Chapter 9: Kitchen Makeups

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Deli's POV:

The next morning i wake up to the sun shining through my windows. I smile. The first day waking up in the beach house is always so surreal. It's when being in Cousins finally hits me. I grin, sliding out of bed and walking over to my closet.

Grabbing clothes I head into the bathroom to shower. Once I'm out I change and then go back to my room to blow dry my hair. Once I'm done with everything I'm about to walk downstairs to make breakfast for everyone when I notice something on my bedside table. It's a note.

It's either an acceptance or rejection of the debutante information. I smile and grab a pen. This summer is different. Time for me to step out of my comfort zone. I tick off the 'yes' and walk out of my room.

I go to Susannah's room and she's still asleep so I place it next to her before heading downstairs. The first part of the cooking process is easy and calming. I love baking and cooking to clam my nerves. Then, Jeremiah comes downstairs as I'm about to start cooking the eggs.

"Hey." He grins. I give him tight lipped smile. "Hi." "Need some help?" I think about it. Do I really want his help right now? I'm still upset about last night. Not too upset, but a descent amount since Jere and I have never argued over anything before. It's like he reads my mind.

"Look, Deli, I"m sorry about last night. Really. You're right, about all of it. I'm sorry I didn't invite you down to the beach yesterday when I asked Belly. And we can go surfing tomorrow." I smile slightly, though he can't see cause my back is to him.

That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I turn, grinning. "Fine, all is forgiven." He grins at that. "Now, come cook the eggs. Don't burn them. I'm gonna start on the orange juice and I'm gonna make some cookie dough, fresh pasta sough, and bread dough for different meals this week."

He grins widely. "Have I ever told you that you're the most amazing person I know." I laugh. "You're only saying that because I feed you." "And?" I laugh louder this time as I shove him slightly as he passes me to get to the stove.

As he cooks the eggs and I squeeze the oranges into fresh orange juice we chat about different things that happened other the school year.Not too long into our conversation, Laurel and Steven walk downstairs and Conrad walks in from the backyard before crashing on the couch.

Hangover I bet. "Smells good guys." I grin. "Thanks, bacon should be done soon, I'm about to pop some toast into the toaster and Jere's working on the eggs." I tell her, placing a cup of freshly brewed coffee in front of her. "You're an angel Deli. You know that right?"

I chuckle and get back to the orange juice. "Where's my coffee?" Steven asks. I smirk. "The cups are in the cabinet." His mouth opens in mock offense. "So rude, mom are you hearing this?" He asks. "What sweetie?" I laugh at her response as I finish the orange juice.

Once I have it all in the pitcher I set to work making Conrad a hangover smoothie. Something I came up with after the first time Conrad came home from a party drunk. Once it's done I set to work on the cookie dough. "Whatcha making over there Deli?" Steve asks, walking up to me.

"Cookie dough." He grins. "Favorite sister, right here. She wins." I laugh. After moving on from me Steven goes to stand behind Jere. "So, do we have to physically sit for our portraits? Can't she just, like, look at a picture on her phone or something?" Jere asks Laurel.

Steven is hovering now. "Ok, get out." He demands. "What? Why?" Steven laughs. "She needs to see you in the flesh in order to capture your essence. While you're still young and full of hope." The three of us look over at her with raised eyebrows. "Her words." Laurel defends. I chuckle.

"Well, Conrad does not have hope, actually. He's hopeless." Jere teases, referencing his state on the couch. I smack his shoulder as I place the final ingredients, chocolate chips, into the cookie dough, stirring them in.

"Be nice. He's just fine. Besides, my hangover smoothie cures everything." "You're just saying that because you're the only person in the world who doesn't have to face grouchy Conrad. I beam up at him at his words. "You know it." I tell him.

Now, Steven is back to hovering over Jere's shoulder. "Ok, get out. This is a delicate science and your heavy breathing is gonna break the yoke." Jere warns him. "She hasn't painted you since you were little. I think it'd be nice to have these portraits for when you're older." Laurel tells us.

"Old? No. When I'm older, I'm sure there'll be, like, holographs or something I can watch of myself. I walk over and quickly blend together the hangover smoothie before pouring it into a glass. "Just sit for your portraits. I don't hear Deli or Conrad complaining." Laurel says.

"Yeah, well I've literally never heard Deli complain in my life and he'll complain when he's conscious." Jere says as I walk over to Conrad with his smoothie. "Here you go bud." I say, handing him the glass. "Thank you." "Sure thing." I walk back into the kitchen.

"Come on man, hurry your ass up. I can't be late for my first day of work." Steven reminds him. "We won't. We're good." Jere insists. "Come on, man. Those old country club boomers are gonna tip me so hard, man, they won't know what hit 'em." Steven grins.

"Steven, I swear." Laurel groans. "Come on Laurel, my boy's got to get that bread." "Thank you." Belly finally walks in. "Good morning." Jere grins." I pour Belly an orange juice and hand it to her. "Muffins are being made tonight so you'll have them tomorrow." I tell her.

She gives me a small smile. "Belly, where have you been? Is that a bruise?" Laurel asks, moving Belly's hair. I look and see that there's a bruise where Jumper elbowed her last night. "Um, I-I bumped into someone." "You bumped into someone?" Laurel asks.

Belly glances over at a now sitting Conrad. "Doesn't look that bad." He says. I roll my eyes. "Cereal?" I ask her. "Yeah, hit me." She says. I nod, quickly grabbing a bowl, pouring Belly's cereal inside of it. That's when we all hear Susannah scream.

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