Thr magic act

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After getting his mom out, he takes her to the elevator.

He he takes the next floor, "ok mom remember just get yo te Libby I'll be right back with Mario and Sophia"

"Be careful Luigi" she says.

And as he entered a room which had a small stage and tables.

He passes by a plaque that says: A teen girl at 16 who was pregnant with 3 girls was forced to leave school, with her last day seeing her being mocked by her classmates and harshly judged by an unsympathetic teacher. Then, she was further criticized by her own mother before the woman disowned her, forcing the girl to walk home and saying she doesn't care if she ends up homeless. Then, she went to her boyfriend desperately pleading for help and a place to stay, only to find out he was cheating on her and wanted nothing to do with her or their unborn daughters. At that point, she became so bitter and angry that she blamed the unborn girls for what they put her through. So, with some money she still had on her, she gave birth to the 3 beautiful baby girls. But even their cute looks couldn't make their mother smile or even love them. Thus, she just up and left them in the hospital, telling the nurses to let them stay or give them to someone for all she cared. But no sooner the teen girl left the 3 babies in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and was discharged, the owner of the hospital, Mrs. Nightshade came to check the place. As she walked by the window of the NICU, she noticed the three baby girls. She asked the nurses who worked at the area and they told her everything in detail. After being granted for permission to enter the NICU, Mrs. Nightshade checked on the baby triplets. They opened their eyes one by one, revealing their beautiful blue orbs. Mrs. Nightshade fell in love with them and decided to adopt all 3 of them. Her staff were shocked but happy because everyone knew that Mr. and Mrs. Nightshade are not only one of richest couples in Las Vegas, they're also the kindest and nicest couple in Las Vegas. But sadly, Mrs. Nightshade had a miscarriage, causing her and husband to fear that they'll never have children ever again. Seeing the triplet infants had Mrs. Nightshade believe that it was the answer from the heavens she had been praying. Mrs. Nightshade took the 3 girls home and surprised her husband when he came home from work at the casino (which he owned). He was overjoyed to have the three girls in his life since he never cared whether he was gonna a son or daughter, he would always love them all equally. They decided to name them Nicole (Nikki), Lindsey, and Virginia (Ginny). As the girls grew up, they started to have distinguishing hobbies and personalities. Nikki (the oldest girl with the single ponytail) is a tomboy who loves video games, sports and exercise. Lindsey (the middle child with the long pigtails) is girly, loves makeup, fashion and hairstyling. She even watches beauty tutorials and reads beauty magazines. Ginny (the youngest with the smaller pigtails and bangs) is the most level-headed and very intelligent. She is a strategist who loves reading books and very good with modern technology. One thing all three have in common is their love of pulling pranks and jokes on others but are very careful of who to prank. On their 7th birthday, they watched a magic show at their adoptive father's casino and immediately became inspired to be magicians too. They've practiced their magic performances during their free time. However, Nikki and Lindsey would often fight over who gets to lead and/or perform whatever magic trick, and as always, Ginny would become exasperated but always be the peacemaker, finding compromises in such situations. But in the end, the girls would always love each other and their adoptive parents. When Nikki, Lindsey and Ginny were 9, someone came to the Nightshades' mansion and rang the doorbell. One of the maids opened the door and there stood the triplets' birth mother. She had heard of them during one of their volunteer magical performance for the patients at the Nightshades' hospital. She wanted to reunite with them but their adoptive mother wouldn't because of what her hospital staff told about the birth mom. Nikki, Lindsey and Ginny were devastated and mad at their birth mom after hearing the truth and refused to see her and speak to her again. Their birth mother left but not without warning them that she would get her revenge sooner or later. The triplets were 10 when they got their magic show stunts ready for their school's talent show. They were nervous, but they were clearly happy that their parents were present in the crowd. It was their turn and they pulled their tricks off well. Their parents, the audience and even all the kids and the teachers were amazed and cheered for them. But suddenly, the fireworks came out of nowhere and flew out of control. The fire sparks caused the stage curtains to catch fire. Most, albeit injured and burnt, managed to escape, including Mr. and Mrs. Nightshade, but some of the others weren't so lucky. The gas was accidentally exposed and caused an explosion in the auditorium, killing them, including Nikki, Lindsey and Ginny. The police, firemen and ambulance were immediately called. Mr. and Mrs. Nightshade were very devastated over the loss of their beloved daughters and so were the patients whom the girls have entertained. The police found the culprit behind the incident: the triplets' birth mom. Blinded by rage and lost all sympathy for the birth mom, Mr. and Mrs. Nightshade pressed charges on her. She was sentenced to prison with no chance of parole. At least she should be grateful that they didn't insist on giving her a death penalty. But the deaths of their adoptive daughters wasn't the only reason why they pressed charges against her: Mr. and Mrs. Nightshade were planning to surprise Nikki, Lindsey and Ginny with the news after the talent show: they were going to have another triplets, two girls and one boy. A very special funeral dedicated to the magician triplets was arranged. As a trio of ghosts, the girls watched over their adoptive parents and even waited for the birth of their brother and sisters. They gushed and awed at how cute and adorable the babies were. They would make sure nothing would happen to their new younger sisters and brother until Hellen found them floating around the mansion, watching their sleeping family. She approached them and offered a permanent residence in her hotel. After kissing their adoptive relatives goodbye, the girls followed Hellen to the Last Resort, telling about their past lives and their magician skills. Impressed, Hellen coaxed them in (fake) motherly way to make sure they are comfortable being with her. The girls were overjoyed to have a mother or mother figure who would love them unconditionally. Little did the triplets know, Hellen is exploiting their desire to have parental love to make profits for her hotel. Arriving at the hotel, the girls would pull pranks on their fellow residents of the Last Resort (except Hellen, Polterkitty and those who have weak hearts and stomachs). They got along with Clem mostly because of their mischievous nature and love for pranks. Clem made an incredible father or father figure to the magician triplets. At least, unlike Hellen, the other ghosts in hotel do love, support and care for the little girls, even if they do get annoyed of their behavior and pranks.

Then the three sisters appeared on stage, The sister with the singular ponytail yelled as many ghosts then appeared and cheered for Luigi as he joined on stage.

"Ooh look sisters " Nikki says.

"A new toy to play with" Lindsey says.

"Hey I have an idea, let's put him in our show" Ginny says.

"Good idea Ginny" Nikki says as the three girls approach him.

"Ah no thank you I don't think that would be necessary I was just trying..." Luigi mumbled, then he ran, he finds key in a small room, hanging inside a cage.

But of course nothing goes according to plan as pink spirit hall appeared and made the key turn into a rabbit.

"Really?" Luigi heavily sighed, "alright you girls wanna show I'll give you a show"

Luigi swiftly caught the rabbit in the poltergust and used the dark light to release the spirit balls, he then captured the balls and the key returned to its normal state.

"That was a lot to do for one key!" Luigi exclaimed as he grabbed the key.

He progressed through three uneventful rooms and slowly but surely found his way into the room the three sisters went into at the start. "Oh! It's you again cuitue!" The long twin tail sister chirped, "we never introduced ourselves!"

"I'm Nikki..." the single ponytail sister mumbled.

"I'm Lindsey!" The long twin tails girls announced.

"And I'm ginny," the short twin tail sister said.

"And since you're so great with catching ghosts we wanna put on a show for you " Lindsey cheered.

Nikki rolled her eyes as her sisters left the bathroom and into the room with the odd circle and candles surrounding it.

"Don't keep us waiting~"

Luigi gulped before looking worry, "you'll be okay? Just think: what would Mario do" he entered the room, the three sisters had lit the candles and were standing around the circle, "green boy, stand in the ring..."

Without questioning it he nodded and took his place, then they slowly floated into the circle around that's when he realized.

"Oh no"

and immediately the whole room shifted into a different dimension and they begin the attack.

The sky was dark purple and small stars and pink smoke floated around.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

And after defeating the sisters, Luigi grabs the button.

"Yes, sorry girls but magic is so overrated now if you would excuse me, I have to find my bro"

Suddenly he were back at the lobby, he pressed the elevator button and the door opened, he entered and was instantly ready for his next mission...

The spectral catch?

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