing as he speaks. "This is really good Pay, I'm gonna get this one next time."

Payton nods, "It's my favourite, the sauce is made with Vodka, not that you can really taste it, but it must add something because it's better than regular sauce.

Ashton glances over at the two before he continues quietly eating his baked ziti covered in Parmesan cheese.

"But why?" I persist since my question was never answered. It doesn't seem fair and if Casey's going to be there I want to see him. New Year's is still 4 days away and we're not having dinner together until the day after tomorrow, but I'm getting antsy and I want to see him...I want to see him at the club...and maybe we can do a scene or...

"Daddy does this Dom Night at the end of every year just for the Doms. I guess it's his way to thank them for their membership with a big fancy dinner and then they can talk about stuff that they want to see at the club over the next year, suggest any changes, bitch about anything they don't like...basically shoot the shit, eat expensive food and drink all they want since there's no play. They can let loose together and not have to worry about what the subs see or hear, and he has cars hired to take them all home at the end of the night."

"Huh," Tai pouts. "That kind of sucks for us, when do we get a sub's night Lane?"

"I don't know...but...that's an awesome fucking idea though," he ponders looking excited, "I'll talk to Matthias about it."

"Yeah! And the Doms can serve us dinner, and give us shoulder and feet massages and...and...blowjobs!" Payton shouts excitedly, then blushes as he realizes other patrons at the restaurant are looking over. Lane chuckles and takes another bite of Payton's pasta.

"Wait!" Chris says loudly, his eyes darting to each of the guys. He's got a big devious grin on his face as he sits back like the proverbial cat who ate the canary.

"What!" Tai asks impatiently when Chris doesn't continue fast enough.

"Party at my loft tomorrow night! The Doms can do their thing, we'll do our own. I'll call some of the other guys from the club, well, the ones we like anyway, and while they have their pompous little dinner thing, we party it up Hollywood undead style!"

"Chris? What the hell is that?" Payton asks.

Ashton looks up, his brow furrowing at his best friend. "Chris, dude that' Just no," he says shaking his head.

"You better not or your Doms will be pissed. No random sex, no tattoos without permission, you probably shouldn't even..." Lane begins.

"Y'all are so fucking boring," Chris grumbles loudly, "none of us have contracts signed with any Doms anyway."

"Yet," Tai points out, looking at Tommy.

"Okay, we'll just have a regular party. I'm in charge of the booze. Tai, Tommy and," he looks around spotting Payton who's looking at him like the kid constantly picked last for kickball, "and Payton, you guys are in charge of the food."

"What about Ashton?" Tai asks.

"He's in charge of actually getting his ass there," Chris scoffs, earning another dirty look.

"Why am I friends with you again?" Ashton retorts.

"Because you fucking love me and if it weren't for me you never would have left your house in High School," Chris chuckles, looking quite pleased with himself. "And you better fucking come," he warns.

"Will you come after the dinner thing?" Payton asks Lane.

"I'll try, but I can't promise anything. But just be careful guys, if something happens and Daddy knows I knew about the party, my ass is on the line too. I'm supposed to keep you guys in line," Lane says before pointing his fork at Chris in a warning.

"It's just going to be a party like any party I've ever had," Chris begins.

"That's what I'm afraid of," Lane murmurs, suddenly feeling an unwelcome weight of responsibility being the oldest and the Head sub.

"Don't worry," Chris concedes, "everyone knows that if they drink too much they can crash at my place. I've got plenty of couches, the futon, the floor, my bed if you're hot. And there will be much imbibing so just bring overnight stuff, it's the last blowout of the year..."

"Ashton, isn't that Master Gideon over at the take out counter?" Tai asks, looking across the busy restaurant. We all look over and a few seconds later Master Gideon looks our way and his eyes lock on Ashton who seems in his own world of food love at the moment.


I was hardly paying attention to the conversation going on at the table about this party Chris is determined to have. The food on my plate is what really had my attention. It was so good, full of flavor and cooked seemingly perfect. God, I want more. I take a sip of my Dr. Pepper before glancing around the table to see everyone chatting excitedly though Lane looks more worried than excited. That's a change! Looking back down at my plate I frown when I notice just how little I have left. Maybe I can order some more before we leave. Everyone suddenly falls silent making me look up confused.

"What's wrong?" I mutter and Payton looks at me with wide eyes before looking over my shoulder.

"Ashton, isn't that Master Gideon over at the take out counter?" Tai asks curiously.

My brows furrow and I turn back to look before blinking in surprise. Everything seems to slow down as I watch him and I notice that I'm not the only one watching him. My eyes trail up and down his body that's hidden under black slacks, a cream knitted sweater and a gray scarf wrapped around his neck. He looks over, completely catching me staring at him and I see a smile tug at his lips. I nod and quickly turn back in my seat and continue eating the little food I have left.

"Stop staring at him," I grumble when I notice the guys are still watching him.

"Aren't you going to say hi to him?" Lane asks with a knowing smirk and I look at him blankly.

"No," I mumble and hear Payton let out a low squeak.

"He's coming over!" He whispers, making me sigh silently.

"Ashton, this is a surprise." His deep smooth voice drifts into my ears as I smell his cologne when he stops right next to the table.

"Gideon, hey," I greet while looking up at him.

"Hello," he smiles showing his perfect white teeth before he looks across the table. "Lane, how are you doing?"

"I'm good Master Gideon, how was your Christmas?" Lane asks politely as they shake hands.

"Interesting," he replies while looking at me again. "I don't want to pull you away from your friends but would you like to take a walk with me?"

"Pull him all you want Master Gideon," Lane says before I can reject the offer and I raise a brow at him. "Go walk off all those calories you just ate."

"You shouldn't be talking," I scoff since he ate his food and most of Payton's.

"Yeah but he has Master Matthias to keep him fit," Tai comments making Lane smirk.

"Aren't you hungry? I'm assuming you came in here to eat," I say while looking up at Gideon who is watching us amused.

"I'm Tommy!" Tommy blurts out randomly making us all turn to him and he waves at Gideon with a smile.

"Hello Tommy, it's nice to meet you," Gideon chuckles and Tommy does the honors of introducing Tai, Chris and Payton to Gideon. "It's nice to meet the young men I usually see Ashton with at the club. And to answer your question Ashton, yes I am hungry. I'm waiting for my order but I like eating in the park," he states making me look at him oddly because it's cold as fuck outside.

"You're already finished eating, just go Ash," Lane encourages and I look at Gideon who just smiles.

"I guess a walk would help settle my food," I nod before standing up and pulling out my wallet.

"Don't worry, I got it," Gideon says before throwing some cash down. "That should cover the whole thing, it was nice meeting you all. Excuse me," he states before walking towards the take out counter while the boys all call out thank you to him.

"He's hot!" Chris whispers as Tai nods quickly.

"So that's Master Gideon up close, you guys are cute together!" Tommy coos making me grimace mentally, I wouldn't use the word cute to describe anything about Master Gideon.

"You shouldn't keep a Dom waiting Ashton," Lane warns and I look over to see Gideon watching me, food in hand.

"I'll see you guys later," I sigh and they nod with a smirks.

"Ashton wait!" Payton calls out and I stop halfway to Gideon before turning around to see him rushing over. "Um, be careful okay? Text me when you get to your dorm," he whispers and I give him a small smile.

"I will Pay," I agree and he smiles before walking back to the table and I head over to Gideon.

"Ready to go?" He asks and I nod while sticking my hands in my pockets.

"Yup," I say as he just continues staring at me.

"Great, let's go," he smiles and leads me towards the door with his hand on the small of my back.

Just before we leave the restaurant, I look back and see all the guys watching us and Payton gives me a thumbs up making me chuckle softly. The cold air has me pulling my beanie out of my jacket pocket and I pull it onto my head low so my ears are covered. I risk a glance over at Gideon who looks lost in thought. That's fine with me, I like the silence between us now. He suddenly hums to himself as I stare straight ahead making sure not to bump into anyone on the busy sidewalk. His hand wraps around mine, lacing our fingers together Gideon steps off the curb and tugs me across the street and I look around thankful to see no cars coming our way.

"My truck is parked on the other side of the park," he states once we reach the other side of the street and walk into the park.

"Okay?" I say confused and he looks down at me while chuckling.

"I'm not going to make you sit in the cold and watch me eat. We can sit in my truck," he explains making me nod slowly.

"Okay," I shrug as he continues leading me through the park.

We get to the large Chevy pickup truck after walking in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. Gideon doesn't hesitate to turn on the truck and blast the heat. I pull off my beanie and pull off my jacket before I start sweating. The radio is low as I watch Gideon take the food out of the bag. It looks awkward, I've never liked eating in the car. it's uncomfortable and awkward. Eating shouldn't be uncomfortable and awkward, it shouldn't be in a car. I bite the inside of my cheek as I watch him silently before sighing.

"You look uncomfortable, I don't mind going to the park," I say making him look over at me with a raised brow.

"I don't want you in the cold more than necessary, you could get sick," he replies and I resist the urge to roll my eyes knowing how disrespectful it is.

"I don't get sick easily," I counter as he sighs.

"I have an idea," he says and I raise a brow urging him to go on without saying anything. "Why don't you come to my place?" he asks casually as if it was an everyday thing to ask someone you barely know to go to your house.

"I'm not having sex with you," I say bluntly and his eyes widen before he smirks at me.

"I wasn't asking you to have sex with me yet. I'm not trying to get you to my house so we could have sex. But as you said, eating in here is uncomfortable and I wouldn't mind eating in front of the fireplace at home," he chuckles as I press my lips together.

It's been a while since I sat in front of a fireplace, I miss it. I miss the smell of the firewood and the sound of the cackling flames. Plus, I wouldn't mind seeing where Master Gideon lives and knowing that he won't try anything, I nod. He smiles and packs his food back into the bag before asking me to hold it. I take the bag and put on my seat belt as he reverses out the parking spot. Gideon tells me he doesn't live in the city so it'll take about 45 minutes to get to his house depending on the traffic. I can't believe he drove out almost an hour just to get food. Well, I could because I'd do the same but still. At least we both obviously know what's good in the city if we end up at the same restaurant.

"Here we are," he states softly awhile later and I look forward before practically swallowing my tongue as two large gates slide open revealing a long drive way that leads to a huge house in the distance.

"Nice," I say casually as he slows to a stop in front of that large house.

Why would one man need all this damn room? I swear this is the biggest house I've ever seen and that's saying something because my grandparents' house was like a mansion to me. We climb out of the truck and Gideon leads me up the steps towards the large double doors. I look to the side at the porch swing on what seems like a wrap around porch. I take a deep breath and feel excitement bubble in my stomach at the distant smell. Gideon unlocks the door and motions me in first before telling me to take off my shoes as he steps in behind me. Kicking off my boots, I follow him further into the house after he takes the food bag from me. My eyes drift around as we walk.

"Do you want some Ashton? I don't mind sharing," he says once we enter the large and overly modern kitchen, "I got a double order."

"No thank you," I decline knowing I hate when people accept my offer for food.

"Are you sure? Do you at least want something to drink?" he asks when I decline the food again.

"Um, water would be good," I agree making him smile.

"Great, you can just go to the living room. It's through that door, I'll get the fireplace started in a few," he states before walking over to the fridge.

"I can start the fireplace if you want," I offer and he looks at me with a raised brow.

"Sure, that'd be great. Firewood is next to the fireplace, there's some kindling and newspapers in the basket," He agrees so I nod before walking through the swinging door he pointed to before.

My eyes slowly scan the huge living room before I spot the large fireplace. I walk over and crumple up some of the old newspapers and place them in the fireplace with a few pieces of kindling on top. Then I take a few smaller logs and place them on top in a teepee shape just like my grandfather taught me. I grab the matches that are on the mantle before lighting one and then holding it against the paper. A small flame appears and slowly spreads through the paper, lights the kindling and then slowly the logs catch as well. Once the fire seems to be going I grab a stick before moving the logs then tossing two more onto the fire. The smell of burning wood drifts into my nose making me close my eyes and take a deep welcomed breath. I love the smell of burning wood. Standing in front of the warm fire I watch silently as the flames dance. I don't hear Gideon walking into the room, so when he places a hand on my shoulder I flinch making him move his hand quickly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he says softly as I look back at him.

"It's okay. I was just lost in thought and didn't hear you coming up behind me," I shrug and take the glass of water with a thank you.

"Have a seat Ashton," Gideon suggests while pointing at the love seat, "that's a beautiful fire you built."

Instead of sitting on the couch, I plant myself on the floor next to the fireplace making him shake his head with a chuckle. As Gideon eats, I rest my head against the side of the brick fireplace and watch him. My eyes follow the movement of his strong jaw as he chews what seems like alfredo something. The smells makes my stomach growl even though I just ate. His head snaps up and his eyes lock onto mine as if he could hear it. Without a word he stands up before disappearing back into the kitchen. A frown tugs at my lips when he returns with two bowls instead of one. He walks over and holds one out to me and when I go to decline, his eyes narrow in warning and his stance changes. It makes him look larger, scarier so I just grab the bowl with a thank you. He smiles and heads back to the couch as I look down at the bowl of peppered shrimp alfredo, one of my favorites. Fuck, this is great!

"So, how is your winter breaking going?" he asks curiously and I shrug while taking a big bite of the food.

"It's going," I mumble after swallowing the food in my mouth.

"Talking to you is like prying teeth you know," he laughs making me look over at him.

"My ma told me that before, so has my pa," I sigh while looking down.

"Hey, it's not necessarily a bad thing. At least you don't ramble on and on to the point it just want to stab myself in the ears," he states with a smirk making me chuckle.

"I'm surprised that you're not working. Usually doctors are crazy busy after holidays," I comment as he nods along.

"I took the day off, I needed a break, someone else is covering," he says while standing up and I do the same before following him into the kitchen.

"Is that..." I trail off before putting the empty bowl down and walking towards the door leading to the yard. "It is," I whisper to myself while looking out the large window.

"What's up?" he asks while standing next to me.

"Horses," I whisper while watching someone ride a horse in the distance.

"You like horses? That over there is Ace and I'm pretty sure the rider is Maggie. They're my neighbors and that reminds me that I have to go pick up Bowser. I don't like leaving him home alone so they watch him while I go out. Do you want to come or stay here? It'll only take a few minutes," he asks, but I shake my head.

"I'll go," I agree so we head to the front of the house before putting our boots and coats back on.

Gideon tells me that he owns a few acres of the land around his house and that his neighbors are really nice, nice enough to let him ride their horses and to watch his dog while he works. Thankfully the snow has been shovelled in the front of the houses so we get there with no problem though it does take a while. Gideon suddenly lets out a loud whistle making me wince but quickly I hear barks. I look up just in time for the front door of the house we're walking towards to open and a fat ball of fur bounds towards us. A smile tugs at my lips as I watch the drool flying and the fat flopping around. Gideon crouches down and his dog doesn't hesitate to tackle him to the ground. I raise a brow as Gideon just laughs happily as Bowser licks his chin.

"Hey boy," I greet while crouching as he turns to me and jogs over. "You're a handsome one, yes you are," I chuckle while scratching his chest making his leg start kicking.

"Oh you found his spot with no problem! He'll love you forever now," Gideon laughs while standing up.

"He's beautiful, his coat it so clean and his teeth are perfect," I mumble while letting his slobbery lip fall back over his sharp white teeth.

"I see you're channeling your inner vet," he smirks as I stand up.

"Sorry," I shrug even though I'm not really sorry.

"It's fine, let's head back to the house. I don't want his feet getting too cold. Thanks Jim!" he calls out and I look back to see a man standing on the porch who waves before disappearing into the house.

When we get back to the house, I spend most of my time with Bowser. He's so entertaining to watch as he basically runs around the first floor. Gideon and I chat about small things, like how he's from LA originally and moved here when he got the job at the hospital. He does take me on a tour of his house when things start to get awkward. He has a lot of room and he even admits to having too much room and nothing to do with most of it. He just wanted a house away from the city to maybe start a family. A frown tugs at my lips at that, he wants a family. It shouldn't be surprising, he's already 31. He has a great job, an amazing house. All he needs now is the husband and kids. If so, then why the hell is he talking to me? I'm no way near ready for all that, I'm not even out of college yet. Maybe he just wants sex, that I can do.

"This is my playroom that you won't see because it's private and you're not my submissive yet so we'll keep this out of the way for now," he says while we pass a door on the way back downstairs and I nod because I have no problem with that.

"Wouldn't it be easier to live in the city since you're working all the time?" I ask once we get back to the living room.

"Well, I have an apartment in the city for the nights I'm too tired to drive back or if I'm working a double shift. I'm usually only here on holidays or on my days off. Bowser loves coming here too because he loves the open space to run around and he loves the horses," he replies making me nod.

"Can I toss another log in?" I ask since the fire is going down.

"Sure," he nods so I get up before walking over.

I grab another log and toss it into the fire making the flames rise and crackle before calming down. My eyes stay on the dancing flames for a few seconds before I turn to go back to my seat. I crash straight into Gideon's strong warm chest and his arms wrap around my waist quickly to keep me from stumbling back into the fireplace. My breathing hitches as his warm breath fans my face and the smell of his cologne drifts up my nose. The close proximity has my head spinning and his hazel eyes keep me frozen in place. I watch silently as his eyes dilate and I'd be lying if I said it didn't make my pants get tighter. He smirks, obviously feeling my swelling shaft against his hip and his eyes snap down to my lips. I look at his, his bottom lip trapped between his pearly white teeth. I didn't let him kiss me before, I didn't want to but now, boy do I want him to kiss me now.

As if reading my thoughts, his hand tangles into my hair at the back of my head and his lips smash down onto mine. I gasp on reflex and his tongue dives into my mouth without hesitation. Snapping out of my shock I kiss him back just as heatedly as he's kissing me. My hands fist his shirt as our tongues dance around quickly. It doesn't take long for my back to get pinned to the wall as Gideon dominates my mouth with his skillful tongue. A whimper escapes me when I feel his erection right over my crotch. Fuck, he feels huge. He grinds his large covered cock into mine and I feel my eyes roll back at the friction he's causing. I pull back, letting my head drop against the wall as his lips attach themselves to my neck.

Okay, maybe I spoke too soon on this whole 'I'm not having sex with you' thing because right now, I would. Gideon rakes his teeth down my neck with just enough pressure that has me thrusting my hips forward to get some more of that delicious friction. I grab the back of his head and hold him to my neck as we grind against each other. He lets out a low groan that has me holding back from just stripping naked and offering myself to him. Gideon pulls back slowly before his lips capture mine again. It's different this time. The kiss is slow as he cups my face and licks my bottom lip asking for entrance. My lips part without hesitation and our tongues meet once again. My hand drops from his head to his back as I hold him close while he keeps me pinned to the wall.

"Does this mean I can have your number?" he mumbles against my lips and my eyes snap open when he pulls back to see him already watching me.

"Um, sure," I agree before closing my eyes as his lips meet mine again.

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