A new beginning

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In the final battle of the Ark while the chief was stopping the prophet from firing the halo array. There was another Spartan holding the line with many fellow soldiers and the rebels against the flood and covenant loyalists and he was Spartan-189 but his real name is (y/n). He was the best in CQC having mastered all martial arts during the training with Chief Mendez. He was also skilled in all forms of fire arms and the type one energy sword. This Spartan was a bit of a loner and he never got to meet with the others cause of ONI. Since they want to have him be obedient machine and they saw something in him that made him stand out. They did get him trained in espionage and Intel gathering and interrogation from them.Over time he had developed a deep hatred for ONI for he didn't want to do what they say and wanted to be in the front lines like the rest of the other Spartans.  He did meet a few Spartans like the chief and Cal-141 and with the chief it was brief. Though with Cal it was different he got to spend time with her and got to know her well. She was a great sniper and CQC but it didn't end well. For she died in a mission to kill the prophet and the ODST team came back without her. It broke him and all he had of her was her dogtags he gotten from one of the ODST as they were sympathize for his lose. He wore them as a tribute to the time they got to spend together.Though he didn't hate them all for he saw a few operatives he respected like Lieutenant Elias Haverson.  He was one ONI operative he would follow orders from. He was a true soldier of humanity for (y/n). He was like a second father for him for he treated him with respect and helped him out with the loss of Cal.


(y/n) was sitting down on his own. He was looking at the dogtags. As he was doing it Haverson came by.

Haverson: Mind if I sit here?

(y/n):No sir.

Haverson took a seat and saw what he was looking and sigh.

Haverson: Still hurt by Spartan-141s death.

He nodded and Haverson put a hand on his armored shoulder and said.

Haverson: I know what ONI intended for you. To be honest it makes me sick. We both known you belong in the front lines and get a chance to meet your other fellow Spartans. To be a Spartan II and not known anyone it'd must've been hard. But to lose someone who meant something to you is difficult to deal with I know. She was important to you?

(y/n): Yes sir,Cal gave me a lot and I didn't even get a chance to thank her. Now that she is gone I'm all alone.

Haverson: You are never alone I'm here for you and so are others who you saved they'll stand with you till the very end.

(y/n): Thank you sir.

He nodded and left to do his assignment. (y/n)  now he will make sure her death wasn't in vain.

(y/n) was told that after the battle of Earth.Lt.Haverson made the ultimate sacrifice to severely weaken the covenant forces that would have decimated earth. Now this was it the final battle to end this. As they were holding out they receive the order to evacuate for the Ring will fire in a few minutes.  As they got out of the ark he and the rest of the Soldiers were there when the Great war has ended and now it's time to rebuild the colonies and lives. The memorial to those who fell in the defense for Earth and her colonies. The Chief was reported to be KIA but it's not confirmed and many believe that he is just MIA. Now (y/n) is one of the last spartan IIs of the whole conflict.

2 years later

(y/n)  was in the docking station in his new MJOLNIR mk7.

In the now rebuild Reach and before there 10 mins ago he went to the Spartan  Memorial to pay respect for his fellow Spartans though he didn't meet in person cause of ONI and now he has a chance to say goodbye and would've wish to meet them. In the Docking station he saw Lord Hood. He saluted and he returned the gesture.

Hood: How are you holding up son?

(y/n): I'm fine sir.

Hood: Good, and for all that it's worth they would've been proud of you spartan especially her.

(y/n): Thank you sir.

Hood: Now for the reason you are here son is that we at Highcomn have agreed to build a new vessel for the navy. Please follow me.

They walked as they arrived to dock 15 (y/n)  saw the letters say UNSC Light in the Darkness.

(ignore the name and have been fixing  the blur the best I can.)

Hood: It's one of the new models for the Daring class frigate capable of energy shielding and slipspace, armed with a mark 4 medium MAC. Archer missile,has a hangar for aircraft and a few land vehicles, Defense turrets,armory etc.

(y/n): It's impressive sir but why call me here?

Hood had a smile in his face and said.

Hood: We need a capable captain to use it.

(y/n): I'm not a Captain sir.

Hood: Well that can be fixed (y/n). For your dedicated service for not just the UNSC but for all of Humanity in its darkest hours it's my greatest honor to promote you to the rank of Captain.

(y/n)  was shock and soon heard applause from the crew in the station.

Hood: The rank was well deserved and let's take a look in your ship.

They went in and saw the bay that had pelicans,hannibal, oni,and normal wasps,longswords,broadsword,missile,guass,turretwarthogs normal and ONI variant. Mongoose, ONI and Hannibal mantis. A prowler. ONI,Hannibal,and normal scorpions. cougars some covenant vehicles like ghosts,wraith,banshee etc. The armory had all updated UNSC weapons ammo (halo ODST ,Reach,4,5 weapons) , covenant weapons with a charging stations for the Spartan lazer and covenant weapons and vehicles they gotten due to their alliance and agreement from the covenant rebels.The bridge looked normal until a pink light appeared and came out was a AI female had a similar structure to Cortana.

??: Hello I'm Sally. You must be captain (y/n) it's nice to meet you and congrats on the promotion.

(y/n): Thank you.

Hood: Sally is a fourth generation smart AI. One who has shown a lot of potential.

Sally: He is right I'm a special one among other AI.

Hood: Heh well I'll leave you here and radio in for release.

(y/n): But sir don't I need a crew?

Hood: Not in this vessel we made it so the AI can handle it while not causing any harm. Your here to give her support. I'll be on my way.

Once he left (y/n) went to the chair and sat on it and he was glad that it can support the weight.

Sally: Do you want to leave now sir?

(y/n): Sure,but first don't call me sir just (y/n)  will do.

Sally: Understood and (y/n)  it's an honor to  be serving with you.

(y/n): Likewise.

Once they got clearance to leave they were just getting use and the ship seemed to do fine. All systems working well weapons online and fully operational. Then something occurred when they went through a jump and once they went through slipspace.

Sally: (y/n) I'm detecting something.

(y/n): What is it?

Sally: A forerunner signature and it close by shall we investigate.

He nodded and as we were getting closer they saw what looked like a shield as they got a bit more closer they were scanned and draw closer to the planet. They saw sentinels guiding the Light in the darkness down to what seems like a docking area. Once down (y/n)  geared up and got Sally in his helmet just in case.

Sally: Why thank you for not leaving me.

(y/n): We are a team now Sally and I'll never leave anyone behind.

They made their way outside the ship and saw the world and it was artificial. They saw the Sentinels heading down but before they got to shoot they heard.

??: We are not your enemy reclaimer.

They saw a monitor but this one was yellow.

(y/n): Who are you?

Vector: I am the monitor of this shield world I'm vector.

Sally: Nice to meet you Vector I'm Sally and this is (y/n).

Vector: Ah an ancilla very impressive. Reclaimer there is much we need to talk about.

(y/n): Talk about what?

Vector: Follow me please.

They follow and saw that this was a facility of some sorts and came to an end by a door.

Vector: Please open the door Reclaimer.

(y/n) Did and when the door opened there was a tube of some sorts and it was frozen.

(y/n): What is this vector?

Vector: Take a closer look and you will see what I mean.

He did and removed some of the ice and was beyond words of what he saw. It was not possible they said that. But still it was right in front of him. A person who he thought was lost. He recognized that armor and those numbers 141 on the chest.

(y/n): How did she get here?

Vector: I found her still holding on to life and with her vitals low.  I brought her here to get treated and it seemed the Bio-bots is working.

Sally: The what?

Vector: Little machines that help with serious injuries and help reconstruct organs.

(y/n): Thank you vector. Can I see her?

Vector: You May and I will have another bio-bots ready for you.

He nodded and disengage the cryo and once it opened the Spartan looked confuse until image saw (y/n)  and saw the numbers.

Cal: (y/n)  is that you?

He walked up to her and removed his helmet showing his (f/c) bowl cut, (s/c) skin his little scars on the face his (f/c) eyes. Then she did the same and there was no kidding it was really her.

(y/n): It's been a long time hasn't it.

Cal: Yes it has but, I was supposed to be dead.

(y/n): You were until Vector save your life.


Vector came back with the syringe.

Vector: Here you go reclaimer.

He injected it into his system.

Cal: Are you Vector?

Vector: Why yes I am and I'm glad to see you're doing better. Also reclaimer,  I added a few new additions to your ship,like increasing its size,shields and putting Forerunner weapons in the new armory and phaetons along side a few sentinels and Huragok.

(y/n) saw in her face was confusion and said.

(y/n): I'll tell you about it later but now we need to upgrade your armor.

Vector: Agree I can do it reclaimers and I'll also upgrade your ancilla.

Sally: Why thank you for it. Also I'm Sally a fourth generation smart AI.

Cal: Hello.

*timeskip brought to you by (y/n) looking at the armory.*

After he had informed Cal that the war and what they have discovered about the forerunners and facilities like this. She was surprised and relief. Although a bit down that no one else they knew were alive to their knowledge.

Cal: Wow it's all over.

(y/n): Yep it really is and now we are rebuilding and restoring our strength.

Cal: It's just you and me now huh.

(y/n): Yep and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's good to see you again Cal.

Cal smiled and said.

Cal: Same here. I was real worried that I wouldn't see you again.

(y/n): Same here but now that we are here we can take on what's out there together now.

Then Vector came in and said.

Vector: It's all complete your combat skins is fully upgraded and ready.

They went to put it on and it's felt the same as the old but the shields were strengthen 2x. There were also a few new additions to the armor. Like overshield,cloak, etc. It also increased their enhances by 2x also. Then they went back to the ship and Cal was amazed. Sally received a longer life span faster processing and more memory. It also allowed her to hit form (y/n)  to Cal if needed.

Cal: I haven't seen a vessel like this is it new.

(y/n): Yep and I'm it's captain.

Cal: Nice but what about the crew?

Sally:No crew just me and now we have the sentinels and Huragok to help with maintenance.

(y/n): Thank you vector for everything.

Vector: It was my pleasure and reclaimer may I join you.

That got them to be in surprise but he responded with.

(y/n): Of course you can join us we could use your help.

Vector: Splendid but first.

Vector went off and activated a new monitor and it went off to take his place. Once they were aboard they took off and were about to do a jump when it happened.

Sally: (y/n)  a rupture has been spotted.

(y/n): What that's impossible change course.

Sally: I can't brace yourselves it's sucking us in.

They all hold on and soon later when they appeared on the other side. Sally and vector did a quick check as the others got up.

(y/n): Status.

Sally: Well the ship seems fine thanks to Vectors upgrades. Though we aren't in anywhere familiar.

Vector: Indeed also we are close to a planet that has life in it.

Cal: Wait what?

Sally: Vector is right.

(y/n): Take us there.

Sally nodes and soon all four saw a planet similar to earth but the moon is broken and the land mass is unfamiliar to them. What is the planet and it's life.

(hope you enjoy it and until the next chapter.)

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