A new ally

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4 months have passed since the events that occurred in the last chapter.

(y/n) and Cal were on the forest doing some Grimm cleansing in a nesting area. As they were eliminated the last Deathstalker nest and removing the stragglers. When they returned to the Light in the darkness.They were thinking on what should they do. Since they were doing well in the company and they removed any evidence of their involvement for the news were always trying to find them and they don't like them to find them for an interview or answer questions. They are feared in the criminal underworld and those like Roman and other thugs fear them for they are ruthless in their pursuit are ruthless and many came up broke and when in or out of jail have nightmares about them. Even corrupt politicians and companies fear them for they were able to uncover their crimes and show them to the public. There were even bounties for their heads but as the mercenaries went to get their heads they returned in body bags. As Cal and (y/n) we're in the Gym to keep in shape there was a AK-130 coming up to them but as you might think that it might try to harm them instead gave them drinks.

Ak: Here you go sir and ma'am.


(y/n):thank you.

They took their drinks and gave them to the AK-130. Since they stole about 300 of them from a few places. Sally and vector were able to give them major upgrades. Like having better armor, weapons, better combat skills. Since they mostly rely on numbers to beat their opponents. Now these Aks have the skill set of a veteran ODSTs they may not be able to take on a hunter or huntresses alone they are able to put up a fight. These are even better than the Ak-200 that Atlas is developing. As they continue their training. The AK said.

Ak: Sir, Ma'am Sally has requested your presence on the deck.

Cal: Well be there in a minute.

The AK left and soon they were getting dry and went to the deck and saw Sally waving hello. Then vector appeared.

Sally: Hello you two. As you heard I got something interesting to....

??:Arf arf.


Those sounds were familiar for them. Those belong to the new additions to their group. Those are the two Wolf Grimm. One is a male and the other female. They have the shape of the wolf with the bone armor.

They found them in the forest around two months ago the female was injured while the male defended her from a Ursa. Cal and (y/n) saw them and eliminate the Ursa as they try to help them the male growled and (y/n)  calmed him down while Cal was giving biofoam to the injury that he female had and brought them in the ship. Sally was shock to see them. Since there were no records of Wolf Grimm. Once the female was healed she gave their thanks so did the male. They though about taking them back to the forest but as they got to know them better they gotten a bond. Soon they were treated as pets and even named them. The male is striker. While the female is Sarah.  Those two wolfs really do care about them. They have even took naps with them. It's quite strange to see a Grimm and people living together but that's s not the craziest thing they ever done. As they saw Striker and Sarah coming in Cal and (y/n)  greeted them by scratching their heads and other areas they like to get scratched.

Cal: Hello did you miss us.

Sarah replied with a bark then licked her face.

Cal: I missed you two.

(y/n): How's you doing boy.

Striker barked confirming his feeling while (y/n)  scratched his stomach. After they were done they returned their attention to Sally.

Sally: Now as I was saying. We found a signal that belongs to a UNSC frequency. Listen to this.

She got the message to be played.

??:Hello this is Spartan-G156 can anyone respond. I'm in need of a rescue my Sabre is jammed.

That go their attention since how did a Spartan they never heard came out this far. They could focus on that later but now they knew that they need to save this Spartan.

(y/n): Sally set course to the signals location.

Sally:aye aye (y/n).

They went to the location and soon saw the saber and got the constructors to get it in the hangar as the Spartans their Wolf pets and Vector was there to see this Spartan
As they saw the hatch open they saw mjolnir armor that was red with some silver streaks in some parts.

Then the Spartan turn and saw Cal, (y/n),vector and the Two wolfs who look weird for him.

??: Thank you for the rescue but who are you?

Cal: I'm Petty officer Cal-141. Spartan II commando Navy special warfare. The one on my right is Vector a forerunner AI. These two are Striker and Sarah our pets.

(y/n): I'm Captain (y/n)-189 of this ship. Spartan II commando Navy special warfare. Now it's your turn Spartan.

The spartan went into a salute and said.

Mike: I'm lieutenant Mike-G156. Spartan III commando. Last member of Gamma company.

(y/n) Nodded and Mike dropped his salute.

Cal: Spartan III?

Sally went into Cal's helmet and explained the Spartan III program and Cal was surprised to hear that Kurt was in it. The Sally introduce herself. Once that was done they went to the deck.

(y/n): Alright, Mike can you please explain how did you get here?

Mike: Well sir, I was sent to help locate you since you went missing. When I retraced your steps and the monitor said what happened. I alerted highcom and they grew worried. Then the same anomaly appeared and took. Me in and now you know the rest. But sir last time I check this ship was twice as small. How did it got that big?

(y/n): Well Vector here upgraded it when I arrived to the shield world. Now we got access to forerunner weapons and phaetons.

Mike: Nice but where are we going now?

Sally appeared in her form and said.

Sally: We are going to the planet remnant since we don't know they way back to the UNSC.

Once she said it Mike was worried and was stiff when he heard Remnant. It was notice by them.

Cal: You alright Mike?

Mike: Huh oh yeah I'm fine.

Sally crossed her arms and said.

Sally: No you are not. What's wrong?

Mike: Well that world was the one I grew up in.

That surprise the crew and (y/n)  said.

(y/n): Wait if you were from Remnant then how did you came to be in the UNSC?

Mike: Well sir, first my real name was Jake Rose. I switched it when I arrived at sigma octavos 4.As for the rest of the story it'll take a while to tell.

(y/n): Go ahead take your time.

Mike  nodded and then explained his story of how he was abused he his so called "family". His sisters always hitting him as well as his father and mother and uncle. That got (y/n),Cal and Sally to be aggravated and pissed off. Then how he arrived in sigma Octavos 4 through a portal that appeared when he decided to run away. How in the planet he change his name to Mike. Then he explained how the people of sigma helped him out and he was glad to find a place to call home and how he gotten the care he never gotten from "them". The when the covenant attacked he was heart broken to see the place he called home be destroyed and again some of them placed him in the shuttle that evacuate them. Then how he was approached by ONI to be invited to be it the Spartan III program. He accepted and soon went off to boot camp. There he went on how it was like he did get hit but it was different. Since Mendez and Kurt were doing it for them to become stronger physically and mentally he was trained in CQC and how to use a large array of weapons. The how he received his augmentations and how they were different from theirs. Then he explained his time in Gamma company and the missions they were sent to go one. Where basically suicide,but it didn't matter to them and him. Since they want to make the covenant pay. The how he was the only one left then when they placed him as a headhunter. He received more training and better gear. The missions raging from assassination to destruction of vital production plants. Then after the war. He took off his helmet and they saw his black bowl cut with little red on the tips. His eyes were a surprise for they were silver but watering . Having to retold his story might be rough even for a Spartan. But. Sarah went to him to make him feel better and he did and return it by petting her.

Cal: Mike I'm sorry for what you been through.

Mike: Thank you Cal. It's been rough but I'm proud of my life. Since the UNSC is my real home and nothing will change it. I might of been born in Remnant but the UNSC gave me a purpose, those people on sigma gave me hope,love and compassion where I found none from "them". Being a Spartan was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Since I get a chance to help the UNSC and try to prevent other worlds from experience the same fate. Also to be reverted back to being 15 is really crazy.

(y/n): Yep, it is and Mike, you still have us for aren't we Spartans and no matter if you are III it doesn't matter. Since you proven to deserve to be a Spartan.

Sally: Yes, he is right Mike. Since you three are the best soldiers and hope for humanity and the UNSC and the people thank you all for your service.

Mike: Thank you sir, you two Sally I really needed that.

Then vector came forward and said.

Vector: Mike even if you were not born there. I'm still consider you a reclaimer. If you will allow me to administer the bio-bots and upgrade your combat skim to be the same level as theirs.

Mike nodded and Vector went off to get the Bio-bots. The (y/n) said.

(y/n): We've been fighting the criminal underworld and corruption in the planet. Since these hunters and huntresses even the police aren't doing their jobs. We got a company but we only make civilian products and not make any military. We gotten attention from Atlas and other government that want to get their hands on us. The White Fang are after us. We could use your help spartan.

Mike: Sir, you don't need to say no more. Of course I will help we were trained to defend humanity. Besides I know that there is a lot that needs to be fixed there. Also you need to explain how you gotten Striker and Sarah. If I remember correctly Grimm aren't the friendly sort.

Sally: Well explained later once you get all the upgrades. When it's done I got something interesting to tell you about what Atlas has planned.

(another one joins the team.and a spartan III.if you are wondering he is my oc I though of a while back. I hope you enjoy this chapter along with two Wolf pets. Until next time.)

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