King boo; the final showdown

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Sophia was struggling with keeping the ghost back while she was about to give birth.

"AH!" She heard the ghost breaking in.

Terrified, Sophia covers herself, shielding the baby from the attack.

Till all of a sudden....."Sophia!" She heard her brother Mario.

"Mario!" She look up to see him.

He uses an emergency ice flower to freeze the ghosts, then he ran to her helping her up.


"Mario" the two share a hug.

"you ok" he asked.

"Yeah I'm much better now with you here, ah!" She cried in pain, "I think the baby's coming"

"Kinda a bad time don't you think" Mario smiled.

"It's always a bad time" she smiled back.

Then they heard more ghost coming in, "aah!"

"Stay behind me Sophia" Mario throws ice ball at them.

Meanwhile Luigi ran up to the top of the hotel, However Luigi turned around and let out a Yelp, "Mwa ha ha! How brash of you to come face me, Luigi!"

It was King Boo, "I have to admit your not as a coward I thought you were!"

"Well when you mess with my family, you can see I'm capable of surprises, now where is Daisy"

The king then glared at him, "you know, you had a chance to escape. But instead you fought all your way up here just to oppose me? How foolish!"

"No i came up here to oppose you, King boo and I'm not leaving until you give me back Daisy!" He mustered up the courage to spit back at him.

"Aw how sweet, however that doesn't mean that you can beat me!" The king growled.

Mario then scoffed, "well I was able to beat you twice...third times the charm"

This didn't make the large boo very happy as he glared daggers at the red plumber, "if it wasn't for you coward! All of those ghosts were useless, especially Hellen...I had my grip on her for so long, only for it to be wasted this was not my plan to get my revenge!"

"Well by now you should know already....NEVER MESS WITH THE DUPER MARIO BROS"


He then had hold Daisy, revealing to be in chains then made a painting hold it closer to her.



"take that! Ha ha ha! Now it's your turn you and your wife will be joining together and then your family will be next!"

"No! You leave my family and Daisy out of this"

A storm surrounded the top of the building, down below outside the family watched worried in fear.

"And don't worry about yore sister, I'm sending ghosts to capture her"

"No! You leave my sister alone, she's about to give birth"

"Which makes it so easy but she's not the only one with a bundle of joy is she?" He turns his eyes to Daisy who looks anxious.

"Oh you didn't know, you're wife is pregnant with a baby, you slide dog didn't know you had it in you"

"I know" Luigi says.

Daisy gasped, "well don't you worry I'll take very good care of your baby for you and who know maybe it'll become the next new king of boos"

"you stay away from my wife and child"

"You should've run when you had a chance like the coward you are"

"I'm...not a coward and I'll leave, but not without a fight!" He stated.

King boo cackled and glared at him for the millionth time, "alright game on..."

The fight quickly started as he jumped at the king, however He then started to charge up the purple gem in his crown and parts of the roof began to glow, Luigi wasted no time in stepping on a space that he wasn't aiming for and lightning struck the roof.

"You couldn't have quit did ya" king boo says as Luigi started to dodge him and his tongue.

"You could've just accepted your fate but had to act like snug hero like your brother" He went on and tried to smack Luigi with his tongue but he jumped over it.

"Why couldn't you have just face the cowards way out!" He then started to shoot fireballs at Luigi, he dodged most of them, however one nearly hit him.


The king then started spitting more at him, "the funny thing about cowards, fear can make you fight for the ones you loved"

" was all Mario's fault, if he just left you with-."

He then threw a spike ball at Luigi but he scrambled away as bombs flew out and using the poltergust to suck and hit the king back.

"You don't know my brother like I do, he believes in me, he supports me, he sees who I am and what I'm capable of instead of a selfish coward king like you, using ghost to try and stop me, you know you are just like bowser who was also beaten by us"

"Maybe you're right, I was stupid thinking an army of ghosts would take down a worthless cowardly plumber like you?!"

In order to shut him up Luigi smacked a bomb directly into his mouth and it exploded, causing him to talk to the ground with his tongue hanging out.

Narrowing his eyes at him, he grabbed the tongue with his poltergust and quickly stood on two legs just to swing him around and make him collide with the roof, cracking it in the process.

"Do you want to know why i didn't give up?!" Luigi yowled at him in anger, his eyes glowed with hatred as he duplicated himself and started to zap the roof again. He dodged.

Baring my teeth into a snarled he swiped at one of the kings, causing luigi to shout loudly, "it's because as long as my family believes in me, there's nothing I wouldn't do for them!"

The two boo's started to try and crush him, Luigi tried to stay away from them but was caught underneath twice.

"Sure I'm a coward at times, but there's more to me then meets the eye!"

As Luigi went on, King boo threw as much as he could at him, he zapped, burnt, crush, and smacked down by the tongue.

"My family gives me the strength to keep on going...I would risk everything for them especially Daisy, even dying to you right now." Luigi growled.

King Boo could only blabber nonsense at him as he threw two spike balls at Luigi , but he dodged and threw another bomb into his mouth, causing his duplicate to disappear and Luigi smashed him against the floor.

"Well let me to fulfill that wish Luigi"

Clearly king boo was pissed that Luigi was doing so great, so out of spite he sized up the painting in order to try and get Luigi in.

"you can't fight me, you're just a small scared little plumber"

King boo duplicated himself twice, and threw everything he had at Luigi, however gooigi arrived.

"Looks like I even the odds"

The two started dodging, while with Mario more ghosts kept coming, and Sophia was on the verge of pushing the baby out.


"Hang on sis I'm still here, oh hurry Luigi"

well Gooigi took the hits for Luigi, and weirdly enough, then Morty came started attacking the king too.

"Stop that! Why can't I get this done easily?!" King boo screamed in anger.

"Morty! You're here and helping me"

"Yes, you seemed to understand me and it's what friends do"

"You little traitor, I'll be sure you suffer for betraying your king"

"Oh I don't think so" Luigi says.

Luugiwatched in amazement as jet dodged. Eventually Morty knocked the king down and he and Gooigi nodded towards each other.

Luigi grabbed the king's tongue with the poltergust and smashed him into the ground for a final time, he gave Luigi a glared and tried to pull away.

"Who do you think you are?"

"....I'm a plumber but I guess you are right about that but I'm not just some ordinary plumber, I'm...a super Mario brother" he sucked him up and everything went quiet.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Soon as Marion fend off the ghost who were getting closer, they suddenly vanished.

"Luigi did it" Mario gasped in delight kneeing his bro would come through.

Right before hearing Sophia giving one last scream which was replaced by a baby crying.

"Oh Sophia" he helps her up.

The entire family erupted into cheers cheering for Luigi, but as grabbed the jewel from the king's crown, it quickly disappeared. "Daisy!" Gooigi pointed.

My eyes widened as he remembered when king boo got suck in, he frees and drops Daisy.

"AH!" Daisy panicked then Luigi ran and grabbed her hand.

"Luigi, you knew?"

"Yes, why didn't you tell me you were pregnant"

"I was afraid you wouldn't want the baby because of what you said"

"What's not true Daisy, the truth is I'm afraid the baby wouldn't like me what if I won't be a great dad"

"You don't know that unless you believe in yourself, o know you can be a great dad, you were there for Sophia when she was kid and I knew you can be a great dad I believe in you"

Then Luigi helps her up bad as they stared at each other, polterpup comes between them smiling and licking Luigi.

Then they head down to run into Mario and Sophia, Mario holds her as she has a blanket wrapped around her and in her arms was her new baby.

"Hey" Mario waved.


"You did it!" Mario says.

E gadd came together and celebrated. "I can't believe you did it... Luigi, you did it"

"Thanks Dr E gadd, I guess I just needed my family to believe in me"

"Well I always believed in you when others didn't"

Then Morty approached them, "so I guess this is goodbye" she says sadly, "I just want to say thank you so much Luigi for everything be seeing you"

Luggins turns to his brother and sister and Daisy all nodded in a smile.

"Hey Morty why don't you come with us"

"What? Really you'll take me in"

"Yeah after what you did helping me, why have a thing for welcoming new family members"

Morty was touched as they head outside, the dawn sun rise up and everyone packs their bags ready to leave.

Everyone sees Sophia with her baby, "say hello everyone to our newest members and edition to our family"

Their dad holds her as everyone sees the new baby, Daisy leans on Luigi tired and Dr egad takes the wheel well we better get going now" he says.

Everyone muttered as they get in, "you know what?" Daisy says.


"This was the craziest adventure ever"

"Yeah and now....i can't wait to leave this ghostly hotel"

"Yeah next time Luigi don't make enemies with a ghost king" Arthur joked and everyone laughs.

"And maybe check the location for our next vacation first" Tony says.

"Yeah, well this was an adventure worth fighting"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As the song plays, everyone relaxes free from king boo, grandpa stands next to Dr gadd.

Arthur bad Tony talk with Morty having a laugh that's when they turned to see gooigi.

Gabby looks out watching outside, next to Marie, papa and mama Mario admired the baby as Sophia fell asleep on Mario's shoulders, he holds on tight making it comfortable for her to sleep.

Then Luigi looks out when Daisy fell asleep on him, he looks down at her abdomen he touches her stomach feeling the start of something new: a baby, then polterpup jumps on  him laying next to him.

This was the final super Mario adventure.....

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