Chapter 35

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Late at night, Avu was sneezing and coughing. Sid woke up and kept a hand on his cheek. He realized she had fever.

Sid: (in mind) Bola tha isko. Lekin nhi meri sunnni thoda hai

Sid: Avu Avu wake up bacha

He patted her cheek. She stirred in sleep but didn't wake up and hugged his arm and again slept. Sid shaked her and she opened her eyes.

Sid: Get up

Avu: No *achoo* let me *achoo* sleep

Sid: See you have cold and fever. Wake up

Sid got water and medicine.

Avu: Medicine ewwwww

Sid: Take it quitely

Avu shooked her head.

Avu: Nooo

Sid: I won't talk to you

Avu: No😭😭😭😭😭

Sid: Take it. Earlier also you didn't listen to me. See you are not well now

Avu shooked her head.

Avu: No I don't like it

She kept a hand on her mouth.

Sid: Ok don't take. No chocolates no ice-creams, no tv for one week

Avu looked at him with a puppy face.

Sid:(lil loud and coldly) I am not gonna melt. It's about your health. Take it

Avu: Ok

Giving him hate you looks.

Sid fed her medicine and made her drink water.

Avu: Ewwwww🤢🤢🤢🤢

Sid took out a chocolate and kept it before her mouth. She took a bite.

Sid: More?

She nodded.

He gave her one more bite.

Sid: More?

She nodded. She finished whole chocolate like this.

Sid: Sleep now

She lied down. Sid covered her with blanket and patted her back. He sat beside her whole night checking her fever whole night and caressing her hair. He brought wet cloth and kept it on her forhead.

Next morning

Avu woke up and saw Sid sleeping while sitting half on bed with the support of headboard and half ground and his hand was in her hair. She moved. He woke up.

Sid: You woke up? How are you now? Lemme check the fever. He checked her fever.

Sid: It's fine. You are not going to school now. Be with Priya today. Ok?

Avu nodded her head.

Sid: Do you have a headache?

She nodded. Sid made her sit in front of me with her back facing him. He massaged her head and back.

Sid: Take rest today. Don't keep playing and watching tv. Ok?

Avu nodded.

Sid: See I will scold you if you been a bad baby

Avu: Ok

They got fresh and went outside.

Pri: Good morning guys

Sid: Good morning

Pri: What happened to Avu?

Sid: Cold and fever. She is not going to school today. Take care of her

Pri: Ok😊😊😊😊

They were having breakfast. Bell rung.

Sid: I will see wait

He went outside. As soon as he opened the door, sm1 hugged her and burried the head in his neck inhaling his perfume. Sid was feeling uncomfortably so he pushed the person.

Sid: (annoyed) Riza you here?

Ri kept a hand on his cheek and carressed it.

Ri: Can't I come to meet my Mr. Hottie?

Sid jerked of her hand.

Sid: See I don't have time to waste on you

She started coming more closer to him.

Ri: Aren't you happy to see me here? I know baby you are. You just can't show it. You are too shy to express right?

Sid took a step back. Ri caught his hands and kept on her waist. Sid tried to push her.

Sm1 came.

Sm1: Ahem ahem I guess I am disturbing you two. I know you guys can't control after all you met after so long time. I don't want to ruin your moment my cuties but let us in at least. And you guys should do this in closed room not openly 😏😏😏😏😏😏


To be continued

How many of you were missing Riza?

One word about her in comment section.

Stay tuned for next chapter

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