Sea sick

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As Luigi looked around, he was surprised to see that it was a pirate-themed seafood restaurant.

"Hmm, as if the kitchen and dining room on the second floor aren't enough to keep guests coming..." he mumbled.

Then, he noticed something on the reception desk of the restaurant. It was a book that titled "The Tale of Captain Fishook".

"Who's Captain Fishook?" Luigi couldn't help but ask. "Probably the boss ghost of this floor. Doesn't hurt to learn more about him though."

With that, Luigi took the book from the desk and started reading with Polterpup and Gooigi listening

"Late at night, a female anthropomorphic shark approached the front door of an orphanage in Australia. She placed the water tank full of water on the doorstep. In the tank was a sleeping little baby shark. The female shark quietly but audibly knocked on the door and quickly left. The door opened and the caretaker Jennifer Ackerman (who was an alcoholic and gambler) came out to see who it was and noticed the tank. Looking in, she found a sleeping baby shark. Without a word, she took the tank inside. A few years went by, Jaws (the name Jennifer gave him) was mercilessly bullied mostly because he's the only shark in the orphanage. Even though all of the orphans are mistreated and abused by Jennifer, Jaws is the most frequent victim for the same reason. That, and he was mostly used for profit for he attracts a lot people who find it amazing to have a shark in an orphanage and paying to see him. As time went on, Jaws' hatred towards humans grew. One day, as usual, he was being displayed in front of a couple who payed to see him after hearing about a live shark in an orphanage. Not only that, they've decided to adopt one of Jaws' bullies. Not just any bully, the leader of Jaws' frequent tormentors who'd always nickname him "chompy", "bitey", "snapper", etc. and even encouraged every child in the orphanage to purposely exclude him from their fun, games and activities, dooming him to isolation. Before leaving with his new adoptive parents, the boy decided to tease Jaws one more time. He waved the raw meat dripping with blood around in front of the shark. Then, he dared to open the fish tank cover and taunted him again. Unfortunately, that was when the bully made a huge mistake. Blinded by his pent up rage, Jaws bit the boy's arm (and not the meat) off, causing everyone to scream in terror. The shark quickly got out of the tank, spat the boy's arm out and fled the orphanage.

Jaws quickly stowed away in a truck full of goods and after calming down, he wept, feeling extremely guilty for what he did in self-defense. He never wanted to actually hurt anyone, but this is probably what everyone expects from a shark. Suddenly, the truck stopped at the docks and someone found him. He looked up to see Captain Jonathan "Johnny" Jones (from Super Mario RPG). Captain Jones took Jaws under his wing (or fin in this case) and renamed him Brutus Fishook, to which Jaws absolutely loved. Brutus was a cabin boy for Captain Jones and his crew, but at least they never gave him too much labor work like how he got in the orphanage. One day, Brutus discovered his love for cooking when he went out on another one of his errands. Everywhere he went, he would watch a lot of chefs making mouth-watering delicacies. Inspired, he tried out various seafood recipes and served them for the captain and his crew. They were amazed and Captain Jones promoted Brutus as his cook, much to the latter's delight. As the years went by, Captain Jones have been teaching Brutus on the basics on reading maps, sword fighting and other forms of combat. His training was eventually paid off at one battle. A rival captain and his crew attacked Captain Jones and his shark crew and managed to subdue them. However, Brutus managed to singlehandedly take them down. He succeeded in defeating them, scaring them off and freeing Captain Jones and the others, at the cost of his right fin and left eye. Nevertheless, Captain Jones and his crew were able to save him, stitching his eye, and giving him a hook to replace his fin, thus fitting his last name. Brutus Fishook was praised for his bravery and piracy heroism. One day, as they scoured the seven seas, Captain Jones, Fishook and the crew were ambushed by another rival pirates and Brutus was killed amid the battle as he stabbed by a sword meant for Jones. Albeit victorious in battle, Jones and his crew bade farewell to their beloved fellow crewmate.

Now as a ghost, Captain Fishook would scour around the world, but still longing to have his own pirate ship. One night, he was at the ghost bar drinking his rum, when someone sat next to him. Her name was Hellen Gravely. After ordering a martini, Hellen and Fishook started talking.  Hellen offered him all the money he desired and his own pirate ship, in exchange for his services. Plus, Fishook would have his own restaurant whenever he was not out at sea. Because of this, Fishook would compete with Chef Soulffle, butting heads with each other on who's the best chef, much to the annoyance of every ghost in the hotel. During the construction on the 12th Floor of the Last Resort, when Serpci came in to put the sand on the beach, Captain Fishook fell instantly, deeply and madly in love with her the moment he laid eyes (or eye) on her. Even as a ghost, his undead heart would always beat wildly whenever Serpci is nearby or mentioned. At every chance he got, Fishook tried to flirt with Serpci. But due to her bad experience that caused her death, she rejected him at every turn. Whenever she was present, he would always stare at her with a lovesick grin, to which she noticed but did her best to ignore him. One day, Serpci and Fishook had to use the elevator together to go to meet the two new ghosts in the hotel on Hellen's floor to which I will get to later when suddenly, the elevator stopped moving for some reason. Serpci pressed the button multiple times but the elevator still wouldn't move. But that wasn't the worst part: for some reason, the elevator was ghost-proof, therefore, Fishook and Serpci could NOT get out! The Egyptian queen and pirate shark stayed in the elevator for a few hours, passing the time talking about their past lives. Fishook understood why Serpci refused his advances and assured her that he would never take advantage of her, cheering her up and she reciprocated his feelings for her.

Serpci and Fishook kissed and were making out with each other until the elevator started to function again and they made it to Hellen's floor, but noticed Hellen and the other ghosts scolding Nikki, Lindsey and Ginny. It turned out that the magician triplets were responsible for the elevator incident, partly because their love for pranks and partly because they ship Serpci and Fishook together that they decided to help them open up to each other. Though everyone (except Hellen) appreciate the triplets for their efforts, they told them that they should never meddle in other people's businesses. But still, Serpci and Fishook stayed together. Let's just say, Serpci and Captain Fishook' relationship is very much like Roger Rabbit and his wife Jessica."

Luigi's wide eyes had been watered up throughout his reading.

Putting the book back down on the desk, he started crying as he struggled to wipe his tears. Polterpup and Gooigi comforted him.

"Ghosts or not, these guys don't deserve to live such harsh lives and afterlives. Morty was right, maybe not all ghosts are evil."

After wiping away all of his tears, Luigi settled on a determined face.

"But we're not stopping. King Boo must be defeated and my family must be saved. It's our mission."

The three proceeded but saw a big ship decoration in front of the entrance.

"Wow, what a decor they've got here." Looking in through the gap, Luigi saw a door inside. "The ghosts would definitely have no problem entering and exiting here. But how will we get in?"

Then The large beast appeared, he snarled and swung his hook at Luigi.

"Oh of course, it just had to be a great white shark" Luigi groan as he quickly dodged out of the way and struck his tail with a powerful hit.

"Ok Luigi you can do this, just think about Mario, FOR MARIO!"

The shark then possessed the back of the boat and the large mouth STARTS glowing red eyes pierced right into HIS soul.

Suddenly, the boat rocked and the boat tipped and Luigi was gradually approaching the large mouth, "gooigi, grab hold of that plank with the suction shot!"

So he quickly did what Luigi said and grabbed the plank as the boat fully tipped.

Once it was put back onto the wooden boat the yellow ghosts reappeared and started throwing barrels at Luigi.

clearly not wanting to get into the scrap, Luigi kicked one of the barrels into the mouth, causing the boat to shake.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Luigi stands his grounds facing the shark, it was the final battle, then he gets an idea.

"Here shark boy" Luigi waves his hands and as captain fish hook jumps at him, he moves for gooigi to suck him fight in and dropping the 13 button.

"Yes, well that was easier then I thought, still sorry captain fishhook"

Now this was the last straw as Hellen watched them , he had two floors to go before they arrive here at the master suites, her hands were gripping tightly onto her chair that she didn't realised that her nails were puncturing the leather, her precious polterkitty gazed up at her with worry before escaping to her bed, then she felt him enter the room...

She quickly swivelled her chair around to looked at king boo, who's purple jewelled eyes glared down at her.

After powdering my her I got out of her seat and stood next to the king, he growled in annoyance. "K-K-K-King Boo...there was a tiny slip up...but it's no problem, we will have Luigi locked away soon I just need a little more time..."

"I trusted you Helen...all of your staff have been useless" king boo snarled as he floated passed her and stared at the frames that contained Mario.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

She put out her arm to stop him and try and speak, but he floated away with them.

"Think about my idea from before If you want to capture him you need to get Daisy, he'll be lured in like a fish trap"

She realizes it then she smiles, "ok precious well don't we make ourselves acquainted with Daisy I think it's time we introduce ourselves properly" and do polterkitty flew off.

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