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He pressed the 7F button. And went to the floor.


Before  Luigi came out of the elevator, both of he looked around.

Nothing is popping out to scare him; that's good. Luigi fully came out of the elevator.

and went to the hallway but as Luigi entered a greenhouse, the elevator behind him opened.

"Ooh! An indoor greenhouse. Oh wait, it's just a hall to the greenhouse" Luigi says.

Luigi wet down the hall and at the end was a double doorway.

As he entered and poked his head out, looking around. He saw Inside was a grand staircase. In the center was the button on the pedestal.

Then they were footsteps behind him, "Luigi?"

"AH!" He turned aimed his weapon to see Daisy was right behind him.

"Daisy? What are you doing here?"

"I heard what happened at the battlefield, I wanted to see if you were ok"

"Yes Daisy I'm fine, I can handle myself, it's too dangerous for you to be"

"Luigi, look! It's the button!" Then something caught her eye.

"I know, hold on" he started running to the button but Daisy grabbed your wrist.

"Hold up, Luigi wait!" Daisy looked around and let go of his wrist.

"What? What's wrong?"

"This looks too easy" he looked around also and agreed. It does look too easy.

"You're right, Daisy. This does look too obvious" he slowly started walking to the button. But Daisy just stood behind him, not moving one inch.

"Luigi? What are you doing?"

"What? Are you coming, Daisy?"

"I don't trust this, luigi! What if it's a trap?!"

He looked back at the button then looked at her. Her smiled and walked back to her.

"Daisy, It's ok. Whatever happens, we'll get through it..."

Then they get startled when they see two trees were sprouting and growing on either side of the elevator door.

flower pots stood everywhere and grass was growing from the crevices of the floor.

"Wow this place has been taken over!" Luigi gasped.

"by the way, are you alright after that gruesome battle?" Daisy asked.

Yeah? I'm completely Daisy"

They ventured through the overgrown, thick grass until they got to a large door, the two pushed it open, and there was the button sitting on a pedestal.

They quickly looked up and saw the massive staircase going up.

Luigi groaned then Daisy giggled to herself then walked towards the button,"Luigi you know how this normally plays out..." Daisy pulls on his arm.

"Well I believe that nothing will go wrong this time." Luigi was confident

As he picked up the button but then He turned to his side and saw a floating watering can. It sprinkled the ground and a blue fly trap looking plant came out of the ground, Startling Luigi.

"AH!" Luigi panicked, He dropped the button and it flew into the fly traps mouth.


"Hey! Give me that back!" Luigi says.

Then A ghost appeared and started watering the plant more.

Named: Dr potter.

It grew and grew. Daisy also got tangled in its vines but Luigi pulled her out.

"Ah!" She Scream


She and Luigi looked up, some stairs broke and snapped. Luigi looked up in disbelief.

The ghost then looked at me before disappearing, "you were saying lover boy~?" Luigi flinched and blushed.

"A-ah I umm, yeah.." he awkwardly spoke Daisy rolled her eyes and began to make their way up the stairs, Gooigi walked beside Luigi.

"We got to get up there" Daisy says.

They started climbing the stairs; running up until Luigi caught up to her.

"Daisy, wait! The stairs!" They topped when a stair started breaking. Daisy almost lost balance but Luigi caught her from behind.

"Be careful, Daisy! You could break something"

"Luigi look" Daisy points behind.

And Luigi saw his aunt Marie hanging in vines, "aunt Marie"

He saw a trail that went up the plant. You started climbing it and ended up on the other side. Daisy followed him behind.

The ghost then appeared and laughing to himself. He watered the plant some more and it grew all the way up to the top. Taking the frame away.

then Luigi stopped to see that the staircase had been broken and they couldn't go up. "Now what do we do?" Daisy asked, "retreat."

"What?" He exclaimed at his command.

Then he carefully walked in the roots of the plant. He then swung on a hanging vine to get to the other side, luckily making it, "now you go, Daisy."

She prepared herself before slowly taking the vine in and swinging over.

He let out a breath of relief once he saw Daisy was on solid ground.

"Easy, I knew you could do it!" Her gave her a small peck on the cheek before heading into our first room, it was of course filled with furniture along with a lot of grass, that was dead, and wilted flowers.

"These poor plants..." Luigi whispered, "what do you think happened?"

Gooigi kept quiet as he stared sadly at one of the flowers. "I don't know?"

"Wow! These plants are beautiful!" Daisy giggled, the now wilted flowers had now blossomed and small light particles were being released into the room.

"By the way, Your so amazing, Luigi ..." he heard her.

To no surprise as they tried to leave, goobs appeared holding those flowers.

Luigi took them out and headed into a bathroom full of cherry blossom petals.

"Ahh there's a snake!" Daisy screech as a cobra emerged from the petals.

"AH! Get behind me Daisy!" Luigi immediately pounced on it and killed it.

"Wow that was pretty harsh.." Daisy said.

Luigi looked back as her, "well they are poisonous and I don't want any of us dying slowly and painfully."

The two faced many dangers while climbing up the stairs. Heck, he even fought a giant pineapple.

They got up to the top and tried to open the Venus flytrap. Then Luigi had an idea.

Luigi went to the other side and shot a plunger. He opened the flytrap and out came the button. You tried catching it, but it was almost at the edge of the plant.

Luigi almost fell while catching the button, but landed on a flower crushing it as Daisy caught the button.

"Phew, that was close" Luigi says.

"Are you alright, Luigi?" Daisy asked.

"Yeah, I'm ok, Luigi"

But then they fell m, they both scream hanging but landed on the stem of the flytrap. Luckily, the vines were big enough for you to slide down.


They started screaming the whole way down while holding on to each other until they landed safely on the ground with a thud.

"Are you ok, Daisy?! She looked up and saw Luigi.

"I'm ok, Luigi! That was fun!"

"Do you got the button?" He asked.

She looked around to see that she dropped it during the fall, so she ran up to it and picked it up.

But Out of nowhere, a Venus flytrap plant pop out and scared the living heck out of her.

"AH" she screamed and fainted. Cause it was so sudden.

"Daisy!!" Luigi ran up to you and caught her.

"Hey, Daisy! Wake up!" Luigi patted her cheek to wake her up. She fluttered her eyes open and saw Luigi.

"That came out of nowhere"

"Stay right here! Gooigi?"

Gooigi gave a small hum in response before climbing out of the room through a large hole in the wall, Luigi head his way up the stairs and before he could reach the next room, but Then Dr potter stopped him when he picked up Daisy "Hey! Let me go!"

"DAISY! You! Release her!" Luigi yelled.

But Dr potter just laughed, "why would I do that? I need her to make my garden suites beautiful again!"

Dr potter then disappeared and Daisy cries echoed through the walls. "!"

He and Gooigi made their way up the stairs. When Purple Flower petals littered the floor.

"Maybe if we follow the petals..we will find Daisy? but we need to get rid of these vines..." Luigi stared at them, noticing they were freshly grown.

Then he entered the room where the vines were coming from, the whole room was dappled with bright autumn leaves.

Using the poltergusts he cleared out most of the vines, except for the one blocking the path.

"It's growing from inside this toilet..." Luigi grimaced, then turned to Gooigi, "maybe we can break the toilet with something?"

Gooigi was dragging a concrete bin over to the toilet with the suction shot. "I think this!" Luigi heaved and threw the bin at the toilet smashing it and caused the vines to wither away.

"Wow...nice job!" Luigi gave Gooigi a high-five and was about to leave the room, only for the exit to be closed off.

Eerie silence surrounded the room, until some leaves on the ground floated gently around.

Then Luigi saw Dr potter placed Daisy at the top of the large flower like a crown, placing her in the middle of the floor as there was a giant flytrap in front of her, Daisy was tied up in vines as the monster plant was about to eat her.

But Luigi sucks the plant monster, "NO!" Much to Dr potter.

"Luigi! Gooigi!" Daisy shouts.

But Dr potter was furious as he turns to Luigi, "you little!"

Luigi and Daisy turn to face potter as he was enraged, but up above behind him was the frame with aunt Marie trapped.

He got an idea, "Daisy! I'll distract him, you get aunt Marie"

"Ok, be careful"

"Hey nature boy over over her" Luigi jump then he ran getting Dr potter's attention and away as Daisy sneaks to get the frame.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Luigi dodge every plant as Daisy grabs the frame, lugig sucked Dr potter right in.

Then he ran to Daisy, they both hugged "why are you wearing a flower crown?" He asked.

"Wait...we need that do we exactly get it?" She says as she pulls the crown off.

then Luigi opened the mouth of the plant and grabbed the buttom.

"Ok Now i can get it the eight floor, but first"

Daisy puts the frame down and Luigi sucks the frame and out came Marie free.

Bewildered she ran to Luigi and hugging him then there three of them went to elevator, Daisy went in with Marie.

"Go with Daisy aunt Marie, she's keep you save"

"Good luck Luigi" Marie says.

"Be careful Luigi" Daisy hugged him.

"I'll be fine honey, just stay put ok"

When the door closes. Luigi waits for the elevator to open...

"Dr. Forrest Potter's father was a botanist and his mother was a florist. Ever since he was a little boy, Forrest really loved the environment and nature so much that he studied and researched on every single plant species. He would sometimes help his mother at her florist shop. Other times, he would experiment plants with his father. Even if he felt lonely, Forrest believed that only his plants could understand him. Since his home was not far from the forest, he would go there to explore and research the plants and trees there, even talking to them as if they were his friends. After graduating with a degree in Botany and Plant Physiology, he worked on his experiments that eventually transformed into sentient beings and he was able to come up developing his own special seeds to grow the most obscure plants. But sadly, he died of old age at before reaching 90. His beating heart just gave out. But even as a ghost, Forrest still look after his plants until Hellen approached him and offered him a whole floor dedicated to his garden, to which he took"

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