Triplets check in

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Jamie Martin was about to enter the Tipton hotel his and his brothers new home since their mother was the new lounge singer. He was about to go in when he went wide eyed and started grinning. "PONY" he shouted and ran over to the horse drawn carriage and started petting it.

"Pretty pony" he said smiling. His mother came out looking for him and was relieved to see her youngest triplet son was safe. "Jamie what are you doing" she asked as she walked over to him. "Look mommy pony" he said pointing to it. It was times like this made Carey think that Jamie was a lot more special then a normal Boy his age. He still called her mommy and his father Kurt daddy. she kept asking her children's old school to test him him but they always made a Excuse.

"Come on Jamie we have to go Inside you can pet the pony later" she said to her son. "Bye pony" Jamie said waving to it before he went inside.

He saw the large crowd and whimpered. "It's ok sweetie you just go up to the room on the 23rd floor and relax ok mommy's got to do her rehearsal for her show tonight" Carey said kneeling down to her sons level. Jamie nodded and went to the elevator.

He went up to the room and was amazed by it. "Pretty room" he said looking at it. He went into the bedroom and saw that it had one single bed and one bunk beds. Jamie climbed up the ladder and put his stuff on the top bunk. "My bed" he said.

His brothers came in a couple of minutes later. "Jamie where were you we looked all over the lobby for you" his oldest brother Zack said. "Correction I looked you just sat on a chair and stared at the candy counter girl" his brother Cody said. "So" Zack said. " I saw the pony outside and petted it then mummy came out and took me inside and told me to come up here once I got scared of the large crowd of people" Jamie said.

Jamie pulled out his brown teddy bear with a pink bow from his backpack. "Jamie don't you think your a little old for a teddy bear" Cody said gently to his youngest brother. "Your one to talk you still sleep with mr blankie" Zack said in defence of his youngest brother.

Jamie giggles at his older brothers. "So Boys I call dibs on the single bed" Zack said jumping onto the single bed on the other side of the room. "this my bed" Jamie said from the top bunk. "Then I guess I'll take the bottom bunk" Cody said.

The next day the boys arrived at their new school. Jamie felt nervous and hid behind his brothers. he heard a bell ring and quickly covered his ears and ran inside. He sat down on the floor and began rocking in a ball with his ears covered. A man with dark hair noticed Jamie doing this.

"Are you alright little boy" he asked him. Jamie shook his head. "Bell to noisy" he said. The man offered his hand to him. "Here I'll take you somewhere quite" the man said. Janie took his hand and went with him
Jamie was taken to a quite room.

"Now uh Jamie you just wait here till you feel ready to come out ok" the man said. Jamie nodded and sat down in a bean bag chair.


It was after school and Jamie was sitting in a class room waiting for his mom. His mum walked in. "Hi mommy" he said waving to her. Carey turned around and went wide eyed. "Jamie you got asked to stay behind" Carey said surprised. Jamie nodded. "No no I was expecting Zack pulled some stupid prank or maybe maybe Cody questioned a teachers abilities but not you your the good one" she said to him.

"I thought Cody was the good one" Jamie asked. "Do not tell him I said that" Carey said. "Ok" Jamie said. The teacher who helped Jamie before came in. "Oh you must be Carey Martin I'm Mr Forgess" the man said shaking Carey's hand. "What did he do?" Carey asked slightly scared. "Oh nothing but this might be hard to hear Jamie why don't you wait outside" he said to Jamie.

Jamie got up and left and waited outside. "So If Jamie isn't in trouble why did you call me down here" she asked. "Has Jamie always been sensitive to Sounds and smells" me Forgess asked. "Yeah he has that's why at his old school he had to be taken out when they did a school musical and why he does not go near the hippos at the Zoo" Carey said.

"Well I've talked it over with the school counselor and from what you've told me and from what we've seen and from his test scores it is looking more and more like that Jamie suffers from Autism Spectrum Disorder" he said to her. Carey went wide eyed. "I'm sorry what" Carey asked shocked. "Your sons autistic" he said.

Carey sat down."I always thought he was a little slow but not this" Carey said. "and we've discussed it and we think Jamie would benefit from being in a special education class where they help students who have additional support needs is that alright" he asked. "yeah yeah that's fine now if you'll excuse me I need to take Jamie home and get home to my other sons and I hope they haven't set the place on fire" she said before leaving the classroom. "everything ok mommy" Jamie asked. "yes yes mommy just got a bit of news that's all" carey said. "ok can we go home now" Jamie asked. "we are just leaving right now" Carey said. she took his hand and they left the school.


when they got home they saw Zack and Cody smiling. "whats got you two so happy" Carey asked. " you just missed are new friends" Cody said. "you two have already made friends" Carey asked. "yep" Zack and Cody said at the same time. "That's great news" Carey said. "sorry I run off but it was to noisy" Jamie said to his brothers. "oh that reminds me Jamie can you go into your room I need to talk to your brothers" Carey said. "why am I in trouble" Jamie asked. "what no no its just I need to explain to them about your condition" Carey said. "oh ok" Jamie said before heading into his room. "Condition what condition" Zack asked. "I just talked to one of the teachers at the school apparently they think Jamie is autistic" Carey said to her oldest sons. Cody jumped up and smiled. "yes yes I knew I knew it" Cody said before doing a goofy dance. " gee take all the time you need to adjust" Carey said sarcastically. "no see a few years ago I looked up Jamie's behavioral patterns and they matched the classic symptoms of Autism spectrum disorder" Cody said. "so is Jamie brain damaged or something" Zack said. Carey hit his arm. "ow what was that for" Zack asked confused.  "he is not brain damaged and if I hear you say that about your brother again you'll  be wishing you had more time outside" Carey said.

"Yes mam" Zack said rubbing his arm. "Good now boys go cheer up your brother he's a little a down right now" Carey said. "makes sense i would be to if i was" Zack was about to finish but his mother gave him a look saying dont you dare. "if i was told i was autistic" Zack said. "Thats Better" Carey said. the boys went into the room and saw their youngest brother on his head hugging his stuffed bear. "Heeeey buddy" Zack said. Jamie waved acknowledging them. "how you holding up?" Cody asked. "ok" Jamie said. "do you want something to eat" Cody asked. Jamie shook his head. "something to drink" Zack asked. Jamie shook his head again. "what do you want" Zack asked. Jamie let go of his teddy bear and leaned over the edge holding out his arms. "hugs" Jamie said. "ok Cody go to the kitchen and make something" Zack said. "but he just said he isn't hungry" Cody said. "he isn't but i am" Zack said.

Cody left the room and Zack climbed up the ladder and began to hug his youngest brother. Zack rubbed his back as Jamie began to get sleepy.


The next day at school Jamie bumped into Drew and his crew. "hey watch it dummy" Drew said to him. " s-sorry"Jamie said. "s sorry what can you not talk properly either do you have a lisp as well as being brain damaged" drew said as his friends laughed. Jamie began getting watery eyed. "hey leave him alone loser said a girl. Jamie turned and what looked like a girl but Jamie could tell she was female due to her high voice. "butt out dont you have better things to do loser" Drew said mockingly. "dont you have better things to do then make fun of a boy for something he cant help" the girl said in defense of Jamie. "lets go guys we have better things to do" Drew said to his crew. and they walked away leaving Jamie and the girl alone. "Thank you" Jamie said. "no problem im max you must be Jamie right" max asked. Jamie nodded his head. "yeah i met your brothers yesterday Zack and Cody right" max asked. Jamie nodded. "their my big brothers" Jamie said. "what happened," Max asked. "i bumped into that mean boy on the way to my new class" Jamie said."Oh your in the special class" max said. Jamie nodded. "Want me to take you to it" Max asked Jamie nodded.

"Ok this way" Max said max took his hand and lead him to his class.


After school and after Jamie got him he immediately started freaking out he saw that mean kid Drew and his friends making a riot. Jamie ran into the nearest room he could find and hid under the desk. A minute later he heard the door open. He went wide eyed and stayed as quiet as a mouse.

He saw someone sit in the chair and saw it was mr Mosby the hotel manager. Jamie accidentally let a coin fall out of his pocket drawing the attention of the hotel manager. Mr Mosby looked down and jumped out of his chair. He backed into the wall knocking down three of the pictures on the wall off. "Uh hi m mr Mosby" Jamie said waving a little.

"Jamie what are you doing under there. "It's To noisy zack and Cody's new friends bully me and are mean to me and their to noisy" Jamie said standing up. "Oh I know the feeling of dealing with a brothers friends" Mosby said glaring at nothing. "You have brothers" Jamie asked. "Yes two unfortunately" Mosby said thinking of his brothers. "Look Jamie from what I can gather those little hooligans are busy in the arcade and pool just quickly run to the elevator covering your ears" mr Mosby said guiding the young blonde. "Ok thank you mr Mosby and sorry for hiding under your desk" Jamie said. "It's all right at least you apologise and mean it " mr Mosby said as Jamie ran out of the room and to the elevator.


Jamie was in the room watching TV when his mum came in. "Jamie why aren't you with your brothers. "Their new friends are mean to me one of them called me brain damaged" Jamie said. "What?" Carey asked wide eyed. "One of them called me brain damaged and their right I am" Jamie ran into his room crying.

An hour of crying into his pillow his brothers came in wearing shorts and swimming goggles. "Jamie why are you crying" Cody asked climbing up the ladder. "Because I'm brain damaged" Jamie said. "No your not who said that" Cody asked. "That mean boy drew" Jamie said. Cody turned to Zack glaring. "Oops" Zack said. "Well don't worry Drew and his friends are gone and aren't coming back" Cody said. Jamie lifted his head from the pillow and looked at Cody.

"R r really" Jamie asked wiping away his tears. "Yep their gone adois bye bye" Zack said. "He gets it zack" Cody said. "So let's go to the pool and get some ice cream they have your favourite flavour" Zack said. "Mint chocolate chip" Jamie asked. Zack and Cody nodded. Jamie quickly went down the ladder and ran out to the pool

"Man he's really easy to cheer up" Cody said. "And yet you wonder why I like him better" Zack said as he left the room. "Well can Jamie do your homework" Cody asked as Zack left and quickly followed him.

"Man I hate how he does that" Cody said as they went to the pool.

Hey guys this story means so
Much to me I have try to get the motivation to do it and I finally did it so please let me know what you think of this story so far in the comments

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