31 || January 16th, 2018

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Aurora had hung up on Parker for a very understandable reason. She had found him.

She had turned the corner, complaining that she couldn't find him, when she saw a man sitting on a bench. He agitatedly brushed his black hair out of his eyes as he talked on the phone pressed to his ear. 

Even now, as Aurora stood gaping at him, her heart fluttering in her chest, she watched him stare at the phone with mild annoyance and confusion. He rolled his eyes and looked down as he started typing on it.

She starting walking towards him. Hearing her tentative footsteps, he looked up. Aurora's heart just about leaped out of her chest. He had dark eyes, messy black hair and large glasses. His eyes widened, before he smiled the crooked smile she had been dreaming about for months.

"...Parker?" She choked, shell-shocked. Was this seriously happening?

"Miss Glass?" He said, in a deep, serious voice that gave her chills. He stood up, towering over her. Her eyes widened slightly. The top of her head didn't reach the collar of his jacket.

They stared at each other. Parker was smirking; Aurora's mouth was hanging open. Parker shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Is this cliche?" He mused. "Meeting in Central Park?" Aurora gave a small laugh.

"Very. But I wouldn't have it any other way." She whispered, before wrapping her arms around him. Parker hugged her tightly, resting his chin on her head. They stood quietly, enjoying the moment.

"I'm so glad you're real and not, a creep." Parker said suddenly. Aurora pulled back without breaking the hug.

"You really thought I wasn't real?" She said, arching an eyebrow.

"What, like you thought I was real right away?" He retorted.

Aurora gave a sheepish smile. "Yeah, I see your point."

Parker chuckled. "You can't blame me. It was too good to be true. Why would a little angel like you ever put up with me?" Aurora flushed, giving him a look.

"You stop that." She admonished him. He smirked, making her heart flutter. The unbelievable reality of it all was finally sinking in.

"I'm really here." She whispered. "Im in New York, and best of all, I'm finally with you." Parker chuckled. They both watched the twinkling lights of New York city. Aurora squealed suddenly, earning a half-startled, half-amused look from Parker.

"I can't believe I made it! I'm finally here!" She shrieked, covering her mouth. "I--I think I'm going to cry."

He rolled his eyes. "So dramatic."

Aurora's smile faded, her expression turning somber. "I'm glad you're here, Parker. I'm glad you're alive. I don't know what I would've done if I'd lost you." Parker looked at the sky.

"I know." He said sadly. "Not that my life is completely put together now. I'm still broke as hell and practically homeless, but hey, I have the will to actually get out of bed in the morning, which is a giant improvement." Parker sighed. "Think of all the things I could've missed out on, if I had actually gone through with my plan."

Aurora shyly slipped her hand into his. "Just remember..." he looked up expectantly, "...you're stuck with me forever. You can't get rid of me. And, I am going to help you through everything."

Parker shook his head. "Yeah, we'll see."

She mock-glared at him. "If you have to see it to believe it, so be it."

Parker laughed. He put a finger under her chin and tipped her face up. Parker's eyes searched Aurora's. Their faces were millimeters apart. Aurora blushed at the thought of how easy it would be for them to touch noses.

"Wow," He whispered, his eyes on her lips. Aurora blushed, a current traveling through her body down to her toes.

"What?" she whispered. He moved his face closer, his breath hitting her lips.

"You are..just....so much shorter than I thought you'd be," he breathed. Aurora glared at him and smacked him in the chest. Parker laughed that contagious laugh Aurora had heard so many times before. She couldn't even be mad.

And on that day, as a chapter of their story ended, a new chapter of their lives began.


A/N: It is finally finished! I'm so happy ngl, I was getting sick of seeing this story in my to-dos. 

If you enjoy my writing, I highly suggest * insert shameless self-promotion* checking out my other book, Superhumans . It's going to be a full length story, not a dialogue-based story like this one. I'm very excited for where it's going to go! 

Annnnnnnnd don't you worry about Rorie and Parkington. I'm so writing cute one shots for all of them. ;) ;)

Thank you all so much for reading this! ❤️❤️❤️

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