Life is too short for so much Sorrow.

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HEY! So.... This chappie will have a ton of Percabeth. A TON. There will be a song played Soooo yeah! Hope you guys like Shawn Mendes! BTW, the song is "Never Be Alone," By Shawn Mendes. If the link doesn't work you might want to search it on Youtube for effect. ;)

Last thing, promise. This chapter is dedicated to Adriheartspercabeth, for helping with finding the song. Now go ahead and read this chapter!

Percy's POV

I barely felt Annabeth's muscular arms carrying me toward my bed in the Argo II. She placed me gently on the soft, white covers. I sighed in relief and leaned into the most comfortable surface I had felt for a long, eight months. (Remember, 1 day is a month on Polyphemus' island. Percy had been captured for 8 days in the mortal world so that equals 8 months.) The bed squeaked as Annabeth sat down next to me. A radio played softly in the background. My eyes flickered open as she stroked my grubby, unshaven face. She kissed my lips gently and I responded as much as I could.

I promise that one day I'll be around
I'll keep you safe
I'll keep you sound

Annabeth ran her hand through my unruly, disgustingly dirty hair but she didn't care.

Right now it's pretty crazy
And I don't know how to stop or slow it down

Hey, I know there are some things we need to talk about

And I can't stay
Just let me hold you for a little longer now

Take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart

You'll never be alone [2x]

I groaned in satisfaction as Annabeth deepened the kiss.

You'll never be alone
When you miss me close your eyes
I may be far but never gone

When you fall asleep tonight just remember that we lay under the same stars

And hey
I know there are some things we need to talk about

And I can't stay
Just let me hold you for a little longer now

Finally, we broke apart. I looked into my Wise Girl's eyes.

"I missed you," I whispered softly trying to fight the feeling of exhaustion, but it was pointless. I could already see darkness creeping toward me.

"Sleep well," Annabeth told me and my last sight was of her turning away and trying stifle the sounds of her tears. I fell asleep to the last verses of the song.

And take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart

You'll never be alone [5x]

And take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart

You'll never be alone


When I woke up again, the first thing I saw was the beautiful New York skyline through the window. I could feel the slight dip of the floor, the Argo II was descending. I vaguely felt my shredded tail hanging off the foot of my bed and the rest of my horrendous injuries. I however was completely used to the feeling of pain, though I really did miss being whole and healthy. Then the Argo II landed. I heard the sound of people traveling up to the deck. Someone then opened my door. It was my Dad.

"Hi, Dad." I croaked. He smiled warmly at me though I could see anger in his eyes at the sight of my injuries.

"Percy, how are you?" He knelt next to me and kissed my forehead.

"Fine. Absolutely fin-" Before I could finish my sarcastic answer, I yelped in pain and clutched at my head, the pain ripping through my skin. In an instant, the blood in my veins had started to boil painfully. I shrieked as the agonizing feeling intensified.

"Percy! PERCY!!" Poseidon yelled frantically. He hefted me up into his arms and rushed out of the room and down toward Olympus. Finally losing patience, Poseidon yelled over his shoulder at my stunned friends, "Olympus!" Poseidon then flashed out, with me in his arms.

He landed in Olympus and yelled for Apollo. Apollo flashed in blinding me but I didn't even notice. I was still screaming. When Apollo caught sight of me and my tail, he blanched a little but still sprang into action. Snapping his fingers, a 7 foot long hospital bed appeared. (For his tail) Both Poseidon and Apollo placed me gently on the bed. Hours seemed to pass as the pain developed, becoming indescribably excruciating by the second. My undamaged fingers scrabbled desperately at the blanket, trying to find some way to make the PAIN STOP. I let out another unearthly scream which echoed in the empty Throne Room of Olympus before falling unconscious, the pain too much for me to bear.


Percy's friends ran in and headed straight for them. Before they could reach his side however, Poseidon stopped them.

"No. Only Annabeth. He needs the space." He said firmly. Percy's friends nodded and stepped back. Annabeth ran forward and took his hand gently.

"What's happened to him!?" She cried, looking at Apollo.

"I'm not exactly sure." He replied, gripping his hair. "He should have already died from this many injuries and I'm not sure how he's still alive."

Percy let out another loud, terrorizing screech of pain in his fitful sleep. Everyone present winced as the sound continued.

Cleo suddenly exclaimed, "Remember what Kronos said, 'He will not survive the next day.' It's been almost 24 hours!" They all stared at her.

"That's right.... I remember!" Piper said. "But how can we save him!?"

"Can't you do anymore?!" Annabeth turned back to Poseidon and Apollo.

"I'm doing the best I can. We can't give him any more Nectar or Ambrosia, I'm afraid he might burn up." Apollo hung his head. "I-I'm sorry, Annabeth. I'm not sure if I can do anything else. It's in the hands of the Fates now."

"NO!" Annabeth screamed. "He-he can't die! We-we were going to New Rome for college in the fall!" Annabeth's hysterical cries echoed in the eerily empty room. One by one, the rest of the gods flashed in. Even Zeus and Hades, Poseidon's brothers (and at some extent, enemies) were there. They all watched, silent as the greatest hero of the age, died a slow, agonizing death.

Before Percy could draw his final breath, his eyes snapped open. He took in his surroundings and found the eyes of each and and every deity, demigod, and mortal there.

"Life is too short, for so much sorrow. Do not grieve my death, for I await you in Elysium, my friends." He turned his gaze on Annabeth who looked sorrowfully back at him. "Annabeth, my love. I'm sorry. Remember-" A loud, racking cough shook his body. When he finished, he turned back to them but his lips were now splattered with blood. "You will never be alone." Finally, his eyelids fluttered closed, shielding his beautiful sea green eyes from view. For the last time.

Or so they thought.

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