Making a movie

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Luigi pressed the 8F button in the elevator and waited.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, Luigi held his flashlight to his face as he stepped out of the elevator.

Looking around and to his surprise, it looked like some sort movie theater or movie studio.

"Hmm, Hellen Gravely, what bizarre hotel you have," Luigi said with a mix of sarcasm and amusement.

He walked in to the entrance and looked at the movie posters on the left and right walls.

He continued walking until he reached the entrance of the studio.

Luigi tried opening the doors but they wouldn't budge.

"Ugh, locked," Luigi groaned, laying his head on the door.

Looking to his left, he saw a television with a light bulb at the bottom right below the screen.

Approaching it and activating it by flashing his flashlight on it, the TV turns on.

Luigi looked amazed and moved close to the screen but got his nose electrified as he did.

Rubbing the pain off, Luigi touched the screen with his hand and he went in.

The cable zapped as he was transported to the platform where the key to the doors was located.

"Yes! Got the key!" Luigi cheered and immediately returned to the studio doors, he looks around to see anyone in his family but he saw no one.

"But no sign of anyone else"

Unlocking the door with the key, Luigi entered backstage and was shocked to see a ghost sitting in the director's chair bawling his eyes out.

"The tragedy. Oooooh ho ho ho! Is this my end? Is this I, Morty, director of the finest films, am destined for? How could I lose it..."

Luigi approached Morty and listened with a twinge of sympathy as the ghost continued ranting.

"I am a puny, worthless movie director... That's all... Even the sparkle from this beautiful button is nothing but a dull hue..."

Luigi spotted the next elevator button in Morty's fingers.

Looking left and right between Morty and the button, Luigi reached for it and tried to grab it, but even without noticing him, Morty moved it away before crying once more.

"AHHHHH! My bright red megaphone! Where art thou?! I would give anything to be able to hold my dear, sweet megaphone again..."

With a sad and sympathetic look, Luigi knew what needed to be done

Luigi noticed four televisions in front of Morty and two doors on each side of the wall.

1 and 2 on the right, 3 and 4 on the left. Luigi went to the fourth door and found himself in a Micro Set.

Looking around he saw giant objects such as nails, tools and a cardboard box.

Then, he saw a red megaphone covered on cobwebs.
Professor E. Gadd called from the VB, "Luigi, look!

That must be the megaphone! Looks like it's trapped in some spiderwebs! Those must be hearty webs..."

"No kidding, Professor. But how am I supposed to get it?" Luigi asked.

He looked through the video camera in front of the set and saw that the setting is different than behind the camera because it looked more real.

Then, he noticed a TV on the other side of the room and after turning it on with a Strobulb, he teleported to backstage and went to through 3 more rooms.

Room 1 is the Horror Set, Room 2 is the Castle Set and Room 3 is the Fire Set. That was when Luigi got an idea.

"Gooigi, we take turns to take the items in to different studios, and when I look in the camera, that's where you come in, understood?" Luigi suggested.

"Got it." Gooigi nodded, giving an okay sign

Luigi took a bucket from backstage and went through the fourth TV, which teleported him to the Horror Set, putting the bucket in the well and went to the camera.

"Okay, Gooigi, you know what to do." Luigi signalled.

Without hesitation, Gooigi went to the well and waited.

After a few seconds, a puppet that resembles Samara Morgan from The Ring popped up, holding the bucket that was now filled with water.

Gooigi took the bucket and Luigi got away from the camera, seeing Gooigi with the bucket of water.

Then they went backstage and through the third TV which led them to the Castle Set.

Through the camera, Gooigi poured water on the plant that was below the opening of the castle, causing to grow into a ladder shaped vine.

Gooigi climbed up the vine and took the torch stick from it.

Teleporting to backstage, Luigi then went to the second TV that took him to the Fire Set.

Luigi looked through the camera to see Gooigi getting the fire from the burning building on the torch.

Before going to the Micro Set, Luigi gave a sad and sympathetic look at Morty once more, muttering

"Hang in there, Morty. You'll get your megaphone back in no time." With that, he entered the first TV with the lit torch.

Putting the torch down by the side of the giant cardboard box, Gooigi pulled the bottom flap of the box and a giant stuffed spider came out, being burn from the torch into ashes.

Gooigi took the torch and lit the webs on fire, freeing Morty's megaphone.

"Yes!" Luigi and Gooigi cheered.

Taking the megaphone, Luigi went to the TV and teleported to backstage.

Morty was still sitting in his chair, crying when Luigi approached him with his red megaphone.

Clearing his throat, he said, "Director Morty. I believe this belongs to you."

Morty turned his head to Luigi's direction, filled with joy to see his megaphone, grabbing it and started hugging and caressing it.

"Oh, my precious megaphone! I'm so happy to have you again!"

Luigi couldn't help but smile at this moment. But it was short-lived when Morty turned his attention to the green plumber/ghostbuster, causing him to smile and shaking in his boots nervously.

Tossing his megaphone aside, Morty came to Luigi's face and grabbed his shoulders.

"YOU! Wait a second! Hold it right there! I didn't notice until now, but your face... You have some nice features! And your build... Not bad. Not bad at all!" Luigi couldn't help but blush at such compliments as

Morty continued. "I see all the makings of a star! Ahhh.

My creativity is shaking off all the dust and surging to life!"

Luigi smiled politely once again. "Thanks for the compliments and all, but I need to..."
But Morty cut him off.

"Come, come! Let's start shooting! Where's my crew?! Places, everyone! Take your places!"

The backstage opened, revealing to be a City Set.

Morty shoved Luigi in to the setting and went behind the camera. "And...action!"

Luigi looked and walked around the set, careful not to step on the little cars.

Suddenly, he saw a Goob wearing a Godzilla costume, destroying the city.

He noticed Luigi and started blasting fireballs from the costume's mouth at him.

Luigi dodged all the attacks behind the buildings, which got destroyed in the process.

Finally, Ghostzilla blasted a massive blue and green fireball at Luigi.

He and Gooigi combined their Poltergust 00's to blow the fireball back at Ghostzilla.

The costume was disintegrated, leaving the Goob vulnerable to Luigi's Poltergust.

"CUT!" Morty took the film reel from the camera and flew over to Luigi.

"You did great work, boy! Thanks to you, my passion for film making has been reignited once again!"

"Once again?" Luigi questioned. "What do you mean, once again?"

Morty looked at Luigi and gave out a sad sigh. "The first time happened to me back when I was alive."

"Oh." Luigi replied sadly. "Sorry that I asked, you don't have to tell if you don't want to..."

"Okay, I'll tell you anyway, to get it off my chest."
Both Morty and Luigi sat in different chairs as the movie director told his story.

"Growing up in Hollywood, Los Angeles, I Mortimer Spiritberg, or mostly known as Morty, was born to a famous movie director for a father and a famous movie star for a mother. I'd watched my parents work on movies and TV shows and longed to be a great movie director just like my father. So, as a birthday present for my 10th birthday, my parents gifted me this red megaphone. Since then, I treasured it very much. On some occasions, I had been practicing with my toys as my movie crew. After earning degree in Film Making and Producing, I had gathered some crew to thrive my first movie. However, everyone was skeptical about my dreams and backed out of my plan. Disheartened, I decided to take a mental break. So, I decided to do a different approach. I worked as a screenwriter, creating original characters, dialogue scripts, etc. My work took off, earning awards and praise for my plot development on TV sitcoms and live-action plays. I saved up a great investment to finally shoot my very first project. I also hired a new crew of actors and helpers to finally make it happen. But alas, it wasn't meant to be. I was involved in a ghastly on-set accident which resulted not only in mine but also the deaths of several actors and crew. An investigation posthumously cleared me of any wrongdoing, stating that it was all an accident. I was around the same age as Amadeus Wolfgeist when he died. I was distraught that I never got to finish my movie. As a result, I was quite a restless ghost roaming studios all over L.A.. Eventually, I met Hellen who offered me a movie studio in her hotel. And the rest is history."

Luigi wept as he listened to Morty's tragic past and wept all his tears.

"Oh, Morty. I'm so sorry that you had to go through such crisis like that."

"I know," Morty nodded, wiping away his own tears. Then, a happy smile came back to his face.

"Until you came along and helped me. Ms. Gravely told me and the other ghosts in this hotel that you were on the loose and we had to capture you. I, on the other hand, couldn't bring myself to do so. I never felt a sense of malice in you and Ms. Gravely and King Boo were wrong about you. But the other ghosts agreed about it mostly because like myself, they don't want to lose their jobs and a roof over their heads, like this hotel. You see, my dear boy. Not all ghosts are evil. Oh, and one more thing."

Morty took out the elevator button and handed to Luigi.

"Keep going and save your loved ones. Good luck. Come by anytime you want. I'll let you see my movie in no time. Ta-ta!"

With that, Morty flew to his editing room with the film reel. Luigi looked at the elevator button and smiled.

"Maybe not all ghosts are evil after all." He had one thing in mind as he went to the elevator.

Unfortunately Hellen saw through the cameras, she was furious.

"What is that idiot Morty thinks he's doing, UGH! Can't anyone grab that plumber, I mean he is just a tiny plumber how hard can it be" she taps her fingernails then she gets an idea, "someone get me precious, alright plumber boy you wanna take away my staff let's see how you'll handle this"

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