Chapter 15 All Eyes On Us

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Chapter 15 All Eyes On Us


"So Ash," Chris says as he hands me a case of beer to put in one of the huge coolers we just filled with ice, "did Master Gideon fuck you good last night?"

I don't even have to look up to know he's smirking at me. A sigh escapes me at his question. I should have known he'd ask questions and probe. He'll be disappointed when I tell him nothing really happened, which is true. We made out, that was it. After he pinned me to the wall and kissed me like I've never been kissed before, he got my number down and we just hung out before he brought me back to my dorm. As if it never happened. I know it did even though... for a few minutes after I seriously thought I imagined it. But with a quick touch to my lips, feeling them swollen and tingling I knew it was true.

"We didn't fuck," I reply while putting the last bottle in the cooler.

"Dude, why the fuck not! What do you need, an engraved invitation? Should I hire an airplane to fly a banner, 'ASHTON - MASTER GIDEON WANTS YOU - GO THE FUCK FOR IT!'. What are you waiting for?"

"Because I didn't want to," I huff while looking over at him as he throws his hands in the air with a frustrated sigh.

"Why the hell not? He's sexy as fuck, a Dom, a rich doctor and he wants YOU! Why wouldn't you want to fuck him?! You need to get over the past and move on!" He asserts while grabbing my shoulders and giving me a few shakes.

I push his arms off me and step back with a glare, "Don't."

" know what I meant," he whispers with a guilty expression. "Just..."

"Please Chris, I have moved on," I grumble and he raises a brow. "Moving on doesn't entail fucking everyone that shows interest. I'm over that and I don't need you bringing it up as a way to get information out of me."

"Wait, Ashton I'm sorry!" he calls out as I walk away while sticking my hands in my pockets.

"Hey, you okay?" Tai asks while walking towards the kitchen, his arms full of bags.

"I need some air," I mumble and slip passed him before leaving the apartment. Tommy's walking down the sidewalk toward me with his arms full of bags.

"Hey Ash, Payton's back at my car keeping an eye on it while Tai and I run stuff up. Do you want to go see if maybe you and he can handle the rest and then then lock up the car? There's not too much more, it was just too much for one person."

"Sure," I nod, but take my time walking down the street. I can see Tommy's big white beast of a car about a block away, the closest spot available since this is a pretty trendy block just on the edge of Boystown. At least I know Payton won't pepper me with questions or pry. When I get closer I see him sitting on the steps to an old brownstone in front of the car and he looks deep in thought. I walk up and sit down next to him and take in the view he's staring at.

We sit quietly for a good 5 or 10 minutes and I let my mind go blank. I need to cool off and I don't really want to deal with what Chris had been saying.

"Ash? Can I ask you a question?"

"Mhm," I say with a nod even though he's still looking across the street.

"Do you think it's okay, to um..." Payton begins before struggling to find the right words. I wait patiently to find out what's been on his mind. "Is it wrong of me to want to maybe, go further, maybe even all the way with someone I'm probably never going to see again? Is that slutty?"

"I wouldn't say slutty. It depends I guess, on the person and the reason," I reply with a raised brow because I'm 99.99 percent sure I know where this is going.

"I just think that, if Master Remy...I mean, he probably won't ask me to be with him, but Lane told me he'll be at the New Year's party at the Red Door, and I was thinking, if there was someone I wanted to lose my virginity to, it'd be someone like him...and the fact that he's leaving is kind of a bonus because if I'm really bad at it, it's not like I have to face him again after he leaves." He lets out a humorless chuckle. "That's pretty stupid, I know."

I knew it.

"This is your first time Pay, don't do it just to get it out of the way and there is nothing to be embarrassed about being a virgin. I do think Master Remington would make your first time special in some way or another so I say, if that's something you want, go for it. But are you sure you'll be okay with him taking your virginity and just leaving? You say yes but once it happens, things could change. Just be careful and think it through," I mumble and run my hand through my hair with a sigh as he nods.

"Can I ask you something else Ash?"

"Sure," I shrug, sitting back, leaning on my elbows on the step behind us.

"I don't want to sound like I'm prying or don't have to answer, I'm know, trying to figure stuff out for myself and..."

"Just spit it out Pay."

He takes a deep breath before he starts, still looking straight across the street as if the building there was the most interesting thing he'd seen all week. "When that sub...what's his know...Eddie, kept hanging around the table drooling over you...when I asked what was up with him, you told me that sex with him in the locker room that one time and you wished he'd just get over it...but it was only because you were horny and he was offering so it was like a mutual one-time thing. So...what's the difference...I mean, at breakfast this morning when Tommy asked you if you and Master said no. But you seem to really like Master Gideon. Wouldn't you rather have sex with him than that annoying kid at the club? It seems like Master Gideon really likes you."

I let out a sigh and Payton looks down.

"I'm sorry Ash, just forget I asked. It's none of my business. It's the club, everyone mostly wants to have sex for sex, that is kind of one of the points of the club, and...I mean, I want to have sex too, I'm horny like, all the time...but if I just have sex with anyone will I feel weird after? Or guilty? Should I wait and find someone I have feelings for that also has feelings for me? That could be forever! And...can I even do it with someone I barely know. Maybe I'm just a poser. I'm just really confused, sometimes I look around the club and want to have sex with everyone and sometimes I feel like I want to have someone special, I just seem to change my mind all the time."

I look over at Payton. I know he wants some kind of answer that will help him make sense of all his feelings, but I don't have it for him. He's going to have to work this one out on his own.


"Tommy, help me set up the beer pong table," Chris calls out when I walk in.

"Beer Pong?" I laugh, "What is this a frat party? Let me just dump this stuff in the kitchen first."

Tai, Payton and I got a ton of food. We figured that Chris would overstock the bar, so we should have plenty to eat to balance it out and maybe people wouldn't get too drunk. Yeah, who am I kidding, this is a Chris party. Some other guys from the club start filtering in here and there while I help Chris finish setting up his infamous beer pong table and a few other folding tables for whatever other antics Chris had planned.

"Have you seen Pay yet?" I ask Tai as I walk back into the kitchen to see if he needs any help but he has all of the food spread out on the counter. We ordered one of those 6 foot subs (no pun intended) which was then sliced into single servings. We got a huge pasta salad, potato salad, macaroni and cheese and then of course the classic party foods like chips and dip, pretzels. Tai insisted we show a little class and was making up a cheese and fruit tray as well.

"Nah, he and Ashton are probably just talking. Ash looked a little miffed earlier when he went outside. Don't worry, if anyone can calm him back down it's Payton. The only thing left in the car were the four cases of water and some pop, so there's no rush."

The loft starts to get louder as more and more people show up. Some from the club, but a lot of Chris' other friends as well. I grab a plate full of food and a beer figuring I'd better eat some dinner before the food gets ravaged. Tai makes a plate and joins me on one of the stools around the kitchen island. Chris is walking around making sure everyone has a drink and introducing people.

"Here come Payton and Ashton," Tai says looking towards the door. I turn around and the two are walking in with the water and pop.

"Ugh, you left us the heavy stuff," Payton complains as he huffs 2 cases of water which have two 12 packs of pop on them as well onto the table. "I think my arms are numb." Ashton puts his stack down too with much less effort and no complaints, but that's Ash.

"Thanks guys," Chris calls out coming towards us, he's got a few friends we don't know with him and they grab the Coke, Sprite and Mountain Dew and start breaking up the cases into one of the coolers with ice. He introduces us to Pat and Rick, two guys he works with and they start mixing up some drinks. "Here Pay, Rum and Coke for your efforts. What can I get you Ash?"

"I'll just grab a beer or something."

"Damn Chris, this is strong, have a little Coke with your Rum?" Payton says as he takes a sip from his red Solo cup. Payton's not too much of a fan of beer, but does have an affinity for Rum. He likes to say that it's the sailor in him. It usually doesn't take much more than one or two drinks to affect him, but I bite back my concern. He wouldn't want me treating him like he can't take care of himself. He usually only has one or two drinks before he switches to soda anyway.

"I think we actually have more booze than mixer, gotta ration the Coke," Chris replies with a wink.

"Here Payton," I say handing him a paper plate, "get some dinner before the food's all gone." We'd been running around so much today that we hadn't had any lunch except a couple of granola bars from the room.

"Thanks Tommo," he says and puts a sandwich and a generous amount of mac and cheese on his plate. Homemade mac and cheese is one of his favorites and when he saw it on the catering menu at the place we went to he made sure we ordered a big tray of it.

While I'm eating I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and pull it out. There's a text from Casey! We'd spoken on the phone earlier today and I told him about Chris' party. He was going to the thing at the Red Door, but we were going to try to get together for lunch or something maybe tomorrow.

Casey: What are you wearing?

"Seriously!" I laugh out loud, then type it.

Tommy: Seriously, that's your best line?

Casey: :D You always look so good, I want to know what I'm missing, lol.

Tommy: If we'd been allowed to come to the club tonight, you'd see for yourself. Since we're banned, you'll just have to use your imagination. But I do look really hot!

Casey: Oh! That's how you're going to play it? Wasn't my decision, if it were up to me, you'd be here right now tied up and panting in my playroom.

Wow! I feel my face turn Payton-red, my mouth goes dry and there's a familiar tightening in my lower region. I kind of can't believe he said that...I like the idea, but up until now Casey hasn't been that direct. I wonder what it means. Well, it's not like I don't know where things are heading, that's what we're going to talk about tomorrow when we get together, but still. Now I really wish I was at the Red Door right now.

"Hey Tommy," I hear a voice I don't recognize over my shoulder and turn around. Glen. I knew Chris had invited a bunch of the other Subs from the club, but he didn't mention...

"I came with Scotty," he says as if answering my question. "I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable at all, so I figured I'd come over and say hi and ask if it was okay if I stay."

"Why wouldn't it be?" I can think of a lot of reasons, but I'm not about to be rude since he's never done anything to me, it's just my own insecurities making me feel like throwing him out the 2nd story window of Chris' loft. I put my phone back in my pocket for the time being and give the other sub my full attention. Curious to know where he's going with this.

" know...because I was...used to be with Master Casey."

"It kind of sounds like you're more uncomfortable about it than me." I feel my face heat up as the words spill out without any sort of filter.

"No! I'm not...I just know..."

"What do you know?" I ask, trying to keep the bitter tone out of my voice. I see Tai look over at me and Payton has stopped eating holding a forkful of mac-n-cheese unmoving halfway to his mouth. I can see his eyes darting between me and Glen wondering if he should do anything to help.

"I...I know that Master Casey really likes you. When he came to see me...after I got hurt, he explained what happened that night, how he didn't know you were a Sub and when he saw you his brain kind of turned off..."

"I didn't know he was a Dom either," I quickly add, "if I had known he was with you...that he was your Master..." Now I felt bad because really, if anything, Glen was an innocent in the whole debacle. "Really...I only knew him through the gym...and there wasn't anything going on between us."

"I know. I wasn't Master Casey's sub for three months without knowing what kind of man he is," he said with a chuckle.

Ouch. I know he didn't mean it, but that really hurt me in the pit of my stomach. Thinking about them...doing the things that Doms and Subs do...doing what Casey and I did Christmas night.

"But...our contract was over. It was a mutual agreement not to renew it. I really like Master Casey, but, there wasn't that...umm...I guess you could say 'chemistry' between us. We both figured that out. We had mutual respect and of course I liked..."

I looked away and felt Payton move closer, having finally put his fork down.

"Sorry...shit. I'm not really good at this."

"I can tell," Payton chimes up.

"It's okay Pay," I say quietly.

" point is that you don't have to worry about me. I'm no...competition. Master Casey is a great guy, all I want for him is to be happy and when he came to see me a few times to make sure I was okay, when we got to talking about you. I could tell that you were...are, someone special to him. He's moved on from me, I've moved on from him. We're all going to see each other at the club and I don't want there to be anything weird."

"No, there won't be," I tell Glen. "And...I want you to stay for the party tonight, it's going to be a lot of fun. I'd...I'd like to get to know you."

"Cool! Besides, I can tell you all I know about Master Casey, give you kind of a leg up on him!"

I smiled. Now that would be good! "Come on, let me get you something to drink, and if you haven't eaten, we have a ton of food." Payton finished his dinner and wandered out into the main room so I sit down with Glen and we start talking about all sorts of things. He's really a nice guy, which makes sense. If he was an ass, Casey never would have had a contract with him. He tells me all about the Dom he started seeing and just signed a contract with.

It turns out he's been in the scene for 4 years and has had contracts with 6 different Doms. So I start pelting him with all sorts of questions and he's a good sport about answering my questions since sometimes I lose my filter and ask more than I should. The loft has filled up and the party is in full swing. I realize while we've been talking I've had 3 beers and I'm now on my 4th. Whoops! Good thing Payton and I are staying overnight! All of a sudden I hear cheering and I get up to see what's going on.

"Laaaaaneeeee!" I hear Payton cheer and most of the Subs in the room are on their feet yelling and screaming to greet our friend.

Lane looks over at me and raises his brow so I hold up my beer in salute! He makes his way over after Payton gives him a hug and a slobbery kiss and Tai jumps on his back. I look across the room and see Chris and a bunch of other guys are sitting in their boxers playing beer pong. When Lane, with his Tai cape, gets closer I yell over the music which has gotten louder.

"Why are they all in their boxers?"

"So they don't spill beer on their clothes," Tai says with a 'd'uh' tone. "It was Payton's idea. I think he just wanted to see the blond guy undressed."


"Yeah, where have you been? Payton's been hilarious!" Tai begins to laugh and then falls off Lane's back like a sack of potatoes but he pops right up and yells, "I'm good!" and goes running back over to Payton.

"How much have they had to drink?" Lane asks.

"I don't know, I've been in the kitchen talking to Glen."

"Tequila Shots!" Someone yells and a few minutes later I hear a bunch of guys chanting, "Pay-ton, Pay-ton."

"This can't be good," I say, but giggle at the end. Okay. Maybe I've had a few too many beers myself. I look over and Payton is sucking on a lemon. "Tequila? Really Pay?"

He looks over and holds up his empty shot glass like a trophy.

"You guys are staying over right?" Lane asks. I look at him with a smile and nod. "Where are your keys, just to be safe?" Lane holds out his hands, but I shrug my shoulders.

"Paypay has them."

"TOMMY! COME DANCE WITH ME!" Tai yells where he's standing on a large round coffee table. One of my favorite songs is playing so I run over so me and Tai can do the little dance routine we'd been working on.


Now me being who I am, I can party with the best of them but looking around the room at my friends and a bunch of the other Subs from The Red Door, I realized that this party was getting a little out of control. I think about what Matthias would want me to do and well, I'm not one to scold then punish others like he would do. So, I decide to start by collecting car keys. I grab a plastic bowl from the kitchen and start going up to the guys I know and asking for their keys. When I get to Payton and ask him for Tommy's car keys, he smirks at me as if he had the greatest idea ever.

"They're in my front pocket if you want them!" He juts his hip out at me and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Jesus fucking Christ Payton, how much have you had to drink?" I sigh and reach my hand into his pocket, finding nothing.

"Wrong one!" he giggles so I reach into the other, feeling the keys I pull them out and throw them in the bowl.

He winks at me and I simply raise a brow. A chuckle escapes me as I look at him before heading off to collect more keys. Most of the Subs in the room are more than a little tipsy, but pretty much cooperate when I ask for their keys. They all know better than to mess with me and if they did, they know they'd get punished next time they were at the club. I have a harder time with some of Chris' friends. Now usually me, being Lane Wilder, wouldn't let anyone get away with any shit but I really don't want to start a fight. It isn't just me now, anything I do also reflects on Matthias. He wouldn't be too impressed with me getting into a brawl at a party, so I have to curb my natural instincts to punch some of these assholes straight in the face and snatch their keys.

"You need some help?" Ashton asks while leaning against a wall sipping a Sprite while I try to reason with this punk who thinks he's smarter than me. I look over and raise an eyebrow. "I went to high school with him, he knows I can take him with one hand tied behind my back," he adds.

Ashton steps forward and stares the guy down. "You've had at least 5 beers Gator, give him your keys or I'll take them from you."

Ashton never has to raise his voice, he looks at the guy dead in the eyes and the guy lets out a huff and pulls a set of keys from his pocket. Once I'm pretty sure I have all the car keys I take the bowl and hide it in a closet in a back room. When I return Payton has joined Tommy and Tai dancing on the coffee table. All three are now shirtless. I feel a buzzing in my pocket and pull out my phone and see a text from Matthias.

Brown Sugar: I miss you Sugar, you could have stayed you know.

Sugar: Looks like I'm needed here anyway Daddy. Party's a bit out of hand.

Brown Sugar: Everything okay? Do you need any help?

Sugar: Nah, it's okay. Everybody's drunk, but I collected all the car keys. I'll keep an eye on everyone.

I don't get a reply so I join Ashton against the wall after I grab a Coke. He's chuckling quietly to himself and shaking his head at the three dancers who are now down to their skimpy briefs. Who knew Payton would act so...not Payton. Obviously he's a lightweight with alcohol so I make a mental note to watch him at any future parties. We don't need him getting too drunk. My eyes follow the three guys' movements closely and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't turning me on just a bit. Damn, I'm so fucking Daddy when I see him.

"We really should record some of this and show them tomorrow," Ashton says and I laugh, "Payton will be mortified when he sees it."

I pull out my phone and turn on the video camera chuckling to myself. My attention is drawn to shouting at the beer pong table as some guy who I guess has lost...I honestly don't know what rules they're now playing, but he's got a funnel in his mouth and another guy is pouring a beer down. I shake my head because that's just a bad idea. I look back at the table and Tai has launched himself through the air and is luckily caught by 4 guys I don't recognize. Yeah, if he'd fallen to the ground and sprained an ankle or something his dance teachers wouldn't have been pissed, especially with the big performance coming up in mid-January. Ashton and I talk for a bit. He said he had one beer, but it's enough to loosen him up a bit so he's a little bit more talkative than usual, but not close to drunk by any means.

"Ash! You haven't done any shots!" Chris yells coming up to us with two huge shots in his hand. "You neither Lane. Come on! Let loose! We don't have any Doms around, we can do what we want!" Unfortunately he trips on the way and I watch as both shots spill down Ashton's shirt.

"Chris, what the fuck!" Ashton growls while shaking out his shirt which doesn't help at all. The front is completely soaked so he pulls it off, but the smell of cheap tequila still clings to him.

"Sorry dude!" Chris says, grabbing the wet shirt. "I'll go get you one of mine."

Chris makes his way through the crowd until he's out of sight. I look over at Ashton and give him a small smile. I hear more loud voices and then Chris is up on a table yelling about answering to no Masters. I sigh and shake my head, this is getting worse and worse. I knew this was a bad idea and something bad is bound to happen, which is the only reason I'm here to try and stop it. I look across the room and several large guys are picking up Payton, he's lying flat as they hold him up over their heads and he's yelling something. I look to my left and see the front door open. My eyes go wide as I see Daddy, Rowan, Mike, Remy and several other Doms walk in, including Master Casey and Master Gideon. Uh oh!

"I AM THE VIRGIN SACRIFICE! MASTER REMY COME GET ME!" Payton yells at the top of his lungs as the blood drains from my face at Matthias' less than impressed expression.

"Oh shit," Ashton and I mutter together as I see Denny squeezing through the mass of Dom muscle and when he spots me he comes running over.

"I'm not a narc," he says breathlessly, "but I had to call someone." I look at him with confusion. "I got here a little while ago, I wanted to make sure everything was okay, and when I'm walking down the block I can hear the music blaring out the windows and there were some people standing outside. One of them lives across the street I guess and he said he was going to call the cops. I talked him out of it, told him I'd come up and tell Chris to lower the music, so he backed off then I hear a whoop and these!" he says, shouting the last word, "come flying out the window and land on my head!"

Denny pulls a pair of boxers out of his back pocket and I muffle a laugh. The music goes off and people quiet down, the Subs in the room looking panicked as they spot Matthias and his crew while Chris' other friends either look confused or annoyed. I scan the room to find Payton and see him being lowered to the floor. When he sees the Doms and especially Remy he ducks behind some guy and then drops to his hands and knees and crawls behind the couch. I kind of feel bad for him when I see him sitting against it, his knees up and his face in his hands. He'll be even more embarrassed when I show him the video.

"And here I thought we were having a good time at the club. Maybe you should take a few notes on how to throw a party Mattie," Rowan observes, laughing as he looks around.

"Okay, this is how it's going to work everyone," Matthias says, ignoring him. The room has gone dead silent so he barely has to raise his voice, not that anyone would want him to. "The party is over. Anyone who's not staying the night can take off. Mike and Rowan here will act as bouncers, if you've been drinking you're not driving. You can come back tomorrow and get your car keys."

"Chris, who the hell are these guys and who put them in charge?" Some very stupid asshole says, pushing forward. He must be drunk not to realize just a look from Daddy could break him in half.

"We're the ones that just saved you from a visit from the cops. If you had half a brain in your head, you'd leave quietly right now," Mike growls as Matthias is speaking quietly with Master Gideon. People start filing out and Master Gideon is looking over each one carefully, probably making sure no one needs their stomach pumped. Luckily there are no requests for car keys.


I can't believe the Doms are here! I'm sitting on the floor leaning against the back of the couch out of their sight. I put my face in my hands and close my eyes, but everything starts spinning. 'This isn't good this isn't good,' I say to myself. The look on Master Matthias face...and...He's here too. And what was I yelling when they walked in...did he hear?

We were dancing and I don't know, one of Chris' friends was saying something about making a sacrifice to the gods and...I was just shouting the stupidest stuff and then he and these other guys...and they were pretty good looking too, lifted me up on their shoulders and...

Oh my god, oh my god. The room has gone quiet and I can hear Master Matthias giving out directions and some of the people are grabbing their clothes and heading just got really warm in here is why guys started taking off their shirts, with all the dancing and everything...I look down and I'm just in a pair of bright red briefs...I cringe, but then again, they are pretty hot...someone told my ass looked really good in them. I let out an audible laugh then slap my hand over my mouth. I look up and Scottie is grinning down at me.

"Virgin sacrifice," he whispers, "that was priceless!"

"Shut up!" I hiss.

Voices start to pick up; mostly I can hear Doms talking to the Subs since I think most of Chris' non-club friends have left. Things start spinning again and I'm feeling a little off. I also remember...He's here and I'm almost completely naked and...what was I doing again when they walked in. My stomach starts to feel queasy and I look around, the bathroom is to the right of the front door, where most of the Doms are still standing...No Way! I look in the other direction and see the short hallway to Chris' bedroom and remember he has another bathroom in there.

I get back on my hands and knees and start making my way back toward the hallway, luckily there's plenty of stuff to hide behind between furniture, people and all the tables and stuff Chris set up. When I make it to the darkened hallway I breathe in relief since I was kind of holding my breath the whole way. My knees will probably hurt in the morning, but right now I can't feel a thing...except the swaying of the room which is really annoying. I never mind this rocking when I'm on a sailboat. Weird. I crawl through the dark room and get up on my knees to open the bathroom door. Thank god! No one is in it and I'm home free and it's not soon enough because I feel like I'm going to...

"Not so fast little fox!"

"Ahh!" I yell as a large hand grasps my shoulder. I tense, then lose my balance and topple into the bathroom, landing on my side. I slap a hand on my mouth as my stomach turns and clenches, but luckily I'm able to hold back anything that threatens to take flight. A switch is flicked on and I quickly close my eyes at the bright light, which only increases the spinning of the room. I lift myself up on one hand so I'm on my hand and knees with the other covering my eyes. I pant to keep the dizziness at bay and everything keeps spinning and he's right here, right here in the room with me and I think I'm going to die and why did I drink so much and I'm really hot and can't seem to get enough air and...I feel myself falling as everything goes dark...

"Payton! Payton, wake up!" I feel a hand lightly slapping my cheeks and then something cool and wet is wiping down my face...and then the cool wet thing is running over my chest and it feels really nice. I'm lying down on something soft. Come to think of it I'm kind of tired. I sigh and let myself fall back asleep...

"Payton! Wake up now!"

"Stop," I whine as I try to slap away the hand that keeps slapping my cheeks.

"Payton," the voice sounding much firmer, "you need to open your eyes, we need to make sure you're okay."

I blink my eyes and a set of beautiful brown ones are looking down on me. Pretty brown eyes and soft round cheeks in a creamy chocolate tone, like milk chocolate. I bet he tastes like chocolate too. I lick my lips at the thought. Speaking of lips, his are...I want to touch them, they're full and pouty...and his cheeks...chiseled and strong...I want to touch the cheeks and the lips so I reach up. "You're pretty," I say and his brow furrows.

He doesn't look so pretty he looks more annoyed, cold... "You were much prettier a minute ago," I tell him, poking at his pillowy lips. "You should smile; you're going to get nasty wrinkles scowling like that."

"Let me look at him," another voice says and I look behind him and...

"Master Gideon!" I look up at the man Ashton went home with yesterday. "You're really handsome up close! The guys are right, you are totally hot! No wonder Ash likes you! He does like you, ya know. He won't admit it, but I can tell," I say and he lets out a puff of air that kind of sounds like a laugh.

"Payton, can you sit up a bit?" he asks and Master Remy moves so he can get closer. He's got a funny little flashlight and is flashing it in my eyes.

"Well that's kind of annoying," I whine as I sit up. Master Remy scowls again, but Master Gideon just chuckles. I look at him and smile. "You're really nice too. Master Richard is my doctor, but if he's ever not around I'll go to you."

"Well, I'm a pediatrician Payton, so unless you develop the croup or maybe whooping cough, you should probably stick to Dr. Richard."

"Aww, bummer. It's okay, I never get sick anyway."

"Well that's a good thing Payton. You seem okay, I want you to drink some water, eat some food and get a good night's sleep. Take a couple of Tylenol before you go to bed and if you're lucky, you might wake up without too bad of a hangover." He stands up and puts the little flashlight into his pocket. "And Payton, drinking large amounts of alcohol is really dangerous, you're not a big guy, next time pace yourself - no more than one serving, that's one drink," he clarifies, "an hour and drink a bottle of water in between each. I'm not going to give you the underage speech, you're a smart kid, just don't try to keep up with guys twice your size. Okay?"

"Yes, Sir. Honestly, I don't usually drink a lot...I kinda lost track...and we were having so much fun dancing and it was really hot so I was thirsty..."

"Be more careful next time," he says before ruffling my hair before walking out. Seriously, why does everybody do that! My eyes watch as he closes the door. He was really nice, I'll have to remember to tell Ashton how awesome I think he is. I stare at the door and don't dare to turn back. I can feel Master Remy's intense gaze on me.

"Drink this," he says putting a bottle of water in my hand. I finally look up and he still looks pissed off. "Do you often do such stupid things?"

I feel my face turn red and ire starts to build. "Why do you care? We were just having some Doms were doing your own thing and we're doing ours!"

He lets out a deep sigh before his features soften. "I was worried about you. You passed out on me Payton! I care, that's why I'm angry. I walk in and you're 10 feet in the air being carried around by a bunch of drunks...who were they anyway?"

"I don't know," I reply, "just some friends of Chris. I'd never met them before. Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you...and, no, like I told Master Gideon, I don't usually drink so much." I look down at my hands and remember the water so I open it and take several large sips.

"So, ah...when exactly did you walk in?" I ask, peeking up at him through my eyelashes. His face turns into a smile causing my breath to hitch. He really is so beautifully handsome. But the turns into a few chuckles and I realize, that's bad news for me.

"Oh." I flop back down against the pillows and plot the fastest way to end my life since I'm about to die of embarrassment anyway.

"Hey," he says. "What are you doing tomorrow?" He continues before I can answer, "Matthias and Lane are probably getting a little sick of my face, I know I'm getting sick of theirs...and the sounds of them constantly having sex all night long. I'd really like to get to know Chicago a little better, why don't you be my tour guide for the day and help me get a feel for the city. That is, if you're feeling up to it in the morning."

"Oh! I will, I'm going to drink lots of water like Master Gideon said, I'll be up to it!" A big smile takes over my face and there's no hope for hiding my enthusiasm. "Uh, I'm not an expert on Chicago, but I'll ask Ashton the best places to take you."



I let my eyes slowly scan the room that's emptied out quickly. By the looks of it Chris is getting a scolding from Master Matthias as Lane looks on with an amused expression though I can tell he's trying to hide it. I look to the left and see Tommy speaking with Master Casey. I can't see his face but Master Casey stands a bit tense. A sigh escapes me as I lean against the wall. That's when I remember, Chris never got me another shirt. Dumb ass. Master Rowan suddenly starts making his way over and I push off the wall before lowering my eyes in respect.

"Ashton, where is your shirt? And Jesus fucking Christ did you bathe in alcohol? You smell like it," he says making me frown down at my feet.

"No Sir, Chris decided to spill shots on my shirt. He was supposed to get me another one but never got around to it," I reply and he tips my head up before smiling down at me.

"I knew you were a smart one," he chuckles while brushing his thumb over my cheek and I raise a brow. "No wonder Gideon has a thing for you, you are hot."

"Um, thank you...Sir," I mumble and he laughs.

"Yeah, don't mention it. Seriously don't," he states with a straight face so I nod quickly.

"Rowan, get over here," Master Matthias demands so Master Rowan winks at me before heading towards them.

Rubbing my forehead, I sigh and decide it's best to head back to my dorm and I'll be taking Chris' car since he picked me up earlier, meaning I don't have my own. Now I just need to get a shirt from Chris' bedroom. My eyes scan the apartment but I don't see Master Gideon who I know showed up. I knew he was going to be at the club tonight but I don't know how or why all the Doms showed up. I don't really care either, it's an excuse to head out earlier than expected. I make my way across the living room and towards Chris' bedroom to look around for a clean shirt. Just as I go to step in, Master Gideon steps out making me quickly move back as he gazes down at me with a blank expression.

"I never took you for the type to party so hard," he says while stepping up and wrapping his arm around my waist. "You smell like cheap tequila."

"I've been told," I deadpan making him sigh.

"Where is your shirt?" he asks curiously while pulling me into his chest and my eyes close as I soak in the warmth his body is radiating.

"Drenched in the cheap tequila that was spilled on me. I was just going to grab one of Chris' before heading back to my dorm," I mumble against his shoulder as his fingers rub the skin just above the waistband of my jeans.

"Here, take this," he says before pulling back and taking his sweater off.

"Oh no, Sir, I can't." I shake my head when he holds it out.

"I'd rather have you in my sweater than in Chris' shirt," he replies and raises a brow.

"Thank you," I sigh and take it before pulling it over my head.

"Have you been drinking tonight?" he asks suspiciously so I nod.

"I had one beer when I first got here, but switched to soda, that was a few hours ago," I say, noticing his shoulders relax.

"I'll drive you back to the dorm," he states and the tone in his voice tells me it's best to just nod so I do.

Gideon checks in with Master Matthias as I hang back by the front door. Lane comes over and tells me about Master Matthias ripping Chris a new one for not only allowing the party to get so out of control, but encouraging it and encouraging underage drinking. It's obvious to say he'll be punished when we return to the club, but Lane makes it a point to tell me that too. He suddenly stops midsentence before staring at me closely. I guess he can tell by the look on my face that I really don't care so he says his goodnight before wandering off towards Matthias as Gideon appears next to me. He smiles and grabs my hand before leading me out of the apartment. The walk to his truck is done in silence, as is the drive towards the dorm. When he parks in front of my building he looks over at me.

"I'll walk you in," he states and before I can even think of declining he's out of the truck.

He sure is persistent and I don't know if I find it flattering or annoying. At the moment, I'm too tired to really care so I just sigh and follow him out before we walk side by side into the front door. Our footsteps echo down the silent halls and our arms brush against each other as we walk. My eyes drift over to Master Gideon, who, since I have his sweater is left in a tight white shirt. He suddenly looks down at me and I look away quickly but his chuckle tells me he obviously caught my discreet staring. Thankfully the cold weather has my cheeks pink already so he can't see my slight blush.

"This is me," I mumble and unlock my door before pulling the sweater off. "Thanks."

"Keep it," he says when I try to hand it back and I grip it in both hands before looking down at it. "I have to work a double tomorrow but I'm hoping we could meet up for lunch on my break. I could pick you up."

"Sure, that's cool," I agree because it's free food.

"Great! Well, I'll see you tomorrow," he states before leaning down...

His lips press against mine as my eyes flutter closed. The kiss is soft and stays soft. His hand cups my face before he pulls back. I keep my eyes closed as his lips move from my mouth to my forehead. When his hand leaves my face I feel cold and open my eyes, but don't meet his gaze. I don't want him to see the emotions, the vulnerability I know are showing in my eyes. My heart feels heavy and I have to force my shoulders not to slump. Gideon whispers his goodnight and I nod before whispering the same back. I feel his presence fade and only than do I look up to see his back as he walks away. I blink the tears back before closing the door to the dorm and walking over to the bed and sitting down. I look down at the sweater in my hands before swallowing the ball of emotions that surfaced at Gideon's small action that he used to do. Shaking my head, I sigh and strip out of my jeans before pulling the sweater back over my head. I climb under the covers and stare at the ceiling silently until my eyes get too heavy to keep open and I fall asleep.

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