The retrieval

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Once the briefing room on the Light in the Darkness they were assembled and Mike came in in his upgraded armor with the same armor abilities and etc as (y/n)  and Cal's armor. Then he received the Bio bots from vector.

Sally: Now that is all settled. Now me and vector agree to upgrade your armor again this time with a few new additions.

Cal: What kind of additions?

Vector: Like a more fortified hard light shield. Some wrist weapons like plasma daggers, hard light daggers of your choosing. More effective thrusters. Prothean vision in your helmets and three surprises for you three.

Mike: I like the sound of that.

(y/n): Agree, so is the something else to this?

Sally: Yes, since some of the materials can be bought. There are some we need that are military graded. That can be gather from Atlas. This will be a good way to get them back. Since they been trying to get us and we know how much they want to get their hands on our equipment.

Mike: I'm not surprised, if I remember correctly Atlas was always a pain in the ass. Always trying to be better and having more advanced technology and weapons. I don't trust them.

(y/n): Agree with you there Mike. Now where do we get these things you need.

Sally: Well there is this one specific base where they are doing their lost important research and it also contains data in their special project.

Cal: What this special project?

Sally: To make a robotic body that can get a aura.

(y/n): Wait isn't aura from a soul?

Sally: It is but this is a artificial aura. Only that it requires a AI to use is.

That made the three look at each other until the realize why she was saying it with much interest.

Cal: You want a body don't you?

Sally laugh a bit nervously and replied.

Sally: Yes I do want a body. I want to experience the world in a more human perspective. Also I can be the head of the Company.

(y/n): Why?

Sally: We are getting reports of people who want to see the CO and I don't think they will believe that three teens even if they are wise are the heads of one of the most important companies of Remnant.

They couldn't argue with that logic.

Mike: So we are going in to one of the most guarded base by Atlas. Compared to the things we faced. This will be a walk in the park.

Vector: Maybe but we got something that will hide your identity.

Cal: What is it?

Sally grinned and showed them the three disguises.  Which made them drop their mouths.

Mike: You got to be kidding me.

(y/n): This has to be one of your most craziest ideas that you ever came up with.

Later in the Atlas research base.

(y/n): Sally this is insane.

Mike: Yeah it is.

The two were sounding a bit more lower. Since (y/n)  has the brute hologram costume and Mike had the elite one while Cal remained on the outskirts of the outpost to give a view of the area and point out the patrols. Both of them carry dust rifles they took from White Fang soldiers.

Sally: Quit It You two. This is perfect and remember they know that we don't use dust in our weapons. Plus we increased the power in these weapons.

Cal:Lucky for me I don't have to wear it or be in there. *she said with a smirk under her helmet*

Sally: Now if you are done arguing. We need to get this plan into motion.
You do remember the plan do you?

Mike: Yes,once you cut of the light we go in and place these C-14 charges in the armory and fuel depot.

C-14 are the new charges one of the new explosives they made that uses dust that can be lethal if the enemy is close enough. It also can destroy a thick wall with ease.

(y/n): Then once we are inside we get you to a terminal and you'll hack the Ak-200s and take the data on this project. After that get down to the level were the Aks are and get them to take the material to the bullheads once the tracking chips are shut down.

Sally nodded from the visual on their huds. Then the operation began. Sally turned of the lights.Both of them went one in the armory and the other went for the fuel depot. They silently neutralize any AK that was patrolling the routes. They activated their active camouflage and we're able to go to the surveillance room and knocked out the guard and turned off the cameras. Then made their way to the main computer. (y/n)  took out Sally's chip and placed it in the slot and she began to download the info and hack the Ak-200 with ease but will take a little more time to get the required data.
Thought they are about to meet a specialist soon. This specialist is one of Ironwood's most trusted huntresses. She is a white haired with blue ice eyes and has a saber she is being followed by 4 Atlas soldiers and 3 Aks. She is Winter Schee daughter of the owner if Schee dust company. She was stationed here to oversee the protection of the project. Though the black out was sudden she wanted to make sure that the data is safe. She wonder if it was accidentally or on purpose. It could of been the white fang to get new weapons into their arsenal,or it could be a soldier who hit the wrong switch. It could also be the Spartans since they were a big topic. And Atlas has been trying to capture them but with no luck. This could be them getting payback. Once they reach the main computer they were shock to see two figures. Which made their jaws drop since they saw a 7 foot gorilla and a alien with mandibles. Winter saw that they weren't from here. But saw they raised their weapons and shouted.

Winter: Hit the deck!

Mike and (y/n)  opened fire and killed the Aks but we're able to disarmed the soldiers. Winter got back up and pulled out her saber and as she was charging Mike said to (y/n).

Mike: I'll keep her busy while you take care of the soldiers.

(y/n): Good thinking Mike.

As she was charging at a fast speed Mike countered that move by using his spartan time and was able to dodge it while being able to land a hit on Winter in her stomach. While (y/n)  finish knocking out the last guy before he got his Wally and said "intruder".
(y/n)  turned around and saw Mike finish his fight with Winter.

(y/n): What took you long? *he said with a smirk in his face.*

Mike: Hahaha. Your opponent didn't have the semblance to summon ice enemies. But she is cocky. Now let's check in Sally.

They went and got the blink that said it was done (y/n)  got the chop and placed it on his helmet.

Sally: All done,now we should charge the c-14 now. Since all of the base is on high alert and now the Aks are in our control. They won't blow their cover until we say so.

Mike nodded since they are in the same comn channel. (y/n)  got out the detonator and pressed on it then heard a series of explosions went off and heard the chaos that follow soon. Cal called them and said.

Cal: Nice work you two. Thanks for the fireworks and now will you please get the damn materials and Aks out before I shoot these soldier.

Mike: You heard the lady we don't want to keep her waiting.

(y/n)f Yeah especially since she has a sniper rifle that is to irresistible to shoot.

They made their way to the lab where the Aks were and had Sally to order them to restrain and not harm the scientist. They got them down and tied them up. One said.

Scientist: What's the meaning of this?

(y/n): They are under our control. Now load up the bullheads with the materials and move out.

The Aks saluted him and made their way to the bulkheads carrying the high graded military materials. As soon as Winter got up she put her hand on her face and when she pulled out she saw blood has been coming out of her nose and saw the Wally and grabbed it but she was sore for the damage she took from the intruder. She heard the chaos and said.

Winter: What's going on?

Soldier: Ma'am it insane in here. The armory and fuel depot had exploded and there are fires. We manage to take control of the flames. But the intruders ran away with half of our Aks and several crates and bulkheads.

Winter: Wait what do you mean half of our Aks?

Soldier: Well the intruder manage to hack them and were able to get many out with our bullheads and mange to deactivate the tracking bugs we got on them.

Winter: What do you mean hacked?  Atlas has the most advanced security.

Soldier: I'm just a soldier not a scientist.

Winter: Fine get things under control.

After that she made a mental not to remind ironwood to upgrade the security. She called him to inform him in what happened. She wished she could of turned it off since his screams were so loud that you could've heard it from Vale to a food miles away.

In the Light in the Darkness

As they returned to the ship they had the Aks put them where Sally wanted and went to get upgraded. The three Spartans went to drop off their armor in the lab for the upgrades and to see what are these "surprises" Sally has planned. They got their meal and Mike went to the deck to see the view of Remnant. Soon he was joined by (y/n)  and Cal and Sally.

(y/n): You alright Mike?

Mike: I am (y/n), it's just even though my time there was horrible I still had some good times with a friend.

Cal: Who is this friend you speak of?

Mike: Her name is Pyrrha Nikos if I remember correctly. I meet her when I was in a part of the mountain looking for some freedom from "them".That's when I meet her and she saw me she knew I had a rough time. I told her of what I have been through. She was so kind to me and she was the only person who was there for me on Remnant. Every time that I was abused or beaten her smile and her words would always help me brighten my day and help with the pain. We meet a few more times and soon became friends. Although the day when I ran away from home and never returned it must've hurt her. I never wanted to make her sad. But after this long she might think that I'm dead.

Sally: Well it's good to know that you still had someone you called a friend. I'll bet if she ever find out that you were still alive she would be so happy.

Mike: Yeah but I'm not the same person. I'm thankful that the UNSC medicine helps remove my injuries. I don't even know of she'll remember me.

(y/n)  walked towards Mike and placed his hand in his shoulder and said.

(y/n): Mike, I'm not good at this but I'll give it my best. I'm sure she stills remembers you. If what you telling us is true then I'm sure that she still has faith that you are still well.

Mike: How can you be sure sir?

Sally: I recently found out that she was looking for you for a few years and still hasn't given up. Even though they told her that you were dead she still refused to believe it until she either found you dead or alive. I found this info on some through her family who have try to help her find you but it wasn't public.

(y/n)  took his hand off Mike's shoulder.

That made Mike smile a bit knowing that his friend still hasn't given up. But now was worried about something else.

Mike: Thank you Sally. (y/n), Cal and Sally,  I don't want to face "them". If I do I would most likely want to kill them for all the shit they made me go through.

Cal: Don't worry about it. If we ever do well do it together. Remember Spartans are there to support one another.

Mike nodded and they all turn to Sally and (y/n)  asked.

(y/n): So how long will your body and the upgrades will take up.

Sally: The upgrades will be done in 4 weeks as well as my body. Also Mike I would like to know what last name do you want.

Mike looked at the AI and replied.

Mike: Mendez, Mike Mendez will do Sally.

Sally smiled and said.

Sally: You got it Mike.

With that she was fine to work and the Spartans will have to enjoy their "time off" and get stronger to face these threats.

(done and I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you all in the next one.)

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