Chapter 18 New Year's Dissolution

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(pictured above is Master Ken)

Chapter 18 New Year's Dissolutions


Sitting with my back against the door of the locked bathroom, I'm shaking as I clutch my phone in my hands. It's been 15 minutes since I called Tommy and begged him to come get me. He said he was leaving right that second and knowing it takes about 45 minutes to get from the club to Master Matthias' house I stare at the phone, willing the next 30 minutes to speed by.

Behind me I hear the raised voice of Master Remy's rapid French. Spoken so fast and so angrily I can barely make out all the words.

I put the phone down on my knees which I have pulled up to my chest so I can cover my ears and block out the shouting. 'Hurry Tommy please, just get me out of here!' I close my eyes and just hum to myself blocking out everything around me and soon I realize I'm rocking as well. You've really lost it now Payton.

The next time I open my eyes to check the time it's 15 minutes later and it sounds quiet behind me. I wonder if the room is empty now.


"So, this is where you live huh?" Sean asks as he looks around my dorm room and I take my coat off, along with my long sleeve shirt.

"Yeah," I mumble while sitting on the edge of my bed and kicking off my boots. "It's not too bad because my roommate is hardly ever here. He's usually at his girlfriend's place so I have the whole room to myself."

"That's cool, why don't you take out the bed so you could have more room?" He questions while plopping down on the chair.

"I feel like it'll come in handy in the future, like now. You're sleeping on that bed and I guess if any of my friends ever need somewhere to crash they can use it," I shrug as he hums.

"When do I get to meet your new friends? I'm surprised you have friends at all, you know with your 'leave me alone' personality." He chuckles and I roll my eyes before grabbing the remote.

"Shut up," I grumble as I turn on the TV.

"Wait, do you have any Now & Later?" He asks while kicking off his boots.

"Yeah, top drawer," I mumble while turning on the DVD player and putting the movie in.

"Damn Ash, ready for an invasion huh?" He laughs making me look over and he's rummaging through all the junk food I have in my nightstand.

"You know how I get at night," I shrug as he grabs a few packs of Now & Later candy.

"Yeah, trust me I know." He snorts as I sit against the headboard of my bed.

"Shh, it's starting," I say while grabbing a Cherry SqueezePop from the drawer. Sean sits next to me since the TV is facing my bed and that's the only place you'll be able to really see anything. Popping the cap of the bottle open, I put it against my lips and squeeze making the sour candy fill my mouth. Once the movie starts, Sean stops his grumbling. He can complain all he wants, I know that he loves this movie as much as I do. Like the obsessive person I am, I have all three movies on DVD so after the first one ends, I just put on the second one.

"Wait, I need to pee. Do you have a bathroom in here?" He asks while jumping up from the bed.

"It's that door right there," I say while nodding towards the bathroom.

"Sweet," he mumbles before walking over. "Jesus, this is tiny."

"Well what do you expect?" I huff and he just sticks his tongue out before closing the door. I sit up and toss the empty SqueezePop in the trash before grabbing another one. It's strange having Sean here, but I've missed him so much so I'm glad he didn't mind taking the drive out here to come visit even if it's just for the night. I mean, he's not horribly far. We grew up in Galena, Illinois which is about three hours away from Chicago. He's my absolute best friend and has been there for me whenever I needed him and even when I didn't need him. He's the only one that knows exactly what happened in the past. The door opening halts my thoughts and I look over as he steps back into the room with a smile that causes his dimples to show. I stare at him blankly as he walks over and plops back down next to me. He's taken his shirt off and when I raise a brow at him he just shrugs before hitting play again.

"Pass me another candy Ash," he says as I was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"No, you're going to end up eating them all," I grumble while resting back against the headboard.

"Listen asshole, I'll buy you more!" He huffs and reaches over to towards the drawer.

His naked chest presses down on mine that's only covered by a thin tank top. I look at him unamused as he wiggles his brows before moving away after he grabs a few bags of M&Ms. Releasing a heavy puff of air, I pull the blanket up to my chest as he basically pours the whole bag of M&Ms into his mouth in one go. He's always had a wicked sweet tooth, it's surprising that he's never had a cavity before. We watch the second movie in a comfortable silence but once it's over, I can tell Sean is itching to tell me something. So I take the movie out of the DVD player and put it back in the case before bundling up again. He looks at me confused, but I just throw his shirt and one of my sweaters at him. We get dressed quickly and I grab his hand before pulling him out the dorm with a few blankets under my arm.

"Where are we going?" He asks but I just smile at him.

I push the door open and we climb the stairs silently. My boots crunch the untouched snow on the roof of my dorm building as we walk across it. When we reach the edge, I brush the snow off before sitting down and wrapping the blanket around his shoulders. Sean follows my lead and we look down at the three story drop to the ground. We're used to being up high though, having climbed every tree on both our ranches while growing up, so the height doesn't bother either of us. My gaze drifts up to the star filled sky and I remember that night Gideon took me to the café for a midnight meal as he called it. For some strange reason, I momentarily wish it was him sitting next to me instead of Sean but I quickly push that thought away as Sean starts talking. My lips drop into a frown as I listen and my eyes stay trained on the sky as he confesses something I never thought he'd ever say again.

"So um, what do you think?" He whispers nervously and I look over at him with a smile.

"It doesn't change anything between us Sean. You're still my best friend and you'll always be that, I'll always be there for you, no matter what," I say making his brows furrow before he smiles and drapes his arm over my shoulder.

"Thanks Lovell," He replies making me groan.

"Don't call me that!" I whine just as my phone goes off.

"Who the hell could that be?" He huffs and I shrug while taking my phone out of my pocket.

"It's Gideon," I mumble before standing up and hitting the accept button. "Hello?"

"Ashton, I'm glad I was able to catch you. It's quiet, are you not at the club?" He asks confused as Sean grabs my ankles when the wind picks up making me tilt forward.

"No, I wasn't in the mood for that tonight. A friend from home came to hang out so we're just talking about a few things," I say while looking down at Sean who wiggles his brows.

"Ah yes Gideon right there," he moans loudly making my eyes widen.

"Was that him?" Gideon chuckles as I slap Sean upside the head.

"Uh yeah, sorry about that," I mumble and step off the ledge to get away from Sean.

"Don't be, I see you've been talking about me," he says making my brows furrow.

"What makes you say that?" I ask while flipping off Sean who keeps on moaning like an idiot.

"Well he wouldn't know my name if you didn't tell him about me," he replies, a smug tone in his deep voice and I feel my cheeks heat up quickly.

"Aren't you supposed to be working?" I grumble and he laughs.

"Yes, I'm in the break-room. I just wanted to tell you something," he sighs as I lean against the wall.

"What's that?" I ask curiously, wondering what's so important that'd he'd call me from work.

"Happy New Year," he whispers just as I hear fireworks go off and my eyes snap up as I hear distant cheering.

A smile tugs at my lips as I look down at my snow covered boots, "Happy New Year Gideon."


"Tai! Happy New Year!" I turn around and Tommy is right in front of me. Looking like a fucking sex god! I recognize his outfit from when we went shopping earlier today.

"Hey bro!" I grab him and give him a big hug since I haven't seen him in...oh, I guess it was like 3 hours ago, but it feels like a long time. "So, are we going to dance or what? Where's Payton?"

"He'll catch up with us, damn straight we're going to dance. Who's here tonight? Is Master Nathan coming?"

"Nah, he's away on another trip, won't be back for at least 2 weeks. It's a bummer, but whatever."

"So you and he...are you back on? What about that other guy? Have you seen him again?"

"Whoa! Slow down on the questions bro. Um, no, no and no." Tommy narrows his eyes at me making me laugh. "Okay, Master Nathan and I have been talking, he took me out to lunch for a 'debrief', but I told him I wasn't ready to sign any new contracts just yet."

"A debrief?"

"Yeah, he wanted to talk about what worked and what didn't while we had our contract. He said he knew things weren't right, but I wouldn't talk to him about it when I was his sub..." I roll my eyes as I feel myself blush. "I guess that was my fault, but I just...I don't know...I didn't really know how to say it."

"Tai, what's the one thing that Master Matthias drilled into us the most during our training? I mean, I know we didn't train together, but I'm sure if he said it even half the times to you that he did to Payton and I..."

"Honesty...always be 100% completely honest with your Dom. The whole relationship is based on trust and honesty."

"You got it."

"'s water under the bridge..."

"So did you tell him the truth then?"

"Yessssss!" I huff. 'Nag much?'

"Don't give me any attitude T, I'm the one who has to listen to you whine for hours on end when things don't go your way. Ashton and Chris certainly don't put up with it."

"I know, I know. You have the patience of a frigging Saint Tommy. You're like my friend, therapist, shopping partner and mom all rolled into one."

"Mom?" Tommy was now glaring at me so I flashed him a charming smile.

"Only kidding boo."

"So...what did you tell him?"

"Okay, so I told him he was too, outside the club. I didn't mind it here or when we were in a scene, that's when I like it, but the whole keeping tabs on me during the week and having to check in with him before I made plans with people...nuh uh. No way, doesn't work for me."

"What did he say? Did he get mad?"

"He said he understood, and yeah. He didn't get mad that I felt that way, he got mad that I didn't tell him. Instead I let it fester into resentment."

"He's right you know."

"I know, I know...but he should have told me more about how it was going to be up front. He was my first...real Dom, my first contract. I didn't know what to expect. I told him that and he agreed."

"So how'd you leave it?"

"While he's away I need to think about what I want, he'll think about what he wants and when he gets back we'll talk and see if we can come to a mutually beneficial and acceptable agreement. I mean, he thinks I'm hot...which I am, so I can't blame him for wanting more of this." I gesture up and down my body because, yeah, I know I've got it, why pretend I don't?

Tommy let's out a big laugh and I give him my best glare. I'm only kidding and he knows it.

"Okay fruitloop, let's go dance," he says, "Master Casey is meeting me later so we should get our 'dance on' now."

"Coolio...oh..." I stop when I realize what he just said, "and then I'll be stuck alone with..." I look over at our table and see all the subs who have been trying to join our group and I sigh. Not that we're some exclusive clique or anything, but I have a feeling they just want to hang out with us to buddy up to Lane since he's the head Sub now.

"I'm sure you'll find someone to hang with," Tommy responds as he grabs my arm and pulls me with him to the dance floor.

'Johnny Christ,' I sigh as I watch Tommy walk off with Master Casey an hour later. I know, it's a weird saying, but I don't want to offend anyone and the one time I did say the real swear, unfortunately my grandmother was in hearing distance and literally washed my mouth out with a bar of ivory soap. It was not fun.

I've been sighing and pouting way too much lately. It's time to find me a Dom to play with. It's New Year's Eve. Even Payton's off with Master Remington for the night. Ashton had other plans and Chris was purposely coy when I texted him to find out if he was coming. Is he here being punished, I wonder, or was he not even allowed to come?

I stand up to wander around the room, see if there's anyone interesting in the mass of people who are here tonight. It's just before 11 and at this rate I won't have anyone to kiss when the clock strikes midnight. This really sucks.

After a round through the main room, the dance floor and the show room I head back to the bar. Maybe I can convince Scotty to make me a Cosmo or something. The bar is packed as I stand waiting to get close enough to order something. Maybe I shouldn't ask Scotty for a Cosmo, if he does make me one he could get in trouble with Master Matthias. I let my shoulders sag in defeat. Why does this night suck so much. It better not be an omen to what the new year is going to be like.

Finally I'm able to get up to the bar when some people get their drinks and move away. I still have to wait, which I'm not very good at so I lean my elbow on the bar and my head on my palm. With my other hand I tap out the beat to Express Ya Self by Diplo featuring Nicky Da B while staring at my dancing fingers. I'm choreographing my own hip hop piece to it for the spring recital. I close my eyes and I can see the moves in my head. I showed my teacher what I had so far and she was really excited about it.

After a few minutes the people next to me get their drinks and move away and I can see down the bar.

"Fuc...toids," I whisper when I see a stern and annoyed face staring at me from a few stools down. He's looking at my face and then his eyes move down to my hand before he raises his eyebrows. I realize my fingers are still tapping away. I quickly stand up straight, I'm not quite sure what to do with my hands at this point so I just clasp them behind my back.

"Um..." I croak trying to get my voice, "Sorry, Sir." I quickly look down before I make him even more angry.

"Come here boy."

"Yes, Sir," I reply, shuffling over quickly. Oh and did I mention who it is? Sexiest of all Sex Gods, it's the mysterious, enigmatic, exotic and extraordinary Master Ken. I actually find it odd that he's here tonight of all nights, when it's so packed. He strikes me as someone who wouldn't like crowds, though, to be honest, I don't know much about him. I do know that he has trained some of the Doms here and has done private shows upstairs, I've just never been invited to one. Denny once told me he only performs for very small groups.

I can feel my heart pounding against my chest. For all my lustful intentions, Master Ken scares the shit out of me. He's tall and muscular, like a lot of the Doms here. He looks maybe Southeast Asian, but I'm not positive. All I know is that his jet black hair, slightly tan skin, eyes so dark they almost look black and have my pulse racing.

"Are you always that jittery? Tapping your fingers, bouncing your legs, it's very irritating."

"I apologize Sir, I was...ah...thinking about my dance...I'm choreographing a dance for the spring recital at my school. I was running it through my head trying to come up with some ideas while I waited for Scotty."

"What's your name boy?" His voice is as dark as his eyes, deep and almost cutting. It sends shivers up my spine.

"Tai, Sir."

"Aren't you Nathan's boy?"

My eyes pop up to his. How does he know I was with Master Nathan. Has he noticed me before?

"I was Sir. Our contract ended. I' with anyone right now."

"You're a dancer?"

"Um," I take a quick breath trying to keep up with his questions that seem to be flying all over the place and back. "Yes, well, I study dance and the performing arts at CCA, so I hope to become a professional dancer someday, if I'm lucky."

"Don't count on luck, you have to work hard to get what you want in this world."

"Yes, Sir," I reply and look back down.

"What style of dance?"

"Contemporary, Ballet, Hip Hop and West African...Sir."

In my peripheral vision I see him take a drink from his glass. "You were going to order a drink, what would you like?"

"Um...just cranberry and club soda Sir...please."

Master Ken looks toward the bar and snaps his finger. Scotty comes right over and is back with my drink in seconds. I still haven't moved and begin to ponder what I should do when my problem is solved. "Drink." I look up and Master Ken is holding the glass towards me.

"Thank you, Sir." I reach for the glass and take a few sips before stepping forward to place it back down. I don't want to pull a Payton and spill it all over the stern Dom.

"I am Master Ken."

"Yes, Sir. Master Ken."

"Do you have any plans for the rest of the evening?" he asks.

"No Sir."

"I would like to scene with you."

Very direct. But I like that.

"I would like that as well, Sir."

His stern face looked momentarily confused. "Do you always agree to go with any Dom that asks you?"

" Sir."

"But you don't know me. Do you think that's safe?"

"I know of you. I know that Master Matthias trusts you to train new Doms, Sir...and I trust Master Matthias."

"Do you have a limits checklist on file at the front desk?"

"Yes Sir."

"Come with me, I'd like to read it and then we can sign a one-scene contract." Standing up he takes the final sip of his drink. "Club soda," he reports even though I didn't ask. "Bring your drink with you."

He's kind of bossy, and abrupt, but I like it. Plus, the fact that he wants to read my limits checklist and have us sign a scene contract also tells me what kind of Dom he is. For anything behind closed doors, Master Matthias is adamant that a contract must be signed. Whether it's just for the scene or an evening of play, or a longer term contract. One might think it kind of ruins the moment, but it's for everyone's safety. Some subs sign contracts with several Doms they regularly play with that cover spontaneous play. It's not a commitment, but an assurance that the Dom has read their limits and they've agreed on some guidelines. I was thinking I might sign something like that with Master Nathan, just for the times I'm bored and want to play with him.

I follow him to the front desk and stand back as he speaks with Penny. She brings my file up on the computer and quickly prints off my limits list. When he's finished reading he nods to her. I step forward and see her insert my limits into the basic contract and then print it off. Technology. Gotta love it.

I read through the sheet and sign it. Master Ken does the same and then hands it to Penny who will keep it on file.

"Come." Succinct and direct. He turns toward the playrooms that were recently finished and I follow him to a door with a black, antique looking door handle. Master Ken enters a code into the door lock and when it opens he gestures for me to go inside. As I walk I gawk at the design that is obviously heavily influenced by his background, with neutral dark grey painted walls that make the room seem very simple and a low platform bed in the middle of the room with dark purple sheets and colorful pillows.

One wall is covered in hooks with different types of ropes hanging on them. I mean many, many different types, thicknesses, lengths, colors. They are sorted into three groups under stone Asian icons. I wonder if I dare asking him what they mean. Another wall has a large cabinet made out of dark wood with carved designs all over it. The far end of the room has a large, ornate sofa, again, with thick carved designs all over it and bright red upholstery, a wooden rack is built into the wall next to it. . I look up and see that the ceiling is framed with a metal grid and he has a few different ropes and chains set up for suspension scenarios.

I look around at the walls again and I'm surprised I don't see any floggers or other implements displayed, so I assume they're in the large cabinet. Without them, the room seems very serene. I look back at all the ropes.

"Do you practice Shibari Master Ken?" I ask.

"I practice Kinbaku, what you term Shibari, but most people don't know the distinction. I am an expert in the practice. I studied with the grandson of Seiu Ito as well as Nureki Chimuo and have earned the title of Bakushi."

"Are you Japanese, Sir?"

"No. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, I have a home in L.A. as well as here in Chicago, though my business takes me many places." He pauses as he closes the door to the playroom and I wonder if I offended him with my question about his ethnicity. I also wonder what his business is, but I don't dare ask. "My parents are of Taiwanese and Malaysian descent," he finally adds. "Do you have any more questions?" His tone is sharp so I figure I won't ask any more personal questions.

"Will you...will we be doing"


I nod.

"Do you have any experience with ropes or suspension?"

"No, Sir, but I have been bound...with leather straps."

"Still, I am hesitant to take you through a scene when I don't know your body yet. As a dancer, your body is your primary tool and I won't put it at risk. You need to work up to Kinbaku, if you are interested, I can help you train your body for it."

"My body is very strong, I can handle it."

"I can see that you are very strong, but it takes more than strength. We can do a simple scene to see how you react, but no suspension tonight." He pauses, looking at me closely up and down as if assessing me. When I open my mouth to ask him more, he quickly holds up a hand. "Enough though, no more speaking unless I ask you a question or you need to safe word. Repeat to me your safewords."

"Adagio to slow down and degage to stop," I reply. Even though he read them on my sheet, he might not know how they are pronounced. "They're dance terms," I add eliciting a stern look. I'm told sometimes I talk a little too much, so I quickly close my mouth and look down. I spread my legs to shoulder width apart and clasp my hands behind my back for good measure.

"Strip and then get back in this same position, facing the door," he instructs and I quickly take off my shoes and socks, followed by my sheer shirt and leather shorts. I blush at the semi I'm already sporting. I fold my clothing and place them on a small table near the door. Master Ken walks to my side and looks down, noticing the obvious. I hear him let up a low chuckle. "I noticed penetration was at the top of your 'willing' list. What are your expectations for our play this evening?"

I feel my pulse speed up at his question and the warmth of my blush as my shaft fills even more. There's no hiding anything when you're with a Dom like this. For some reason, that's part of the excitement for me. "I have no expectations Sir, I submit to whatever you desire within the boundaries I listed. It will be my pleasure to please you in any way I can," I reply.

He nods and walks off. "Don't move."

I smile to myself as I take a deep breath and get into my special head space. If anyone outside of the lifestyle asked me to explain what this does to me and why I need it, it would be very difficult. When I first told my parents I was gay, my mother's first reaction was to send me to a shrink. My parents are very wealthy and I was adopted from Morocco when I was four. I don't remember much about my first four years, but my mother loves to tell me how excited they were to give a child from such dreadful and deplorable conditions the opportunities that they were able to. Apparently my birth mother was single, young and very poor and gave me up to give me a better chance at life...and my adopted mother always reminded me of that when she wanted her way. My dad isn't that bad and he was more supportive when I came out, but it was hard for even him to stand up to my mother.

The good thing was, my therapist was able to convince my mother that I didn't choose to be gay, I was born this way. I guess it was more acceptable for her since I was adopted and she had someone else's genes to blame. Going to the therapist was a good thing for the wrong reason and he helped me accept and understand many things about myself. And I've accepted that I enjoy, no, crave being dominated by a strong, somewhat demanding male figure. I like it when the Dom corrects me, when he inspects me, the mild punishments and even mild humiliation. Mostly though, I like it when he has his way with me, when he takes his pleasure in my body, when he fucks me. I don't necessarily need an emotional bond. Some would consider that slutty, but I'm very specific about the Doms I choose...and I accept this part of myself. My therapist even suggested that I do it for control. I get a sense of control when the Dom takes me because it's like they lose control as they play and worship my body.


I look up a few inches and realize Master Ken is standing right in front of me and I don't know how long he's been there while I was lost in my head. I open my mouth to apologize and then think better of it. He didn't ask me a question. I close my mouth and lower my gaze back down.

Master Ken steps forward and starts checking over my body. Running his hands all over my arms and legs, lightly squeezing my muscles like he's sizing me up. I take long, slow deep breaths to calm myself. I even close my eyes. I don't think he's meaning to turn me on, but he is giving me a serious boner. Or maybe that's his intention??

He finishes by giving my ass a major feel and then smacks it a few times. Master Nathan loved to smack my ass and watch my round cheeks jiggle. He'd spend a lot of time playing with my ass. I guess Master Ken is another ass man. I hold back a smirk as he gives it a final smack and then I hear him walk off. I open my eyes and can see him in my peripheral vision moving around the wall with the ropes.

"I prefer hemp," he calls over, "but for your first time I'm going to go with a nice thick MFP. It's soft and comfortable and since we're not doing any suspension it will work well."

I don't know if he wants a response, so I stay still as my anticipation builds. He spends what feels like 10 minutes doing something in the cabinet and by the time he comes up behind me I'm so worked up I don't even hear him and when he touches my shoulder I almost jump out of my skin.

"You will have to learn better patience if you want to do this, Kinbaku is all about the process. It's a slow build, anticipation, but you must stay relaxed at all times so you don't get hurt."

"I know Sir. Sorry, Sir." I take a deep breath in and let it out, getting back to my relaxed state.

"I noticed your right calf is tight," he tells me as he brings over a small table and places a long length of rope on it. "Do you have an injury?"

I flex my toes and take another deep breath before I reply. I'm pretty awestruck that he even noticed. "I came down on it hard in dance practice the other day. My foot wasn't at the correct angle, so it got pulled a bit. But it will be fine."

"I'll be mindful of that," he replies. "I'm going to tie a basic rope cage or harness on your torso called a karada. It won't put a strain on any part of your body, but will get you used to being tied. Only your arms will be immobilized, but you will still have to give me your trust and your complete attention. If it gets to be too much at any point, you will safeword and I will have the ropes off in seconds." He picks up a pair of shears from the table as he speaks. "I will have these close by and can cut ropes if you need me to." I nod in response and he places them back on the table.

Master Ken picks up the rope which is a deep red color. It looks pretty long so he puts the two ends together and then runs the doubled up rope through his hands until he gets to the very middle point. He's quiet now as he places the rope over my head so that the middle point is behind my neck and the two lengths run down either side of my body. I can see the concentration in his eyes when I glance up. His hands work quickly and masterfully as he ties a knot that looks like a pretzel in front of my chest. I like the feel of his fingers on my skin as he has this way of working the rope and brushing against my skin harmoniously. I can tell each swipe is purposeful, he's testing my skin temperature and tension.

He ties a similar one down in front of my stomach before he draws the two lengths under my crotch with the ropes on either side of my cock and balls. I inhale through clenched teeth and in response he runs a hand over my stomach. "Relax," he orders so I quickly take a deep breath forcing myself to calm down. He adjusts me so the ropes don't hurt my balls and I keep my breath calm and steady.

Moving behind me he brings the rope ends up, ties another knot which I can't see and then draws them firmly under my butt and around my middle so the rope is back in front. He connects them back into the loop he created in front of my belly and begins to create a web around me as he circles the rope around my arms and connects it back into the front loops. It's not so tight that it digs into my arms, yet it's firm so I can't move them.

I'm actually surprised at how good it does feel. It doesn't pinch or hurt, instead I feel...almost like I'm in a tight hug. Okay, part of me feels like one of the macramé planters my mom made in some class she took when I was 6, but I try to block those thoughts out of my head.

With his skilled and practiced hands it doesn't take long before he's finished and walking around me checking the knots and how tight everything is. He lifts my chin and looks in my eyes and I try to let him see, through my eyes, the serene feeling that's flowing through me. He nods and lets my chin back down.

I continue to take deep, even breaths as I await what will happen next, yet my breath gets caught in my throat when his hand slides down my body until it reaches my erection, which I've been trying to put in the back of my mind while he was busy weaving a web around me. I wonder if this is how a fly feels in a spider's web. I stifle a moan as he glides his hand up and down my length several times.

"I would have said that the ropes are a big turn on for you, but you've had this since you first walked into my playroom," he chuckles and I feel my whole body flush. "Don't be embarrassed. I take it as a compliment. If you're a good boy, I might even let you find your release."

Gah! If he doesn't stop, that might happen sooner than later. As if he's well aware of that, he lets go with a flourish and my shaft bounces out of his hand slapping my lower stomach.

He walks away and again, leaving me for what feels like 10 minutes. I know that some Doms will take their time and test their sub's patience and endurance in this way, so I close my eyes and just focus on my body and the feel of the ropes holding me firmly, the knots, like pressure points placed specifically and purposely. The three main pretzel knots along the front of my torso I think are on Chakra points. One of my best friends from High School, Kaneya, was really into the concept of Chakras so I try to remember what she taught me. I think the knots are on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th energy centers...what was it that Kaneya said about them??? Connection to other people...self-acceptance...and the one near my heart is inner peace and love...

Letting myself focus on the sensation of the rope puts me into an almost meditative state. I'm perfectly balanced on my legs as I feel my energy settle into the pit of my stomach, like a swirling ball.

This time, when I feel his hand on my shoulder, I don't jump. It's like I can feel it, but I'm somewhere else so I sense it as if I'm slightly removed.

"Stay exactly where you are," he says quietly, "Keep your eyes closed and your focus inward. You're doing great. Your body knows just what to do, I'm very pleased Tai."

His words make me fall even deeper into this sense of inner peace that's flowing inside me.

"You're going to feel me touching you now, I'm going to try to help you move to an even deeper place. Sometimes it can be a little disconcerting, but don't worry. I'll be right here to watch over you so don't fight it. Let yourself go completely."

I do as Master Ken instructs and let the new sensation lull me deeper and deeper. I'm not even sure I can identify everything he was doing. Sometimes I felt cold sensations and sometimes very hot ones. I feel his finger and palms kneading or lightly skimming over my skin and it ignites a ball of fire inside me. He seems to know just what places to touch and how deep or how light to make those touches.

The energy ball swirling in my core feels warmer and warmer and the farther he takes me, the hotter it feels, flowing like the ocean tide in and out along my limbs at the same pace as my heartbeat. My shaft feels like the epicenter, twitching and pulsing as if begging for attention. His hands glide up my thighs and around my erection which only intensifies the feeling. All I can think is that this is so not the time I want to be edged.

"Mmmm, please Sir," I moan pleadingly. I feel something building, but I know that I need something else, something more to push me through, push me over the edge so I can free fall into the pleasure-filled place he's leading me to.

"Turn around." His deep voice instructs, "keep your eyes closed and follow my lead."

I can barely feel my legs as I float along with him. I don't fall so they must be working.

"I'm going to help you into a kneeling position." His strong arms hold my body as I find myself being lowered onto a soft surface. "Bend forward. Good boy," he adds as my upper body rests onto what I think is the bed. "Knees apart, that's it. You're doing so well Tai. You deserve a reward."

"Yes, please," I agree as I feel his hands kneading my thighs and ass. Fingers slide between my cheeks, cupping my balls and then his other hand is pumping my full cock. I moan in pleasure and again, it sounds far away to my own ears.

I almost let out a joyous sigh at what sounds like a bottle of lube being opened. Instead I move my hips toward him, opening myself up for whatever pleasure he will reward me with.

I let out a strained whimper as he seems to take forever until finally a warm, slick finger glides soothingly around my entrance. "Please Master Ken," I hiss and then my breath hitches slightly as I feel the finger push in to me. He's gentle, but firm as he prepares me. My heartrate picks up my hips rock gently against him.

He's gone quiet except I can hear him breathing deeply and the thought of me being the cause of that fills me with overwhelming bliss.

One finger turns to two and then none, but before I can feel the loss, the sound of a condom wrapper being opened sends a shiver up my spine. I feel like Pavlov's dog as I pant in anticipation.

"Are you okay Tai?" He asks quietly.

"Mhm...yes Sir...please...need...."

"Shhh," he soothes and then he's pushing into me and I feel full and stretched and it feels amazing and I push back against him for more, as much as possible. Once he's fully seated he immediately begins thrusting into me, his hips slamming against mine and I'm flying. Every thrust feels like a rocket explosion of ecstasy inside me. I feel his hands on the rope harness holding it and using it as leverage and it's doubly amazing to know that I'm at his mercy. He has me bound and tied and is taking what he wants, using my body to pleasure himself. His breath is ragged and I can hear low grunts and his control is strained and pushed to his limit and it's because of me. I'm doing this to him.

He growls out a few curses as he comes undone and it makes my body shudder, by balls quiver and the walls of my ass tighten.

"Sir..." I gasp when I realize I'm way too close to the edge. "Please...I'm...too close...please, may I..."?

"Hold it Tai," he growls and pumps into me even harder, "not yet."

I pant, fast shallow breaths, clenching my abdomen to keep from exploding.

"Fuck!" Master Ken grunts. I guess he was feeling me tighten up.

He takes a hand off the harness and reaches my front wrapping a tight grip around my leaking cock. I want to scream, but before I can I hear the magic words.

"Cum Tai," he says as he milks my cock.

I do let out a scream, but it's full of relief, release and intense pleasure as I erupt into his hand. He slams into me and lets out a grunt that expresses the same sentiments as I feel his shaft pulsing deep inside me.

Everything is a blur after that. I remember him pulling out because I let out a long moan as his shaft slowly slid from inside me. I don't have the energy to open my eyes, but I feel the ropes get untied and warm hands rub my arms, chest and back. I feel something warm and wet clean me and then I'm wrapped in a soft blanket.

I float around in that haze for a while until things start to come into focus. Master Ken is there. He makes me drink some juice and then feeds me some fruit and nuts...almonds I think. I ask him what time it is and he says it's already the new year. I missed the countdown and I didn't have a New Year's kiss. But I don't mind. It was worth it. It was an amazing experience. Not what I expected, but maybe that's the best part.

When he's sure I'm fully recovered I dress and Master Ken walks me back into the main room. The crowd has died down and our table is now empty.

"Do you have a ride home Tai?"

"I'll have Jonas at the front door call me a cab, Sir."

"I will drive you."

I open my mouth to object. I don't want him to feel obligated. I'm not able to get the words out as he gives me a stern look before I can make a sound. "I'll get my things," I finally say and he nods.


"I'm really sorry Casey, you didn't have to come with me, I could have taken my car." I look next to me at Casey who has his eyes forward, trained on the road as we travel as fast as legally possible on our way to get Payton.

"You don't actually think I would have let you gone alone, do you? It's late, it's a long drive and I'm sure you're upset. We'll go, pick-up Payton and then I can either drop the two of you off at your dorm room or you both can come back to my place, I've got extra guest rooms. I assume you'll want to be there for him tonight."

"Yes, I definitely have to be there for him tonight. He wouldn't have called me unless he was really upset. You don't know Payton that well, most of the time he's extremely stoic. If he called me when he knew I'd be with you, it's serious."

"Did he say exactly what happened?"

"No, I tried to find out, but he just kept begging me to come get him. He locked himself in a bathroom. don't think Master Remington hurt him or anything?"

"If he did I'll..." he stopped when I placed my hand on his arm and gave him a gentle squeeze.

"Let's just wait and find out what happened, before we jump to any conclusions. Besides, Master Matthias will deal with it. It's his club and his cousin. He still considers Payton under his care." Honestly, I didn't want to see Casey getting into any trouble and Master Matthias would want to do an investigation himself. "He's safe right now, I texted him a few minutes ago and he replied right back."

Casey reached his left hand over and squeezed mine back. "It won't be too much longer Tommy." I nodded and leaned my head back against the head rest, closing my eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Poor Payton, he was so excited earlier. I tried not to let my imagination go crazy about what could have happened to get him so upset.

When we pull up to the house, both Casey and I jump out as soon as we're parked. I run up to the door with Casey only steps behind me. I try the door, but it's locked so I begin knocking and pressing the doorbell...soon I'm pounding on the door and I'm about to ask Casey to break it down when a frazzled looking Remy opens it.

"Where is he?" I growl. "Where's Payton?" Dom or not, I don't care how I sound to him. He's screwed with the wrong best friend.

"Remington?" Casey growls behind me and I could almost laugh at the way we sound if it weren't such a serious situation. We both step inside before Remy can answer. Some guy I don't recognize is standing about halfway down the hallway off the main entrance. He looks about our age, maybe a little older, about my height, thin with jet black hair which is long and stringy. Wide set eyes and a mouth that looks too big for his face. I don't know who he is, but I don't like him. I turn back to Remy.

"Tell me where he is right now!" I demand. Before he can answer I yell out at the top of my lungs, "Payton, where are you?"

"He's in the bathroom in the's just been...a big misunderstanding," he begins.

"Tommy?" I hear Payton's voice sounding tired and wounded and I look down the hallway, past whoever that guy is and see him looking out of a doorway.

"Payton," Remy says quietly, "please let me explain."

"NO!" I find myself shouting and head straight down to my friend. He's dressed, his face looks pale and his eyes are red and puffy. He has his arms wrapped around his body and he's leaning against the wall.

"Are you okay?" I whisper when I reach him and pull him into my arms.

He nods, "I just want to go home."

"Come on Pay." I put my arm over his shoulders and lead him out.

"Payton, please...please let me explain. It's not what you think...Je ne voulais pas que ça se passe comme ça." I don't understand french, but his English gave me enough of the picture and my only goal was to get Payton away from him.

"No Master Remington, there's nothing to explain," Payton says sadly. "Just go...go back to France. I should never have come here anyway. You don't need to explain anything to me. This was my own fault."

"Payton, non!" he objects and Casey takes a step in front of him.

"Enough Remington," he says loudly in his face and blocks the Dom while I lead Payton past him and out the door.

"Désolé," the unknown guy calls out and it's obvious by his strong accent that he's also from France.


"Payton! Payton, where are you?"

"Tommy," I whisper to myself. I stand up, putting my phone in my pocket before unlocking and opening the bathroom door. The room is empty so I quickly walk out and through the room until I get to the open door.

"Tommy?" I look down the hallway and see him and Casey standing just inside the front door that Master Remy...Remington is holding open. All eyes stare my way and I before I can help myself, I look at him. I can see pain and regret in his big brown eyes, even from this distance.

"Payton," he breathes, "please, let me explain."

My body jolts when Tommy yells, "No!" He pushes past him and rushes up to me. "Are you okay?"

I nod, "I just want to go home," I say quietly.

"Come on Pay." Tommy wraps an arm over my shoulders and leads me down the hallway. I keep my eyes down at my feet. I don't want to see...him...Fabien is what Master Remington called him. His submissive.

"Payton, please. Please let me explain," Master Remington repeats, "It's not what you think. Je ne voulais pas que ça se passe comme ça." I didn't mean for this to happen he says and I huff.

"No...Master Remington. There's nothing to explain. Just go...go back to France." With your submissive. "I should never have come here anyway. You don't need to explain anything to me. This was my own fault." What was I thinking. Of course he has a submissive. He's...a sexy Dom. I should have assumed...I'm so stupid.

"Payton, non!"

"Enough Remington." Casey's deep voice sounded so angry it makes me cringe as he steps in front of Master Remington. His huge form blocking my view of the man I almost gave my virginity to.

"Désolé," Sorry, I hear from behind me. It's Fabien. I suddenly feel sick to my stomach at the sound of his voice and I rush out the door with Tommy at my heels. When I get to the curb, I stumble onto my knees and wretch onto the street.

"Pay!" Tommy is behind me in a second, rubbing my back. It only takes me a few minutes to stop and I spit out a few times to get the disgusting taste out of my mouth.

"I fell for it Tommy," I say angrily. "I fell for his flowery...French accented words and stupid compliments."


"He has a submissive!" I yell. "He already has a submissive...I...I was just a plaything while he was here. Fuck! I mean...I knew that already...I knew nothing would come of it...but...I'm just so stupid...I let myself...I...let..." I can't finish the sentence. I can't admit out loud that I'd let myself have feelings for him. It was stupid. That's not what I was supposed to be doing. It's not the reason I came into the lifestyle. And if Master Matthias found out...I'm pretty sure he wouldn't let me come to the club anymore.

I hear the door close and look back as Casey walks down the lawn to us. "Are you okay Payton?" he asks. "Are you ready to get out of here?"

"Yes Sir," I reply and stumble up into a standing position. "Please take me home Sir."

We get into Casey's car, Tommy sits in the backseat with me. He leans forward and I hear him quietly asking Casey to take us back to the dorms, when I go to object he reaches back and squeezes my knee. Great. Now I've ruined his night too.

"Stop what you're thinking," Tommy says when he leans back and throws an arm over my shoulders. "You're my best friend, I want to be with you tonight."

"Thanks Tommy," I whisper as my voice cuts out.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"Not just yet," I plead. "I just need...I need to not think about it for a little while." As if that's possible. Tommy nods and sits back against the seat pulling me back with him. I close my eyes.

"I can't wait to be inside you Payton," he growls and I find it sexy the way he says my name, I lean my hips back as I catch my breath, wanting him so badly. He pushes forward and I can feel him pressing against my entrance, getting ready, finding just the spot to push into. I let out an anticipatory moan, I want him inside me with everything in me. My heart beats fast and the seconds feel like minutes as I hear him take a deep the same time I let out a deep breath, readying myself....

"Maître!" A strange voice calls out as the door flies open. My eyes pop up and I immediately drop onto the bed and look around panicked for a blanket or something to cover myself with. "Vous avez un nouveau jouet? Puis-je me joindre à vous?" ("Master! You have a new toy? Can I join you?")

I immediately feel my heart rate double, but not from the reason it was earlier. My mouth has gone dry and I feel sick to my stomach.

"Fabien! Que fais-tu ici ?" ("Fabien! What are you doing here?")

"Maître Claude m'a ammené avec lui à New York... mais je voulais fêter le Nouvel An avec vous. Il m'a laissé prendre un avion cet après-midi. J'ai trouvé l'adresse de votre cousin dans votre carnet d'adresse à votre appartement. N'êtes-vous pas content de me voir, Maître ?" ("Master Claude brought me with him to New York...but I wanted to celebrate the New Year with you. He let me take a flight this afternoon. I had your cousin's address from your address book at your apartment. Aren't you glad to see me Master?")

He looks back down at me and licks his lips then looks at Master Remy. "Le partagerais-tu avec moi?" ("Would you share with me?")

"Fabien!" Master Remy spits out, but before he can say anything else I shoot up off the bed. I can't take anymore. Master Remy reaches out and grabs at my arm. Payton, wait!" I slip out of his grip and grab my clothing from the bureau and run into the bathroom, close and lock the door, sliding down until I'm sitting on the cold tile floor.

I can hear Master Remy shouting in French behind the door as I dig my phone out of my pants pocket. I press a speed dial button and in seconds the phone is ringing. Answer...please answer.


"Tommy? I...I need you to come get me...please...I wouldn't call if it wasn't....I...just...can you come get me? Please? Please Tommy?" My voice cracks at the end from my dry throat.

"Payton? What's wrong? Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm at Master Matthias and Lane's house...I'm..."

"Is Master Remy with you? Are you safe?"

"I locked the door, I'm in the bathroom...he's here, but...I'll explain when you get here."

"Did he hurt you?"

"Um, no. But...I can't stay, I can't be here right now, please come get me..."

"Okay Pay, I'll be there as fast as I can. We're leaving right now, Casey will drive me, he knows how to get there. Just hang on Pay."

"Thanks Tommy."


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