Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


       I was feeling a lot more comfortable with Whitney and Clive staying in the town for a bit until everything was sorted out with that man. I honestly didn't know how that was going to happen since my stupid dad owed that stupid man a lot of money.

       Way too much for Whitney and Clive to just pay on the spot.

       And even though I hated talking about my past, I felt a ton of relief now that my foster family knew exactly what I was going through. I felt that comfort I hadn't felt in years.

       I even felt capable of going with Clive, Whitney, and Jonah to the country-themed diner for dinner. They were going to have a karaoke night there as well. It seemed like a very popular thing for them to do during the summer. I didn't blame them. I would have loved to do a song there, but I haven't been in the mood to perform anything lately.

       I just hoped Lyric was there.

       Because, you know, she was the only friend I had right now.

       Like the last time the diner had a karaoke night, it was very crowded and as soon as I walked in, I was starting to feel uneasy. Thankfully, Clive asked if we could have a more secluded table and surprisingly, there was one available.

       It was in the corner of the diner, but still had a good view of the stage. I made sure I sat at the end of the table so I would feel even more confined than I was just being in this crowded diner.

       As soon as we ordered our food, Jonah got up to go sign up for some karaoke. No surprise there. He loved performing and loved being the centre of attention.

       When Jonah returned, he started engaging in a conversation with his parents, talking about how the trip was going so far. I stayed silent the entire time, looking around the diner until my eyes landed on Lyric. She was sitting at a table close by with her grandmother. I hadn't talked to Lyric for a while and I wanted to go say hi to her, but I also wasn't the best at starting conversations.

       That and my foster parents were here and I really wanted to spend time with them.

       Or at least I was saying that just so I had an excuse not to talk to Lyric.

       "Reed," Jonah suddenly said, waving his hand in my face.

       I snapped out of the trance I was probably in and looked over at Jonah. "What?"

       "We've been trying to get your attention for a while," Jonah said.

       "Oh, sorry," I said, not even trying to think of an excuse. Besides, Jonah probably already knew what was making me so distracted. He teased me about it all the time.

       "I was just wondering if you're going to do some karaoke," Jonah said.

       I shook my head. "No, not happening."

       "Why not?" Jonah asked. "You're really talented."

       "How would you know? You've never heard me sing."

       "You made more money than all of us combined when we all went busking. So I think that proves you're talented. And don't you play, like, seven instruments?"


       "Twe... What?"

       "How much do you like music, Reed?" Whitney asked.

       "A lot," I said. "More than almost anything. Why?"

       "You've heard of Adagio Music Academy, right?"

       "The fancy pants music school Jonah goes to?"

       "Well, I wouldn't call it a fancy pants music school, but yes," Whitney said. "Would you ever want to go there?"

       Let me think... Would I ever want to go to an extremely well-known music academy where I could get back into music and go to school for music? "Yeah, definitely," I said. "Why?"

       "I think I know why," Jonah said. "You play twelve instruments. That must mean you really are insanely talented and someone that talented should be somewhere to practice music."

       "Exactly," Whitney said. "Would you like to go there this fall?"

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "How would I? Didn't the deadline for the auditions pass? I would have to wait for next year."

       "I'm sure Clive and I can pull some strings to get you in," Whintey said, and Clive nodded in agreement.

       "Just tell them he's my brother," Jonah said. "They love me and they'll gladly accept my brother into the school if he's as talented as I am."

       "And there's the ego," Clive said. "Can you ever tone it down?"

       "I can," Jonah said. "Unless we're talking about music and my talent. Then no, I cannot."

       "Do you really think you can get me into the school for the fall?" I asked my foster parents. "Not only are the auditions over, but I heard that it's crazy expensive, especially for the two of us."

       "Well, we had set money aside from when Jonah auditioned so we could be the tuition," Clive said. "But he ended up receiving a full scholarship there, so we didn't have to pay and we still have that money."

       "And... You'd use it for me?" I asked. "I couldn't ask for that."

       "Reed, if it's what you want, we will be more than happy to pay for it," Whitney said. "Especially what we were told yesterday. You have gone through so much and you're only fifteen years old. If music makes you really happy, Clive and I would want you to attend the best music school in the country."

       I had no idea what to say. I wasn't used to people actually caring about me and offering to do so much for me. They were actually offering to pay for my tuition at the music academy. They were going to try to pull some strings to get me in there.

       I didn't think I had ever felt this happy before.

       "So what do you say?" Clive asked. "Is it what you want?"

       I still didn't answer because I didn't know how to.

       "Say yes," Jonah said. "It's an amazing school and you'll love it there."

       "Yeah," I said. "Yeah, I would love to go there."

       "Then we will get you in there," Whitney said. "You really deserve it."


awe reed is getting some joy in his life <3 so cute.

but reed really does deserve to be happy so let's all give him an air hug (i would say group hug but he doesn't like crowds so air hugs only pls)

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