Chapter 12

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Sid: Riza what yaar? How many times I have told you I don't like this baby and all?

(So the one who called was Riza)

Ri: Why Sid? I can call you whatever I like

Sid: Please yaar. Tell me why you called?

Ri: Can't I call you without any reason my Mr. Hottie

Sid: Riza come to the point please. I am not free

Ri: Sidoooo I am missing you so much. I just wanted to talk to you, hear your voice, can't I?

Sid: Sorry. I am busy. Bye


Before she could speak, he cut the call.

Sid: (in mind) I don't know what is Riza's problem. Always clinging on me, calling me by different names. Whatever I get so uncomfortable because of this stupid girl. I don't like her at all but what can I do. Our parents are so close

His chain of thoughts was broken by Dev.

Dev: Sid Sid Sid

Sid: What happened yaar?

Dev: Sid we got informed of that girl?

Sid: OMG seriously Dev?

Dev nodded. Sid hugged him in excitement.

Sid: Thank you so much. I love you

He kissed his cheek in excited. Fev jerked him and wiped off his cheek.

Dev: Cheeeeee. What the fuck Sid? I hate you yaar (making disgusting face)

Sid: Sorry yaar I got overexcited

Dev: Whatever. Control your hormones Mr.

Sid: Ok leave. Tell me the information you got about her

Dev: Not much but got her name and address

Sid: (excitedly) You are the best bro. Thank you

Dev: Ok so her name is Avneet Kaur Nadra. She lives with her father at xyz address

Sid had a wide smile on his face.

Sid: I will go today only after office

Dev: Ok

Whole day, he was so excited to meet the love of her life.

(A/n: Pta ni kaise din kta iska😂😂😂)

But lil did he know, he was about to get the biggest shock of his life.

In the evening,

Dev came to meet Sid.

Dev: Bro all the best

Sid: What? You are not coming?

Dev: Why should I come?

Sid: Please yaar. I am hella nervous

Initially Dev was refusing but finally he agreed. They both sat in the car. Sid drove to the address. They went and rang the doorbell. Sid was sweating and fiddling his fingers.

AU opened the door. He was shocked to see him.


To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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