The Insane Song

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The two who lead me in didn't look like the guards we passed to get in. The one on my left was shorter than me by a few inches. He had on a white lab coat covering a purple shirt, clipboard on his hip. He had his curly brown hair tied back with a white headband. His eyes were purple, which weren't normal. He hadn't spoken a word to me, only glanced at me.

On my right was a guy taller than me by a few inches, he wasn't as calm as his friend. He had blonde hair that stood up unnaturally, and clear blue eyes. He also had a lab coat, but over a black shirt with a gold crest on the left side. He didn't have a clipboard, but he had to be there to protect the other.

They didn't push me into the cell, they more so guided me in once the yellow glass opened just enough to let me in. It folded back onto itself, sealing me in. The room had a yellow hue, since three walls had it. The back was steel. The other two looked into the other cells. The one with the coin and another with a straight jacket. He had scars running down his face.

"Welcome 264," the smaller spoke, voice coming in clear, "we're here to protect you, not to harm you." I frowned at his statement, but it faltered when the cuffs loosened enough to fall. "Like I said, we won't treat you like a monster," the smaller continued, pulling his clipboard up with a pen, "for starters. My name is Dr Soro. For now I'm Seto to you. This is my partner in training Dr Solace, or Brice. We're the wardens of your area. This includes 15 others cells."

I glanced around when he said this, seeing my new roommates staring at me. The coin had stopped spinning and the red eyed male had stopped mumbling. Suddenly, a high pitch laughed echoed in my room. I glanced, unfazed, at the other cell. The guy had turned to give me a better look. Short hair that stood up in the front with a crazed look in his eye.

"Don't get too comfortable now," he spat, laughing hysterically, "my furry friend will tear you in half! Gouge your eyes! Snap your bones! Rip your limbs! Eat! Your! Soul!" He fell backwards, still laughing at himself. The two doctors weren't fazed by his outbursts, instead Seto looked back at me which got my attention.

"Pay no mind to 263, he's here to help look for this friend, but we learned he was insane and couldn't be released," with that Seto glared at 263.

"I have a name I have a name I have a name I have a name," he shouted, suddenly angry, "WE HAVE NAMES WE HAVE NAMES WE HAVE NAMES WE HAVE NAMES!!!"

The other next to me joined, voice hypnotic. Soon, I heard more voices of all tones joining in. I watched Seto's shoulders drop. He mumbled something, and the voices stopped and erupted to screams. 263 screamed, but broke into laughter mixed with his screaming. Their cells were glitching, and to my horror I realized they were being electrocuted. It stopped and it was calm again, 263 was still giggling but his body was twitching with the volts.

"So sorry 264," Seto glanced at me, "when you misbehave you get shocked until you're calm again. Now, where were we-"

"It's Taylor," I interrupted, voice unrecognizable to me, "Dr Soro."

Seto looked at me shocked, and 263 started up again, "MITCH MITCH MITCH MITCH MITCH MY NAME MY NAME MY NAME MY NAME!!!"

I stayed calmed, looking Seto dead in the eye. He became calm again, clicking his pen. "Well won't you be trouble."


My body twitched again, still feeling the after effects of the shock. After another outburst, Seto had them electrocuted again, including me this time. It felt like fire was burning through me when it happened, now it's just random jolts. When had I hit the floor? Where did this blood come from? I spit, seeing now where the blood was coming from.

The two other cells had quieted down and the two doctors had left some time ago. I couldn't tell time now, so I had no idea if it was day or night. Painfully slow, I slipped my hands underneath me and braced myself, pushing up until I was on my knees. I groaned out in pain, my palms felt like pins and needles. Standing the rest of the way up, my vision became splotchy, throwing my balance off. I luckily landed on the bed, letting out a sigh of relief as my vision returned.

The other, the one with the coin, had gotten up and pressed a hand to the glass separating us, staring at me. I stared back, feeling the cold steel bite into my back. He moved his hair out of his left eye, holding his back with his left hand.

"I'm Ty. I heard you're Taylor," his voice was softer than the other, Mitch. It had a luring feel to it as well. "I'm sorry you're stuck by Mitch. The last person who was here had to move," he paused, as if expecting an answer, "also you'll feel on edge due to your first electrocution. But you'll become numb to it after a couple times."

He glanced around, before straightening up, "at noon we are allowed to move to a common room. Were we eat and meet others. They bring our breakfast and dinner to the cells. They don't want us to socialize too much and plan an escape, "he giggled, smiling, "but it's impossible. The glass is sound proof but we can speak to one another for some reason. It has held the strongest abnormal," he sighed, getting a distant look, "I'll introduce you to others tomorrow."

With that he back away, moving to his bed. There was a click, and the lights were gone. The only light being the glow of the yellow glass. I moved so that I was lying on the bed, staring out at the glass. Indestructible, no escape. A low hum started to echo, bouncing off the walls and harmonizing. When it got higher, the echoes got higher but blended in with the changing hum. I felt my eyes beginning to close against my will, like the song itself was forcing me asleep. I couldn't stay awake any longer and let a peaceful sleep take over.

I couldn't help it

*sips tea* well time to go on a hiatus with the story! *my school drags me to school hell*

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