Team Spartan

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As Pyrrha and her team were surprised to see Mike or Jake on stage and was one of the Spartans. Then Nora said.

Nora: Pyrrha I found him!!

She want the only who notice the Rose family were in shock to see him and saw how strong he gotten. As they were trying to get closer Mike got irritated at then and slifer noticed and growled at them. Ozpin and Glynda notice it.

Ozpin: You OK,Mr.Mendez?

Mike: I don't want to talk to them. I want to talk to Pyrrha.

He nodded and told Glynda what to do. She went and intercept them and said.

Glynda: I'm sorry but Mr. Mendez doesn't want to talk to you.

Summer: What but he is my baby boy Jake Rose.

Glynda:Was but now he is known as Mike Mendez.

Tai: He is my son.

Glynda: Oh really then why did you all
abused him all those years ago.

That made them stop and she continues.

Glynda: Qrow didn't do so well and he even threatened to kill him. I can understand why he said it..

Then Pyrrha and the rest of JNRP came.

Pyrrha: Ms. Goodwitch can I see him please.

Glynda: Of course you can Ms. Nikos. I got to warn you he's changed and doesn't go by Jake Rose and goes by Mike Mendez.

Pyrrha: I know.

She nodded and let them pass while dealing with them. As she saw him she started to cry a bit as she couldn't believe it.

(pretend she is in her uniform)

Pyrrha she went closer and closer to him but was stopped by slifer.


Then Mike came and petted him.

Mike: It's alright Slifer she's a friend.

That stop him and she continues until she was in for the of him but looking up due to him being taller than her. They looked at each other as Mike said.

Mike: Hey pyrrha long time no see.

She rushed to him while sobbing and hugged him. He returned the hug and place a hand on her hair.

Pyrrha: *sobbing* You're alright. I was so worried.

Mike: I know, I was also worried that I would never see you again. So much has happened during the time.

As the whole school saw them the females said "awwe" while some of the males were jealous of him. Then Mike saw the rest of her team coming in.

Juane: Hey there I'm Juane. It's short and sweet and the ladies love it.

Cal: Do they?

Juane: He he he no.

Nora then rushed to them.

Nora: Hey there, I'm Nora nice to meet you. You three are badass with how you slaughters all the Grimm.

(y/n): Thanks.

Ren: I'm Ren pleasure to meet you three.

Mike: Likewise.

They let go and as Striker, Sarah,and Slifer come up to them.

(y/n): Oh right these here are striker,sarah,and the big dragon is slifer.

The two Wolf Grimm bark and went up to them in a friendly manner. And they petted them.

Juane: Nice to meet you.

Nora: Ah you're so cute.

Pyrrha: Agree and it's nice to meet you to slifer.

She went to pet slifer but he step back but Mike told him its alright so he let her. Then slifer nugged her to show that he trusts her. Then Ozpin said.

Ozpin: That is all for now return to your dorms and be ready for classes when the weekend is done.

The students disperses and all that was left was the Spartans and their pets and JNRP and Ozpin and Glynda when she was done convincing the Rose family to leave. The two professors saw Mike interact with his long friend and were glad to see both of them happy. Then interrupted and said.

Ozpin: Team Spartan I would like to talk with you in my office.

(y/n): Understood Sir.

The professors went ahead as they were saying goodbye to JNRP.

Mike: Well catch up later pyrrha okay.

Pyrrha: Sure we'll be in the cafeteria.

(y/n): Nice to know you team JNRP well see you there when we are done in Ozpin's office.

When they split up they were heading there when they put on their helmets,until the motion sensors picked up 4 dots heading their WA. When they turned around they saw Ruby,Yang,Summer,and Tai.

Mike: What do you want?

Summer: Please Jake were sorry.

Mike: No,sorry ain't going to cut it you all killed Jake and now is only Mike Mendez.

Ruby: *sobbing* But..

Cal: Back off and never bother him or you'll deal with us.

Yang: Is that a threat.

(y/n): No a promise. Mike here has done a lot for not just for his fellow Spartans but for the UNSC.

Tai: UNSC?

Mike: Yes the one place were I found a home to call my own. They gave me a purpose. They made me a Spartan. Don't ever call me by that name or call me son or brother cause you are all dead to me.

They went as they saw Ruby fall to the floor crying and Summer trying to comfort her and when they arrived at Ozpin's office they saw two others there. One tall one with green hair and glasses. The other was a short chubby man with a white mustache.

(y/n): You called us sir.

Ozpin: Yes, I called you here to meet the other professors of Beacon. Mr. Oobleck is our history teacher and knows all the knowledge of Remnant.

Oobleck: Pleasure to meet you Spartans. Ozpin told me a bit of you and I find it fascinating that you all came from another world. Except you Mr. Rose.

Mike: It's Mike Mendez. I may of not been born there but they treated me a whole lot better than when I was here for the most part.

Oobleck: Right sorry. I would like to hear more of the history of Humanity of the UNSC. Also I would like to know how you have tamed Grimm and a wolf one I have never seen and that dragon.

Cal: We could but we don't know you that well.

Sally: Good luck with that Mr. Oobleck these three are hard to gain their trust. Also they are a bit protective of their pets.

Oobleck: Who said that?

(y/n) took out Sally's chip and she manifest in her AI form.

Sally: Greeting I'm Sally the AI of Spartan team.

Them he rush and looked at her.

Oobleck: Unbelievable a AI of which I never seen.

Port: Indeed and I'm professor port at your service. I would like to thank you three for what have you down to remnant even though I don't agree with your methods.

Cal: Likewise but if you saw what we had to fight before we came here you would've been having nightmares for the rest of your life.

That made the two professors gulp.

(y/n): Also Mr. Ozpin if you want to talk about the forerunners call us up and we'll inform you about them. But we'll be a bit busy.

Ozpin: I'll gladly accept the offer. May I ask what will you three be doing?

Mike: We are going to find all the missing dust. To do that we need to hunt down Roman torchwick to find the location.

Ozpin: I see, from what I heard its difficult to find him and the dust.

(y/n): Sir, you know what a Spartan's mission is.

Ozpin: Besides defending humanity.

(y/n): Well that and to prove the impossible, possible.

He said it as he put Sally back in his helmet and they went to the elevator.

Glynda: Are you still going to kill?

Mike: Yes, we won't hesitate to pull he trigger and end the life of the enemy who stands in out way.

Port: But you are huntsman in training you aren't supposed to kill.

Cal: First and foremost we are still Spartans and we have been for a very long time. We were trained to defend humanity no matter the cost. We have seen things that will break you.

With that they left and the three professors were a bit worried.

Port: What do they mean they have been Spartans for a very long time?

Oobleck: The way they said it with no emotion or remorse.

Ozpin: If you only knew what they had seen and what they fought then you would understand their viewpoint.

Port: What did they fought?

Ozpin: Two enemies that were greater threats than the Grimm.

Oobleck: What enemies.

Glynda: The covenant and the Flood.

*timeskip brought to you by (y/n) running trying to get his steak firm striker*

In the cafeteria both teams JNRP and RWBY were talking while Ruby and Yang were still sad of what happens and their parents left to check on the Island.

Blake: Are you two alright.

Ruby: No our brother doesn't want to talk to us.

Weiss: I never though you would have a brother.

Pyrrha ignore them and talked to juane in a much better tone.

Juane: Wow Pyrrha. You seen more cheered up.

Nora: Yes since her little boyfriend Mike came back.

She got red and replied.

Pyrrha: W-what no we are just friends.

Nora: Yeah right,i seen how you looked at him. Admit it he is handsome and strong and you think of him more than just a Friend.

She said it with a smirk.

Ren: Nora he is not little he's way taller than any of us.

Juane: Yeah and I would not want to piss him or them off. Although she does have a point I never seen you get so close with him.

Nora: Yeah but you haven't answer yet pyrrha.

Pyrrha: I uh well he did get bigger and he is good looking and his voice sounds so serious and yet so protective....

Once she said it she got red and covered her face.

Nora: Knew it.

Weiss: Wait you actually like that murderer.

Ren: No he is not a murderer. I think he is a soldier. They way they move and attack and their attitude just says soldier.

The they heard footsteps approach them and they saw the Spartans and their grimm companions as they made their way to the table.

Ren: I see you are done.

(y/n): Yep,so we wanted to see the cafeteria.

Cal: It's a lot nicer than the mess hall back in the UNSC.

Mike: Yes it is. But Pyrrha are you alright you look a bit red.

Pyrrha: Yes I am it's just hot in here.

Nora: No it's not.

She shot a glare at Nora.

Juane: Aren't you going to sit down.

Cal: We would but our armor weights a ton.

Juane: Oh right I forgot.

(y/n): It's alright, though we need to get our meals and also for these three.

Once they got their meals and feed Striker,Sarah,and Slifer they continue to chat.

Mike: I heard you made a name for yourself Pyrrha.

Weiss: How do not know her she is called the "invincible girl".

Mike: That is not what I see. Take away the fame and I see a great person who has a great personality and her heart is more valuable than anything material worth. She is worried about others and wants to do what is right. Now that is the real Pyrrha I know.

She was shock to hear that much from him. She is glad that he doesn't see her as a famous person but a real person.

Pyrrha: Thank you Mike. But what happened to you these past few years.

He looked down and said.

Mike: A lot we've been through the valley of shallow and death. I want to tell you but now it's not a good time. Maybe another day.

She understood and nodded. The they left to get their dorm and settle in and soon it became nighttime as the team Spartan were falling asleep on their beds. Three individuals were talking in a unknown area.

??: Now it's the time.

??2: Agree we must help them awaken their true potential.

??3: Yes for they are the ones we may pass on our ways. They have proven themselves and need to be given one test.

(done and I hope you enjoy it until next time.)

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