Chapter 14

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Ok so before starting I read some comments on last chapter, no hate comments just in funny way you guys were saying how easily Sid said to Avu's father he loves her daughter. I know it's not the way how you ask someone's daughter's hand. But I have no idea how exactly you do it😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Sorry guys. Please adjust.🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧 In my family, all weddings were done when I was small. Hope you guys understand. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

AU: See I can't take any decision all of a sudden. I need time. I will let you know soon

Sid: Sure😊😊😊😊

AU: Hmm

Sid: How is she now?

AU: She is fine now

Sid: Can I meet her once?

He looked at AU with hopeful eyes. AU thought for moment and then hesitantly nodded.

AU: She is in her room

He pointed towards the room. Sid was about to go.

AU: Wait

Sid looked at him. He went to the kitchen. Sid looked at Dev confusingly. Dev shrugged. AU came back and gave him chocolates.

AU: You can't be friends with her so easily

Sid: Ok

Sid too the chocolates and went inside and saw Avu sitting on bed. She was giggling watching Dora, the Explorer.

(I loved that show in childhood ❤❤❤)

Sid smiled at her cuteness.

Sid: (nervously) Hiii

Avu looked at him and got lil worried as he was a stranger to him.

Avu: Who are you?

Sid: I am Siddharth Nigam

Avu: what?

Sid: Siddharth. You can call me Sid

He forwarded his hand.

Sid: Friends?

Avu: Sorry dad says not to be friends with strangers

Sid offered her chocolates. She shooked her head.

AU came from behind.

Avu: Dad who is he? (pointing to Sid)

AU: Princess he is your new friend. You don't need to be scared of him. He is really nice

Avu: Oh ok

AU: You guys can talk I will leave

Sid again forwarded his hand. Avu smiled and handshaked with him.

Avu: I am Avneet Kaur Nadra. But my friends call me Avi, Avu or Avni. So you can also call me anything

Sid: Ok😊😊😊😊😊

He gave her chocolates and she happily took them.

Avu: You like Dora?

She asked happily. Sid nodded.

Avu: Ok then come we will watch together

She patted on bed beside her. Sid sat next to her. She was eating chocolate. She offered to him.

Sid: You can eat

Avu: Please *with a cute pout*

Sid smiled and opened his mouth. She fed him. They finished the chocolates watching cartoons. Avu kept telling him about her favourite characters. Sid was just admiring her whple time and smiling at her.

AU came.

AU: Princess you are watching T.V. from long time. Enough now

Avu: No no I want to watch more

AU: No baby it's not good for your eyes you know na and you have to do homework also na

Avu shooked her head.

Sid: You can watch later. Study for now

Avu: No no no *shooking her head*

She started crying.

AU: This girl is so stubborn. See if you don't switch it off, I am gonna tell your teacher. Then she won't be her favourite student anymore

Avu: Nooooo. I am closing it. Just one last episode please

AU: Ok fine

AU went out. Avu watched for sometime. Then Sid switched it off.

Sid: Now study ok?

Avu nodded and took her books. Sid went outside.

AU: So you saw how stubborn she is. How are you gonna take care of her?


To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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