prehistoric shadows

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Luigi helps Sophia who is breathing heavily, he opens a door to one of the guess rooms.

He helps Sophia on the bed where she rest and taking deep breaths, she was in labor and while in the middle of Luigi saving the family.

"Ok stay in here Sophie, I'm be right back with Mario" Luigi says as he heads to the door.

"Ok" she nodded while shaking in sweat.

"Just try to relax ok" the main problem was Luigi didn't know how to deliver a baby, that was Mario.

"Be careful" she says.

So Luigi went back to the elevator. You installed the button and pushed it.


The elevator door opened. Luigi looked around. He gasped silently.

"This looks like a museum" he says to polterpup

The button flew into its hole and this time nothing came to take it away.

"Oh good" Luigi was relieved.

The next destination was the unnatural history museum, "wow they really do have everything here don't they?"

He pressed the button and the elevator started to ascend, silence grew and it became unnerving.

The elevator then stopped and the Doors slowly opened, they exited and wandered around, looking at all the artefacts.

Eventually the search lead the  to large red curtains. Luigi grasped onto one rope whilst gooigi tightly grabbed the other and they both pulled, revealing a large corridor leading into a massive room, a large skeleton of a t-Rex stood proudly in the back.

"Come on..." Luigi whispered , Gooigi then went back to Luigi's poltergust as polterpup followed close behind, yet the closer they got to the room, thunder would strike and the dinosaur would gradually move.

"Ugh did that dinosaur just moved?" Luigi stuttered.

But turn his eyes then caught sight of a painting with gabby inside.


He started walking towards the painting leaning on the iron rails, however Luigi noticed the shadow next to him morph into his own shadow, Luigi then began to free gabby from the painting, until a large t-Rex shadow loomed over him.

"What was that?" Luigi asked.

He turned around, eyes widened in fear as the large dinosaur roared and got ready to swing at him.

"AU!" Luigi jumps out of the way as the dino grabbed the toad painting and swallowed it, the painting was then absorbed into some energy coming from the heart of the skeleton.

"Oh no, gabby, I need to get that painting back!" Luigi yelled, however something happen...

His head then turned towards the dinosaur contained by the two large iron poles.

"Ok just think Luigi, what would Mario do what would Mario do what would Mario do what would Mario do" he stuttered.

two eggs were knocked from the pterodactyl nest
laid on the ground so Luigi quickly grabbed one with the poltergust and shot it towards the Dino, it caught it in its mouth and struggled to bite down on it.

Then he soccer kicked the second egg into the dinosaurs chest.

Suddenly the Dinosaur turned and swung its Luigi ducked the sudden swing also broke one of the pterodactyl skeletons.

"I can't keep it occupied now," then Gooigi came out and stepped in front of him. "What are you doing, Gooigi?"

He turned towards Luigi, "being bait of course! Good thinking" Luigi says.

he ran towards the t-Rex and was flipped into the air and eaten, however his body made the skeleton's jaw completely stuck.

"Quickly, Luigi!" He then shot the last remaining egg at the dinosaur and Gooigi returned to the poltergust. ?

Then the dinosaur used enough strength to break free and roam the room, breaking all the other statues in its quake.

But then they noticed something kicking debris of the Dino statues and that was seemingly doing something.

That's when they saw it, quickly headed over to the many pieces of broken bones and shot the t-Rex in the chest.

Eventually the dinosaur was defeated and it fell into a large pile of bones.

No painting of gabby came out, but a caveman ghost had emerged from the pile in a daze.

"Aw come on" Luigi groans.

The ghost swiftly grabbed a bone ready to wack him across the head, but polyerpup jumped into the way and barked at him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

While he was fighting UG, he finds an old historical record about UG.

Millions and millions of years ago, Ug lived mostly by himself. He grew up as a burly man, training day and night to build some huge muscles. He relied on his strength to help carry food and objects from place to place. Sadly, his weakness is that he didn't know how to read and write fluently. To his credit, all he ever wanted was to educate himself, especially so he could socialize with people. While he isn't the sharpest pencil in the box, Ug had an interest in dinosaurs and wildlife. In his free time, he collected fossils, plants, branches, all sorts of things you would find in the outside world, well at least in his time period. He examined them based on their shape and size. He had such a massive collection that he nearly filled up his cave habitat. One could say that he wanted to be a paleontologist. One day, Ug went on another hunting excursion when suddenly, he was eaten alive by the T-Rex which came out of nowhere. However, his spirit still lived in the said dinosaur until the asteroid impact that wiped out all of the dinosaurs. Ug lived as a ghost for centuries, even millennia. The T-Rex's fossils Ug inhabited in was eventually dug up by the archeologists and put together in a museum where tourists, visitors and school students could admire it and observe it. Ug couldn't help but feel content as he didn't feel lonely now that he could watch the people walking around. When no one was around, he would roam around the world excavating and researching various fossils and fauna. One fateful night, as he returned to the museum, he saw another ghost checking out T-Rex's fossils. Upon approaching them, that ghost was Hellen Gravely. Noticing Ug, she was on board to build a floor that enticed his love for fossils. Ug followed to live in her hotel after bidding farewell to his fossil habitat. At least, Ug wasn't alone anymore, now that he has other ghosts to talk to.

And after defeating ug, he throws the painting of gabby, lugig jumps on the t-Rex head, the he jumps in the air, frees gabby and when she fell out Luigi caught her and landed down safely.

"Uncle Luigi" she hugs him.

"Good to see you too gabby" he sets her down, "ok get to the elevator, go to the lobby and wait in the car I need to find mom and dad ok"

"Ok be careful luigi" gabby says.

"I will and you he safe ok"

But Hellen was not pleased by this....

She was watching him, with polterkitty on her lap, Hellen rubs her back for comfort.

"Yet again, my precious, that... plumber has yet rescued another one of his family and defeated one of my staff, YET AGAIN!" She smashed her arms against the arms of her chair and her polterkitty stared at her before fleeing.

She turned her chair around to face the two goobs from before, "well don't just stand there! Go do something useful!"

They fazed through the walls after simpering in agreement.

"That Luigi is starting to get on my nerves..." she mumbled, "soon we will have them...yet not even my polterkitty could get ahold of them! He attacks my kitty"

Polterkitty meowed at me before curling up into her bed. I sighed in annoyance. Those cats are becoming a bother...

"When I get a hold of him-"

But right behind her was king boo, he grabs her shoulders rubbing them.

"Tell me about your little kitty again" he says.

"Polterkitty " used to be a domesticated cat since she was a kitten. But when she was 5 cat years old, her family dropped her off near the dumpster and told her to wait and that they would be back in a few minutes. Polterkitty waited and waited, but her family never came back. Eventually, she died from starvation and hypothermia. It was at this moment did she learn that her family deliberately abandoned her. As she let out her soft meow, someone approached her location and found her"

And that someone, was you Hellen Gravely. You adopted the ghost cat and took her to the hotel right after you tracked down her real family and haunt them taunt them scaring them to death as pay back, you do anything for your precious kitty"


"That Luigi hurt her, he took your kitty's tail, I think it's time you repay the favor"

"How do?" She looks up at him.

"He took something from you, it's time you took something important from him too"

"But who I took his family"

"Not all his family" he shows an image of Daisy in the lobby on the camera.

"You get Daisy and you get Luigi, lured him in like a mouse then trap him" he whispered seductively in her ear.

That's when Hellen smells and gets an idea, "oh precious...go get Daisy"

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