Chapter 13

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AU: You here?

Sid touched his feet.

Sid: Yee sir. Can we come inside?

AU: Y..y..ya sure. Come

They came inside and sat on sofa.

AU: Beta you here? All of a sudden. You needed something

Sid was getting nervous. He didn't know how to talk to him.

Sid: Um wo actually

AU: Say

Dev kept a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it. Sid took a deep breath.

Sid: Sir actually I wanted to talk about your daughter

AU: Whatttt???? What you wanna talk about her?

Sid: Wo sir actually I...I...

Sweat appeared on his forhead.

Dev: Sid are you alright?

He took water and gave to Sid. He gulped it down.

Sid: Umm actually sir I love your daughter

He was looking down. AU was hella shocked.

AU: What did you say?

Sid shut his eyes tightly.

Sid: I love your daughter. I really do

AU: But you don't know anything about her. And you are such a huge buisness man. So why my daughter. She is a middle class girl

Sid: I know but money and fame doesn't matter to me and love never sees that

AU: But...

Sid: (cuts him) I promise I will complete every wish of your daughter. I will never let her suffer. I won't let a single tear fall from her eyes

AU: See it's not possible

Sid: But why?

AU: (shouted) Because she is not a normal child. She doesn't has a normal life like you. She is suffering from mental disorder from last 13 years

With that tears came out of his house. Sid and Dev were shocked. Sid somewhere understood why her behavior was weird.

AU: See we are not as big people as you. You are a big buisness man and I just earn how much we both can live. Ok if you don't care about money and fame then listen she was just 4 years old when her mother passed away and she is suffering. She is not a normal person like you. You deserve much better than her

Sid was in tears by now. He didn't know the girl he loved so much was going through all this. He was totally numb. Dev held his hand tightly.

Dev: (whispered) Sid

AU was about to go in his room because he didn't want to break down in front of them. But Sid spoke up.

Sid: Whatever happened is not her fault. She deserves to be happy. She deserves her every single wish to be fulfilled. I just need your permission. I will support her in every single way. I will take care of her. I will keep her like my queen. I promise

AU looked at him in shock.

AU: But she can never be a normal life partner. You guys will never be happy together

Sid: Who said that?

AU: What will people say? Dekho beta aap bade log ho...

Sid: (cuts him) I don't care about what people say and all

AU: But how can I give you my daughter's hand?

Sid: You can trust me. I won't ever harm her. You can be with her. You can be with us

AU: I can't

Sid: Why?

AU: Actually I am a cancer patient and I don't have much time left. Hardly a month😔😔😔😔

Sid: Please trust me. I really love her. I really do


To be continued

Tell something about Sid based on this chapter.

Stay tuned for next chapter

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