5. Kicking the same rock

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"Just around the corner." Natsuki shows taehyung the way to infirmary.

Fumiya's one hand is draped around taehyung's shoulder and the other one around natsuki's as they take small slow steps down the hallway, which is almost empty.

Finally in front of the door of infirmary, taehyung swings the door open after knocking two times. They slowly lay him down on the bed.

The infirmary, or school nurse's office, is as usually silent.

"Where is the nurse?" Taehyung asks as he looks around.

"I'll go and find her. You stay here with fumiya-kun. And do anything you can while I go out." Natsuki says, quickly heading out to find the nurse.

Taehyung looks around the small cubical office. The walls are painted in white with a hint of light blue colour. Very typical. In one corner, there is a desk which assuming-ly is where the nurse sits. He can see some familiar and unfamiliar equipments laying around on the desk. Another corner is occupied by the cupboard.

The office has a window and two small beds. Both of them are separated by a white curtain in the middle. Besides there are a couple of chairs, too.

Taehyung searches for a small towel or anything that he can use. He finds a pile of towels on one of the shelves of the cupboard and drenches it with water, gently dabbing it on fumiya's forehead. Not long after that, natsuki comes running with the nurse.

Taehyung makes way for the nurse to do her work while he stands back with natsuki.

"Let him rest for a while. He should feel better after waking up." The nurse says after checking him. "You two can stay here with him, I have some other work." She leaves soon, her shoes clicking on the tiled floor, which eventually fades in nothingness.

"Sit down." Taehyung turns towards natauki.

"Eh?" She looks confused.

"Sit down." His words are emphasised. "Your knees hurt, don't they?" He reminds her.

"Ah, yes." She says, embarrassed and sits down on the other bed.

"Where is the first-aid kit?" He asks her when she is sat down on the bed awkwardly.

"How would I know?" She scoffs, unknowingly. It isn't her intent to be rude but she just can't help it.

"Of course, you should." He shakes his head, giving up and starts searching for it on the shelves.

"It might be in that drawer." Natsuki suddenly says, in a very small voice but the silent atmosphere makes it easier for taehyung to get what she said.

"Should I say 'thank you'?" He turns around for a brief second and goes for the drawer, finding the first-aid kit.

He brings out the chair, dragging it near the bed and sits down right in front of her, putting the first aid kit on his lap.

Natsuki looks at him, blinking her eyes, waiting for him to do or say anything but he stays still, looking confused.

"What?" She asks.

"This won't do." He says, more to himself than to her and stands up again, putting the chair aside and gets on his knees making her taken aback.

"Uh, you don't have to do it, yukio. I'll do it myself." She tells him, trying to stop him but he doesn't listen this time.

"Just shut up." He says, putting a finger on his lips while his eyes are on her. This actually makes her shut up.

He gently lifts the little hem of her skirt up, being careful not to hurt her. "You're lucky, it's just a small scrape." He stands up, fetching another towel, again drenching it with clean water.

He sits down again, glancing at her. "Don't scream or something." He says, motionless, and wipes the wound clean which makes her hiss in pain.

He opens the first-aid box, grabbing a cotton bud, taking some antibiotic liquid and dabs it gently on the wound.

The air-con is on, so it's not hot anymore which is a relief. While her friend is laying on the bed, obviously unconscious for now. No words are being exchanged between her and taehyung so the silence remains intact while taehyung treats her wound.

The sun is setting, spreading the golden orange colour all over the sky, painting taehyung's face in shiny golden glitter as he is sitting just in front of the window.

The setting sun-rays that cascade down on him, can't go through the locks of his hair, which creates beautiful thin strands of shadows on his forehead, making him look ethereal.

Natsuki stares at taehyung who is busy applying the bandaid on her knees. A little movement of his head seems like scattering the shimmering glitter, as he brightens the air around him. He tilts his head gently pressing onto the bandaid as his hair falls upon his eyes, disturbing natsuki's sight, yet, it's beautiful.

The sun-rays hitting directly onto his eyes, seems to be disturbing him, she thinks, and moves her upper body a little sideways, just so that her shadow falls on his face and he doesn't need to squint his eyes anymore.

He is now done and looks up at her, catching her tilting her body at an uncomfortable looking angle which makes him surprised.

"What are you doing?" He chuckles.

"Nothing!" She quickly sits upright like nothing happened.

"Are you sure?" He neither looks away nor he moves an inch and continues to look into her eyes.

"What do you mean..." She can't find the words to answer him once again losing in front of his gaze.

"So, are you guys going to tell me or not?" Fumiya's voice is heard.

Thank god, natsuki thinks to herself.

"Fumiya-kun!" She stands up hurrying over to his bed. "Are you feeling any better?" She asks.

"Yes, I am." He answers, sitting up on the bed properly.

"Leave that aside. Spill the beans." He says, looking sharply in her eyes while glancing at taehyung.

"It's spill the tea." Taehyung corrects him. He is standing with his hands folded. His face his stern but looks soft at the same time which saves him from looking rude.

"Oh, you mean about yukio?!" Natsuki smiles awkwardly. "He is my neighbour so we know each other." She says shortly.

"Just that?" Fumiya says, wiggling his eyebrows, basically asking for more details.

"He just moved in so I can't say he's a friend yet." She says casually, shrugging her shoulders.

"Wow, I'm hurt." Taehyung meddles in.

"You weren't hurt when your dog tried to bite my kei." She doesn't meet his eyes, not wanting to go speechless again.

"You sure know how to hold grudges." Taehyung mumbles.

"Woah! What exactly happened?" Fumiya now looks interested as ever.

"I'll tell you later. Don't you need to rest more, fumiya-kun?" Natsuki says, being frustrated for no reason.

"You know, I'm strong suki-chan. I'm fine now." He says with a proud face.

"Strong, my foot!" She mutters under her breath but a whining sound coming from fumiya proves that he heard her.

The school bell rings, indicating that the classes are over now. It's time to go home.

Natsuki helps fumiya get up, just in case he feels dizzy again and they walk out of the office together with taehyung tailing behind them.

"Hey, why don't you ask yukio-kun to come to our usual meet up tomorrow? So that you can introduce him to the others." Fumiya says, throwing a glance behind his shoulders.

"Why? It's unnecessary." Natsuki shakes her head negatively.

Taehyung is listening attentively from behind even though natsuki tries to keep her voice down.

"Come on! It would be fun." Fumiya insists and after thinking for a while natsuki gives in.

"Okay, I'll tell him." She throws a glance at taehyung as well who smiles at her friendly as always.

They've reached the classroom while talking about this. They grab their bags and stuff before walking out of the school building.

The sun is about to set, it's soon going to get dark. Most of the students have already left the school long ago and these three were busy talking so, of course, they're late now.

Fumiya has to go the other way so he bids them goodbye and starts walking the opposite way while natsuki and taehyung are now alone.

"Let's go home together." Taehyung suggests.

"Um, whatever you say." She rolls her eyes but only after turning away from taehyung so he doesn't notice it.

He walks behind her, not too far, not too close. The returning birds can be heard and the wind isn't blowing, therefore it's more silent than it should be.

"Yukio!" Natsuki glances back. "About what fumiya-kun said... do you want to meet my other friends tomorrow?" She asks, kicking a rock out of her way.

"Sure, I'd love to." He smiles at her but she doesn't look back. He looks down, kicking the same rock.

They soon reach their destination; which is home and the darkness envelops the sky as the stars decorate it.

Hope you're loving it so far. This story might not be so thrilling but I've tried to make it as peaceful as possible. Something that can relieve your day full of stress.
So please vote and comment. :)

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