Chapter 17 Tonight's the Night

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(pictured above is Sean)

Chapter 17 Tonight's The Night


"What if he changed his mind Tommy," I sigh and lean against the wall of lockers. "What if he wants to be with some other sub tonight, there are so many out there who are way hotter and more experienced than me."

We've only been here 20 minutes and haven't even gone out to the floor yet, but my nerves are getting to me and I'm about ready to bail. The club is filling up for the big New Year's Eve party and people seem to be coming out of the woodwork. When we walked from the door to the locker room it felt like every member is here tonight, from the regulars to the ones that maybe only come a few times a month; I only recognized about half the people I saw on our way in.

Well, not everyone is here tonight. Ash isn't coming and I'm a little disappointed. I know that Tommy will be with Casey all night, er, Master Casey. I have to make sure I call him that or Sir when we're here since we're not at the gym. I figured if things didn't work out with Master Remy, I could always hang with Ashton because apparently Master Gideon isn't coming either. Tai will be here though, and probably Chris unless Master Matthias told him he couldn't come. I nod to myself because that would probably be one part of Chris' punishment.

"Payton Johns just stop talking like that. You're just as hot as any of the subs here. Go out there and hold your head up high, Master Remington would be lucky to have your company tonight and if he's stupid and doesn't, well then there are plenty of other Doms who would...but...just be careful with any you don't know," he added in a concerned tone. "Actually be careful if you're with Master Remy too."

"I will Tommy, I won't do anything I don't want to do," I reply with a smirk. Tommy lets out a sigh as he watches me closely. "Don't worry boo," I tell him and reach up on my toes, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "You be careful too! Use protection! You're still 19 and we don't want any teen pregnancies!"

"And don't roll your eyes at me young man!" I scold playfully.

"You're such a goof, come on, it's show time! Let's go out."

"Okay Tommy-poo." My best friend lets out another sigh as I flash him a smile.

Call me immature, but I have to admit, I love picking on him. I follow Tommy out through the sub's locker room, which is packed. Especially in front of the mirrors where they're crowded fixing hair or putting on eyeliner and lip gloss. Tommy's wearing both, but all I use is a little chapstick and that's it. I swear I look like a racoon with eyeliner.

"Do you think I should get one of my nipples pierced?" I ask Tommy when he stops to wait for some guys to move out of the way. I don't know why it just popped in my head.

"You're so random," he replies, shaking his head. "Hmm, sure. It would look cool. Like a small gold hoop or something."

"Would you come with me when I do it?"

"Yes, of course."

"Cool. I'll ask Tai where I should go. Is he here yet?"

"I don't know, maybe."

I look through the crowded room to see if he arrived while we were changing, but I don't see him. When I turn back Tommy is several steps ahead so I weave my way through to catch up.

"Hey!" Someone tugs on my arm and I look and its that Eddie kid.

"What?" I try to keep any irritation out of my voice because there's no reason to be annoyed at him.

"Is Ashton coming tonight?"


"Why not?"

"He's busy." And it's none of your business?

"Is he with someone? Is he with that doctor?"

Now I'm justifiably annoyed.

"He didn't say who his date was with," I reply, giving him a close mouthed smile and lifting my eyebrows.

"Oh. He shou.." I stop him right there by putting my hand up to his mouth.

"Ah, ah, ah. Ashton's my friend and I'm not going to talk to you about him behind his back. You want to know something, ask him yourself." I remove my hand and start walking away.


"Zip! Zip it," I say, stopping briefly and putting my hand up before I keep going. Poor Ash. It must be a burden sometimes being the object of everyone's desire. I catch up to Tommy who's waiting by the door.

"Casey's not getting here for another hour, so maybe we can go dance or something. Will you mind if I go with him when he gets here? If you want, maybe you can come sit with us?"

"No I don't mind, and no, I don't want to watch you two making out. Don't worry about me, I'll be social and mingle."


"Yes. Or I'll find Master Remy and jump his bones."

"Yeah, I don't doubt that Pay," Tommy says laughing, "good to see you're not nervous anymore."

"Yeah, it's New Year's Eve, dawning of a new year. I'm making a resolution to be more outgoing and social."

"Good for you PJ." Tommy swung an arm over my shoulders as we walk out into the main room. "Let's go find Tai and then hit the dance floor Pay. I want to try out my new dance shoes."

I shake my head and laugh as Tommy lifts his arms doing the 'jazz hands' as he says 'dance shoes'. Besides his new shoes he's got on a black mesh shirt with short sleeves and a deep v-neck and a pair of black leather shorts that are a bit longer than my black booty shorts. Since I get hot easily and Tai warned me the place would be packed, which mean it's going to be hot, I'm not wearing a shirt, but so I don't feel too exposed Tommy got me this thing that's like leather straps that are criss-crossed on the front and back. Kind of like a harness, but it's like a fashion one, not one that you'd actually use...or I don't think so. Anywhere else I'd feel weird, but here, clothes like these are just the norm.

When we reach the crowded main room, we decide to go see who's at our regular table and then maybe dance. I follow behind Tommy, but as we pass the bar the sound of a deep voice calling my name startles me. I look and see Master Saber sitting there with a drink in front of him. At least, I'm 99% sure it's Master Saber, but it could be Master Baird. I've only seen them a few times since I was in the dungeon and it was only from afar as they headed to the dungeon upon their arrival.

"Tommo," I call out, tapping him on the shoulder. "I'll catch up with you." Tommy, who has spotted Tai, nods and keeps going so I turn back to the bar, taking a few steps closer.

"Come on, grab a stool, I won't bite."

"Hello...Master Saber?"

"Yes, Payton. Once you get to know us, you'll see several differences between my brother and myself. The most notable is that he has a scar above his left eyebrow and he's also an inch taller...and I'm the better looking one."

I chuckle as I sit down beside him. For some reason Master Saber doesn't frighten me. The others, maybe a bit.

"Happy New Year, Sir," I say, just to have some sort of response.

"Same to you Payton. How have you been keeping, since I last saw you?"

"Very well Sir. Umm...and you?"

"Also well." He takes a long sip of whatever cocktail he's drinking while looking straight ahead. I'm not sure if I should make some sort of polite conversation, but I choose to sit quietly for the moment.

After a minute he turns back to me. "Master Lucien, did he frighten you when you were in the dungeon?"

"A bit Sir. I...I thought I was just going down to watch for a bit. Chris is one of my friends...I don't...I...umm..."

"No explanation needed. I apologize for that. It was only my intention for you to observe. He was just testing you though, he wouldn't have made you participate. We take things more to an extreme down in the dungeon, but we still follow the rules. If you'd like to come down again some time, I'll assure your safety. There would be no play until you've sat down with Lucien and discussed our rules, your limits and what you're looking to get out of the scene."

"Um, yeah, maybe."

"You let me know when you're ready. In the meantime, can I buy you something to drink?"

"That won't be necessary," a deep voice says behind me. I quickly turn around.

"Master Remy!" He's standing there looking at me in all his tall, dark and handsome glory and my heart races at the sight.


"Hello Sir, Happy New Year," I say and I desperately try to tame the wide grin on my face, "I mean, Bonne année!".

"Happy New Year to you as well," he chuckles.

"Um..." I look between the two Doms who are obviously sizing each other up. "Master Saber this is Master Remy...Remington, Master Remington, this is Master Saber." They both nod to each other, but otherwise are silent until finally Master Remy looks at me.

"Will you join me?"

"Yes Sir." I look back at Master Saber whose face blankly observes Master Remy. "Sir, umm Master Saber? I, ...if you'll excuse me, I had plans with Master Remington. It was...nice seeing you again."

I stand up, watching Master Saber, hoping for some sort of approval or acceptance and not sure why. He finally looks back at me and smiles. "Good seeing you again too Payton, have a good New Year's Eve."

"You too Sir."

I let Master Remy take my arm and lead me back to the same sofa we sat on the last time in the VIP area. He has his hand wrapped around my upper arm and I feel a heat wash over me at the feeling. I don't know if it's his touch or the kind of possessive way he leads me, but it sparks intriguing feelings in the pit of my stomach.


Tai and I decide to take a break from dancing after we lost track of how many songs had played and go back to the table. Our usual table is packed, since the club is so full tonight, Tai had invited a lot of the other subs to sit with us. It's fine, it's not like we own the table and it would be rude not to.

As we pass the bar I see Master Adam eyeing me. His predatory look kind of creeps me out. I can't believe I actually...I feel myself blanch at the thought of that night. I look around the room and see Payton sitting with Master Remy in the VIP area. They look like they are in a very intimate conversation. I can't help it, but I'm worried about Pay. I know I'm being over protective and it's unnecessary because Payton is way tougher than he looks. I smile though, watching him look up at Master Remy like he hung the moon. Maybe being with Master Remy tonight is just what he needs.

Suddenly I feel hands on my shoulders and I stiffen thinking it's Master Adam.

"Hey, you okay?" A deep voice says and I relax immediately, turning around to smile at Casey.

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else."

His mouth turns into a frown and his eyes furrow. "Was someone bothering you?"

"No!" I quickly reassure him. "It's fine." He doesn't look convinced, but I don't want to make a big deal about it either so I go for the quick subject change.

"You look great!" He's shirtless with a pair of thin, slightly loose black leather pants. They look cooler and since it's hot in here with the crowd, he's probably more comfortable. His hair is down and did I mention he was shirtless? I could probably stare at his bulging chest and arm muscles well into the new year, but I quickly look back up at his face before he catches me staring.

He leans down until his mouth is right next to my ear. "You look sexy, edibly so," he whispers and his breath tickles my neck. I turn my head and when my lips are centimeters from his he leans forward and kisses me. It's a gentle, sweet kiss that makes my toes curl in my new black shoes.

Tai brought me to a shoe store that specialized in dance shoes because it's such a pain to dance in big black boots. They look like something in between a regular black shoe and a jazz shoe, rising only to the ankles with a zipper on the outside that are really just for show. I love them!

When he pulls back from the kiss I look up and Master Adam is standing about 10 feet away staring at us. I feel myself shrink back until Casey steps in front of me blocking the view of him. He reaches a hand down.

"I ordered some food, come share it with me?" I nod and let him take my hand as he leads me off to another area away from the dance floor where it's more quiet and intimate. I don't even look back at Master Adam.

Casey brings me to a table set for two with a candle and a bottle of champagne chilling in an ice bucket. The table is set against the wall with a curved banquette-style bench on the back side and a chair on the other side. Before we even sit a waitress comes over and places a tray with grapes, strawberries, cheeses, crackers - all sorts of goodies on the table and smiles up at both of us.

"Anything else Sir?"

"Can you bring us a couple of glasses of ice water Zara?"

"Right away Sir." She hustles off to get our water as Casey gestures for me to sit on the long banquette seat.

"Wow. This is..." I look around the table and then back up at Casey. "It's really great Casey, thank you."

He sits down next to me instead of on the chair and I can't help but beam at him.

"I thought we should celebrate," he says picking up the bottle of champagne and pouring us each a small glass. Zara drops off tall glasses of ice water and quickly retreats. "Just for a few toasts," he adds handing me a glass. "I want our heads to stay clear tonight."

"I agree, I don't want to drink much again for awhile," I chuckle.

"To us!" We clink our glasses and each take a sip, then Casey leans forward and kisses me. All I can think is, someone please pinch me because this has to be a dream.

We spend the next couple of hours talking and eating; Casey feeding me and doting on me. It feels weird, but nice. I could get used to this.

Around 11:30 there seems to be a build of excitement in the club probably since it's getting close to midnight. "How about we stay until midnight, watch the ball drop on TV, have a New Year's toast then go back to my place? I actually lent my playroom to a friend who's visiting from out of town...and I wouldn't mind the opportunity to wake up with you in the morning in my own bed?"

"Yes, I'd like that. I'll just leave my car keys for Payton in our locker before we go."

"Oh! I almost forgot. I have something for you...I'm not sure what you'll think of it..." he reaches down under that table and pulls up a gift bag.

"You didn't have to get me anything Ca...Sir."

"It's...more for my peace of mind." He hands me the bag and I carefully reach in and move the tissue paper around so I can see what's there.

"It's just to use here at the club..."

I pull out a thick black leather collar. I'm not quite sure what to feel about it and I'm sure he senses my confusion.

"I have a confession Tommy. I have a bit of a possessive streak. I don't like other Dom's touching what's mine or making you feel uncomfortable. I saw the way Adam looked at you tonight and other times, and others as well. If you don't want to, you don't have to, but...I would like you to wear this when you are here."

I look closely at it. The collar is a simple design, maybe 2 inches wide with a buckle at the back with a D ring. I finger the D'ring and look up at him, I've seen subs on leashes and vowed to myself I would never be put on a leash. The collar I can live with, it'll actually look pretty cool, but not a leash. As if reading my mind he picks up my hand and kisses it.

"I would never use that for a leash. It's just part of the collar. We might choose to use it as part of a bondage scene, but that's it. Look at the other side."

I turn it around to what would be the front and smile. Embossed in gold are the initials CAS. Casey's initials. "It just tells them that you're mine. That they can't touch you without my permission." I quickly look up at him, and smile when he continues, "which I would never give them."

"What's your middle name?" I ask running my finger over the initials.

"Aaric. It means Rule with Mercy."

"I like that. It's perfect Casey." I lean over and kiss him. "I love it. Thank you...oh...I'm sorry, I called you Casey...I mean Master Casey, Sir."

"I'm glad you like it. And it's okay. If you don't make a mistake here and there I won't have anything to punish you for and how much fun would that be."

Casey has a mirthful glint in his eyes and we both ended up laughing. I hand him the collar, "Will you put it on me?" I turn around and grab my hair, lifting it off my neck. Casey carefully wraps the leather around my neck and buckles it, making sure it's not tight. When he's finished, he wraps one arm around my chest and the other pulls my head to the side as he buries his face in the skin above the collar, but just under my ear. I moan when I feel his teeth bite gently at the sensitive skin and the hand around my chest slides down my front and under my shirt.

I melt into him as he runs his hand in circles all over my stomach and slowly moves up until he is squeezing my left nipple between his fingers.

"The things I want to do to you Tommy," he breathes into my ear, "when I get you home tonight..." He leaves the sentence hanging with a promise that makes my blood run fast and hot.

"10, 9, 8..." We hear people start to shout and Casey stands up, walks around the table and pulls me up into his arms. "7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!"

Confetti goes flying through the air and people are blowing those annoying paper kazoo things, but it all fades away as Casey whispers, "Happy New Year," and pulls me closer until our bodies are pressed together and he's kissing me like there's no tomorrow. Slow music plays and we begin to dance and we could be in a room of a thousand and I wouldn't know because I am entirely focused on him.

"Let's go," he says when the song ends.

As we walk toward the front I tell him that I need to go get my stuff and change my clothes. "I left my coat with the coat check, meet me there?" he asks. I nod my head and double time it down to the locker room. When I put in our combination I see that Payton has already been here because his clothes are gone. I pick up my phone and see a text from him.

Payton: Went home with Remy, c u next year :D

It was sent at 10:30pm the rat, I chuckle to myself. I grab my things including my keys. I'll probably leave my car here and have Casey drop me off for it tomorrow.

I change out of my shorts and pull up my black skinnies, throw on my sweater and grab my coat. After I close the locker I head out to the coat check. On the way I see Master Adam who's walking toward the private playrooms with a sub I only know from seeing him a few times, but he doesn't hang out with any of the guys I know.

As we approach, since we'll be crossing paths I put on a smile and wish him a Happy New Year. He looks at my collar and frowns, but I keep going before he can make any kind of a comment. Wow, did he turn out to be a jerk, I say to myself shaking my head.

At the coat check Casey is putting on a warm looking navy sweater. He looks up and smiles and once we both have our coats on we head out the door.

"Payton already left, but I'll just leave my car here until tomorrow," I tell him as we step outside. I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and when I pull it out I hear Payton's ring tone.

"Hang on Sir, it's Payton. I'll just be a quick sec."


My eyes gaze out the small window of my dorm room as I stand silently. I'm dressed and ready to go but I just want to watch for a few more minutes. Just by looking, you can tell it's cold outside and it's already pretty dark making it seem even colder. With a sigh, I grab my keys, wallet and phone from my nightstand before pulling my beanie on. I wish the winter would just go to hell so I can start riding my motorcycle again. Locking the door behind me, I stick my hands in my pockets and walk down the hall towards the parking lot. A few guys are lingering in the halls waiting for their friends to go to whatever party is being thrown tonight. I nod at a few I recognize from some class or the other but don't stop to make conversation because I don't really care to talk to people I don't know. When I step outside the building, the cold air causes me to take a slow sharp breath and I grumble curses under my breath.

"ASHY!" A voice shouts and I groan before looking over. "Well come on you idiot, get in the truck and out of the cold!"

"I'm the idiot yet you're the one in just a t-shirt," I grumble as I walk over, of course he doesn't hear me though.

I climb into the warm truck and close the door as he looks over before asking, "Same place?"

"Mhm," I nod while buckling my seat belt.

"So Ashy, tell me! What's been going on? Is college like it is in the movies?" He asks with a booming laugh making me shake my head.

"You'd know if you went to college," I reply and look over at him as he nods.

"Touché my friend, touché. Well, I didn't go to college so you'll have to fill me in. Have you fucked anyone in the lecture halls or have a drunken threesome at a party yet?" Sean asks excitedly and I sink in my seat while crossing my arms.

"No, of course not!" I mutter and fight the blush wanting to take over.

"Oh ho ho, is that a blush I see?!" He asks teasingly and I unzip my coat.

"No, it's just hot as hell in here and I'm wearing a coat," I lie while taking it off as best I can without removing my seatbelt.

"Mhm, whatever you say Ashypoo," he sings but turns down the heat anyways. "So, how is Chris? Still being the crazy fucker he is?"

"Yup," I nod and look out the window.

"Hey, you okay Ashton?" He asks worriedly, his attitude quickly changing from the joking best friend to the overly worried best friend.

"Yeah, I'm just hungry. Haven't really eaten today knowing where we're going and knowing you'll be paying the bill," I say teasingly and smile over at him as he smirks.

"Ah, going to eat your way through my wallet? Same old Ashton." He laughs making me chuckle while shaking my head.

"You know me, never turn down free food," I mutter and smack his hand away when he ruffles my hair. "Do not touch the hair."

"You're so gay, I love it!" He sighs happily as I roll my eyes.

"Well how have you been doing? Everything and everyone back at the ranch doing okay?" I ask curiously as he tilts his head side to side.

"Eh, you know the winters on the ranch are always hell but we'll pull through. Oh, but I have some news! You remember that girl in our class, the one that wore those Steve Urkel glasses?" He asks excitedly making me press my lips together.

"I remember her but not her name," I admit with a shrug. "Why?"

"Well her name is Myria and she's pregnant! Guess by who!" He orders pleadingly and I decide to humor him by tapping my finger against my chin as I hum in contemplation.

"Hmm let me think," I say and notice his thumb start tapping against the steering wheel after a while.

"JACOB! JACOB FUCKING MCNEER GOT HER PREGNANT!" He explodes and I burst out laughing at his bewildered expression. "Like who in the fuck would think Myria and fucking Jacob McNeer would ever hook up! They're total fucking opposites with her being all weirdly weird and him being all drugs and...drugs!" He laughs as I look at him with an amused grin.

"You sure haven't changed Sean, not one bit. Still the little gossiper," I whisper while looking over at the closest friend I have, even closer than Chris.

"Why should I change? I'm fucking awesome," he winks and I look away with a chuckle.

"That's debatable," I sing teasingly while changing the radio station.

"The only reason your hand isn't broken is because I've known you since we were both in diapers," he states seriously making me smirk.

"Step on it Sean, I'm hungry," I reply while leaning back in my seat and he sighs but listens.

When the truck comes to the last stop almost an hour later, an excited smile pulls at my lips as we climb out of the truck. Sean sticks his hands in his pockets as we walk towards the building and I look at him with a raised brow. He just smiles and shrugs making me shake my head. Idiot is going to get sick. He hates wearing coats and jackets though so you'll never catch him in anything warmer than a sweater. When we reach the door, he pulls it open and pushes me back when I go to step in before quickly rushing inside. I glare at his back before following him inside.

"Asshole," I mutter while punching his shoulder and he laughs but rubs it with a pout.

"Shh Ashypoo, I don't need anyone knowing my middle name," he whispers playfully while draping his arm over my shoulder as we walk up to the counter.

"You're a moron," I scoff and push his arm off me as the waitress walks over with a smile.

"Hey guys, it's been a while since you were both here," she says with a soft laugh making me nod as Sean beams down at her.

"Hey sweetness, you know what we usually get. Ashton would like the whole menu and I'll have a steak burger with cheese fries and a chocolate milkshake," he clarifies making her nod while pointing to our booth that's empty.

"I kept it empty for you two since you said you'd be coming in tonight. You're lucky Mac likes you because we had to make customers wait just so they wouldn't sit there," she says before heading towards the kitchen so we go to sit down.

"So Ashton, tell a boyfriend?" He asks while wiggling his brows after we get our drinks and I shake my head.

"No, I'm focusing on my studies," I say while looking over and frowning. "Hey, give me your strawberries," I demand making him raise a brow.

"No, I want them," he whines so I glare before reaching over and grabbing his milkshake. Taking all the sliced strawberries out, I drop them in my milkshake before giving the cup back to Sean who looks at me with wide eyes.

"Ugh rude," he huffs and I smile at him making a grin pull at his lips.

"So, what about you? Have you found yourself someone?" I question while taking a strawberry and nibbling on it slowly.

"Nah, I'm focusing on my studies," he repeats mockingly so I glare at him and he laughs. "No really, I don't have anyone to call mine. I'm focusing on the ranch. It'll be mine soon and you'll be coming to my place to compete."

"I don't compete anymore Sean, you know that," I sigh while taking a sip of my milkshake.

"You should get back into competing, you were really good. Won state every time you entered," he says as if telling me something I didn't know, while resting his chin on his palm staring at me, but I shrug.

"I ride for fun now," I reply and mentally wince when he smirks. I walked right into that one.

"I bet you ride more than just horses now," he laughs while pounding his fist onto the table and I sigh.

"I do, I ride cock too and I'm not talking about the bird. Big thick dick," I add making his nose scrunch up before he smiles.

"So crude Lovell," he says in mock shame and my cheeks heat up quickly as my eyes dart around the packed diner.

"Don't call me that!" I hiss while running my hand through my hair.

"Why not? It is your name, Lovell," he smirks as I shake my head.

"My name is Ashton, not Lovell," I grumble but fall quiet when the first round of food arrives.

"Dig in boys," Marybeth says with a smile and she doesn't have to tell me twice.

"So Ashton," he emphasizes with a roll of his eyes. "How are you holding up? You're uh."

"Spit it out Sean," I chuckle after swallowing a mouthful of fries.

"You don't have a boyfriend, that's not because of what happened right? You're not still hung up over that?" He asks worriedly making me tense.

"Have you talked to Chris?" I ask with narrowed eyes and when he looks away I know he has. "Is that why you asked me to hang out tonight? So you can probe me with questions about that? If it is, you can take me back to my fucking dorm because I'm not talking about it!" I hiss and go to stand but his hand clasps my wrist.

"Sit the fuck down Ashton, now!" He growls out and I drop back onto the seat as he sighs. "No, that's not why I asked you to hang out. I just wanted to see you. I guess with you and Chris gone, I'm a bit lonely. My best friend is in college and I'm back at the ranch. It feels weird being there without you guys. Then hearing from Chris about your little spat got me worried. I'm just trying to help, but if you don't want to talk, I won't ask. Let's just enjoy the food okay?" He suggests with a dimpled smile and I lean back against the bench seat.

"What did he tell you?" I ask curiously knowing Chris will twist the story.

"That you blew up on him when he asked if you were over it," he says bluntly making me roll my eyes.

"I did not blow up on him," I confirm and he smiles.

"Well seeing as you're here all in one piece I can see that," he replies with a wink and I raise a brow.

"Funny," I obviously lie making him pout.

"I can tell you're laughing on the inside," he points his fry at me before tossing it in his mouth.

"Damn, you got me," I sigh and snap my fingers as he smiles.

"You should come back to the ranch soon. I miss you, you party animal," he mumbles while taking a bite of my cheeseburger making me shrug.

"Maybe the next time we have a long weekend at school I'll drive out there," I suggest and he beams.

"We can hit up the parties that go down all the time like we used to. The parties aren't the same since you're not on the table dancing and singing along to all the songs. Like, remember that one time at Katie's party you got on the table completely naked and started singing Party In the USA!" He laughs as I smile down at my food while shaking my head.

"Don't remind me, I beg you," I laugh and finish off my burger.

"The best part is that you were completely sober," he sighs while rubbing his eyes.

"You need a haircut," I mumble while reaching over and pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"I know but it keeps my ears warm," he replies as I nod, makes sense.

"Hey, can I tell you something?" I ask randomly and he nods. "Well, I am talking to this guy."

"I KNEW IT!" He yells making everyone in the diner look over quickly. "Oops, my bad I had a fanboy moment. Go back to your food!"

"You moron!" I groan and cover my face with my hands as he laughs.

"Don't worry Ashypoo, now tell me everything!" He practically begs making me sigh as I drop my hands from my face.

"He's," I admit making his brows shoot up.

"How much older?" He asks cautiously as I bite my lip.

"11 years..." I whisper and he leans forward.

"Um, repeat that please," he says with a raised brow.

"He's older by eleven years, so he's 31," I state and he sits back in his seat with wide eyes.

"Well wow Ashypoo, go for it! I mean, you've always been more mature than all the people in our grade. Well besides when you're at a party. I can see why you'd look for someone older and more mature than the guys our age. What's he like?" He asks with a smile while resting his chin on his palm again.

Over the like 20 course meal, I tell Sean everything I know about Gideon. He doesn't interrupt and just listens which is something I've always appreciated about him. Getting interrupted makes me just want to stop talking. His eyes are full of excitement as I tell him about going to Gideon's house the other day then having lunch yesterday. Of course I leave out the BDSM aspect of everything because I'm sure Sean would have a heart attack just at the mention of it. It wasn't even brought up back at home so it's thought of as some taboo shit that's about abuse, which is so far from the truth. We simply continue eating after as if nothing at all was said. When I look up he covers his face with his hands and chuckles making me frown.

"What?" I ask confused and he drops his hands before looking at me with a mischievous glint in his blue eyes.

"So, when do I get to meet him?" He asks making my face turn bright red.

"Not anytime soon," I say after clearing my throat.

"Hey if you're dating this guy, as your closest and bestest friend I have the right to see if he's good enough for your fragile soul," he scoffs while taking his card out of his wallet to pay the bill that was left on the table a few minutes ago.

"Well we're not dating so you don't have to worry about that. My soul is not fragile by the way. And bestest is not a word. You don't need to be in college to know that," I scoff while standing up and putting on my coat once our meal is paid for.

"Yet, you're not dating yet. But for now, we'll drop it and I need you to decide what movie you want to watch." He grins at me as we climb back into his truck, completely and purposely ignoring my jab at his lack of motivation to go to college.

"I want to watch Homeward Bound," I say without thinking and he looks over at me with a raised brow. "I have it on DVD."

"Of course you do," he chuckles while pulling away from the curb. "So, we'll watch that one. You're going to have me watching animal based movies all night! You sure you don't want to come with me back home tomorrow? I mean, you have a long weekend with New Year's break. Just come home! Your parents miss you and I bet you miss them."

"I'll think about it," I sigh even though I know he'll convince me to go tomorrow and we'll be heading out of the city.

"Great!" He exclaims happily as we head back to the dorms.

I look out the window and wonder what Gideon is doing at this exact moment though I have a clue since he said he'll be working tonight until 6 a.m. The life of doctors, it's tiring just thinking about it. Will that be what my life is like when I get my degree and open up my own clinic? I'm sure treating animals will not be as time consuming as treating children like he does, but to me, animals are like my babies. That reminds me, I have to stop at the shelter tomorrow before we leave to wish the animals a Happy New Year's.


"Are you sure Master Matthias won't mind if I'm here?" I ask Master Remy as we walk into Master Matthias' house. Well, Master Matthias and Lane's house.

"No, I'm staying here and he said to make myself at home," he chuckles. "Besides, they won't be home for hours, if not until the morning. Things will go pretty late at the club and Matthias won't want to leave until it closes."

Master Remy leads me toward the guest room he's using and my heartrate doubles. I know he's leaving soon...not just soon, tomorrow he leaves for New York for a few days before he goes back to France. Even so, if there's anyone I want to lose my virginity to, it's this beautiful man who somehow has shown an interest in me. Remy's leaving, but it's okay. I know that going in and have no expectations other than an experienced Dom making my first time something to remember.

As we walk towards what I assume is his guest room on the first floor we hear some noise and I look up at Master Remy with concern. He peeks around a corner and turns back to me, "it's just Matthias' housekeeper in the kitchen. I'll go tell her I'm here, you can go right into that door," he says pointing down the hall, "I'll be right back."

I nod and watch him walk off, but I'm nervous and I just stand there instead of proceeding to the door.

"Bonjour Sofia," I hear Remy say. "You're here late."

"Bonjour Master Remington," she replies politely. "Lucas and I are taking Alistair to Disney World tomorrow, so I'm just taking care of a few things before we leave. I've made some dinners to be heated up during the week and caught up all the laundry."

"It will be midnight soon, don't you want to be with your husband to toast in the New Year?" I hear Remy ask.

"We're close by, Lucas will be picking me up shortly so I'll be home in time. Before I go, can I make you anything to eat Master Remington?"

"No, no thank you Sofia. I'm just going to grab a bottle of champagne and bring it to my room for a midnight toast, but I can help myself. Happy New Year and have a wonderful holiday."

"Thank you, Sir. Happy New Year."

"Same to you and your family Sofia."

A few minutes later Remy walks back and I realize I haven't moved since he left me. I'm not even sure if I breathed.

"Are you sure you want to do this Payton? You look pale as a ghost," he says when he reaches me. He leads me the few steps into the room and places the bottle of champagne in an ice bucket and two glasses on the bureau. I look around at his personal belongings spread around the room and suddenly it all seems so real, the intimacy we're planning to share tonight.

Of course, this makes me blush causing him to chuckle again. "I love the way you blush so easily, the way it shows in your cheeks first and then spreads to your neck. So visible, I can almost tell what's going through your mind." He leans down and kisses and nibbles at my neck so I move my head giving him better access. "Mon tendre chaton," he whispers so I can barely hear him. My sweet pet. It makes me blush even more.

"I want to do this Sir, I trust you," I whisper.

"I'm glad Payton, I promise I won't hurt you...well, it's your first time so it may hurt a little, but I'll make it as easy as possible, as good for you as I can."

"Thank you Sir."

He continues to kiss my neck, leaning down to since I'm a good 4 or 5 inches shorter than he is. After a few seconds he stands back up, taking me by the shoulders, his eyes taking in my face, looking it over carefully as if to make sure I'm okay. "I'm fine, Sir," I say with a slight giggle. His concern is really sweet and makes me want to be here even more. I couldn't imagine a better man to have this experience with, to teach me.

He smiles and pulls me in for a deep kiss, which I return shamelessly. Surprisingly I don't feel as nervous as I expected I would. The kiss goes on for a minute or two before he pulls away and again, looks at me as if doing a quality check. I give him a broad, uncontrolled silly grin because I suddenly feel so happy to be here with him. His return smile is so beautiful as it reaches his dark brown eyes which sparkle with kindness. I know that sounds weird, because he's sexy as hell and he's a Dom...but the more I get to know him, the more I get to see how genuinely kind he is. Like, he's this big fierce Dom at the club, but outside of the club he's this big hearted, sweet, funny, teddy bear. I swallow down a chuckle at the thought of Master Remy as a teddy bear.

"What are you laughing at?" he asks, his deep voice mockingly stern while his eyes are mirthful. "I kiss you and you laugh!" Now he's pretending to be offended which makes me giggle even more. "I should spank you for this disrespect," he says, but his stern voice cracks and he starts laughing as he pulls me over to the bed. He plops down pulling me with him so I'm laying half on the bed and half over his lap, but instead of spanking, his hand rubs over my lower back and behind as he chuckles. He gives me a few swats so light they just make me laugh more.

"I like the sound of that," he says, rolling me over onto my back as he hovers over me. He gives me a quick chaste kiss on the lips before pulling back and standing up. Leaving me feeling suddenly cold and wanting.

"Don't pout Payton, I just need to get some things before we take this any further."

"I...I wasn't pouting Sir," I lamely reply, but even the words come out sounding pouty.

Master Remington walks into the bathroom and comes out a few minutes later. I blush as he puts a bottle of lube and some condoms on his night table.

"Don't be embarrassed Payton," he says walking over. "Safety and comfort trump embarrassment. I know we're both clean, regular testing is part of both the clubs we belong to, but you should still always take precautions."

"I know," I mumble, of course I do, I'm not stupid.

"Sorry," Master Remington says, "I wasn't...never mind, come here." He pulls me into his chest with one hand, holds me by the back of the head with the other as he presses his lips to mine in another mind blowing kiss. Luckily he's holding me against him because it's so good it makes my knees weak.

"Let's get you out of this," he mutters when we finally break, pulling my shirt over my head since I changed into my normal clothes before we left the club. He leans down laving my nipples, one at a time with his tongue and biting gently. I begin to squirm and hold my breath for a few seconds. My nipples are so over-sensitive and I try my best to relax as his stimulation pushes every limit and I tread the line between pleasure and pain.

When he bites down a little firmer on one I nearly lose it, I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from screaming.

"You're shaking," he murmurs, holding me close and rubbing my back. I think he assumes it's nerves, but as soon as his mouth is off my chest I immediately relax. I don't want to say why I reacted that way so I just let him think it's nerves. "Nothing to be nervous about," he whispers in my ear. "Mon sucre d'orge," he says as he drags his tongue in a long swipe down my neck. I furrow my brows, did he just call me his candy cane?

"Take off the rest," he commands a few seconds later, his voice suddenly deep and commanding, "I want to see all this rich, creamy skin."

I can do this, I tell myself. My training has gotten me used to nudity, but it's still hard the first time around someone, even someone who I've already done intimate things with. "Don't be shy Payton, I think you're beautiful."

I reach down and unbutton my jeans, moving my hips to slide out of them. He bends down, picking up my clothes. "Um, be careful," I mumble, "my phone is in the pocket of my pants." He smiles and carefully places them on a bureau near the door to the bathroom. I reach down and take my socks off, since I already removed my shoes when we walked into the house. I toss them over near my other stuff as he walks back, his eyes scan me from top to bottom.

"Viens ici." Come here. I take a step closer to him.

I watch his face carefully, without being too obvious since he is a Dom after all. Of course I'm self-conscious, but depending on how he looks at me, I'll either be able to deal with it or want to hide in shame.

A big smile blooms across his face and he lifts my chin so we're looking eye to eye. "Tu es plus beau que je ne l'imaginais." You are more beautiful than I imagined. I blush and try to look away, but he won't let me. "Don't look away my little red fox, I want you to see in my eyes, how I see you."

Slowly, he pushes me back a few steps until my knees hit the against the bed, then he carefully lowers me onto my back. Kneeling on the bed over me he traces a finger down my head.

"Every part of you is unique and beautiful Payton. Your vibrant hair, the small freckles on your pale pink skin," his finger moves down over my chest. "Smooth skin, inviting pink nipples that make me want to bite them," he leans down and I feel his teeth graze my left nub making my whole body jerk and I let out something between a squeak and a whimper.

He chuckles at my reaction and his finger continues tracing down over my abs to my very trimmed pubic hair. "I love the sweet red hair here, trimmed so neatly yet just enough to accent the hue of your skin." I hadn't shaved completely, since I didn't have a Dom, I didn't feel the need, so I'm glad Master Remy doesn't mind. "Comme je voudrais que tu sois mien." He mumbles the words almost inaudibly. I'm pretty sure I misheard him. It's probably wishful thinking that I think he said 'How I wish you were mine'. I shake the thought out of my head and focus on the sensations I'm feeling.

"Are you still sure you're ready for this?" Master Remy checks, looking up at me. I nod, not taking my eyes away from his.

"Say it out loud little fox," he orders, though his voice is calm and kind.

"I'm sure Master Remy, I...I want this."

"Are you nervous?"

"Yes, Sir."

"That's normal, I'll be careful."

"I know you will Sir, I trust you."

Before I can take another breath, Master Remy is leaning down kissing me hard, leaning on one elbow while the other hand rakes over my body, like it's taking in every curve, every crevice. It feels so good. Each firm touch warms and relaxes my whole body until I feel like a rag doll. He only breaks the kiss for a few seconds while he sits up and pulls off his shirt. What a sight. I've seen him like this before, but each time is like the first as I take in his smooth caramel skin that I want to taste more than anything...and his sexy tattoos on each arm and one side of his chest. Someday I will have to ask him what they all mean, but now is not the time for that conversation.

Oh god! I practically scream in my head, but any sound is caught in my throat as Master Remy's palm strokes up and down my cock.

When we talked at the club and I boldly asked him to relieve me of my virginity, he was reluctant at first. But when I made my case he agreed and told me we weren't going to do a scene, he would take the more vanilla approach. I know he is going to make it special.

I'm hard almost immediately and when he leans down to lick and kiss the tip of my cock I almost scream 'No!'. I know what he can do with that mouth and I don't want to cum when we've barely gotten started. When he takes me deep into his mouth I let out a pained whimper as I hold myself back. I'm panting and shaking.

"Just relax baby fox," he coos.

"'re going to make me cum...I want to wait," I pant.

"Don't worry, I'll be making you cum several times," he chuckles and then leans back down to continue indulging in my wet and pulsing shaft. I drop my head back on the bed as my fingers grab and pull at the bedspread. He moves my legs apart until he's comfortably settled between them and I bring my knees up so my feet are flat on the bed on either side of him.

Remy does magical things with both his mouth and hands, giving attention to both my cock and balls, many of which have never been done to me before. He is truly accomplished, portraying the act of fellatio as a tender art form.

"Oh my god," I moan and arch my back as he sucks my balls into his mouth, one at a time, then both. "Master...Remy...I'm getting so close."

"Shhhh, Payton. Just relax. You don't have to ask permission tonight or tell me. I can tell when you are. Just let yourself go with whatever you feel. Don't hold back anything, I want to find out what makes you react and how you react." I mumble back a response as he reaches for the lube. I close my eyes, not wanting to be distracted by the details of the execution, just wanting to go with the flow.

He must have opened and dispensed some lube with one hand because with no interruption I soon feel a slicked up finger gently probing around my entrance. I gasp and tense when I feel his thick finger gently slide in.

"Relax pet, don't tense, push out a little and it will be easier."

The sound of his deep and accented voice, patient and encouraging helps me to calm right down. Soon he's moving his finger, sliding in and out and pressing against the sides of my inner walls, but at the same time his mouth is continues to pleasure my extremely hard and now dripping shaft.

"You're doing really well, très bien," Remy says after a few minutes, taking his mouth off my shaft. "I'm very proud of you." He accents the last statement with a kiss to my thigh and I feel myself glow at the statement. "I'm going to add a second finger now, you'll have to push out again and stay relaxed, but you know you can tell me to slow down if it hurts at all."

"Yes...Sir," I pant. "I'm's..." I let out a long moan as his mouth goes back on my cock and I feel a second finger push into me. I quickly take a deep breath, willing myself to relax and push out against his hand as I've been instructed.

Soon the initial discomfort lessens and the pleasure I'm already feeling from Remy's mouth grows exponentially as the movement of Remy's fingers add more and more amazing sensations. I start to squirm and pant as heat washes through me, converging in my lower stomach and groin. The sounds coming from my mouth would embarrass me in any other situation, but I'm so caught up in the whirlwind of carnal indulgence that I don't care and I don't hold back.

"That's it, pet, don't hold back," he says as if reading my mind.

"It good..." I moan, unconsciously or maybe consciously lifting my hips to give him better access. He must take that as a good sign because he picks up the pace and pretty soon I can't form any words and I find myself making a high pitched growling sound. I'm so close I'm shaking. Remy is scissoring his fingers stretching me out and it's such a foreign feeling, but I totally love it. Then he curls his fingers forward and I know he's massaging my prostate because everything intensifies tenfold and I feel my lips and cheeks go numb.

"Re...Remy," I whine, "please...please....ahhhh...." I reach a hand up to touch my face...rubbing the numb parts.

"Let go pet, let go," he replies around my cock in his mouth and then swallows me even deeper, sucking even harder and I can't take it anymore. I throw my hand back down on the bed as I scream out my orgasm and feel myself empty down his throat. I can't tell for sure, but I feel like I'm gushing, emptying every bit of liquid in my body, out my cock and down his throat while his fingers massage my insides.

When I'm sure he's drained my balls completely, he slowly slides his fingers out and lets my drained cock glide down his tongue. "That was beautiful mon petite fox." I chuckle at his mix of French and English as I lay back onto the bed, my body humming, but relaxed. "How did that feel?" he asks after a few minutes when I've had a chance to catch my breath and come down from the high.

"It was amazing," I breathe.

"You did so well. Are you tired? Do you want to stop there?"


"What? Dis-moi!" Tell me, he says.

"That made me horny...for more," I admit.

He lets out a deep, belly laugh and leans forward kissing me. "That's my little red fox, frisky!" He follows with a deeper, more intoxicating kiss and I feel my body heat back up. He stands up and I can see his large erection straining at his leathers. I see him wince slightly before unbuttoning the pants followed by a relieved breath as his cock is freed. I lick my lips at the sight of his thick shaft, the head slick from precum as it pushes out of his foreskin.

I won't lie. I'm nervous. It's a lot bigger than his two fingers.

"Viens ici," he says huskily once he has his pants off and he's kneeling on the foot of the bed. I scoot closer and he pulls me up, holding me tightly against his chest as he kisses me again. "I'll go slow, I promise," he whispers in my ear. "Go on your hands and knees to start."

He releases me and I get in the position he requested. Remy reaches over and rips a condom from the strip of four and I blush wondering if he's planning to use all four. Behind me now, I hear him putting the condom on and next is the sound of lube being dispensed. First he uses his fingers to put a copious amount around my entrance then I hear him putting another squirt on his shaft. He lets out a low moan as he slides his hand up and down the length spreading the gel.

"I can't wait to be inside you Payton," he growls and I find it sexy the way he says my name, I lean my hips back as I catch my breath, wanting him so badly. He pushes forward and I can feel him pressing against my entrance, getting ready, finding just the spot to push into. I let out an anticipatory moan, I want him inside me with everything in me. My heart beats fast and the seconds feel like minutes as I hear him take a deep the same time I let out a deep breath, readying myself....

To be continued...

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