10k Bonus Chapter

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A/N: I am posting this in honor of The Suicide Hotline hitting 10k reads and 1k votes!!! I am so excited, you have no idea. I never thought we would ever get this far when I started this story in May of 2018. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, to everyone who has ever commented, voted, or added this story to a reading list. I see all of it, and it just ugh it's so freaking awesome.


3 years later, on January 5th, 2021...


"Parker! Stop singing!"


"Oh god, please help me!"




"Parker! You have many talents, but singing is not one of them!"


Aurora laughed so hard she couldn't breath as her ridiculous boyfriend continued singing loudly off-key, trying to match the Ed Sheeran song blasting on the radio. When he saw how uncontrollably Aurora was laughing, he grinned impishly at her and continued.



Parker slammed the breaks as he accidentally ran a red light. The car that had nearly hit them honked furiously, wheels screeching as they drove around the car. Aurora had the wind knocked out of her when her seat belt had locked. She gasped for air, wincing when the seat belt dug into her neck. She turned to Parker, eyes wide and panting. It had happened so quickly her brain was still processing what had happened.

"Parker! Keep your eyes on the road!!!" She shrieked as she swatted his arm.

"Yes ma'am." Parker responded seriously, complete with a mock salute. Aurora exhaled through her nose, slumping back into her seat as she switched off the radio.

"Where are we going?" She asked him for what felt like the tenth time. Parker smiled before shaking his head.

"Here's a hint: I'm not telling you."

"Fine, I just hope I live long enough to get there." At her retort, Parker scoffed, looking offended.

"What are you talking about? I am a great driver." She gave him a look.

"I'm an okay driver?" Another look.

"Okay.....I'm just a driver."


Fifteen minutes later, they pulled into the woods near Silver Lake. Silver Lake was named for its silvery shine and was a popular location for hikers. Parker opened Aurora's door and smiled at her awed expression.

"Oh, it's so gorgeous!" Aurora said wide-eyed, looking around in wonder. She paused and turned to him. "Why didn't you tell me we were coming here? And why are you dressed up?" She said curiously, eyeing his button-up shirt and dark jeans. She and Parker began walking hand in hand to the trail. Parker shrugged casually, one hand gripping Aurora's and the other clutching a small, velvet box in his pocket.

"Well, I felt bad that I was going to miss your birthday next week because of my business trip, so I wanted to do something special for it in advance." Noticing her stunned expression, he grinned, adding, "Besides, you always plan our trips. I wanted to try to surprise you."

"Awwww, Parker! This is really sweet! I-I'm going to cry." She sniffled. Parker wrapped his arms around her to pull her into a hug, wondering if his excuse had been enough to lay off her suspicions. It worked...?

"That doesn't explain why you're all dressed up, though," she mumbled into his shirt. Dammit.

"I knew you wouldn't mind, necessarily, if I dressed up a little." He responded smugly.

"I have no complaints." Aurora admitted, making him laugh and kiss her forehead. They continued walking in a comfortable silence. Parker loved the feeling of bliss he had with Aurora. He had known for a long time that this was the woman he could live with forever, the woman he couldn't live without. Today had to be perfect. He smiled to himself as he tugged her hand and led her off the path.

"Parker, why are we leaving the path?" she said worriedly. Parker laughed.

"Wow, nothing escapes you does it?" She rolled her eyes. "Well, Aurora, I just wanted to talk. In private." He added. He swung their arms as they walked. They wandered through the woods, talking and laughing.

After a while, Aurora started to notice Parker's indecisive steps and the way he kept changing the direction he was leading them. He became distracted, mumbling in response to her and he kept looking around.

"You're lost aren't you?" She sighed. Parker scoffed.

"What?! No, psh, of course not." Aurora gave him a look. "Okay, maybe a little."

"What are we supposed to do?" she murmured as she looked around the densely packed trees. The surrounding scene had just been so beautiful; now it was becoming kind of creepy.

Parker gripped her hand comfortingly. "Trust me." He said, and he began walking.

"What?" Aurora said, confused. She stumbled along as Parker forged ahead.

"Do you--do you know where we're going...?"


Soon the trees, began to thin, and they they burst out into the open. Aurora gasped. They were on a cliff overlooking the Silver Lake. The sun had begun to set, sending streaks of orange and purple into the sky. The lake shone like pure silver. The surrounding forests seemed to sway and sigh. A warm breeze ruffled her hair. Calling the scene beautiful would be an insult.

Realizing that Parker wasn't next to her, Aurora turned around, brimming with excitement. She was about to ask him what he thought of the view when she froze. Her heart nearly stopped beating. Parker was down on one knee. All she could do was gape at him, speechless.

Parker pulled a small box from his pocket. Aurora's hands flew to her mouth. Over and over 'is this a dream?' flashed through her mind. Parker told her how much he loved her, and how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Her vision blurred with tears as Parker opened the box. In the light, the ring sparkled. He paused for a moment, collecting himself, before saying the words she wanted to hear.

"Aurora Glass, will you marry me?"

Aurora inhaled shakily, and wiped away her tears. She opened her mouth but couldn't speak, too overwhelmed. She was silent.

"Rorie, my knee is hurting." Parker complained.

"S-sorry. Of course I will marry you." Aurora gave a teary laugh. He stood up, looking a little relieved. They kissed, feeling the world melt away until they were the only people left. Parker took Aurora's hand and put the ring on her finger.

"It's a perfect fit." He said, proud of himself for his master detective work figuring out her ring size.

Finally, the rush of emotions that had been building up hit her like a brick wall, and out came the waterworks. Parker chuckled, hugging Aurora tightly as she continued bawling. She closed her eyes and leaned against his chest. They stood together for a minute, before she spoke.

"You know that when we fight, I'm going to say I'm right, right?"

"I will let you win, every time."

"You know I'm going to drive you crazy, right?"

"You already do, so not much will change." At her look, he hastily added, "but I mean that in the most affectionate way possible..?"

She sighed, rolling her eyes at him. Though looking at Parker's face, she couldn't hold back a smile.

"I still can't believe you proposed."

"I still can't believe you said yes."

"Of course I said yes. Did you ask me thinking I would say no?"


"Nah. You're stuck with me. Forever." She looked lovingly at her ring. "You always were, you know. It's just that.... now, it's official."

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