A new battle awaits

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After getting the into from junior Mike, Cal, and (y/n) went to back to the Light in the Darkness and gotten in the armory getting the weapons they needed. (y/n) gotten the Assault rifle that can change to the BR and DMR. Three in one. Then grabbed the m6h magnu witch can change into the combat knife and gunfighter magnum. Then grabbed the two energy swords place them on the waist and gotten a plasma rifle then placed them on his legs. (y/n)  then grabbed a flash grenade.along with a fire dust,and plasma grenade. Mike then grabbed the saw named "The Answer" which shoots explosive bullets and can change into the rain gun called "arclight" and somehow it can change into the chaingun that belonged to Jorge-052 he just shrugged it off as forerunner tech stuff. Mike did meet Jorge in one of his missions. The big guy had a big heart and he was like a big brother to the Spartans from what he heard. It was proven true and he was glad to know him even it was for a little. Then he heard of his sacrifice during operation: Uppercut. When he informed Cal she was a bit sad to see the big brother of the Spartans died. But she knew that Jorge knew what he was doing to keep Reach safe. She said to Mike that Jorge would of love to see his weapon  continue to protect humanity and it was a great way to honor him. Mike nodded and told her that he will, then gotten one smgs that can switch into brute plasma rifle and the Boltshot on the right leg and the magnum that can change to a combat knife and Gunfighter magnum on the left and Two energy swords on his waist.As for Cal she got her Norfang and now it can change into the beam rifle. Then she grabbed two Brute plasma rifles and they can change into smgs and plasma pistol, she placed a energy sword on her waist. After that they got in their oni warthog when they got to the surface and drove to the location. They parked it in a alleyway and they started to get into positions. Cal went into active camouflage and went to find a good sniping position. (y/n)  was wearing a cloak to hide the grenades and he and Mike went in. They were flying to the second floor and when they crashed in they saw Adam and the lieutenant with Roman Torchwick along with Neo. They weren't surprised and then WF grunts came out and pointed their weapons at them but Adam put his hand up to tell them to not shoot.

(y/n): Well this is unexpected from you Adam to be working with humans. Doesn't that make you a bit of a hypocrite.

Adam: It is indeed. But things change.

Mike: Well who was the one who organized this "alliance". Cause Roman couldn't of done it.

Roman: You got that part right.

Adam:Sacrifices needed to be made. You see a person not too long ago promise me and the White Fang to help us achieve our goals but in exchange we are going to help them back achieve their own goals.

Mike: So what's this about?

Roman: What do you mean by that?

(y/n): He means why go through all this trouble to set up a trap for us? And one in which you will only achieve getting useless deaths of many of your people, in an attempt to take us down or some other motive you have for us. Besides the moment we enter you could order your men to start shooting at us and reducing our chances of planning a way to escape or achieve victory or you could use a simpler trap that doesn't risk the life of many of your men in a firefight but that still could get the job done, like a bomb."

Some of the older White Fang members actually found logic in his words after all they have gave trouble to the White Fang since the first day they first appeared and now they had the chance to finally take them down for good and Adam told them to not shoot unless he gave the order to do it.

Roman: Well the answer to that is kind of funny. You see my employer said that she saw you two as a threat but also as potential allies because of your abilities and resources. After all is not easy to be able to hunt down several major criminals, stop many of the White Fang operations across the world and remain hidden from Atlas military and escape some of the best huntsmen in the world." 

Luckily they didn't know about Cal but for Adam he though that Mike was the sniper. They still have the element of surprise.

(y/n): So you want us to join your scheme. *as he said it he grabbed a flash grenade and got ready to use it. Luckily he had the cloak on so they couldn't notice. Since Faunas Heighten sense would make them more vulnerable to the flash bang.*

Adam: That is the plan but if you refuse well there is not much to explain. *he said with a smirk.*

Mike: Well we refuse. We don't work with terrorists and neither criminals.

Roman: Well my employer really hoped you would have thought this carefully but it seems you already made your choice.

Then the Lieutenant made a gesture to the White Fang members to ready their weapons.

Adam: Anything you want to say before this begins?

He said while readying his weapon. He knew that taking (y/n) and Mike down will not be easy but the chances that they will get out of this one alive were slim.

Mike:Yeah. Don't blink.

When (y/n) was throwing the grenade in the air were it exploded, making almost everyone lose their weapons while grabbing their ears or eyes do the loud sound and the strong light from the flash bang grenade.

(y/n) and Mike were not affected thanks to their helmets. Then they split to engage the two groups. Mike opened fire with The Answer and it was tearing apart the WF front with ease thanks to the explosive bullets. (y/n)  was holding his AR/BR/DMR in its AR form and started to eliminate the group and dodged the attack of the sword welder while still in the effect of the flash bang. They didn't know how to attack with their melee weapons that well. Left slot of opening which (y/n) exploited and shot them with the AR or magnum. Then they had to take it outside where (y/n)  engaged the Lieutenant and Adam while Mike was engaging Roman and Neo. (y/n) was doing fairly well his hard light shield was able to block Adam's and the Lieutenant's weapons which surprised both of them. Then when he saw them back away with a grim smirk on their faces the Lieutenant said.

Lt: Let's see you survive this.

Then (y/n)  saw four WF going with Rocket launchers but before they even got a chance to fire.


They were shoot down by Cal who hit out of Active camouflage and when they saw her they though there were only two but now that they are three. Then with Mike he was able to knock out Roman with ease,but the real challenge was Neo for she was agile and fast. She was smart to aim for the unarmored areas but it proves difficult with the energy shields. Then when he hit her he just broke glass. Thanks to his spartan time he was able to see her and launched a roundhouse kick to her stomach. As he took care of those two he went to assist (y/n). Then when he was closing in a while battalion of WF soldier both grunts and veterans were there and they started to engage the Spartans.

Adam: What is going to take to kill you!

Then they heard a sinister laughter coming from (y/n)  and Mike as they drew out the handles which confuses then until (y/n) says.

(y/n): Fools don't know.

Lieutenant: Know what!

Then both Mike and (y/n)  pressed the triggers to reveal the energy swords. That made the battalion look surprised.

Mike: Spartans Never Die!

With that they charged at the battalion and as they were shooting. They blocked it with the swords and thanks to their speed they were able to reach them in 2 seconds. Then they started to hack and slash them. As the heated plasma cut through he aura of the veterans and those who recently got it unlocked. The grunts were terrified by how the blades cut through them like Swiss cheese. Then Cal was still taking out WF sharpshooters with the beam rifle. Then when the last one was dead. They heard the sounds of a chainsaw and saw the Lieutenant charge at (y/n)  but when he swung down (y/n)  dodged to the side and then deliver a flying kick to the face which made the Lieutenant fly to the wall and be knocked out. Mike was engaging Adam and he was dodging the blades for he couldn't let them get close to him or his blade and didn't even know of it will handle it. The last dodge gave a opening that Mike needed so he swing his blade and made a huge mark on Adam as he was screaming in pain he swung his other sword to give him a signal Mark across his left shoulder to the waist. Then Adam dropped down,as they were reviewing the battle field Cal joined them. Then they saw a camera and they got closer and (y/n)  said.

(y/n): We know you are the one who gotten Roman and the White Fang working to work for you. Just know that you are not safe. We will find you for there is no place safe for you to hide. She we find you,we will make you pay for the evil you have committed.

As they nodded in confidence to the threat. They turned around to see Roman,Neo,Adam,and the Lieutenant weren't there.

Mike: son of a Bitch.

Cal: Okay how the duck did they get away.

(y/n): Probably a semblance one of them have to teleport.

Mike: Makes sense.

As they left in one if the buildings in the room were it was dark there was a tall woman who has back hair and Amber eyes which are fire. This was Cinder Fall as she saw what happened through the cameras she smirked and said.

Cinder: Challenge accepted Spartans.

Unknown to her Vector the Forerunner AI was looking through her computer for he has found it and so her.

Vector: This will help the Reclaimers.

Sally: Indeed it will.

When the Spartans returned home they mentally kicked themselves for allowing them to escape. But thanks ringworm training they hold back but promise next time they will make sure that they are full of lead or plasma or hard light.

Another six months and two weeks. The first week of Beacon has ended.

During the time thanks to Vector's ability to be able to find whoever was behind it through a picture so they  be able to identify her. They try to look for her in the records but came with nothing. As time gone by Mike has found some mods in the armory that will help them later on in the field. But Sally sated that they needed to be remolded to be able to fit the armor. They continue doing their thing until their luck has run out.

In Vale Police Station.

How they even got caught well they were going to Juniors without their weapons to get some info until they saw Yang beating him. Then Cal intervene and knocked her out with a kick to the face. Junior let out a sight before he backed out. This wans the first time they meet her in their armor. When (y/n)  was in his civilian persona as (y/n) Haverson in the mall looking for clothes she couldn't help but look at his with lust,as were the other girls that saw him. She tried to flirt with him but he ignore her and she was surprised for men always wanted to be with her. This only made her want him to be hers. (y/n)  had to keep his anger incheck for he didn't want to talk to the one person who brought so much pain on his spartan brother. When it was done they heard police sirens and we're trying to escape but they were surrounded but a big sphere that belonged to Glynda Goodwitch. Who is a powerful Huntresses who has the power of telekinesis. They knew not to underestimate her for they don't know how her ability will affect the human body. As now they are cuffed in their chairs even though they can break them easily they didn't so not to cause a scene. Ms. Goodwitch was scolding them for their actions but her words didn't came through the Spartans thanks to their helmets for blocking it. They were talking to a secure channel with Sally who was with them.

Mike: Man she talks way to much.

Cal: Yep, Now I want her to shut up now.

Sally: Easy you two.

Then they see her stop and turned back on the speakers to hear her say.

Glynda: Either way there is someone who wants to see you.

All three saw a man who has silver hair,holding a mug of coffee and a cane.

??: Well so you are the infamous spartans that everyone is talking about.  Do you know who I am.

Mike: Mr. Ozpin headmaster of beacon academy, and one of the strongest huntsman ever.

Ozpin: So you do know who I am.

Cal: Yes we want to know all who might be potential enemies or allies.

Ozpin: You know, you three have caused a lot of trouble to many people in these last 3 years, you three are openly fighting against every single terrorist, criminal and corrupt man in the planet, without mentioning that you have been eluding in several occasions the police, military and Huntsmen and Huntresses that have come after you.

(y/n) frowned behind his helmet and said.

(y/n):Cut the small talk Ozpin. We all know that you didn't come here to talk about what we have been doing in these last 3 years.

This causing Glynda to point her crop to (y/n) but the Ozpin only lifted his hand telling her to stop.

Ozpin:You are actually right, I actually was curious of who you three really are.

Mike:What do you mean?

He said calmly but inside they didn't like where this conversation was going.

Ozpin:I mean, that about 3 years ago, a three people wearing some type of highly-advance armor appear out of nowhere and no one know who they are, some said that they were once formed part of an experiment from Atlas, other says they are  huntsman but I have another theory.

Ozpin said while grabbing folder and giving it to the (y/n).

When the (y/n) opened the folder his eyes widened, while Sally who remain silent during all this time shut down the armor speakers and said.

Sally:(y/n) this photos are…

(y/n) :… From the day when we arrive in Remnant.

(y/n) finish for her, while looking at the photos of their fight with the WF and the photos of their other battled against criminals and of them disappearing with the light. Once Mike and Cal saw them they tensed up.

Cal:What do we do know?

Cal asked still surprised for the fact there was people that actually knew they weren't from here and might known of their ship.

Mike:Will let him talk and we try to answer without compromising ourselves.

Mike said while turning on the speakers of the armor.

(y/n):What do you want to know?

(y/n) asked to Ozpin.

Ozpin:Everything but I guess this isn't the place to talk about it.

Ozpin said before taking another sip of his coffee and said as he got up.

Ozpin:Please, follow me.

In beacon academy with Pyrrha.

Pyrrha Nikos is a red haired emerald eyes girl who has won the championship of Mistral three time and was named the 'invincible girl'. Thought she didn't care about the title. She just wanted a normal life away from the fame. But it didn't bother her much for she now is part of team JNRP they were good people and soon great friends. Although she has to contend of seeing "them" Yang and Ruby. The two people she detested for they have hurt someone who meant a lot to her. His name Jake Rose.He treated her like a normal person and  he was so sweet to her and once she heard of what he have been through. She wanted to help him but didn't know how. They meet several more times and when she told her parents about it they were disgusted of how a entire family would go against him. They were proud of their daughter of bringing this up to them. Then one day when they meet in the mountains Jake told her of his pan to escape from "them". She told him, the he could come with her to her home. He nodded and smiled. But when the day came that is where Jake was taken to sigma octavis  4. She didn't know but she waited until he never did. She grew worried and went to find her parents. They helped her trying to find him. Then when they found no sight of him they feared the worst. So they called in help and told the police the crimes that the Rose family did. They searched but still no signed of him. Some people say to her that he was probably long dead. She refuse to believe it until she saw it herself.  Days weeks and years came by and she still was looking. For she knew deep within her she knows that he is still alive. Her parents were proud of her for not giving up. Now in Beacon she gave them looks of hatred whenever she saw them. Now in her room she went to her drawer and got out a flower that Jake have given her when they were in the water falls. It was a silver rose. 

She still remembers that day as she closes her eyes.

Flashback to the Day in the waterfalls years ago.

Jake: Hey Pyrrha!

Pyrrha: Hey Jake you alright.

Jake: A little beaten up but I'm fine.

She grabbed his hand with both of hers.

Pyrrha:Jake, I hate seeing you like this you are a great person and don't deserve this.

As she was sobbing a bit until Jake put his hand in her face and said.

Jake: Thank you Pyrrha,it means a lot coming from you. I'm just glad to have met someone like you who has been kind to me. Also I wanted to give you this.

As he said it she let go to see him pull out the silver rose and she was astonished at its beauty.

Jake: This is for you Pyrrha, for what you given me is more valuable than anything else.

She took it and said.

Pyrrha: Thank you Jake. It's beautiful. I'll cherish it forever.

Flashback ends.

When she opens her eyes she was starting to drop a tear. The she looked the flower and said.

Pyrrha: Don't worry Jake. I'll never give up until I find you.

Then she hears the door open to see Juane,Ren and Nora. They see the flower and Nora said.

Nora: Of that is a beautiful flower. We're did you get it.

Pyrrha: From a special friend.

Nora: Oh oh who is it?

Ren: Nora settle down.

Juane: It's nice and all but can you answer is a question.

Pyrrha: Yes what is it?

Juane: Why are you being cruel to Yang and Ruby?

She frowned and replied.

Pyrrha: Oh them, they have hurt someone who has meant a lot to me.

Ren: Could that someone be the same person who gave you the flower.

Pyrrha: Yes, It'll be better if I tell the whole story.

Nora: Oh story time.

As the team was sitting in their beds and Pyrrha was about to tell them,the same time the Spartans were brought to beacon to talk to Ozpin, Glynda. The pieces are in place what will happen next.

(done and I hope you love it and until next time.)

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