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As the three Spartans woke up a bit earlier in the morning that read their regular routine. Though they aren't regular and they change to a UNSC tank top and sweat pants. Since they need to do their early work out. They do 20 laps around the school then move on to 200 push ups,crunches and sit-ups. Then move to the weight room and lifted the most heaviest weight they got around 400 times. Then do 300 pulls ups. Once they were done with their 3 sets they move out and see all the students moving in the area.

(y/n)'s pov

What the hell is going on.

(y/n): What do your think is happening over there?

Mike: I don't know. You guys want to find out.

Cal: Sure but we can't be taking to long we need to feed Slifer,striker and Sarah.

I nodded in agreement.

Mike: Why those three won't be causing much trouble.

Then Cal turn to him and replied.

Cal: Well last time me and Y/n left them alone they raided the pantry and ate all the meat. Now that we have Slifer think how much trouble those three will get if they raid the fridge in Beacon.

Mike: Okay now I see your point. Well let's not take long.

Third person

As they were arriving to the locations they saw a whole crowd of students who were looking at something while the professors were in front. Though they all turned around and saw them without their armor on. Many of the Girls had nose bleeds from seeing y/n and mike who have their tank top that show their muscles and battle scars. That made many guys look at their muscles and sigh in defeat. For Cal many guys were shock to see her being tall and muscular and other stuff.

Y/n: Why are the girls looking at us?

Mike: I don't know but I don't like some of the looks.

The girls have that look in their eyes of lust or hunger. That made it awkward so they tried to go around and go to the seating area and noticed what was all the commotion about. There in the middle of the arena were three Katanas.

Cal: Why are there katanas in there.

It took a moment to realize for Y/n to say.

Y/n: Maybe these are the vessels that they said we're our test.

That made them turn to him.

Mike: That would make sense. We need to get them.

They nodded and prepare to go down. Now with the professors Oobleck and port were examining them and Ozpin was having a look at them.

Oobleck: Interesting, I never seen a weapon like this.

Port: Neither have I.

Ozpin: Well it is possible to remove them?

Port tried to remove the middle one and as he put his hand on it it started to heat up and burn his hand as he retracted it and smoke came out of it.

Port: Ahhah, it seems they are protected by a security measure.

Oobleck: Shame I really wanted to study them.

Then they heard three thumps and saw the Spartans out of their armor and now they got a good look at them. They are surprised by how big they are and Ozpin knew that those were from the augmentations. He never told them for a he said he would not tell. Still he can see the scars they have gotten during their service.

Ozpin: How did you three got here?

Y/n: Well sir, it wasn't that hard it's all in the knees. Also we were just doing our workout and saw most of the students arriving here and wonder what the hell it's going on.

Glynda: Mind your language there.

Cal: Yeah sure. So what's up?

Port: It seems that these three weapons have been laying here for sometime and we all been wondering why?

Mike: Mind if we can take a look. After all Ozpin you know we gone through hell and back.

Ozpin took a second before nodding his head.

Ozpin: Of course Mr. Mendez just be careful there seems to be a security measure.

They nodded and went to the blades. But for some reason they can feel like the blades were calling for them. Cal went for the one which was glowing green. Mike was going for their one that was glowing red. Y/n went to the one that was glowing a blueish white. Then next they put their hands on the handles and started to pull. As this continues the Professors saw that the glow of the weapons didn't stop at the hands and now has spread all over their bodies as they can see Mike engulfed in flames,Cal engulfed a dark green flames and Y/n was covered by lightning.

Glynda: Ozpin we need to get them out.

Ozpin: Glynda wait don't interfere. Look.

Glynda was about to question and saw Mike's eyes start to glow silver and mixed with red as Mike though in his head.

Mike: I will not let anyone else I care for die on me. No more.  I don't want to lose Pyrrha I will fight with everything I got.

Then for Cal her eyes are now starting to glow dark green and in her head she said.

Cal: I am not going to let these Grimm and WF harm anyone. I am a Spartan and I will fight to honor my fellow Spartan brothers and sisters who fell in the line of duty.

Last for Y/n his eyes are starting to change also to Blueish white and though.

Y/n: No I refuse to let Vale or Beacon fall. I will not see Mike or Cal hurt. I already lost her once I will not lose her again. I am the Sword and shield of humanity and I will not fail on my duty no matter the cost.

What happen next was a bright flash of light appeared and blinded everyone there. Once it died down Ozpin and the others were speechless if what they saw. Y/n, Cal, and Mike had the Katanas in their hands and their eyes seemed to have changed. Mike now has red/silver eyes, Cal dark green eyes. While Y/n has Blueish white eyes. In their heads they heard them saying.

Ragorock: Mike now you wield the infernal blade. This weapon will allow you to control the power of the element of dragon's fire .

Nessah:Cal you now are the wielder of the Champion's blade. This will allow you to use the elements of the earth,wind.

Draco: Y/n seems you spirit was strong enough to control the power of my blade. Now you are the wielder of the blade of Thunder. Now you are able to use the power of lighting against your opponents.

Once that was done Team Spartan all looked at each other then at their new weapon and saw the scabbard was materialize and put them in.

Y/n: Whoa?

Mike:You can say that again.

Cal: Yes you can.

They heard Ozpin call for them.

Ozpin: Interesting it seems that these weapons were calling for you.  I'll like you to meet me at the office to talk more.

Y/n: Sure. But first we need to feed Striker, Sarah and Slifer.

Cal: I just hope those three aren't out.

Mike: let's hurry. Well be right there professor.

He nodded and chuckles at them and felt relief to see them adapt well and hope they can train their humanity.

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