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In the last chapter the Spartans and their AI friends was transported to a world similar to Earth but the moon broken and what will they find.

(y/n)'s pov

(y/n): Is the planet recorded in the UNSC database?

Sally: No (y/n) but, why do you sound like your 14 years old?

Cal: I know wait...

We took a look at each other then removed our helmets and saw that we did revert back to 14years old.

Vector: Interesting the anomaly seems to have reverted your age and body but not your mind most intriguing.

Sally: Wow and you still have your knowledge and skills from your 30 years.

(y/n): Unbelievable,Sally,Vector what is this planet?

They were doing their scan and found something.

Vector: From the local life states that this planet is remnant.

Cal: Local that means that there is life on this planet?

Sally: Indeed but this may surprise you both. They are human.

Cal: What!

(y/n): Yeah I'm with Cal how is that possible?

Vector: Unknown for no forerunner data I have mentions this planet.

Sally: There is also Faunas.

(y/n): Faunas?

Vector: Yes, humans with animal traits like tails, claws, ears, teeth.

Cal: Wow!,and how you were able to get that info?

Sally: We took it off their internet,also there are 4 major locations called Vale, Mistral, Atlas, Vacou.

(y/n): Just four major places why aren't there any more?

Vector: Because of the Grimm.

Cal: the Grimm?

Sally nodded and said.

Sally: Yes Grimm for they are considered a major threat for they were nearly responsible to the near extinction of them. There are many variations of Grimm and are drawn to negative emotions and though.

They explain the types of Grimm to me and Cal.

Cal: Can our weapons work on the Grimm?

Sally: Yes, since most UNSC munitions were made to pierce covenant shielding and through thick metal though the caseless rounds won't work on tough armored ones. The covenant weaponry will also work for their plasma and beams can go through most stuff.

Vector: Fortunately I was able to get a munitions factory built in your vessel so you don't have to worry about running out of ammo. For the Forerunner weapons it is unknown that it can go through aura.

(y/n): Lucky us also thanks Vector for the factory, though how were they able to fight back?

Vector: Through a element know as dust,and aura?

Cal: Dust?

(y/n): Aura?

Sally: Dust is the main component in munitions,power fuel. They come in different types fire, ice,thunder etc.

(y/n): Can our armor handle it?

Vector: Yes reclaimer for I combined a bit of forerunner metals and your strengthen shielding will be able to go against it.

(y/n): Great now this aura.

Vector: It's like a energy shield but it's from the soul.

Cal: It comes from the soul.

Sally: Indeed most dust base projectiles only damage it so little and be able to withstand great amount of brute force like punches and melee depending on the individual. It also increased their stats abut but not like Spartans. We don't know if our weapons will damage them. Also what we need to look out for it their semblance.

(y/n)/Cal: Semblance?

Vector: Ah semblance the power that can be different due to the person but some maybe deadly in combat. Not to worry your armor abilities will be able to come in pat with them.

Cal: That's good to hear.

Sally: Indeed though we might need to upgrade your again with something that will able to help you two out.

(y/n): Is there any way to get back to UNSC space?

Sally: No (y/n),we cross reference out star charts but nothing seems like we are somewhere unknown.

That made us Wonder will we ever get back home to help rebuild. Though I'm glad that I'm not alone that I have Cal,Sally,Vector with me. I look at Cal who seems a bit nervous so I placed my hand in her shoulder and said.

(y/n): It's alright Cal, we'll find a way back. Look you are not alone you got me, sally, vector. Like I said before well face whatever is out there together.

She smiled and placed her hand onto mine.

Cal: Thank you (y/n), I'm glad to be at your side once again. Same to your two.

Third person

As Sally was looking at the two Spartans she said that they didn't remove their hands which made her smile.

Sally:*though* This might be their one chance to recover for what they lost when they were conscripted into the Spartan II program. From what I saw they deserve it. I'm just glad those two are together again. I don't know what those two see each other as. For (y/n) was taken away by ONI and not be able to make a bond with the other Spartans. I think Cal sees him more than a friend but knowing Spartans they hide their emotions well so it's hard to say. Well now they'll face whatever challenge together.

Sally: Now if you two are done.

They were wondering what she was talking about until they saw they haven't moved so they were back to normal.

Sally: Thank you,like I was saying this world is  messed up.

(y/n): Why aside from the Grimm?

Sally: For starters they have to deal with these creatures on daily basis. Second the Faunus that I previously mention are treated as animals and they are not going to tolerated it any longer, an example of this is the White Fang; it was original an organization that tried to protect Faunus rights and change the way humans saw but when new leaders took control of the White Fang it turn into a terrorist group that attack that used force to obtain what they want and they are not afraid to hurt even innocents to achieve their goals, in fact it so bad the situation there is the probability of a civil war between humans and faunus and if a war explodes it would only made the Grimms more eager to attack and kill every single human and faunus they find. Thirdly crime rate is growing not only because of the White Fang actions but many other criminals and figures in power are taking advantage of people's lack of knowledge or hate that exist humans and faunus to get what they want this done of these are corrupt politicians and companies like the schnee company that use Faunas slaves. There is also a Faunas women who are forced to be sexually assaulted or force to do it by the criminals of the trafficking ring.(y/n),Cal they need someone who actually knows how really the world is messed up and stop it while there still is a chance. They will need you two.

Cal: Unbelievable,she's right (y/n) they will need our help.

(y/n): Agree and our oath as Spartans is to protect Humanity from all threats foreign and domestic. This might not be our home but we are still Spartans who will defend humanity including faunas. Also all of this is wrong for nobody can steal someone's freedom and they will pay dearly.

Vector: agree, I'll help gathering Intel on the criminals and their actions.

Sally: I'll assist you in any way I can.

(y/n): Thank you Vector you two Sally.

Cal: So what our first move?

Vector: Well there seems to be a meeting for one of the White Fang leaders being hold at this location.

The projection showed a abandon whorehouse.

(y/n): Huh I would think they would have good cyber security?

Vector: I though also until I found out they were easy to bypass.

Cal: Well you are a forerunner AI. *chuckles*

(y/n): *chuckles* Ah alright Cal let's load up and eliminate that leader. It will also be good to test out if our weapons can go through their aura.

Cal: Agree lead the way, I'm right behind you.

The two Spartans placed their helmets back on and sealed them into place and they were heading towards the Armory to get equip for the mission. This will be a change for Remnant that might change its course forever.

(hope you enjoy the chapter and the nest one will come out soon.)

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