The Fairest of them all

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Jamie was standing outside the hotel petting Tippy the horse the drove the carriage for the hotel. His siblings were inside trying to get their mum to buy them new bikes. "Pretty pony" Jamie said petting Tippys mane. Jamie turned and saw a large group of girls and their mothers arriving. Jamie got slightly uncomfortable and went inside.

He went over to Zack who was talking to Cody. "I mean this is probably the most boring hotel in the history of boring hotels" Zack said. Jamie rapped on his shoulder and Zack turned around. "What is it Jamie" Zack asked. Jamie pointed over to the group of girls who had entered and were at the front desk.

"I love this hotel" Zack said grinning. "You feel uncomfortable Jamie around this amount of people" Cody asked. Jamie nodded his head and hid behind Cody. "Well you know what Mr Forgess taught you if you feel uncomfortable" Cody said. "Close your eyes and count to ten" Jamie said. "Good So you just sit here" Cody said guiding Jamie to a seat. "And count" Cody said. Jamie nodded and began to count.

Jamie was at 8 when he felt a hand in his shoulder he jumped and opened his eyes and saw his mum. "Oh hi mummy you scared me" Jamie said. "Oh sweetie I didn't mean to what's wrong" Carey asked. "To many girls they make me uncomfortable" Jamie said fidgeting with his fingers. "Ok sweetie you are going to stay with your brothers until you don't feel uncomfortable anymore" Carey said. Jamie nodded. He went up over to his brothers "mummy said I have to stay with you until I feel comfortable again" Jamie said to Zack and Cody. "What's wrong with cody" Jamie asked. "I'll explain later" Zack said taking Jamie's hand.


Zack Cody and Jamie were standing outside the dressing rooms of the girls who were entered in the tiptons beauty pageant. Cody was holding flowers hoping to wait for a girl he ran into earlier. "What if she doesn't like you that way" Jamie asked Cody. "He's got a point" Zack said to Cody. "Shut up" Cody said to Zack. "How long so we have to stand out here " till this girl comes out so I can give her these" Cody said to Jamie. "But my feet hurt" Jamie said moving his feet. "Suck it up" Cody said.

"Good day" they heard faintly from mr Mosby. "Mr Mosbys coming" Jamie said. "Oh no he,ll see us fraternising" Cody said. He lifted the flowers over his face. "Why is Cody doing that" Jamie asked. "Because he's an idiot" Zack said. He grabbed both his brothers arms" Quick we'll hide in here" Zack said.

They went into the dressing room and hid behind a rack of dresses. "I'm
Scared" Jamie said. Zack rubbed his back. "It's ok" Zack whispered.

"Oh Tyressha, in this dress you are bound to win" a women said to her daughter.

"No I quit I'm sick of beauty pageants I'm going to science camp" her daughter said snatching the dress and throwing it to the ground before storming off".

"Where did I go wrong" the mother asked her self as she followed her daughter.

Jamie kept moving his feet and fell over the dress rack and knocking a wig onto his face. Thankfully it wasn't loud enough to get any ones attention.

Jamie got up and grabbed his head and looked into a mirror. "Oh no" Jamie said. He turned and saw his brothers doing hand signals signally to get back over. Jamie was about to go back over when he heard mr mosbys voice

"Oh ladies. Knock Knock men in the house" Mr Mosby said as he walked in. Jamie quickly grabbed a dressed and used it to cover his face. "Come on in we're decent" one of the mothers said.

"Splendid splendid" he said as he walked over. "You know" one of the mothers said. "these rose-colored candies are horrible." She said.

"That's soap madam" Mr. Moseby said. "Well, then they're pretty dang good." She said.

The women in charge of the beauty pageant entered. "Almost show time ladies. Come on come on my little beauties come on" she said. She turned and saw Jamie who was still in the wig and holding the dress over himself to cover his face.

"Young lady why aren't you in your dress" she asked. "Because I'm not" he was interrupted. "Number eleven..." she looked at the tag on the dress. "Your in the first group" she then looked closely at him. "Is that a hair on your lip" she asked.

"I don't know" Jamie said. She pulled out a pair of teasers "we'll just pull that right out" she said Jamie got scared and backed away a little.


Jamie was now wearing make and put in the dress and any time he would turn around the woman in charge would make him turn back around. "Our modeling competition continues, ladies and gentlemen.
Please welcome number 11, miss tyreesha Jones" the announcer Said.

The woman forced him onto the stage and jame began walking nervously along the stage. "Tyreesha Jones Enjoys Marine Biology, double Dutch, and her hero is George Washington Carver" the announcer said. Jamie saw his brothers and sent him a look saying help me.

Jamie went back to the changing room. "Tyreesha are you alright you seemed nervous" asked the girl called Rebecca. "J just nervous" Jamie said fidgeting. "First time" Rebecca asked. "I guess you could say that" Jamie said.

"And I'm sure no one noticed you trip" a mean girl called Briana said.

"And Rebecca, your dress is so darlin'.
It's just long enough to hide your scrawny little chicken legs" she said to Rebecca. "Leave us alone we're not b bothering you" Jamie said to her. "Aww hoe cute a stutterer you should drop out and save your self the humiliation" Brianna said before walking off.

"Ignore her she's just mean"Rebecca said. "I know I get bullied a lot" Jamie said. "Awww why" Rebecca asked. "Because I'm autistic" Jamie said. "Aww I understand everyone here has been kind of mean Rebecca said.

"Expect for the person who sent me these flowers" Rebecca said motioning to the flowers Cody got her. "Those are from my brother Cody" Jamie said. "Aww really" Rebecca asked. Jamie nodded.

Zack and Cody entered. "Hello Ladies" Zack said smiling Cody just looked at Rebecca. "These are my big brothers Zack and Cody we're triplets" Jamie said.

"Cody you got me those flowers" Rebecca asked Cody. "He sure did" Zack said. "Uh yeah yeah I d did" Cody said. "That is so sweet" Rebecca kissed his cheek.

Suddenly they heard fighting. "My daughter is twice as pretty as your daughter" said a woman. "Aah!You
bit me." Said another woman
"Ooh, mom's in a cat fight. I gotta go hold her earrings." Said Rebecca leaving the three

"Jamie how are you holding up" Cody asked. "I just want to get out of this dress and go up to our room" Jamie said. "You can't from the looks of things with you we have a great chance to win the prize money so we can get bikes" Zack said.

"But I can't ride a bike" Jamie said. "So you'll watch me and Cody ride bikes" Zack said. "He doesn't want to do it do you" Cody asked Jamie. Jamie shook his head. "Because it's lying and mommy wouldn't like it" Jamie said. Cody took his hand and began to lead him out. "Tyreesha where are you going" Rebecca asked. "Up to our room this whole thing is a bit of a stimulant on over load so I'm taking her upstairs" Cody said. "Aww that's so nice of you" Rebecca said smiling at Cody. Cody started blushing. "So will I see you tomorrow tyreesha" Rebecca asked. "It depends some days she has good days and bad days we actually questioned if she should have even entered" Cody asked. "Of course I understand see ya Tyreesha" Rebecca said leaving.

Zack came over. "You know Cody if you took Jamie's place you could get closer to Rebecca and win the money plus more time with Rebecca" Zack said wrapping an arm around Cody. "I'll do it" Cody said. Jamie rolled his eyes. When it came to money with Zack he turned into a different person.

Jamie was at the kitchen table drawing. Zack looked at his brother and went over to him. " Jamie you ok" Zack asked. "I don't feel so good" Jamie said.

Zack touched his fire head. "I think your coming down with something" Zack said. Cody came out of the bathroom and Jamie ran in and closed the door and started puking into the toilet.

A couple minutes later he heard the door open and turned and saw his mother. "What's wrong sweetie" Carey asked her youngest. "I feel. I feel" Jamie said before puking into the toilet again. "Oh sweetie I think you caught something here let's get you to bed" Carey said helping her youngest son out of the bathroom. "What's wrong Jamie" Cody asked. "Your brother is sick so he's going to go to bed early" Carey said. Jamie went into his room.

And changed into his Beauty and the beast pyjamas and went into his bunk bed and grabbed his stuff bear. "Night mr teddy" jamie said before falling asleep.

A few minutes later Zack went into the room and tucked Jamie in. "Night little bro thanks to you and Cody  we'll get new bikes" Zack said whispering.

Zack left the room grinning.


The next morning Jamie woke up still not feeling well and ran to the bathroom and threw up for 3 minutes straight. After that he went on the couch and began to watch TV. His mom came in wearing a red dress and with Zack and Cody. "W what happened" Jamie asked. "Your brothers entered a beauty pageant to win money for bikes" their mother said. "I'm sorry mommy" Jamie said.

"What do you have to be sorry about" Carey asked. "I was in it yesterday we went in to drip flowers off for Cody and someone thought I was in it and then Zack got the idea to keep going until we won" Jamie said. "I'm sorry mommy" Jamie said. "It's ok Jamie at least you knew not to do something this stupid" Carey said looking at her older sons.

"Once again we're sorry" Zack said. "Why is Zack wearing a skirt" Jamie asked. "Don't ask" Zack said going into the boys room. "So you feeling any better Jamie" Cody asked. Jamie shook his head. "It's probably a stomach bug" Carey said.

Jamie reaches his arms out towards Cody. "Hugs" Jamie said. Cody carefully place a blanket over James arms and face and then hugged him. And ended it quickly. Jamie took the blanket off his face. "What was that for"   Jamie asked. "I don't want to get sick" Cody said.


The next day when everyone was leaving Jamie felt a little better and went down to the lobby to mr Mosby. "Mr Mosby I'm sorry my brothers ruined the pageant" Jamie said. "It's fine Jamie at this point ok use to things getting ruined by your hoooligan brothers" Mr Mosby said.

"And shouldn't you be upstairs your mother said you were sick" Mr Mosby said. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry" Jamie said. "It's fine Jamie now go up back to bed" mr Mosby said. Jamie nodded and went to the elevator.

"Why don't you treat us like that" Cody asked. "Yeah don't you like us mr Mosby"  Zack asked. "Let's put it this way if I had my way you both would be in military school far away from my hotel" mr Mosby said walking away. "We're not that bad just Zack is" Cody said. "Yeah hey" Zack said to Cody. "Start running" Cody asked. "What do you think" Zack said.

And in a flash Cody started running with Zack chasing after him

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