The mission

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Now we returned to our two powerful Spartans getting ready to get on with their mission. They are in the armory loading up.

(y/n)'s pov

I was getting the storm rifle placing it on my back, a Magnum on my left leg, energy sword on the right. Combat knife on the sheath in the left side of the chest. Then for my primary a SAW with plenty of rounds thanks to one of the upgrades that allows us to carry more ammo without it affecting our agility also allow us to place two weapons on our backs with more powerful magnetic straps. Thank you forerunners technology. I turned around and saw Cal getting her gear.

Cal's pov

It feels good to be back into action. I'm glad to see (y/n) again. Before this our time was sort but it was the best moments of my life. Now that we are together we can do what we do best. In my gear I picked up a plasma rifle and placed it on my left leg. I gotten a SMG on the right. Then I grabbed a BR and placed it on my back then grabbed a sniper rifle with a different design.

Cal: (y/n), why does this sniper rifle look different from the others.

(y/n): That is Norfang it's the primary rifle for Linda. This does more damage than the regular and has explosive AP rounds. Those are very rare to come by. It suits you well since you are a expert with a sniper rifle.

I smiled under my helmet and replied.

Cal: Thank you, I'm going to enjoy shooting it.

I made sure that I had my combat knife secure and gotten the ammo I needed before we went back to the deck.

Third person

As they gotten back they went over the location and made sure that the info was correct.

(y/n): Alright then, everything is in order and now is everyone ready.

Cal: I'm all set are we going to take the pelican down?

Vector: I don't advise that since it will cause some suspicion that a vehicle coming down to the world may bring in unwanted attention.

(y/n): You're right,so how are we suppose to go down?

Sally appeared and said to them.

Sally: Well this might be a good time to test the warp portal system you installed.

Cal: Warp portal?

Vector: Ah yes a perfect opportunity. The warp portal will allow you reclaimers to be transported from here to the planet's surface and back in around 35 seconds by my estimations. This might work well with some vehicles once we tested it. If it proves successfully the this will be a great advantage in the battle field.

Cal: I like the sound of it.

(y/n): Same here.

(y/n)  grabbed Sally's chip and placed her in his helmet to help them identify their target. Then they were transported to the planets surface and saw there was a lot if big trees and it was getting dark. So they moved to their location thanks to the way point that Sally brought up in their huds. It took them around 5 minutes to get there and saw the warehouse they started to set up with Cal taking point and readying for the shoot. They saw that they WF went to all security measures. They had guard towers over looking the building and the perimeter and armed guards in some points. These strange aircraft that Sally described to them as bullheads and they and their mark,and saw other vehicles but when it was scanned it revealed heavy weaponry. The WF sure did secure it well against any huntress or anyone else that might want to take out one of their leaders. But unfortunately for them. They were not prepared to face Spartans and soon they will see. For they have overcame more dangerous circumstances and this is way easy for them to avoid detection. After seeing a different bullhead land Cal was ready with norfang looking through  the  scope. While (y/n)  saw it thanks to his helmets zooming system.
They see their target.

(y/n): There he is.

Cal: I'm lining it up.

(y/n): Alright Cal,take it easy and be steady.

Sally: Are you sure that this will be enough to kill him.

(y/n): I don't know but we're about to see.

As the one of the leaders of the White Fang who turned it from a peaceful organization into a terrorist group was being accompanied by a red haired bull horned man with a Katana. As their target was addressing the crowed,Cal had him in her sights directly at the head and pulled the trigger.


The sound of the rifle was loud but the bullet was going fast and as it reached its target. Many would believe that it will not harm the leader for their aura. But they never faced UNSC AP exploding round that uses gunpowder instead of Dust,from a sniper rifle designed to take out heavy infantry with shields. The leader's head exploded into many pieces.

Sally: Isn't that a bit over kill?

(y/n): Not when facing terrorists.

Cal: That proves that it can bypass aura if it's a heavy caliber round.

Sally: Then for the other rounds might have the same effect I think?

(y/n): Alright we got him taken out and now let's move out.

They started to sprint away from the scene.

In the warehouse

It was  total chaos they were prepared for everything. Since they knew that someone might try and take out one of the leaders of the White Fang. They were prepared for hunters and huntresses to even hiding heavy weaponry for the Atlas military. When they heard the shot and the next thing is that they all saw the head exploded into many pieces and it made many veterans throw up their meals. This caused the recruits to go into panicking. The guard was Adam Taurus and he couldn't believe it whoever did it made a fool of them and they try to look for the shooter but with no luck. He was about to give up until he notice a smoke trail and movement in the woods. He clenched his fist and will make whoever did it pay.

Back to the Spartans and Sally

They went on the run for 2 min until they stop to make sure that it was clear to get up. Though before they were able to call their radar detected someone approaching them.

(y/n): Cal go to active camo and find a good vantage point.

She nodded and went invisible and went to get a good spot to give sniper support if needed. (y/n) took out his saw and aimed at the direction where the radar told him, where his enemy is located. Then he saw the man in a tux with the horns and with the Katana out and mask red hair. The Bull Faunas was shock to see him.

Adam: Who are you?

(y/n): I am a Spartan.

Adam:.Well then spartan you will die for your insolence.

(y/n)  shoot and he was deflecting them and he continues to shoot until the last round was shoot. Adam. Didn't waste time so he went in and did vertical but to his surprise (y/n) blocked it with his armored gauntlet once he dropped the SAW. This surprise Adam since he was able to cut through metal. He tried to aim for the unarmored areas but (y/n)  kept blocking every time and Adam took some cheap shoots with his  shotgun sheath but to see it unaffected as (y/n)'s shields glared up. Then he backed off and sheath his weapon and started to glow red and (y/n)  sensed his killing intent. He knew that this was the bull faunas semblance. When he was done and went full speed (y/n)  took a breath and to everyone else this might of been a blur for it wasn't the fact that he and Cal aren't them. This was their Trump card he went into "Spartan Time" this allowed his to see the enemy movement and did something no one though it was possible he gabbed the blade with both of his hands on the flat sides. This was a major surprise for Adam for he never though anyone can stop it or was even crazy to do so but the spartan did. Next (y/n)  made the blade go to the ground and with his right hand clenched his fist and punched the blade and broke it in half. His opponent seemed distracted by the event that occurred so (y/n)  went in and punched him multiple times in the stomach his aura absorb most of it. Then finish it with a kick in the chest that went him flying into tree. Ada cough up blood and (y/n)  drew closer and picked up the Saw and placed it on his back. Then grabbed his magnum and aimed it at his head. Before he can shoot. Several WF troops came in and started to shoot (y/n). He went to cover and returned fire form his magnum. He was able to kill a few before the clip was empty. So he drew out his storm rifle. As Cal was picking off the others as they're in shock that there was another one sniping them.  Then the bulky faunas came with a chainsaw and got Adam out before they were killed. Though before they left they saw blue bolts of plasma shoot from the weird weapon the spartan has and was hitting their troops with deadly accuracy and both were shock to see those bolts kill them fast,and seeing their Burning flesh and meat. The storm rifle seemed very effective and knowing that Covenant weapons are very affective against them due to the plasma based ammunition. After 4 mins the battle was over both Spartans saw the carnage the bodies of the WF troops litter the forest. Unfortunately the bull Faunas and the other one escaped.

(y/n): Sally who was that guy?

Sally: Searching And found him. His name is Adam Taurus and he is the commander of the WF operations in Vale. He is a deadly opponent and as you saw and his reputation is less than friendly. Full on extremist and has harmed it killed a lot of people both human and faunas. Why do you ask?

(y/n): I got a feeling that we are going to see more of him later.

Cal: Same here,we should get back to base.

(y/n): Agree now that we know that these weapons can be deadly for them and probably the same goes for he forerunner weapons as well. Also we might want to grab a weapon or two to see how they are different form ours.

She nodded and soon they got 5 weapons from the fallen WF soldiers.

Sally: All right vector beam us up.

A light surrounded them as they were transported back to the Light in the darkness. Now they had made their mark on the White Fang. This will cause them be in fear for they were not just able to kill one of their leaders but face Adam and beat him. This will discouraged other Faunas from joining them. For now they will know fear when hearing the name Spartans. For they will wage war against the criminal underworld and other threats. As a old saying goes "War, war never changes"

(hope you like it and have a good day.)

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