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As Pyrrha told Juane,Ren,and Nora of who Jake is. She told them of how Yang and Ruby and the family abused him and treated him like he didn't exist or was used as a punching bag. Although he went through that he still hold on strong and was very sweet to her. As she told them of how his plan to escape and when the day came he never arrived. She told them that she searched for him all these years. As it ended she saw her teammates were shock to hear what those two did.

Nora: I'm going to break their legs.

Ren: No Nora, those two deserve worse.

Juane: Agree, to do that to your own family is despicable. I can see now why you are like that to them.

Ren: Still it's admirable that you are still looking for him.

Pyrrha: Thank you Ren. Jake he's a true friend and treated me like a normal person with respect. He only saw the real me before I became famous.

Juane: Still if he's not been found yet do you think that he might be....

Pyrrha: He is not dead!*starts to get teary.*

Nora: How can you be sure?

Pyrrha: I can feel it right here *points at her heart*. He is still alive and I won't stop until I find him.

Ren: Well then let us help you, search for him.

Pyrrha: What. *starts to dry her tears*

Juane: Yeah, aren't we a team. Also friends help each other.

Nora: Yeah!!

She looked at them and dried her tears and said.

Pyrrha: Thank you, it means a lot.

Juane: No sweat. So when do we start.

Pyrrha: Well start during the weekend.

They continue to plan and unknown to them the headmasters were in beacon with the spartans.  Though (y/n),Cal, Mike were a bit confused about why they brought them here. Luckily all the students were in their dorms. Once they arrived to his office the Spartans saw another one there. He was a tall skinny man with black hair and has a red short cape and us drinking from the flask. This is Qrow Bradwen uncle of Ruby and Yang. (y/n)  saw Mike through his helmet and he was getting agitated and he told him to stand down. It was hard for them and when Ozpin sat down and Cal started to talk.

Cal: Why is he here?

Ozpin: He was the one who took your pictures when you first arrived.

They look at him while he said"yo". Now Ozpin started to speak.

Ozpin: Now can you tell me what or who are you?

Sally who was talking to them through their helmets but the speakers were turned off.

Sally: Guys,I think it's best if you take off your helmets. Mike I know this will be difficult but we are here for you.

The three adults saw the Spartans look at each other and nodded. Then they place their hands in their helmets and when they heard the hiss and they slowly take off their helmets. They were shock to see their faces since it was pale and age. Then they grew more shock with Mike who opened his eyes and they saw his silver eyes. That made Qrow spit his drink out.

Ozpin:"though" He has silver eyes. This must be the person Ms. Nikos was looking for.

They went into a salute and said.

(y/n): Captain of the Light in the Darkness (y/n)-189, Spartan II commando.

Cal: Senior Petty Officer Cal-141, Spartan II commando.

Mike: Lieutenant Mike-G156,Spartan III commando Headhunter.


Cal: Yes sir, we three are from the United Nations Space Command.

Ozpin: Forgive me for I haven't heard of this Organization.

Glynda: But you three seemed to be young to get those ranks?

Qrow: Jake how? we all thought you were....

Mike: It's Mike now you no for good piece of shit!

Ozpin: Calm down.

Mike turned to Ozpin and said.

Mike: You want me to calm down when him and the rest of that good for nothing family. Had abused me and treated me like I was trash.

Glynda was shock to hear that so was Ozpin.

Ozpin: Is this true Qrow?

Qrow:Yes, Look I'm sorry.

Mike: It ain't going to cut it with just sorry. You and them have been doing that to me for years without any regret. I swear to you if (y/n) or Cal wasn't here holding me back is would've killed you now on the spot.

That made the three adults stare in shock.

Ozpin: You killed before?

Mike: Yes, me Cal and (y/n) did and we will not hesitate to do it.

Qrow was about to place his hand on Mike's shoulder until a red beam came between the two as Qrow jumped out with his sword out.

Vector: Protocol states I must defend the reclaimers.

(y/n): Vector what are you doing here?

Vector: Apologies reclaimer, I became worried when I heard of your arrest.

Cal: It's alright Vector.

Glynda: Who are you?

Vector: I'm forerunner contender class AI Vector.

Sally: Aren't you forgetting someone?

(y/n)  took out the chip which confuses then and Sally appeared in her materialize form.

Sally: I'm Sally this team of Spartans AI. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Ozpin and Ms. Goodwitch.

Ozpin: Likewise.

Though he could've sworn he heard that feminine voice before.

Ozpin: I've seen AIs from Atlas and you two are different.

Sally: Well I'm a very advanced AI. Than what Atlas ever will make.

Vector: This Atlas Ancillas are nothing but phonies. It'll take them a thousand years before they come up with something similar to me or Sally.

Cal: Well to continue the UNSC is the military and research power of Humanity and defends Earth and her colonies.

Glynda: Wait are you saying that there are humans in another planet.

They nodded and continue to tell the history of the UNSC and how humanity reached the stars and colonize. This has made them surprise to hear of how humanity became more advanced than they were. It also surprised them by how they didn't known about Dust, Grimm which was a lingering threat, or Faunas.

Qrow: Wow. They have to be lucky to have never faced such monsters such as Grimm.

Ozpin:Agree but Ja-I mean Mike how did you get into that universe.

Mike: I don't know sir, I was brought there by a portal that I think it was slipspace. Sir can we continue this conversation somewhere else.

Ozpin: Why did you ask that.

Mike: I get the feeling that we are being watched.

Cal: Same here.

(y/n): Also but it feels not natural.

Ozpin took a hard look at them and he knew that they were telling the truth.

Ozpin:*though* It must be her.

Ozpin: I understand.

They nodded and turned to Vector.

Cal: Vector beam us up to he ship. But not him. *points at Qrow*

Qrow: What?

(y/n): We don't feel like telling the rest to someone who has hurt our fellow Spartan brother.

Ozpin and Glynda exchanged looks of concern but they do have a point.

Ozpin: Alright Qrow stay here until we come back.

He reluctantly agreed and they were sent up to the ship. Once they were in the deck Glynda couldn't hold her astonishment. Both her and Ozpin saw remnant from space.

Glynda: Where are we?

(y/n): Welcome to the Light in the Darkness. A daring class Frigate.

Ozpin: Impressive.

Cal: Now that is done. To answer your question Ma'am. We may be young but actually our age is different. Like I'm 44 years old.

(y/n): I was 45 before I came here.

Mike: I was 32.

Sally: If you want more proof here it is.

She showed them of how they were before they arrived in remnant. And explained the anomaly that made them back to teens.

Ozpin: Now that explains it seems that your universe time is different from our own.

(y/n): Yes but it wasn't all good. In the end we were fighting just to survive.

Glynda: What.

Sally: Ms. Goodwitch he is talking about the thirty year war that was the most bloodiest war in human. The Human covenant war.

They explain the war and how they were attacked and explain the covenant were a coalition of Races and we're hellbent on the destruction of the human race. Since they were seen as a affront to their gods. Described each race member and how the brutes and Jackals began to eat people which made Glynda got a bit green. Then how each world and planet were destroyed and many died but just military but civilians. As they show some footage of the carnage.

Glynda: Oh oum how did you combat such a threat.

Cal: There wasn't much but us Spartans. We were able to inflict massive amounts of casualties on their side.

Ozpin: I was wondering about these Spartans you keep referring yourselves to. Since you were able to do feats those with or without aura can do.

They look at each other and said.

(y/n): Ozpin what we are about to tell you must never see the light of day.

Glynda: Why?

Mike: Because of its questionable things that happened.

They nodded and said.

(y/n): The Spartan II program was to make super soldiers. There were many candidates for the project. They were observing us at a young age.

Ozpin: Did they inform you of the program.

Cal: No sir, but this will explain it.

After they saw the video the two adults were a lost for words. Glynda was crying tears for what they have been through. She didn't know what to say. But Ozpin was anger by how they got there. Though he understood why they did it. But he was curious about Mike's story.

Ozpin: Mike you said you were a Spartan III. What is the difference.

Mike: Sir, the difference is I wasn't taken but I volunteer.

Glynda: Why would you volunteer?

Mike: Ms. I didn't have a good life with them. But when I was taken to sigma octavous 4, I found a place to call my home. Since the people there helped me and I found a family to call my own. It was all brought to an end by those covenant bastards. They killed them all right in front of me I wanted to kill them all and they gave me that chance to avenge them and try to stop them from doing the same to other worlds. This will explain it better than me talking about it.

When it was over they saw Glynda still shock to see children volunteer to become these soldiers just to die in high risk missions. Though she did understood why they did it. When she saw Mike after what he has told her. She wished that he,Cal and (y/n)  didn't have to go through that.  Ozpin was still in lost for words since these Spartans III's were buying them time to find a way to defeat the Covenant.

Ozpin: You said you were a headhunter what is that?

Mike: There were a few choose spartan III's who were selectively selected to serve in a top secret program called headhunters. We were usually sent into man teams. We executed high risks missions behind enemy lines. I was picked out from Gamma company. We received better training and gear but so few of us returned from the battlefield.

He explained some of his missions to destroy vital production plants and eliminate high profile targets.

(y/n): It wasn't getting better and when we found the first Halo we found the flood.

Ozpin: What is a halo?

Vector: Allow me reclaimer.

(y/n) Nodded as vector showed them the size of halo in a projection. They were amazed by its size as it was compared to a Atlas cruiser.

Vector: Halos were a super weapon created in the last days of the Forerunner Empire meant to destroy all life in a radius of 25,000 light years.

That made Glynda look in fear of the weapon.

Glynda: Why would they build it?

Vector: As the Reclaimer stated it was used to fight the flood. The Flood was a parasite race of unknown origin; the Flood were known consumed any form of intelligent life that crossed their path by doing this they themselves became more intelligent and evolved becoming more adapted. Not even the Forerunners in all their might were able to stop the Flood, so in a last attempt to stop them, my creators build the Halo rings. Countless of other plans were tried and all of them failed, Halo was the last resource to stop the Flood. Before my creators activated the Halo array they collected samples of the many species that inhabited the Galaxy, themselves being the exception, and put them in a save please were the Halo array would not reach them so the galaxy could be repopulated later on.

They show visor of the flood in action as it took ages booth human and covenant and making them into monsters.

Ozpin:Then how did the Flood survived and why in the Halos?

Vector:Because my creators weren't the first in facing the Flood, in fact there was another race that rivalry with my creators in might; I do know which race this was and they were the ancient humans.

That made everyone look at the AI wide eye.

Cal: Wait ancient humans?

Vector: Yes but they just like my creators had to face the Flood, in their desperation they started to attack.    my creators colonies searching for resources to continue fighting the Flood or to halt the advance of the Flood. My creators obviously didn't like to have their colonies attacked by this race so they went at war against them; this race had to face a 2 front war with the Flood and my creators but in the end they achieved, what the Forerunners couldn't and that was creating a way to effectively fight the Flood. In the end they manage to repel the Flood but they were so weakened for the war with the Flood that they weren't able to fight my creators. In the End my creators striped them from all of their technology but said race as a way of revenge against my creators they destroyed the only way known to effectively fight the Flood.

(y/n):.So we were in the same level as them but why haven't we found any trace of it?

Vector: It seems that there might be some hidden in one of installations.

Then they continue to talk about the end of these war and how they allied with the separatists. Then how the war ended and they tell of reconstruction of the world's. This made them amazed and glad the war ended. Thought one question still remains.

Ozpin:Vector may I ask you a question?

Vector: Certainly.

Ozpin: Why do you call them reclaimers?

Vector: Well it's because they are inheritors of all my creators left behind.

Glynda: Would that make us reclaimer also?

Vector: Still unknown until we find a instillation to get the data. But one thing is certain Mike you have proven to be worthy to be called reclaimer. Also I made a few changes in your DNA.

Mike: What!

Vector: Yes now you don't have any gens or DNA that will connect you with "them" for I have purged it and replaced it with the same dna structure of a true reclaimer.

Mike: Thank you vector.

Vector: I live to serve.

Now with the truth out the two had their own opinion as they were different. Glynda was heartbroken to see what these adults turn teenagers went through. Ozpin was different for he now has respect for them as they saved them from two great threats that no hunter it huntresses can take on,and can see them as valuable allies.

Ozpin: You three have done more for remnant ever since you arrived. Honestly crimes rates low and lower bandit activities exposing the corruption of companies and those of power. Even cleared out high breeding grounds of dangerous Grimm that were to deemed impossible for any huntsman in training or not. Although if you continue this them you'll only attract more enemies.

(y/n): What do you expect us to do. Honestly we won't stop until every single o e who represents a threat to humanity is locked away or six feet deep in the ground.

Ozpin: Honestly right now, I can only offer you the chance to become a Huntsman. If you do become one, I will have the opportunity to pull some strings so you can continue without worrying for the government chasing you every time you are spotted, but you will have to attend a huntsmen academy and right now I doubt there is a single Huntsmen academy without an order to shoot or capture you on sight.

Cal: Except beacon academy.

Ozpin: You are right.

(y/n),Cal and Mike went to talk and a bit of a minute they stop and say to him.

(y/n): We accept the offer. But we three conditions.

Ozpin: Name them.

Mike: 1. We will not allow ourselves to be used by the government for their own games.

Ozpin: I agree with that.

Cal: Two no uniforms for we feel uncomfortable without our armor on.

Ozpin: Understandable.

(y/n): Third we will not hand over any of our military weapons or tech to anyone.

Ozpin: I see that reasonable. You'll have to go through a initiation.

(y/n) : We understand what time?

Glynda: 8:00 am.

Cal: Understood.

Mike: Ozpin, one more thing.

He saw Mike as he said.

Mike: The reason I joined the Program was not just avenge them but to protect a very close friend if mine I left someone when it happened. To make sure she does not suffer from those threats.

Glynda: Who?

Mike: Pyrrha Nikos.

Ozpin: I know she has kept on going and I think it'll be good to reconnect after the initiation.

He nodded as he and Glynda were taken back to Beacon. But unable to them Salem hadn't watch them the whole time since she could not see it from space looked grimace.

Salem: Well we'll you seem to have quite the allies a shame I couldn't see the Spartans talking but, they won't be enough to stop me from the eliminate the humans.

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