Chapter 11: This Feeling

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Deli's POV:

The entire way to the club the two of us play 20 questions to get to know each other better. I mean, our friendship is a little spontaneous. We met in a gas station. With Cousins being such a small beach town, we only reach question ten before we pull into the parking lot of the club. 

I'm happy to say I now know ten more things about him than I did when we left the beach house. Things like he favorite color is orange, his middle name is Thomas, he just turned 17 on April 24th, and he has a German Shepherd named Duke. 

When we walk into the club he leads me away from all the main rooms, the only rooms I have ever seen of the club, and towards the back. When we finally reach a room in the very back of the building, right next to the pool.

When he opens the door, he reveals a lounge looking room where everyone else is. "Deli!" Camille grins, jumping up from her spot on the couch and rushing to my side. I laugh as she drags me back and makes me sit between her and Brookes who is messing with his drum sticks. 

"Ok, did you bring your song book? I've been dying to see the types of songs you write?" "Really?" I ask, blushing. "Of course. Loser over here sticks to rock most of the time, but I have a feeling that your songs will be the change of pace we need." 

I nod, before hesitantly passing Camille my song book. The guys and Belly have never really been interested in reading my songs so no one ever have. Camille's eyes and grin widen as she reads the first few pages of lyrics. She finally stops on one. 

"Hey Kai, these have a similar sound to your songs. Come look." He does, glancing over her shoulder at a few of the songs before grinning up at me. "We have to write a song together." He grins. 

"Dudes, you two should totally write us a song to play at Benny's tonight for our gig.. Deli you have to sing with us." Hazel insists. Everyone instantly voices their agreement, but I'm just confused. "I thought y'all weren't a band?" I ask.

"We're not, but sometimes during the summer we play gigs together. We have one tonight at the Shack." Kai explains. "Yeah, and you totally have to sing with us." Sawyer restates. "You guys have never heard me sing before and you want to sing a song that isn't even written yet." I argue. 

"Well then, Kai, give her your book. Page seventeen. Think of this as a trial run." Camille suggests and Kai rushes to the other side of the room to grab the old worn leather book laying on the keyboard. He tosses it to me and I open it, flipping to page 17 like Camille suggested. 

"This Feeling?" I ask, notice that everyone is now moving around, grabbing different instruments. Hazel is on the keyboard, Sawyer is tuning a bass guitar, while Camille and Kai are tuning lead and acoustic guitars. 

"It's one of our more popular songs from last summer." Kai explains. "Yeah, huge hit with the locals." Hazel agrees. "I don't know guys. I've never sang with anyone before. What if this turns out to be a disaster." "I mean, you can't know if you don't try." Kai grins. I sigh. 

"Fine, but if this sucks, I'm definitely not playing with you guys tonight." "Deal." Kai and Camille say at the same time. Hazel tosses me a cordless mic. "Here, that should be working. Test it for me." She says, turning to the control panel behind her keyboard. 

"Uh, testing?" I say, my voice echoing through the mic. "Perfect. So just sing the underlined and highlighted pieces and we'll come in when it's our turn so don't worry about us." Kai explains. I nod. "Sounds good." I breath. Why did I agree to even do this? 

Why am I considering playing with these guys? "Ok B, count us in." Hazel calls once everything is tuned and read. With a count in the music starts and I stare down at the lyrics in my hands. 


I'll tell you a story

Before it tells itself

I'll lay out all my reasons,

You'll say that I need help

We all got expectations

And sometimes they go wrong

But no one listens to me

So I put it in this song

Deli and Camille:

They tell me think with my head

Not that thing in my chest

They got their hands 

At my neck this time

But you're the one that I want

And if that's really so wrong

Then they don't know what this feeling is like


And I say 





At this I pull away from the mic and Hazel drops some awesome altered techno voice over it. I grin. This is actually fun. Finally it fades away, but I look to see that it is neither highlighted or underlined so I don't sing. 

Kai(Kai and Deli):

I'll tell them a story

They'll sit and nod their heads

I tell you all my secrets

And you tell all your friends

Hold onto your opinions

And stand by what you said

In the end, it's my decision,

So it's my fault 

(when it ends)

Deli and Kai:

They tell me think with my head

Not that thing in my chest

They got their hands at my neck this time

But your the one that I want

And if that's really so wrong

Then they don't know what this feeling is like

When the beat drops again I just jam out, dancing over to Camille who is laughing at me. I've always felt free playing music, but this is different. Playing with others is amazing. Soon most of the instruments pull out and I turn, walking over to Kai. 

Deli and Kai:

I'll tell you a story

Before it tells itself

I'll lay out all my reasons,

You'll say that I need help

Both of us are really close to each other now. I blush at our proximity as I offer my mic for him to share. 

We all got expectations 

And sometimes they go wrong

But no one listens to me

So I put it in this song

They tell me thing with my head

Not that thing in my chest

They got their hands at my neck this time

But you're the one that I want

And if that's really so wrong

Then they don't know what this feeling is like

Deli (Camille):

My friends say 

No-o, no-o-o

(But they don't know)

No-o, no-o-o


Deli and Kai (Camille):

No-o, no-o-o

(They don't know)

No-o, no-o-o

(No, no)


And I say YEAH!

Oh, oh


Oh, and I say yeah

Hey-ey, yeah

They don't know, oh

As the song comes to an end I can't help but grin as I turn to the others. "Guys, that was amazing." I beam. "Are you kidding me? Deli, your voice is insane." Camille grins. "She's right Dels. Now you have to play with us tonight." Brookes calls from his drum set. 

Everyone turns to me with pleading eyes. A feeling of happiness floods through me. All my life I've felt as though Belly has been the main character, but now I have my chance to break away from her story and create my own. "Fine ok, but we need to write this quick and practice a lot." 

Hazel grins up at me. "Of course. I can build a sweet track for us by tonight that'll hit hard with the crowds." She tells me. "Ok, ok. Now, let's get to work." I tell they. They all nod and as I turn to face away from them I spot Jeremiah staring at me through the window of the door. 

For some reason, his jaw is clenched. What the hell is that all about? I smile slightly and wave at him, but he just turns and walks away. What is going on with him? I shake off the weird feeling Jeremiah's look gives me and focus on Kai who is currently getting his guitar.

We have to start writing the song if we want to finish it and set it to music for tonight. Time to build my own story line. 

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