The master suites

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The elevator doors opened and they stepped out into the master suites...this was it.

Luigi have gone through so much for his family, rescuing them, and hopefully this was now going to be the end!

And hopefully he will find his brother...

Suddenly the elevator dropped down and looked down "that's a long way down..." he mumbled.

He slowly walked around and Helen gravely showed up on a screen.

As soon as she noticed us her eyes grew wide, quickly dabbing on makeup.

"Tch! How could my staff be so incompetent?! There's no way Luigi should of made it this far!" She growled, then looked directly at him.

"and you! You should be with king boo!"

"Well I'm not!" Luigi snapped back with attitude.

Helen rolled her eyes and fixed her hair, "I suppose I underestimated you and that professor...just a tad. I thought you were just a worthless little plumber Congratulations on making your way to the top! But that doesn't mean you've won," Helen said with a wide twisted grin, she was playing at something...

But instead of fear, Luigi just glared at her not even cowering.

"You should know by know, I'm not an ordinary plumber....IM A SUPER MARIO BROTHER"

"Ooh, look who's acting like a big hero, you really think you can save your're little princess"

"No....but I can try"

"Why couldn't you just die already"

"You started it when you took my family and my wife, now where is Daisy" Luigi threatened her with the vac.

"Aw so cute thinking you can stop me, but as of now she's up with king boo getting ready for her portrait and don't you worry you'll be joining her real son along with your brother"

Luigi see a portrait of Mario, "Mario! Ok that's it time to end this"

He narrowed his eyes at her, trying to hide his fear, then She let out a loud laugh.

"This could be very, very good! The noble plumber human saving his family from an army of ghost and a princess! I don't know not really a happy fairy tale because this fairy tale ending won't be a happy one, Once I capture you and your little dog and offer you to king boo, he'll be absolutely delighted with me!" She was sick in the head, she stared into his eyes.

"Give me back my brother!" He yelled at the crazy hotel owner, Helen only laughed at me.

"Don't be stupid! Of course I'm not giving him back! He makes such a lovey decor, Unless you come and get him! But once you come here will also be displayed! Maybe king boo will decide to put you up next to this painting..."

Mario...his eyes grew wide with fear and tears were ready to form....

"Luiltigi! If you want to save Mario and your precious your, you'll have to come find me!" Helen beckoned with a hand.

"Ok Luigi Mario is counting on you!"

"What are you waiting for?" Gooigi stated.

"how can ! do this..?"

He had two keys left, he and Gooigi went through hell trying to get the yellow and green key, getting hit by lasers, ghosts being everywhere...Gooigi tried to take most of the damage for me, but Luigi still gain a few burns from the lasers.

The next room seemed to be the main bedroom of Hellen Gravely, and wow she had a lot of things to do with King Boo, it gave Luigi Chills.

He used the burst and no surprise there were lasers around, guarding a mannequin that had a target on its chest, "would you like me to go pull it?" Gooigi nudged him.

He hummed in response and watched him carefully make his way around the lasers.

His thoughts then drifted back to Mario and Daisy,
"I did it, Weegee!" Gooigi chirped, however he couldn't congratulate gooigi as the floor underneath the bed flipped and turned into some weird elevator contraption.

"Woah! What is this?" Gooigi said in amazement with wide eyes running over the unstable floor to get back to Luigi, he back away and looked up.

"There's the key!" Luigi about to step on the floor, but Gooigi pulled him back.

He shook his head, "I'll go up and get it." Gooigi gave him a narrowed gaze.

"But you've already done so much." Gooigi shook his head again and then looked up at the key, then back at the wounds.

"look at yourself...I know you want to save your brother, but calm down...and care for yourself once in a while."

Finally giving in, Luigi sat on a chair near the wall, watching as Gooigi stumbled around, avoiding lasers as much as he could.

His blue eyes then trailed to the floor, he sighed to himself, and examined the tear fabric on my arms and legs, it nearly hit him in the face too.

Gooigi then fell down off the moveable floor with the key stuck inside of him.

Luigi lifted himself up and stuck his hand inside him and grabbed the key out.

"Alright we have one more key to go.."

They entered the last room and this time Luigi went through, much to Gooigi's displeasure, heeasily made it to the circle bath in the middle of the room, taking the blue key out of the king boo floaty.

"That's the last one! Hold on Mario I'm a coming!"

Suddenly his phone rang and saw it was Sophia, "ah, what now"

He answered as the door opened and revealed himself and Gooigi, Hellen smiled, it was a genuine smile! Luigi then looked up at the painting that contained Mario.

" you know I despise siblings, they only bring you down, it's why I hated my sister"

"Well I guys you never met my siblings, we always have each other's back and no matter what happens, we always love each other" however she didn't finish, she stared back with a horrid snarl.

"I honestly didn't think you'd have it in you." She said with a sinister chuckle, turning to look at us.

"a scaredy-cat like you making your way here, your just full of surprises! You ransacked my hotel! Destroyed my staff, took away my lovey decor portraits and even catnapped my sweet precious polterkitty!" She said dramatically, "this isn't how it was supposed to happen!"

She then became enraged, her makeup leaving her face to reveal an ugly, dastardly face underneath, Luigi jumped away in fear.

"Ugh, that explains the makeup"

Hellen smashed the desk and screamed in fury, "you weren't supposed to run away from king boo like a filthy coward! If you'd just let yourself get caught, King boo would've showered me in praise for my brilliant trap!"

"Well I guys not all plans go exactly how you want them" She then looked at Luigi and laughed.

"BECAUSE OF YOU, LUIG!!! I'm about to lose everything, but no it's time to join your brother"

finally she realised that she was a horrifying creature and put her powdered makeup back on, at least she can't petrify us now.

"Ahem...shall we begin?" She said casually, "I guess I'll have to do things myself, then everything will be perfect!"

Hellen then clapped and a pole came out of the ground.

A laser then shot out of the pole and started to spin, Luigi of course had the burst.

"There's no way I'm gonna get through this, I want to help!" Lugosi yelled desperately, he looked conflicted in what to do, then Gooigi brought up an idea, "how about you use me?"

Luigi gave him a narrowed stare, but with the pressure of Sophia trying to reach out to him, Gooigi nodded.

"Alright but he careful"

Hellen had now appeared on the opposite side of the room, however there was laser walls keeping her away.

"Theres a switch over there, see if you can try to flip it!"

Gooigi ran to the switch and flipped it, he heard a noise up above, and then saw the colour of the switch was pink.

"Did that get rid of the pink wall?"

"Yeah it did."

As gooigi made his way to the blue switch Luigi answered the call, while not trying to get killed.

"Sophia, now's not a good time"

"Luigi, we got a problem" she sounded look she was going into labor.

"What's wrong this time" he groans.

"When we were leaving, these goomb ghost came out of nowhere and tried to attack us so i...lured them away for the family to get to safety, AH" she was in a room, barricading the door as the ghost try to push their way in.

"Oh, why would you do that Sophia"

"Hey you know me, besides I wasn't gonna let them hurt mom and dad"

"But you're carrying a baby"

"Hurry, it's coming"

"Don't worry sis, I won't let them hurt you"

"I was talking about the baby, the baby's coming"

"WHAT! Ah on just hang on sis, I'm a coming" he hangs up with her breathing heavy.

Gooigi heads to the other switches, however they heard a thud and then a flash.

"What's going on up there?!" Luigi called out, but all he got was the sound of a vacuum then more slams on the ground.

"Just dealing with the witch."

Gooigi focused on the yellow and orange switches, when he didn't hear a thud, and got nervous, "Luigi?"

"I'm fine, focus on the pink switch!" He stated

Hellen stared at him with anger as he was standing in front of her.


But instead of running like a coward, he faces her then he uses the vac to suck her right in.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Wait" before she hit sucked in, she puts on her makeup for the last time, "ok now"

And after he captured her, he looks up at the painting with Mario.

He grabbed the painting of Mario off the wall, and leaned it on the wall, using the dark light on it to finally free his brother.



They both hugged, Mario carefully let go, "I knew you could do it"

"I never stopped believing in myself just like you did"

"Wait what about mom and dad, and uncle Arther and grandpa"

"Don't worry they're safe"

"where's Sophia?!"

"Mario king boo has Daisy"

"Then we got to save her" Mario was quick to push the wall to reveal a hidden door, "come on!"

"Wait Mario, Sophia is about to give birth"

"What? Now?"

" I know right but she's in trouble, she needs you"

Mario smiled and grabs his hand, "you go and save Daisy and you beat up that king"

The brothers smiled and nodded at each other then He ran to Sophia.

"She's on the fifth floor, three doors down" Luigi shouts.

Then Luigi disappeared through the door.

"Alright, king boo....time to end this"

This was it...The final Battle

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