Chapter 36

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Sid: Ari what are you speaking?

Ari: The truth bhai

She hugged him.

Sid: You guys here suddenly?

Ari: Can't we come? *fake sadness*

Sid: Obviously you can but I mean..

Ari: Ok ok we have vacations so we came to surprise you

Sid:(without any excitement) Oh nice. Welcome

Ri moved her finger on his face and he was feeling disgusting.

Ri: You don't look happy seeing us. Hmm?

Sid: (in mind) Ya ya I am very happy. I feel like heaven when you touch me like this, clinge on me and take names like baby, etc. Note the sarcasm bitches. Ok I won't deny I am happy seeing Ari. She is my sweet sister and honestly Riza is also one of closest friends since childhood. The thing I only don't like is she keep clinging over me and I feel hella uncomfortable.

P.O.V. ends

Ri shaked him.

Sid: Hmm?

Ri: You don't look fine baby. Obvio you live alone. And those dumb servants and maids can't take care of you. Don't worry now I am here na

Ari: Ya obvio now to bhai will be all fit and fine😏😏😏😏😏

Sid: Shut up guys. I am totally fine

Ri: Then let's go inside

Sid: Uh..ya come

They were going inside but Ari's phone rang.

Ari: You guys go. I am coming

Ri: Ok

Ri hugged his arm and Sid wanted to push her away but quitely went in.

On dining table

Avu was holding her teddy bear and Pri was feeding her.

Pri: Finish it

Avu: Noooo my tummy is full. See

She kept both hands on her tummy.

Pri: No it's not good to leave food. Finish it

Avu shooked her head.

Pri: Ok then I won't talk to you. Not play with you. I will tell Sid bhayia you not being good baby

Avu folded her hand near her chest.

Avu: (grumpy face) Ok I will eat

Pri chuckled at her.

Avu: Don't laugh 😑😑😑😑😑😑

Pri: Achha ok baba

She forwarded the spoon. She took the bite. Just then Sid and Ri came. Ri clinging over him and he making weired faces. Prineet looked at them. Avu was hella angry. For Pri, it wasn't new.

Avu was about to go but Pri held her hand.

Pri: Sit quitely

Avu didn't say anything.

Ri: Who is she? *pointing at Avu*

Ri: And who the hell plays with a teddy bear at this age?

She started laughing. Avu's eyes welled up with tears. Sidriya were fuming in anger.

Ri: And she can't even eat on her own. Didn't your parents teach you how to eat? OMG

She was laughing.

Ri: Tell na baby who is this joker *she said laughing* and what is she doing at your whom 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨

Sid lost his control and Avu started sobbing. Pri hugged her.

Pri: No don't cry. You are sucha strong baby

She was rubbing her back.

Ri: Honey why are you not speaking something?

Sid: Shut the fuck up Riza. How dare you said all that?

Ri: Sid you will fight with me for this piece of shit. Look at her clothes. She look like a beggar

And *damn* She got a slap on her face. She kept a hand on her cheek and looked at him with teary eyes. Sid signalled Pri to take Avu through his eyes. Pri nodded and held Avu's hand and took her to Sid's room.

Sid pinned Ri to a wall and held her by her throat and moved his face near hers. He looked directly into her eyes. Their bodies pressed against each other.

Sid:(in a dangerous tone) A word more Riza Afreen and I swear you will be dead right here and mind my words I won't regret. I will forget you are my childhood friend.

Ri was coughing and trying to free himself from his grip. Tears were rolling here eyes. Sid left her. She felt down on ground coughing badly holding her throat.

Sid: Look you are ny guest and I respect my guests. Dare you do anything to her or said a word about her. I will cross every single limit

He sat on a knee in front of her and pulled her hair with full force.

Sid: Get that in your shitty brain

He said pointing her brain with his finger. Her eyes were red. He left her.

Sid: I am going to my office and mind my words

Sid left for his office.

In Sid's room, Avu was crying hugging Pri. Pri was caressing her hair.


To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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